Into a CoüLumbia Univensity labomatory neguiarly str'eamn ship- ments of one of wicnce's gnîm.- mest raw mi-ateriais "or study: humian boues. Theyv corne- flrm the recentiy dead bodies ol rmeh, -wamen aind childnen ail aven the non-Comrmunist wonld, including ruch outskints as Chile, South Afnica and Formosa. At Column- bia's Lamant Geologicai Obser- vatory, in a praject financedi by the U.S. Atomie Euerg-y Comn- isýsion, they go unden the scrut-. iny of scientists who anal.yzea the bouies for strontiumi 90. Re- centiy the project's three scien- tists, Drs. Waiter R. Eckeimaun, J Laurence Kuip and Arthur R. Schuient, made thein secoud an- fluaI report. The boues tald a soeig stary o0f iucreasiug amnouts. of radioactive fallout fromn nuecan-weapons tests. Strontiumi 90 is the most fean- cd of al the f allout isof'apes. t has a long haîf-life *28 ears), and the humnan body tends ta sistake iV fan calciumi, whichi it esemrbles chemically, aud ta build 1V into bouie. As it disin- teg1rates over the years, ïit ay cause cancer by the effect of its radiatiço ritender liin çlls. * Since thieir last year's report, said the scientists, the world- average content of stroutium 90 in bumaii bonie bas încneased by about 30>%, The increase lu youug children, 4vhose boues are growing actively, was 50%. Thie hîgl-est values were fouud lu North Amienica, the lowvest lu the Southeru Hemnisphere. Young cblîdren have, propor- tionately, ten times more stron- tium 90 ii, their boues thani aduits, but so far the average is ouiy about 1/150 of the IMPC (Maxim-um Permnissible Couceni- tration) that was recon-lmended by the National Academy of Sel- ences. The amount wiii s-uneiy !gnow, say the scient sts. Even if uhere may be enough strontium 90 in "the stnatospheric reser- voir" to taise the strontium 9 ln the boies of childreu lu the Northeastern U,S. to as mnuch as 4.%of the MPC. If weapons testiug, continues at the saine rate as the last few years, the average fan the entire population of thbe Northeastern U-.S. wl gradually ciimb ta about 20% of the MPC by the year 2000 NoV ail people get the same amaunt. Some childien h adI three timies the average,,- sd the variation ln aduits is seven times. Most of these figures are about eity dwellers, aud the scientists think that the variation in rural areas wili be greater stili, t is thus. likeiy that if weapous tests continue, a good mauy un- fortunates mTay corne dangerous- ly close to the- Maximum Fer- inissibie Concentration -- whiteh snany scientsts believe- has beeni set far toa high. - l'rom TIME. Obey the traffie signa -- they aýre p1aced there for vOUR SýA FETY JET JOCKEY - "Get a horse" might be a fitling phrase to huri ai Col. J. H. Bulkley, a jet pilot modeling his supersonic 11,spurs" ai Hamilton Air Force Bas-e, Calif. The heel attach- ments actuaily fit int the ejec- tion seat of the Lockheed F-i104A Starfighte.r, aci îce-the-ýsPeed-of Sound interceptor, Discoveries For Soundier Hearts Ini the long -fight against the 1biggest health villain, heart dis- ease, American medicine reveal.. ed somne significant discoveries recently, A imold extract which, minutes &fter- injection juta the blood stream, searches out and breaks up blood dlotss announced by the Massachusetts Heart Asso- ciation. Drawn from the mold that grows on bread, it cau) be used safely iu the severest heart and stroke cases ta the preven- ion of much lugtem amage. In ten years of experimenting wffih ifimals and finally -vith 25 hurnans,, Dr. Mario Stefanini discovered that the-extract dis- solves proteins, which make up bloodelots. Its precise nature is flot yet known, however, and it will probably flot bc available for use by general practitianers for anDother t1wo years. FUor victims of1ongestive heart 