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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Mar 1958, p. 9

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Veg-etables divide themselves_ isito several main graups. Tliere areü thase that, are hardy like tettuce, radish, the first palataes, tÉarrols, beets, cabbuge, peas Rad :uch tbings. These can) be Plant- ed almaioý as soon as the sailiÎs w t 10 wank. Tbey iii uîltmmid atouch) of frosl. Thern there are the semi-týn- aer lhings like the main planting et, polaloes, beans, corn and sa en. These shou-ld rial be planted sintil danger of frosl is aven and the soi) and air are beginning te warm lout. At the end are 'the neally ter)- ~trtomaetoes, melons, cucum tiers, peppers, etc. Frost wil kil) these inslantiy and they will ual thrive unîli both soi] and innr are reaily warm. Fromi ail of this the begininen %heuld not decide ta plant ail q)1 bis vegetables in the onder uentioned. These directions are oncly for the first of each group. Yn onder ta spnead ouI the gar- den,1 bath for flovwers and vege- e.ables, il is vidtal ta spread Out the seeding dates. Somthing Will Orow There is a lot more interest and satisfaction in gadening i,' 'ane plans ta make plants fit. No twaO vegetables, flowers off shrubs arei excl-the s-ure. There are,' of ousthe familiaýr diffemences Ln heiglit or coiaunr or seuson. Eut ther.e are jns-I as deiite dit- ee.rences that are not nealy sa 4obviaus. Same plants, for exarnpe, pre- fer full suri; many do naot and quite a few indeed actually like a fair amount of shade at least :For part of the day. Thene are einilan inidividual pref.erenices Jin the way of soi!, same liking il rich, soine poarer, somçe heavy and sorneiight. If we,ý want te gel the hest out of our gRrden tehen we should cater ta these fikes and Lles No malte o w.favouable the location ees there is certulnly sdrniethîng thut wiil like il and do wel. For $pectaI Locationls For steep siopes ' pref'erably roel<y - evei t tough- we rnay kave ta pDut the rock~s ihere our- sulves, - thoe a-re a score or sc âf pecial platais, lTostly t i n y *a lhivfj n lu sci a. location. e1Xse are lisfed under the gen- erl headlng of. _"ocktGrdn pèlannts. They need very 11111,t toil or moisture and they willl scld colour and cover ta any bit ilSteep grouind. Thlen there are Cther fiowers ha;literally pine for shade, 11igslk. begonias, violets, pansie2, ,Ily cf the valley and .a en. These are just the rlght, sort ler planting onr?. gn torth ide of htoUse- or wall, or other places where the ground il, heavilly sshded. Here too is the nriglt, place for the wild'flower garden. 1'here is e'ýen special grass for sluady locations. At the opposite end of the scale are those flowers which xiii net do well uniless they getlolts af eun, things like poppies, nustur- tiums, partulacu a n d muny others. Most of Ibernaen eot veny parlicular about soi] or maisture lut they do love the hol suni. OPERATION ITCII A very nervous patient was pleuding witb a doctor ut a hos- pitli hat ha eaiiy didn't need an opertian. "There's nothiug wnong with men," hie argued, "exç- tept thut nmY, appendiix itchies." "Gýood," nepied the e doctor wvith a. rnle, "we'Il take it ight «Juist because il itches?" "Cenittinly," the doclon boom- ed. "Have ota lke il out before we cain scratch il.' TV PATRON SAINT - This port- rait, by Gîotto's master~ Cimai- bue, is of St. Clore of Assisi. St. Clore wais