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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Mar 1958, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKîi IMES THU1RSDAY, IMARCII 1&Wh,195ý8 Vigor01 C.Ltd. I Prices Reducçd- On PREMI'-UM 0QUALITY 1- il ÂroI Fuel17C FOR FREE DELI ERT Oroao'1567 Oshim per gallon Oshawa Fresbytaîy W.A. 1Exesutive Meetig Ewrs. Ewat Cornish prided at lih ~xcutve eetngof the Prsb- *tey .A, 'held recenitly in Nofthmin-J ster Unlited cliureh. Plans were made lor the program oýf the Amual àmeel inig Vo be held in the Br1ooklin Uited CGhurcli on Thur-sday, April 24th, 1958 Mrls. CJ. H. 7iearle, oe~e f the--ex-1 euieof the Dominion Coujncil 'W.-, -4. of Toronito mili be the spakr t tihe mleeting"' in Brouokiju.r. W. C. lues, ticwrnanvi1le, president 'od the i5;ay of 'quLnte Conference W.A. an- notunced the 5pring meeting of thati group to bp leld in Bloomfield on, èixl281,195ýY8, A donation 0of $10.00 iras made Vo, Fiwe Qais United, Churcli Trainiing ~col This training scehool is ini the Iýtonm cf a suer cariip under the kILadueshIitp of Rýev. Beverley Oateni,l and is situa.ted on tihe banlis of the b)eautifuilGrn river on the Out- skirtrs of Parie, Ontario. The Traîn- i ng selhool jsezcallad ýFive Oaks, rapre- jeenting -tàhe Five Uitl-ed rclic Coni- fferenes, in -tario. There are studyl grooups andi-courser. of ,,tudy for Lay end retreaits for business masn, and meihers cYf the United Church. Week- end reLreats for business-mencranad faiuily ,veeks ate juest part of the ,manïrtypes of Study VO lie found at Five Oaks. 1I A reenit Reutbers d-ispateIt froni Vavtican City quo)tes tIhe ope asi ,warriing drivers ag-ainat .givn.ig 'Way to, "thetenptaionof vain and ofteni rD urham Coun:y Progressive Conservative AssociationI Proudfly presents to tiie Electors, March 3lst, the mani who bias ably represented, since Junie lOth, this Riding ini the House of Con'mmons as a Member of t1-he DIEFENBAKER TEAM. D R. PERC VI VIAN 338 Xng St Port Hope .1e bas achieved notable sucicess in both elected and apploinýtedt positions which imelude amiong man berý--is, -a f ormrer Minister of Healtb.ý and Public'Welfare, of Ontario. , at. Pxesident of Canadian Red Cross Socie Province of Quebec Division, -Professor and Carmnof tbe. D epartn-1ie ne-o Hle a1 lh and- Social Medicine, MceGill University - o1 o,,on leave of absence....... Since bis eecio lsiJnelOb as cRncetated1bi s attentiono tened of te popl-e of DubmCort n matt rs ýnnected wiý,tb the Govei-rment of Ca1nadla Tbe increase to $5Oper im-ontb of Old Age Securit-ý, Od AgeAssac Bln AdDsaldPersns -,--anes Incrase inWarVetran' Pnsins ndillow,ýances. LoweredIncome Taixesf licy and Le-gisiatlioni for- tbe Ïimprl)ovemlenlt of 'Agriculture Increasing opportunities for- tbe sale ofloclyrnn ctrdpr( Exesinof .be National Tlouising program witlIt low,,er downi-l Extension of Ûnemployment Insuranice Benefits Tbhe de-velopment of a vast Public Works pIrOgr4mII Tbe Hospitaji Insurance Plan t11o corne into force ik Onitario, lis 4 4 4 e, 4 4 4 4 e' 4 e, e, 4 4 4 'e e, d 4- 4 4 e, j' 4 4, e, e, e,- -t I F e' e, e'- e, e, <J 5' e, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 e, 4' e' e, e, 4 4< 4 4 e' e, 4 4- 4 e' e, e, e, 4 f e, e' 4,~ 4 4 '4 e, e, Alex Carruthers, President. Durham County Progressive Conservative Association 5- JUly ie nts 4 Oanvassers for the various niuni- 'Cliplities are es foi1ows: Cartwri.ght -Glen Larmrer , Dalton Dorrelir Mýan- ver--Howaird Malcolm, Allan }toer, Lawirence Staples, George Neals;i Gavan-Ray Chalice, Erie Falils, ILiarry; Hope -mEnre Scott, Lloyd Kxello,.gg, Bey. Gray; Clarke-Carlos' Tarnlin mStales, Grl rw Dar]dntgon -- Bruce Taybuor, Ron.l BrocKeith Crago; Nwate Franicis Jose; Bowmanlle'B Auction Sale Tlhe undersignerýd Chas 'reeeiv¶ed în- s'toutioils f rom- Llofd Gardiner, Loti 20, Cneso 8, Hope Townsliip, 1 1ariile west otf Garden Hîli, te seU b y piblie auction at 1:30 prn. sliarp on Seaurday, Mar,h 15. v1n e-rss mffdk Cuwes, SnMachinery et c. Ternims cOaSt. Nu reserve. L. I&rrls, vlerk. J. »eaid, AuzJtteneerl SPRY-At tihe residence of i- ,daughte-r, Mr-s. A. Dewell, 114 Ohureli, sit., B3owmanvill1, on Tuiasday, IMacL 11, 1958, Mary Ann Spry, aged 9 years. Beloved wife of the late Jbn .Spry and dear mother- of Lilly(irs RoyN Fenwiek)- Suinierville, Neta (Mi-S. A. Dewell) Bommaniville, and. Ernest, beskard. 1Resting attlhî- Morris Fueri Oapel, Bowrmanville,. Srin lathe Clapai on Fridiay,. 'Ma r chi i4th at 2:00 p.n. Intermn-,n Rowmianville Cematery, DEATM TEBBLE--At. lier residenice, Newý- eastie, Ontario, on Friday, March 'T'. 1958, S. Albierta TeL-ile,' in lier8t1 year, beloved wife of Uarr-ty Tajbb1e-, and dear iotiher o 1 Leta (Mrs. WZý HIele), Cluaa(Ms.A.Lo ieotb of OsaaIrene (NMrs. Howard Far- rIo'w) Starkville, Leona (Mrs. Frank, Laycoe,,) Ajax and foster m'ot)her oa Albert Naylor, Newcastle. Mrs. Teb- hie restedi at the Morris FuneraÎ. ObaelBowianvileunitil Mondale nloon.- Service iras Geld in the Neýw- castie United Church ben Monday, Iaoech lOth, at 2 o' IntermentLý Lang Vault, Oronýo ConmeterY. FORD-EDSEL SALES And SERVICE A 1 Used Cars Our complet. service guarantees year round driving pleasure CAR VETM MOTORS Phone 3251 Newcastle, Ontario Don'ift Be S ory For WiH Îie 'Cau Huse Pý se1Is SouhIy Do him a good turn by telli ng hîm to callI There's no heating \p,O-lem, \ «rcn't solve efficiently and econotnically.1 Oreo V uel & Lumber Lminuted 0»»., Onuri. -Pb~ I4SI& r-> allon PHONE In paîrticular, be was a Canadian Delegate to the NATO Parliamentary Confer- ence, Paris November 1957 and tbe Canadian representative on the NATO Scientific and Tecbuical Committee. HERE IS AN IMPORTANT MEMBER 0F THE DIEFENBAKER TEAM DIEFENBAKER ASKS FOR A MÀJORIITY IN THE HOUSE 0F COMMONS DURHAM COUNTY NEEDS PERCY VIVIAN 1 My. E. A. SummerS PDSRASOE IT TIme Hanijiton Spec-tator, wvitîja t column Cut for. ern1pasis, underlinedl (Continued from page 1) tihe hnportance of persudng elderl people to lic extremely careful iin represented Durlhami in provincilatf. do)minion and world feedl fairs as wl Recently, the niewspaper cried w as dairy, swine, beefcAttie, cWaif andSbOT o tihlleffOrsof ren Jack potato competitions. Trenrbley of the SaeyDiviion of the lamilton Polic Darte ntîn this field.* Arnied w\ith ippro:piiabý r.Suiimerss keenly interested 5tatises and. a tihorougli knowledgt- in youth as - sPoiid Out bY Rev. b sale and senlsibde pedeStrianha W. Younrg, Oliaplain of 0.A.C. havkyur Sergeant Trembley vlii Gýue],pli. "It iis truly .said, the future a gatleinig of thie lamiltain Over- is ii, the handis of those wh train our ~t Club. youth, and Ed Summiers was ain ai-J Several imporbant SuIggestions were chitect oùf the future, His influence ptforward: We-ar semne thing whitîe, will live down through i he years in 1n ot abt nighit. Carliglits catc-,hixkg thie lives of b~ boys and giril S he tebto lht ilmkeyusa .rained and aven wlien his namie is out nt blaekness. forgotten, that inifluene wiCl stililibe ________________ ýuaiÀng itself feit in genieratio)ns to corneBe. Young started. DEATHS

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