1,aiure -- the nost cmo cause of death from h',eart mala- dies -- Drs. Lous Leiter and Jacob 'Grossmar of New York's -Monteflore Hospital have uincov- ered ;înew treatmi-ent whi»chma ofier a ýiray to normal lfe ex- pectancy. The afflicted person's heart fails to pump enoughi blood to nieet the body's üoxygeu re- quiremeuts. To coi1mpensate, large quanties of fluids collect iu the body tissues and are not carried off ta the lçldueys. Th-e luugs andi liver mnay becamre congested. Instead of "drowning îu their o-wu fluid," Drs. Çrossman and Leiter sa-id, congestive heart- failune patients novicani be "didout" by this therapjy- (1 A low-sait diet (salt contributes to the "backing tip" of Jid ïn the tîssues>; (2) the use of drugs caiid d ueis"which in- crease the flow of urine and draw exicess ftid(-s - the most e-ffective being dilorothiazide (trade name, Dluril), and (3) piacing 4n eiastlc bandage on the patient's swollen legs and ele- vating themr so that the fluid la squeezed from the Iimb--,aud car- r'ed ta his Jcldneys. The flstciemical analysîs of the patches on~ the insfide of the arteries of -patients withate- scierosis was described by Dr ,. Chartes J, Umbergcer andl Lea A. Dal Gortivo, biochemists in the New York City Medical Exam- iner's offlice. Their intricate tests of hardened material taken from the arteries of 55 msen (betwýýeen 26 and 50 years aid) who had died of acute heart disease moay uipset current theor-1es as to how fats lui the diet coutnibute to hardeniug of the arteries and ta eventual heant attacks. Cotrary te, their e-xpectations, the scientists found that the ar- tery cleposit5 they studied cou- tained no fats at ail, although it looked and feit like Fat. More than haif of the artery patches was cholesterol, but ini a differ- eut forni than the ordinary cholesterai fouind iu the blood stream). From these findings, Drs, Umberg-er andl Dal Cottivo assume that changes so far un- knowu may take place iu body choiesterol before it reaches the arteries. Their analyses alsn suggested that diets of unsatun- ated fats (such as vegetable ails) recommended ta heart patients by many physicians may have nio e1ffect ln pxeventîng artery hard- euing. -Froru NEWSWEFX. Secret Hoards TIhieves recently stole az quani- tity of money in notes, but theý police were bot an their track zud they ,Id i ot have mtnich time tao bide it, so they stuffed it into, some beer botties which they hid under the front porcâ. Many and various are the hiiding places chosen by thieves - lu the stuffin of a sofa, the bottom af a bird cage, and even lu the shauk of an old key. Iu one crook' s bouse the police found a pot of saup slmmering on the fire. It was a very richi soup -- there were a number o goid coins ini it! A similar method led ta the destruction of some documents whic4i were neyer found. Theyv were puiped and bailed up with ithe cattie3 feed. The other day a man was ar- rested lu Wisconsin when a woman accused hlmy) of haviug stoleýn twenty dollars from bher. He strenuously denied it, so the police toak hlm ta the station aud searched hmbut therewa no sigu 0of the money and !lie couid not have got>rid of it. He was kept lu1 custody while further inquiries were made. While he was w,ýaiting h e was - allowed ta go ta sleep, and dir- ing bis slumbers bis mouth fl open, displaying ta th)e interested detectiveýs a cl'umrpled, sýddeun tweuty-dollar note! G verweight? Don't rush ouit ta buy somne, but it eems that .a pauicreatic hormone ca.lled gLucagoün can cause a loss of1 wigt-at least lui rats. This was rpe arted ne- cently by Davidscon, Saiter and Bsof the, Uuiversity of To- It is far more difficuit ta de- sigui a formai garden wïth its straight raws sud par-tbs than if. is ta create one witb. curves an-d clumps