namred the patron saint ofteclevision by Pope Pius XII. According ta tradition, in 1252 the saint "walched" a mass being celebrated in a church'several miles from ii er ick bed, qualifying hier as mediatrix for ail persons con- 1nected wý,ith the industry, ac- cording ta the Romnan Cotholic Chu rch. Radar On The River The state departrment says il xiii press for an international conference in 1959, rather than 1960, on modernizing sea-safety miles, Properly orienled la the fantastia Andrea Doria-Stock- holm collision. it should imnprove radar philosophy, use and check- pand incidentally improv* safety onfi the MJVississlppi river. That some such orientation ha been arrived at is indicated by reports thBt radiotelephone corn- M-urication b e t we en ship bridges, along wthbtter radar trailt1ng, vwli le recommiended by the 1Untted States. Radar sh-ould have saved the Andrea Doria, prevented col- sion. Radar bearings supposedly obtalned were fantastie. When two ships head toward e-ach other, ha to be either n the port or the starbcard bow of the other, as the case inay be,, One cannot be on the port of No. 2 whlle No. 2 is on the star- board of No. 1. -But this latter rather manif est absurdity was maintained asý a "pictu-re» ta the last in the North Atlantic inves- igation; and as an assertion could have stemmred only fromn (1) faulty radar or (2) rather gross niisreading on one vessel or (3) self-serving falsification by onle vessel or (4) a uniquely weird parabolic "lirror-ghost" phenomenon affecting bath ves- sels. Bridige-to-bridge checkings of iradam-sights- could have clani- fied the situation and the proper courses. Most modern tow boats on the -Mississippi have bath radar and sip-telephone:, and "meetiýngc" consultations are- auomatic un- dercerainconduitions etf isibil- ity lcaio, urren--lt, Cew. These probems on'tenter espcCially into openi-se e ting; nrrhave the problems (of-iSread rdr etr or reception pl11(enomleila, meetings. Bt neagraatfl Proklem 11of the-,river busi thle scaýrcîty of tûeephones ain radr-equipped o fr tat mat- icir unequipped) se-ga(iugshp uinrg the rve.PasSing sta tions can be very dîfficuit o uinies each vessel ivove as, ,and uses,, the complete eup srent. ocoplete equipmneut of oenvesselsvwouid Ibe a, heip, Oon teMississippi. e OrlausTiuers uyue:fpo ed concerned over, the humip in the middle of autom-obieflo hourds, It seemns to be gýettÏng hlgher ail the time. It dloesn't matter kiow long9 or wide you build 'er, l here's the huimp, irrepressible. Antd the lawer you buiid the car the high- er the hump becomies. Il is good news that folk influ-. ential on car design have noticed thfis at lasI,',even if they hu.yen't yýet noticed that not everybody wants a car so low that it lias tc be entered f romi the sub-way. If t1he ecent fashion tren-d in cars were ta continue, the humnp would soon be higli 'enou-gh for aý "summirit" meeting and cars as low, as same diplomats' opinons of other diplomats. You can have ina nianY ideas aibout design, as becames evideifI when! designers turn out c ar s m-ainly with un eye an how they wil1 look ithe advertisemeiits. Also, as we reinember fram- pre-auto days. there was once a hanse ("hýorse: a large, solid- hoofed, herbivorous rriamvial" -- Webster) wý,hich thought it had been too simply desîgned. As the fable tells us, it asked 1to be rernade ueoording ta, ils Oni specificatians. When it utext saw S ltself lui the mirva,-r of a pond it was a camnel, hunlp and ail. And while we're remnem-bening: There was a time when there was no huinp in a car floor board and no need ta 4iîve the car -up a hili ta gel a lofty view .