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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Mar 1958, p. 4

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O)RtueO WEEKLI 711-TRIJRSDAY, MRC 18I;h.195,S lIILdcaI Exhibit In Super 249, gas 4Oc 9 No. ~asý 2OO0,I c $ave up .to léc a gal, Junior tWest's BLUE \ISyJNOCO Service Station HIGRWAY 35 SOUTH OF ORONO C TTAXES.OCREA TE R SORECONFIDEN<E STRTCANADAHUAMlMI A GAINm MORE MONEY FOR YOlU fromn lower taxes 0 a 25% tax cuit for ailýl- Cana- dians with taxable incomes îp to $3,000! e a 100% boost hibs x- eniption for il rnarràied couples cduriing tLest tree years of marriage! a no more speciali exce tax on cars!1 MORIE MONEY FOR ALL $400OOOOOO extra to spend This incased buingi power - woi-ll S-tart putting men and wmnback, to work iimec '- atfely - will "ina"busiless I o speed uip, go ahead it expansion plans - -will. cëreate dc-mankl for base n-teriais, conistruction, transportation and ialltde ôther sey ices need- ed by a biy, grox ing ,Canada. MORE JOBS F OkCANADIANS -from vmlore business dollars * a 50%ý"c tax cut on profits upi to $ 10,000 a year wiil strenigthen and stimulate small business. * a 50% to 100% increase in de- -preciation rates wiIl encour- age newv investmient this year. Thiese timnely tax lifts" are stfli another way to put more mnoney - and more people - back to work again.1 THIS DIRECT ACTION TO 1-NCREASE JOBS NOW CARRIEnuS "-"UT PROVEN LIBERAL POLICY: TO CUT TAXES, BÙILD UP SPENDING POWER WHEN BUSINESS SLOWS DOWN AND UNEMPIQYMENT MOUNTS. LLm E A DL - NATINAL LIBERAI. Cf- ITE As itba been sa ofte-nsteed ture, whicit gae unierïtite smwa unwialidly hadigof thie Eas-t Central. ta tmlt theinterest in paintîng of art as a Maiýure tinte 'hobby, ta dle- velape ili eacli commuuiity un apipre- strive for iigher stan-dars of crafîs- j nmusi-p in wbater ntediumte ar-jCoveoeer-Gemeral To pAttei tist bias choscu. The asýpirations ýr high, but n- tunattainable. years Delasare oxmnvlPort Muacipaitesparticipating lu tibis Hiîs Excelleuicy te Governar- Hop, PtoiboougiFenelon Falîs, erU-a, Riglit Hnaa VintcenLt M- abaenLindsay, M , Teed, 1I ,as gracLiously c-onsitstedtaia MifrBelleville, Trenton, Briighton 1 tee mandoning cemony on, and CaIborn-e, and thleDipay will be! 20 of HMCSGCC Skeiina traLning open 1the ýIpublic. jof the Ses ?ýCadfet Corps of0£PorI -Mr. Donald Sthe'fr18ia t5~fOnd ecnî r Travelling Art Displayl an enitry ini flite Display. Tite D4s,,ipay is holding îts official aopeu"ing la BOor-vile asý part of their Ceat'ennial 4Celebrations. 350 Attemd Veigetable Crowers Atituý,I Banquet Despite iniclemeýnt w\-atiber, 'j50 -people asm-e at Newcastle Can-1 iiuiiity Hall,-, a Fridaýy tcveniing Feli- muary 28, for the mrnnual baniquet of tIie Durlam Oouiuty Vegetaible Gaw ers' Association. A turkey dlinneir WaS sûrved hy Newcastle W.A., te tables, were atti active w\ith sprîngl flawers anid aiea a St. Ptikstouc'ýh. Austin Turner, peiet ecne thiose preseait, which in-cucd guests from i-te neighbouring coun l-ies andl ntlenibers of te bourde af M4lddlesex, Lenuiox suýd Prince Ed-wardl counties. Reeve Cunnin-gbasn ex.,tended a wel- corne an behaif of the- village of New- ca-elle. Durinlg itrilsoevery'ane enj-ioyed a liv-ely sing-song led by Glen AlliaNe sl, acýomopanied by Mra. llartw-,ell Lowýery. Head tatble guests were intraduced by Truman Austin.' Arîhur P'ilkey, Tillsoburg, citairman of Vite local board, repartod ou tho progrees made by lte orgaizatâi. Thbe speaker of lIte eveiing, Sgt.1 Lau Kingonley, a Ia LrLahity officer1 wih neautilton poice departinent, wsinitradiuucd by dwnRbe, director, zone six. Sgt. Kinigr-ey trasi wil qualified la siieak ou *-,iaricotics,',l ltavlinïg been associ-ated with titis brancit of te service for sev-eral y-ear's, snd hlias eci the effect it bas on scey Intertwined -with read1Y wit, 'thed the aýttentionl of theauines c related person-al experiýiesos n titisý tim-ely subjee-t.i Ai11Do ecxpressod b Sgt.'King- orley, the gratitude of the githering. for- hie entertan)iin sudïinformativel addiress. The pro-sident of NewcvýaetleWA, Mu-. laeue ln, \was called -fo(r- wvýard ta receive the thauke of lte veg-i etable gromwers and lt-ci-r guesîs cx-i prossed by Hans Gesuger. A large number af prizes la-d bern gcnerouely donatedi and Bab Stepiten-1 sen aud Hartwell -Lowery took charg-e of their distribution. ond tema Arrange-me-nts Lhave been mtade o the navy bau'd of 11MCS Carlton ou OltaV.