sud a genierp-l lu- formial layout. Anyone with a strnug, of course, eau plant pet-. fectly straight rows of petunias por roses or tulîps but it takes su expert fo make- a gard,-n like that look. really attractive. The average- persan with avecrage skill sud an averalge lot is far better advised to stick to the sTimple, sud i uostC a s es, mare intenesting inf4ýrmal laY- out, Iu this, of cairse, along the stnaighit walis o-'îaur house or thie boundary lènces, there wiil be noa chance Jor wenving athe back, butlb' pianting iu 1clumps an,- bedk- of varîous Wvidtlis and ud 9iug edges we get au informiai appearance at the front. As a rule the kigger flo-wens ai-d taller shrubbery go at the back but just ta- break the monotany we occasioually brng somnething forward. We also plant lu groups of two or three ta a dozein of eacb species depenidinig upon size, rather than as singlJe indlividuao. speci- Mens. In the centre of almost any garden layout, no matter' how smjail, will be a piece of lawll and ar(,und ~that we group fiawers -nd shrubbeîry. Riat her than bide aIl the founîdat 0on line of the bouse, or al! of au attractive wall or fence, we leaive ir-regtilar spaces here and there between ciumps of shrub- beny or beds of flowers. If the garden is a fair size, too, it is an excellesnt plan to arrange trees, sbrubbery and tailler 1flowers sa that part of the lay- out is hidden and ouly reveaied whenýcr the visiton mnoves ajlng, If possible bave a curving pat than a straight one but mnake sure there is some reàsan for the cun.,e even if yau have ta mrake one by piantiftg a tnee o-r a cilump o! sbrubs. CULTIVATION Kiliing wveeds is only one o! the ressonis for cultivation. The big gi is the improvenient lu the texture cf tbe soi. Cultiva- tion lets in air, break1s up th, dlay lumps, makes the sali more open se that it wili absorb and hold more maisture. Even where thene are nia weeds, regular culdtivation, say once a week, is advisable lnu most gardeus up ta the eariy part of July aud longer if the weatber tunus un- tlsually dry becaiuse this work- ing orf the top sali conserves the moisture. NO RUSH it is probably --omne agec-old instinct which g ives uis the urge Vo get out sud dig just as soon, as the finst spring day arrives. There is njo harm inlu oings ahead if we live lu somne veny warm corner of Canada, but as a rule one shoul,,d restrain the impulse uintilt the weatber reslly tut-n warm sud the sali is fairiy dry. Nothing is gained- by nushiug either cultivation or seeding sud mruch caul be iost.,if the grouind is the least bit muddy then al we do is mess up aurselves sud ;mplemeuts sud leave t, he graund lu had shape for any real worýking laten on. And if wve are so foalish as ta pîdurt tender thiugs for ahecAd of time, theni the froat will suneiy get them. Ail this does p-at mean, bow- even, that we sbould naot rias a fewv thînlgs neasouably Paniy provided the sali is ff Io ta v-rk. To determine that we can, if we wxant ta b. scieutifie, elect ýa bandfui o! soilsqueeze liightly sud-,then take off the pressureý. I f th le soilrmbe, ti' s neady ta, work. If, when we asqueeze i' luto a bail1 it stays thatïay on if it leaVe-? a ur fingersai muddy, te we sýhoid fanget about ,gardeuirug for that aftCr- noon ît least and -'o ins:ide sud read a book on seed cat.alogue. How Cap 1? By Anse XA1hley C LASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTID GO INTO BUSINESS for youtrseif. Seil our, exclting bouse. waesvatcbes and othýer prodjucts fot found in st ores, No comrpetition. Prof-. its up toe, 0% Write now for frce calour catalogue aud separate confi. dential whiolesaie price sbeet. Murray Sales. L3822 St. Lawrence Montrent ENJOY SUBSTANTIAL EARNINGS WITH SPEED-ALARM CANAI-A'%S rmost needed auto