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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1958, p. 6

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A PERSONAL M ESSAG TO THE E, o You honoued me Iat June lth by electing mie as your representativeinteIos um ns. In ths sotperiod of time it ia"ýs noï olybee aprvilçet tserve you t ý> av rpresentedr you and ail of Caniada ut the NATO ParJiti a~ Cneeneh On March 3lst there wilI be an opportlrnty to -elect a gV ?efRmint of Canada, f1 as eeto is less than a year from tlhe last one. The,-- Diefenha'ker Coverniment elec,-red last June llthil as served Canada faithfu-tlly vý-r ' -- iffieult circunistances. With only 113 membe 's out of 265 in the House of nons it has tried to carry out the election promuises Y last Sprinig, rnost of which is itoy . M'uchl has been done. MoIre- couild h àýe been done i the destructive- aiid partisan tac- f~ the Opposition had not prevented . Macmore needs to be done - which the Diefen -aker g-ro-ap fully realizes and for - lnshv aray en nd adpbhciizedl. This election ean make it possible for ribgkçer and his mnèmbers to carry out teirprogrý- mfor Canada. Thiýs election loines too soon and at t o inicoiw ý'éient a time but is made np-ecesIsary asdemanding tihat the Diefenbhke Goveî4ient hand over control of the co-ux- im r -it liut an eleetion.. This we ref useà- ,an election is necessary. Persn no-w pro-mises things he denied were possible last year A Govenment Declicated To The Wholê Of. Canada rnmnO f Vision Anci Aà,,ction nba-k -r Governm-rent 1arn sure you wish Wo have a part - andid1I will be very pJeased to continue as if voný want IMFFEiNBAKîKtt WiTH IENOUGH 4IMESTO CARRY Yours very sincerely, Percy ViviQn ,OronoMasonic Lodge Honour Gold Cord Winners Tuesday evening the Orýono ason iv Locige hoaoured aI nuniber of the Q Orono Girl Guides aiong with their leadlers ,,t a banquietaid presenitation.i The lodge in- honourîaÀg the gnouPý wvieemaking eonto of their out- standing achieyement in giigand thte future oawrn f go-id cur<s to. a nuni-,belý of the Orono Guides. This awaid is une of thle highest honours[ which can ho prosented to a guid e.1 Later ffis montih sev-en Qriono girlsI -will holdd VMs coveted cord. Those who ho-id tIbis award at pre- sent ar-e Missesi Marýié LewisAi- Best and JoAP-n Ruthevioird. The Gold, Cord will be presenitd onl the 28th ofS this inonth to Connie Tvrr-eil, Marlene Graham, Marilyn Giobbledîick and Joan1 Allia. AJIl the guides exceptiag IMarie Lewvis wer-e pr-esent at the banquet on Tuesday eve i.Aiso presentvwere! Mrs. Rusth Grady, CO4tain of the Or-ý onoy Girl1 Guides and Mrs. [Isabel Rim Lieutenanît of the Orono group The guests oîf hoilour were Seated at the head taIle. ~osiflMaster H. E.* Mill,ýqork was chairmani of theie eeting and cal- 1 led uspoin Wor Bro. F. E. Lyeett tn 1 inake the presentàtion to tie giris. Each Goid Gord winner was prieseintedl wiith a beautiful gold Ma[ple Learf pin. The leaders and Mrs. R. Gilbart, Dis- tict 'mnisoq Wh'Iowas absent, werýe presented <with a Ibox of clhocoD-' lates inapeton of their leader-1 B. B.Rutherford's sýpeech btu -YMa- ,oon occasion o1 honouring thle ,old 'Cor-d Winners oýf the Gil Guides 1 aid. "T'he Gold (lordisa iga ionour thc uewgrdes in our counit. y achieve. Hle iS's"'Ied a word of warni-1 ag "Reemberthis you are ol ealing with a , mbol . The symbol ïi nl otntintatt represnt i ide. We! av an abundance of[" are drïeandfully short 0on new ideas God original !thinking is te1 at comoit.The nost ix tng thing ayone l s o ol st~fe~n of a new iea! Never becomie 7o ngrossed hýi jrit- ual, yOur oîwn r Jigid forai of living tha t yIo u mi>ss thje rtwhethg "You w a gl ciI - he ighest symbiol of guiding. Let it al-ways re-q md ouof yoýur eonîityV those aon o nwaee on Mxst yumaeyorhoe Yu in[tetIigencýe is maurdbyy Ur n- selfish sericete oufeowcten" Te, even*i ig was the uCCasIIion ôî the odesPasq Maste's !Night. Rll ighSho Surnce tenefits, he simugt be 'n- creased and also greater bnft o veterans, 7ýlind amddibed There was also an urgen-it need o low cost hliusing aand lowrrate- Of- 'Interest on mnortgages so, we ena- ford to o-Wu 1a hometl. nr eDnt 0 n e OitedV en of a bu lof righits to guarrnitee free dom o)f sfl eeoýh and worslip, ri bt1o1 lawThi assemlbljWy, association and - gain iza tiîonr To the Music of Do Lorume an.-d his Country Bo»ys Sàt., Ma h 22 orne on un,Corne al to the ýOra g e 'Hal \entypool Dancing 9 to) 12 Admission75 'Stars of Radio and Sta e A mtinCarried o rvisethe saï- ary scheduj of te -teaches as fol- lows no-5pcialst axiuutin- craed$00 o $8 0 ), eC i al IStGs ila-Ximum iaicreased $20o $700. spca ilt iimum increased $200. to ~ $4100; non specialIists -jjmiI mnL) StaY ut $4000 as itý compares favour- ahl'y %with other Board.s seheýdue. The ainnual ilMcrements is t,) he $300.00. The Board(! will advertise thsceu er.Also the Blo-ard will advertise forl aCoinme-cial oecert take class- es bot1h In Orono and M1illjbrook U ooo I a ione ut that there was a prolm if driving from eone to the other SCIIOOL. iEruest Dent CCtP' Candidate )peaks Over Radie Mr, Er-nest Dent appealed to tiheý voters of Durham over Mhe Osha-wa radio station on TUes daby Vo suppot OIe 00F party i-h frtcoiul el a'ction. Il bs is feeling flitatheIe -a Mnuch tu be dore and lie pointed Vte - need o>ËaaulNatioual Hlealth plan,i nIoV jus[t a liDosp)italizp.tioai seheme, There wvas a need, for a plarnted ecom- omny for Lui lyetand aýlso aný adjustment la fawmily allowýýances for the ecs-t of livirg. jnrspoyet n -A ~e laONO tics - t AG AD 'Pt àà :ýz- A - rifi

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