-you gaI it framn the baclk seat. W&'re nat suggesting that design ret arrmers go 10 extremres. But rxow that Il looks as if the auto- ynobile la here ta stay, we wl corne the possibillty that tbe hump mnay not b.. - From Tht Christian 1Science Mvonitor, The women workers of Spain are ?1ow vprotected by a 11 e w 1labor law. They are nôt alloweýd to carry mare than 80O pounds ii a wheelbarrow, push over 260 pounds in a carl, or pull more thun- 1,200 pounds ini a wagon. âge RELIEVE NuRvousHisi »eý&10-MOllo wl Toa Iiappy and tranquil Intead of narvous or for a çGod nîght't sleep, take Sedîcîn tabletsaccording ta directions SEDICINe $lOQO-$4.95 TABLETS V O 5g I oe .f AGENTS WANTEO E CLtJSIVE Deaier each TOWu CltY t10 salI exciusiv7ely our fuel oil con- dulso(ner. Every homne. Haiivare lStore an!Fuel Oil Dealer a prospect. Spe- cia! pices 45 gilion tidrums for fuel oi1 dealers. Our Prodo.ct isla guaranteeti Io eliminte sinige ni water in 011 tanks. prevents soot anti carbon. lm,- proves combustion. Saves on oil. No spttëerlng or smiokiy res. Reduces cooion tsII11fuel tank andtirUes. 12-16 Iliti ounce container te case '41.75. Order rnow, Conrad I'estinîg and Manufacturing Companly 99ý1 Notre Dame West MoMreat4 P.Que, GO INTO BUS$INES for, yourself. Sel! our exu hnablse- wares, watches and other prQtWets nrot fount inh stores. No cotnpeditioe. Prof- îts up te 500%, Write nlow for free cotour cataogue anti sepafýate confi- teinial wisolesale price sheet. AMurrey Sales. 3822 St. Lawrence Mý,otreali. ARTICLES FOR SALE ALLIGATOR shears; miagnets; cranes; scales; presses; butane tanks; clemp'. ter dumpters. l'opuilar makes; sires. Pricedt bselli. H. Greenberg, AMurpisye homo I&M Co., 194 Murphýly3b)omo, Ilinois. COLLECTOR'S iens Canada's original ha4sdbook "LWve of the Skis" ' $1. 0t door Intereats, Gootiwood, Ontanfio. FIVE Bal Poit Retractable l'usfor offly 88e. Re[untiahie if unsatisfactory. We p ay postage. Sorry, no C.O.D., Zinmerman, Box 225, Saxton, Pennsyl- vania. GENUINE Lion anti Zebra Skin Bots $4. Matching Hat Banda $2. Lion Claw Badges $2. Cash with order. Jo0n es, Box 205. Salisbury, Rhotiesia, Africa, LADIES!- IT'S TRUE COTTON SUGAR SACKS (Ble-aqiiet sparkling white ant i imneti) 4 FOR $1.00 Londcon Bag Co., 443 South St. London, Ont. BABY CHICKS CONFUTSEI. We can imagine that thore are many Pou)trynýien a little 1$.- wxiltikred hy wîiat they see andi hear these days froin those attentpting to ~sell chicits. Which i sraini or brced will yen. seiet for your !95859 inqomie? If yol bavel't alreatiy rocelveti our, 1958 catalogue, sendj ocr 1, It givea you a lot of" iiformattox* about the right breeds anti aIrains t> buy foreggs, broilers, eggs andi niga, turkey pouits. X-137 Kimberciks aes irstin uability to do wel l i diffoent environnients, no malter whaî breeti or higis a price ,paidi for chïeks. T£WEDDLE CIIICK H1ATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO WIDE choice In çhickf. Promrpt slip. mient. Pullets, dayolti, atarted. (Ortier MayJune brollors liow). Heavy cocker- els. For mnaximnum profits, get preiuaxii chicka. Bray Italchery, 120 John N, H'amIIton, or local agent. BABCOCK, Hlonegger, DeKalb, Hy-Liise, Il &N.Aies In-Cross, Khmberchlks. The 1956-57 xreturns are in anti