acces- sory. Retails anfly $9.95. Dealers, and, agents wanted. One Nebrasa agent sold 42 iu a single day, Libers! nom- mission. Ail stock furnislsed througb ai ur authorized~ distributars. Write: Speed- Aiarm Sales, Ravenna, Nebraska. EXCLUSIVE Ilealer each Town City to sell exclusively our fuel o11 conl- dlitianer. Every home, Hardware Store anl1 Fuel Oit Dealer a prospect. Spe- cial prices 45 gallon drums for fuel oil dealers. Oui product la guairanteed to eliminate sludge and water in cil tanks, Prevents soot and carban. li- pr-oves colnbubtion. Saves on oil. Ne ïputterlng or, smoky fires. Recluces corrosion in fuel tank sud unes. 12-16Î fluid ounce container taý case l.5 Orider now. Conrad Heatinp and Manufacturing Company ff5 Notre Dame West Montreai, F.Qsie. ARTICLES FOR SALE ALLIGATOP, sheais; magnets; cranes; ecales; presses; butane tanks; demp- sýter dumrpsters. Popular makes; szies, Frieed ta sell. H. Greenberg, MJurp)hys- bora I&M Co., 194 1Murphysboro, Mlinois. 1,000 BALL point iretractabie pens, withz ad Iniprint $129.50. 1,000 best ,il,,er-tlp refilla $40 Postpald. Quantity prices, Clyde Mcfrrson, 26!0 Orchard Avenue, Huntingtou, W. Virginla. LADIESI - IT'S TRIJE COTTON StJGAR SACKS 03Bieached aparkiing wite and ironed>ý 4 FOR $1,00 LandaunJlag Co,, 443 South St. London, Ont- RBY CHICKe PULLES, wd zhiie,,çayold, sud started, prompt sbipmcent. Brailera for Aprll-Nay should be orde)red. Dual purpose cockerels. Ma1,ximum prolits from rleht chole cbiks. Bra,,y Hatchery, 120 John NW, Harnilton, or local agent. EXTRA INCOME $EARTHWORMS $ EASILY raised ln. basement sud! back. yard. Information free, Bookiet «Tbere's Money l arinns 3~ A. ftowl 1106 Glencairui Ave, Toroulto 19. FOR SALE FOR Sale, Feecd Mil and General Store, Homne Modern. 3 bedroonia, hot water heat, double garage, 5 acres. RRiiwajy siding. Good business. Furtber details write Di. Wbltfleld, Thessalorî, Ontaria. *4ELP WANTED M~en & Womnen ~POSITPION~S as asst, agents~, telegrak- pesaatyou wheu trained by us. Uinpay. Cen. Pac. ILly, will employ aU gs'duate.. SPEEDfïAND. A.B.C. Systeni qualifies for Stenographer in ten -weelzs, homne stucly Big » emaind, Free Folder eltixer course. Write Cessan Systemi;, 7 Super-. lor Ave., Toronto 14. 1INSTRUCTION EARN more! Boolkeepiuig Saiesman. ship, k;borthsnid, 'Typewritiug, etc. Les- sons SO,ý. Ask for fre. elrcular, No. Canadlian Correspondence courses 1 290 Bay Street Toronto MACI4INERY 9 ATTERY operated electrical portab* crane on rubber wheels, swing turu- table. 20-foot boom, 4-wheel driv*. Gatchell Auto, Sudbury, ÜOnt. FORUsale ail iaksud modela of rebulit ebair ssws frain $50.00 end up. Write for aur latest listing to: Miller Powefr Tools 519 Simnpsan St. Fort William, Ont. MECHANICAL PART~S REPAIRS DIESEL FUEL. INJECTION PARTS AND SERVICE POR Bryce, Ceterpillar, Ford, C.A.V., Amnerican Posch, etc. Dems Lttd., Tlsornhill, Ont. MEDICAL FÉOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT THF GOOD RESUI.TS FROM TAKING DlXON'S REMEDY FOR RI4EUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS. MUINRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA. $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISII the tanment of dry eczesma rashes sud %weeplng skia r) -oubles. Post's Ecznnia Salve Vwill not disappaint yau. ttching, scaling sud bturnng cecze- ma; acune, riuigwairmy, iiples sud ïfoot eczemaa wi] responýd resdily ta, theý stainiless adar-less olutusent regrdesas of' bow stubbamn or hopeless th'ey a-,f@m. Sent Post Free on Receipt 0f Prrice PRUCE $3.O0 PER JAR POST'S REMAEDIES 286.5 SClair Avenue Eest - TFORONTO OPPORT*UNITrIES FOR MEN AND~ WOMEN PIE Giftt. 