îa, to provide th, offic,*Iai muSie and fwlll lead tbhe cuo parade ta. St. ~Paul's Presbyterlan Church, 'ývhe-rie their dý-haplin, 11ev. A. J. T. Hlenderson, iS the pastor. isviig sea cadeýt corps are exipected. ta paricipate bn the ceremony. In the trýue tradition of 4the ay a shtp la' nat ilu the service until it bas been fibtdb lced, tested and prýovisioned before it is coJmiussianed, Ilie former parish haill whic h w as tAen aver by the cadets, has uncer- gonle the neesarycoversion and ie now ready for the fiinal oaermnony. For more i'than a year the cadýets have warked on the hall vihic-li waal purchaseci for 4them ouy the Navyj beatgue of Canada. Extenlsive atriioshdta beý made to pro-ride propeýr acaisnoda- tioun.It !la now equipped wit loi deckL-s, cdýbins, a ship'sofie ad. t'nom and rifle range. 1A public aiddress system andvo. pipes hiave been installed, a nepw liat- ing system put in, and painted )n the- hulkheadýs are the murals of the qr- tist, G, Rcdd5iek. tpen -"Iin heBnmnvll ouCm hun witCens tre!nIFida Mre lt ian o ftw îtue ubte by 1 paicip-tn mniialtis Thle plannongof bc diplayle l And admsniter te arr ageensop- ehidea of thaelTravlig r s portuniýty ojviwina wlat a bing 1 i ening wab Lit t Hpe Trn-, PubilicLirr as Itsttgfo the oeig li ia ela the cus tc ta ave a, r"'cogaiZeýd a(ort ni art speaitaon apcnig nigi ad these speakerý's ob- seratins mi ritique have iusuailly tgo-, th1e Delyoff rto an iaîter-estin-g, 1i-f sometime controversial, start. Iu B-ivleMr.Gatskell was theue uct Mason ell nw Ottawýma Artist started the so adlSt year imr. Jamles A. W;lamo wste ýgucast, speker TIisycar' Sspeaker will bel Miseser eCrhArt Critic for, the ToonoGlbead -Mail.i A Public Eýchibi'tuion of icturs i to the artist, what -an audieince is ta lite ctoror msician. it acte asa stmlnand truhits, reac.tianjs hiinied and eenîaged tAstudy andinprvehis a'trtotathe beet of bis ahlt.Throughiout the Countiy there are musicAl and d1amia fsiasfor the- anmateur lnusician amd actor, and from -ltese public appearances many stars have risen.Sonne bave gone for- warý]d to the praýfeesional raks, any have acquired elle prafessional toucb. Sac wl-lb Ite am'a teu]r arýtieýt, a in bi-s cuse there 1s ual the intense spirit of coietton or the audible ap- ps4e, for a goad place o5f work., W. Watt, Speaker AI Lions CIib Mr. Warren lW. watt,'rni~ao teOrono 111igb Sehoolajh guspeaker. at the Newc1latlLi Cl Ub 1meting lasit veek ,'leto aIs biS jsub c"Eieping dc- t Hoo' i pointed outint hie aîd e wa-rld daly and h wehae vc 'BTe need of help) is evklenit, and ev. er-y mani we hielp) in foegtcountrie may h e reseu-ed fro'm thýe bonds o!C Communismi. Sa oýfiten', he Said, we panlder the purpose of life a-iidifeel the ulec to maintain 1if e. We m-ighit lue w tgiethouglit ta ithcepolms Mr- Watt referred ta te weapons cf modem war are andState-d thait w 114eded miezdorn ta con-trol Vteluse o! these weapons of defence. We irnus, trin yi outh- of today that tlie-y may be the leaders of taora ind 'a- meng l-adluitts aind studc-nts there ni-t eita mental aetee H1e pinted )out thiat alertnesse waat nlecessaoey ta 'war'd agaiust s-ucli iteimai as prapagandua which, ln bis wvcAs, je an e-vil wenpan ..iow n ibe abliy ta wakn ite mmid. Its luse lie said, cotild -be dang-erous and 1foýr this reëasoýin there mut xisit azmnta alertnless. in speakirg on educatian, Lie sad, the penudul-um hLad e~ugandthtt- the, thougfhts iiu practise piýnr ta e claimced 'Mr. Wïatt, the swing wa t as , grn uOntario asie lidad in aUbeiî-r parlts of the -oountry, The speaker ont- ics, and foreigu Languiages a byasic subjocete. On these subjeets lie saI, he would like ta sec maorerie epent on ilhcm t'hus imeaing moreîS perijods e p eeak. If, lie eidiw re to be ore kil -M l"?, -7 y voee jà-te,

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