K-137 Kimoborclilks ranlcedth ien al l i net incan. K-137 Knberchilts vere eo, tLed c1sn five liandtontSansiffleTess lli' yoar tisat report Ihcome figufres, Cali- fornla, Tennessee anti Utah on hasis of ineome over feoti cost. Missouri B indtiNew York Central on Incoine ovor feeti anti cblck cost. Ansong nationally soiti chicks entored inh at leat three out et five conteste X137 Klmberchlkt, net only ranketi first but placeti more, eýoniqstently 'hanz any ef the otisers. For ful l etals about these contestt enti Iimbertibiks senti for firniber cala- logue. TWEDD~LE CHIdC HATCHERIES LT»). rERGVSONTARIO SCOTT POIJLTRY FAIIMS $EAlrR'~llONTARIO ___MP1LOYMENT WANT1111 ýUAIIR1ED ni8n wants work on Poultry jarm. SoeaexpeLrence, Mi-westen Ontario preferrei. P. Piper> Shea Lake, Sask. EXTRA INCOME $EARTHWORMS$ EASILY raiseti lu basement andi back- Yard, information free. Bookièt "TIhere's -.Money in Earthworm" 35e, A. Howi 1106 Glencairn Ave., $oronto 19q. FARM NANOBOOK NO THIN 1 [SS 0 VA L UABL EL. auanti- - enitic inti accurate information ju1st when you need it. The Macdonald Farm liantibook - result of three years' wvork by men who klnow Can. adian agriculture - is now reatiy. 300 pages of falets, formulas, ideas, andi Illustratîonls, $1.50 per copy postpaid ($l.0 In o0f five.) Box 237, Mac- donald College ue FOR SALE yOR Sale, Feed Mill andi General Store, Homne. MUodemn. 3 betiroonis, hot wvater heat, double garage, 5 acres. Railway sicing. Good business. Further details write N. Whitiield, Thessalon, Ontarioý LýUN1CH-ROO0M, [ce Crea, ii-Tobacco-S, Sait Drinks, Conifectioonery on Highwvay 518. Gooti Tourist Section. Geo. Dem- berline, Sprucedale, Ont. RETAIL andi whplesale feeti lusinessý in Eastern Ontario, Centrally lucateci Withl rail and trucks facilities. Fully.. equippçýd wth mnachlnery anti trucks. Buildings ardntia mghlnery in gooti e- pair. Vendor will take bacis one open long termr morigage. Reason forsli ing- owner bas other tiefinite cons- mîtlIents. For further particulars write Box 167, 123 Eighteentls Street, Torofito 14, HELP WANTED Men 8, Women POSITIONS as asst. agents, telegra- phers awalt ,yon when tralned by uas. union pay. Caln. Pac. ly.' will emploCy ail gratilates. SPEEDHANI>. A.B&C. Sylstem) qualifies for Stenographer lui ten weeks, home .stutiy Big Demanti. Free Foltier either course. Write Cassan Systemns, 7 Super.. lor Ave., Toronto 14. INSTRUCTION EARN more! Bookkeeping Salesmiias spShorthani, lTypewriting, etc. Les. sons 5e As1is for free circuler. No. s33 Canlaien Correspondience Courses 1290 Lay Street Toronto MEDICAL BIG 80 page MUedical self help book. Expl)ains Diseases, symptolns andi treat- ment. Proflusely Mlustrateti. Sooner Sales, 3621 S.W. 38th, Okahoma Clty 19, OkIa. IT'S PROVEN - EVERY SU FFERER 0F- RHEUMATIC PAINS ORt NEURITIS SI4OULD TRY OIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawo $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE IIANISH the forment of dry eczema, rashes anti weeplng skln troubles. *Post>s Sozemna Salve wï1i not dîsappoAint you. Ttcblng, scaliiig anti burning ecze- ma; acne, ring*wo)ni, pimples and foot czernia %ill respond readily to tise etaless odorlems cotnment reg7ardletsý ' f haw stubboomuci, hopr-lesstheir seen. > enit post Free on Rtcelpt 91 Prlce PRICE $3.00 PER JA POST'S REMEDIES 2865 st . JaIr Avenue &lest OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN ANDO WOMEN PLORIDA! Worit, wages, weatherl What yois should know. Questione an- ewereti. Senti $1.00, eI-diesdanti stamiaeti nveIope. Box 66, Aripelta, Floritia, LEAIZN aId ie Fldffle Playlng quick- ly, easily.. Play for- Square Dances. Comaplete Course $2.