1,25 sud more qan he earued by shawtng the Laureutian Linie of Everyday &S, elilosbox assort- ments inEniis ad french. %Write for deta'Is. Laurentian Greetlng Carda, 6971 CSL SC,,44 5W. Montent ue OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN FLORIDAi Complete Suudfay ý,p fram Tamapa, St, Petersburg. Bmnà ton, $11.00 each, ait tthree $2.00 Pos 'p; Pasadena Press, 3130- 22ud' Aventue, Petersburg 12, Fiorida. SCIENTJFIC FARMING ,eVERY farmer la not aâble to go College but he can stili talcs advaul.tý of the ltudies of the blghly qualif professers at Macdonald Callege.F tif information that wfil be of use you ou your own faan sd ilu farn home, thc Macdonald Farnl S ual will bniuig you the benefits of1 College once a moutb. ouly$1isent Box 1209, Macdonald College, Il Que., wlll bring it ta, you for til yearz. LIKE Doiug Crosswords? Wby flot them for Big Cash Prizes? Dîme bri campiete information. Warldw(Ide, 2086 (CDA>, Patoruso Station, 20e% 112 PRACTICAL ways ta save mon Holusehold bintis, thiugs ta inake, w; ta decarate. Send $1.00 ta: Mild Blaad, Box 7, Cbester, West Vlrrgr BUY wbolesale $27.95, retails $7'ý men's 5M jewel Swiss sutomatloF; w7indiug calerndar watcb., 2 year v ranty, money bsck guarantee.. W for free catalogue. DAIMAR IMPORTERS 21 Westmaunt Ave., Toronto. TOUR owu Business! No Inveýstie no nifg., no merchandise, no sell Very profiteie, dignified. Wite7 512, Mundelei, Illuais, BE A HAIRDRESSER ,IOIN CANADA'S LEADINO 5CMC Great Oppartunity Learu Hairdressiug pleasant,,dlglfied profession; go wages ¶'bousands of successful Mazrvel Graduates. Americî.'s Greatest Systera Illustruted Catalogcue F'rac Write or Cali MARVEL HAIRDRESSIt4G SCHOGï 358 gleor St. W. Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W. iHamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS PETIIERSTO.NHA)UGH & C a m p a Patent Attorneys, EstabLlicd '189 600 Uuiversity Ave., Tarante P'atents all cousltnles. PERSONAL $00TRIAL off cm. wenty five deIL personal requmements. Laea logue luciuded. The lMedicaAg Box 22 Term-inal "~Q" Toronto, Ort UNWANTED HIAR VANiIHRD awsy wltb Sacsa-Pela, 5i Pcla is dïfferent. It daca not diso or emove haïr tram the surface,1 penetrates sud retards growth of weuted bair. Lor-Beer Lab. Lid.. 5. 679 Granville St-, Vancouver 2n WANTED CASH for store stocks, haýrdware,a armi, ammunition, etc. DRAKE, 136A Waliuer le-ad,. oo Plhone vWA, 1-4045. %TEAMI traction or portable eng wauted. Also want çstalagues on gines, tbnesbems, wagons, snd bg State price, etc., firat letter Box ) 65 '23 Figlbteûntli Street, NewToti Ontario-. MERRY MENAGERIE ISSUE 12 -- 1958 SLEEI TONIGHI IDRrELIEE UER VOISNESI MUPur T-dQlo Wl, To b." happy ud torqjl t, Eüee nervove or fpo ua good î,hlg lt's 'p, taki Sedicîn tabi s cvrin ta iecto SEDIGIN $O-$, e.. e luvestigate hbvw ,3hàw.Schaaii:w - helpyaeu Preparfe ýOr,h carcan tl,- g A~ M ~ i,.êtiyoursucce suId ac *Sborthau4D ew1 *' EngtStyWinin g. MaybeWarninq SayWiig unior, Itrndatn action. Wbcrr kiducYs &elt iiOl erder, * Businiess Ejrgliab sand esces3a avils knd wâase tï"âreDaî rutheCorsaiec aysîcur. Tlsei backache, distrirbeil reat Write foi freec cataloguetady an tfiraitircd-wouî sud hevy-headed feeling Many othner curses t ram w:blch may soon ioflo-w Tirat', tire ime tcEate. tachoose. Dodd's Kidiney PilaDedd's stixulat, &Chartes Stret Toronto, tire kidneyi ta- normal actioýn. Tiren Y"" Dept. No, -»l bel hetler-aîeep botter - worlîbott. Gel r1qdd's Kiducey Pilla mu, , j "I - -'--f ,~ .- - - e s IF' - . i ~ -~ ~ ~1~1 s N ~1, N N s- e,, N N N N N '-e s--,, N - N rena N 1e3. aId. St N N N N N N our- - N 'N N ire~ N N - N N -s- -N - N - N flCy, N N Luis, N 1751" N ~nlt~ N -f- N N - N N s, N - N N s DOL N N N N - N N f s s ILS N N N N - N N N -~ -s - N N Luxe ' N uts- ncy, s-s N - N N Lacs. N aive N but * s' un- N St,, -~ BC. N - N N - N lire- aVe N - N iles. ta, N N 4 'i mi - P T I :8 a- s - N