Û8, SatisfaCtiQ Giiaranteed. Old Tinie Fititle, Mt. Mxirlon 2, New York., OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN FLORIDA!CnpeeSuay apr trami Tamipa, st. Petersburg, Bain ton, $1.00 each, ail three $j2.00 pos>-tpsýid. Pasade~na Press, 31301 22nGAvne t Petersbutrg 12, Etoritia. BUY wholesaie $27,95, retails $7ý)99, men'a 30 -jewel Swlss astomatie self. wlniing calendar watch. 2 year wart- rautr, moniey back garute. rten for free clatalogue, DAMAR IMPORTERS 21 Westmounit Ave., Toronjto. FUBE Gifts. $,25 and more an b.ý earned by sbIowlng the Laurentian LUnè of Everyday Sr ieligious box assoit- mlenlts li Englîisisantid en .Wit* for tietails. Laurentian tlreeting, Carde, 6971 St. DeisE, Suite 5W., otra Que. LOIN CANADAIS LEAOING EHO Great Opportunity Learn artrssn Pleasant, dignifieti profession; gonýcd uages. Thousantis of sueçesaful M"arvel Gratuinaes. Amecrica's GreateatSyae 1Plustratec! Catalogue Fe WVrite or Cail! %ARVEL HAIRtDRESSING SCHOOLS 355 aBlor St. .Tret Branches: 4NRing St., ailo 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS F$2ITHERSTrONHgAUGH & Comnpany Patent Attorneys, Establisheti 1890. 600 University Ave., Toronto Pa)tents al coun3tries, PERSONAI. 10lTRIAL off er. Twenty-fîveý deluxià personal requirements. Latea;t cata.- logue inclutieti. The Mipýeco Agency, Box 22 Ter7minl. Q-" Toronï-to, Ont. rUNWANTED HAIR VAN.,ISHED away, with Saca-Pelo. aa PcbIo s ciffee.Int. 1lt doeýs not dissolvej or remnove hair froln ilhe sufcace, but penetrates anti retards growth oi un- wanteti hairs Lor-Beer , ab LitiL,,Ste. 5, 679 Granville St., Vanýcouer2 .0 'rSERVICES OFFERED HA/ýVE spray-guu, wlill travel, fluse facinga applieti. loe Casýt Stone, Sto3uffvîlle,, Ontarioý. SWINE ANOTHER imnportation juý î1eceived 111cluding in this shipmlenit Chart-weil Suzette 2nd anti izi.pig sow purchased frolni r MWinstou Churc'hill atii te Champion at the Edlinbuirghi Show, iMaryflelti Daga l0th bret Ito Morris Hall Tostarp anti other outstantiing animas. I youwant Ithe best i Land- race you will get tîem at the Fergus Landrace Swine F'arm. Wýeauilings, four months, six month olti aows ai boars, uaateiin-plg gilt.s anti sows; and. s;erviceable boars. Wýe have more champions anti more high piei li- portet Lautirace on our Fanm thani any other breetisin Canada. Cata- logue. FERGUS LANIIRACil SWINEFE FERGUS ONTARIO WANTEO ASH soetcs IrMre if armeý, lamunition, etc. 136AElIA WalrR..adlToronto Phione WA. 1-4045. STEAMI traction or portable angine wanI;e& Also want catalogues on en- gings,.Ureshers, wagons, an'd buggles. Statü price, etc., fîrst letter. Box 165 123 Eighteenth St?'eet, New Tôro,-nto, ontario. WANTED - steain traction engine, rilve details as te make andi condlition- Bc-, 16(i, 123 Idghteentis Street, NevJ To(.ronto. e,. N. N. N N. N. N. N N. N. s N. N N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N., 1~ N. 4? N. N. N. N N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N N N. N N N ,~N. N N. N. N. N. N N. N. N N. N N. N. s N N. N N N. N N. n N N. ~N. S N N. N. N. NI N. N N N N. N. N N N N. N. N N. N N N N N. N N s N N. N. CUNARD'S SYLVANIA - CARINTHIA -IVERNIA -SAXONIA I LEARN TO SMOCK I]

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