ES ýber 7 Or-ono, Ontario, Thui ;Maré&h 2 7 silbscription *stees Feel Building B3oom To Hit Orono,, stýru 'cted te seiud jitters of [ha,,nks Vo 'h Orono Police Truste.s lok ed 1boTh blute Newcastle and Iomnii w ard to inereased acýtiviti1es F.ire DePartmnents for their assistýane )ugout the Villag-e in Tenext at the,,ir at the rink. )years after 'hearirg reports ih lead theiu o bejieve that there R. C. Fovrýester referred to t.he o be. a s tep u~p ilathe building o poor igbtir'g at dthe or01th o th, he aresý. This body rmet ii i egaill-, aad on the nor-the-rn section of sion on 1Monday evenfirg \wit"hail huchStreet nlorth .xound Virtie! nbers present. Wilson's propeuty. The mercLuryya pour llih-t w'i ,e 'n a riaI basîs. -te a they ing l 1'he chiirma ïnstftucted te ,un te Maini csaud la front, nesday and ti n ples Vo bha cr ng poýInted hanug of In connectien wvih idewalk, con- tedl in Or.' struiction tha Trustees again referredý aware thut to a section Vo ha dona on thue n'rth- in oplen$- ara end of Citurch Street Soutt.ý The sce They are to endeavour te have te ,in -a ,draft base preparad as soon as possible and un Control tWs will require sonma bn'idozinig and LIStees -ýMaY iaeýilillg. apassed At 14 as pointed out hy the acretary i. Titi y-a t tha TFouvshla had cmade soeaai- ati n 'wet a wancae for Proad work lu te ViLage ted u d n tiis ya.ocerimng titis the Trus- r înîgtees ifAlt they woukl like V4 tour thbe Village roads wiîth the Twsu Road I thaIt suchI up erintindant and aweuld seeek te an ownars mtacted by Ake arrangements for suait a tour' *t!f ispcion.m- as alse o ))iuted outý at proenutit the Tauship 1usd as yet te va- l'op -tue éViw the yearly ag aament sought by e ui. the ,sruteas tb have Village property res;ter. %ps exempt of 3.5 muiiljs frein the T{swn- marchants eau up Vite ce on Wed- i lue placad n Tii urday s ilns tictaic .nd LC,'i Vo ae station Sb ]hraady Coht-I ayiufg quipnI alctskL(d d te paint ry Iliili gL Out lite Orono Basebail Club met witit remarkxvbla nuacesi intepromotion o)f Vitir banquet and drau Il tickets hiava beau sold for Vis vnt t tickets, wbicli t ere soid at $5.0 - ,pece, urerae old -\ititin a wveek off go- in- on sale. Thea avenir- is lesaVa lfori Tbhursdlay, April 1Otit sud willi be held îu-te Tooush',ip Hall, Oroue, lTe Kulby -ladies are catering te te urkey banquet for-te t.wo I-n- drad ticket itoldars. Fcllcwug te! dinner. an elininatien driw pili h teid fer the sunu cf $200.00. Ouiy te tiicket itolders are eligible for titis dn1aw. lTe Club bas statad tta t'te è-enn wl h o pcludled mitit round and Sqtutre dnig the purposa cf titis proinotion is te raina funids ou aviitiabo start operms- tien cf te intarmedate. 13aebil Club Vils yens oubwich hbas aga$in expressen Its desisa Vo enter te Lakesitose beague. lTae cIlblbas during tiecp-pnst twe yaars beau suceeful ilu winng t'fe dague pannant sud are~ hopiug Vo again take te V, itie - ORONO BAEBAL L CLUB FINANCIAL, STATEMENT 1957 Bal. lu Bank (rein1l6 $208.64 -Apr. 30 byLalýeshoe 1 te ~hem luha tien, shi' aa A raquest was madea Vo the TIown- ship o have all streets itretn Manor MIL street s andse-"Stop Srae"At p1rasent neo "Stop Signs"' aira erapcdon any strc-et iapp!uoachinig tii anthoroughifare. L(ýý Urono riyctro R eceives$94 Vito ef on _____e ndfili redf the Commisýsion t,) be snmisiingilt It Inted a bau-.k balanice on -Mrct24tit of pur- $6,172. Thte balance was booeted tLo SOr- titis bigi mark hy a rafiind from te ite Ontarie liydrc ElaectrieC ommilission d be. Bills ere sapassed during te iieetl- loc)w ingl of $2,011.91 whicit uould te very leave a balance cf $4,0C1.09. IV urne peinted eut by te manager, cMa1r. E. Dent, at a previos Imeting ats iat iV would ha possible near te end rus cfte year Vo iower hydre ratan lu vould te Village.- g a t Two mjrprojecte ara expacted Voi ow' e comtIp'iated titis yaar heing a trua- 0ro- titrea(-pIaca lina o te CrpyWood Productesud a rekiildiug cf Maini lu streaýt Soutit, Banquet Tickets Vithin One Weekz Eneebail League Juna , by C. Gx. Ariustrong Store Jane 5, by Osi Dorne Sports and Cyclae , Js4y1, t , gentsf rom gAmine -7<.00 JUlY 13, by A. Watke-~ July 19, by OnV. aeýball Association Jul.y'23, by Lakesbore Basebati Leagu~e- Aug. 18, te recaipts fr-onu Aug. 16 , by L.'-B. L. Sept. 3, o receipte 75.00 Sept 5, by Ont. B. Asseýc Sept. 11, by service oitaga-e Sept. 17, by On't. B., AseýCe. Sept. 23, by Onit. B. Assoa. Sept. 23, te recaipts 85.00) Sept. 23 by Ruph Hldue. sepV. 28 by 0.B.A. cet, 10 by servite charge oct. 24 t'O recaipte 38.00( Oct. 30 by service charge Dec. 18 bý- ,MINuity Sporýits 135M8 1(2.115 The Durhnarnu nty Shorthorn M soc-iation 'hieid a very su ý esS fi sa3 of horithorn caýttie on _1rc J311inl Bhcsùok.Th-irty-one hea of pure- breil s'hort>iorns wýere effer-ed for si by fourteen breeders in the -irea. The top pèrce of the sale sas Paid' for TLhe l, Cremoi,!asnante p)roPer'tyý of MrL. Gannýet Rcad of BoFwnanviiie. This piice -was paid by the Lee'klIrothers if Mont . AI'ert. The second higiteAt prce urne r- ceivedl by John 1lickaýrd of NewestIe for- Spring Grange DPaunties t, a miaie animialA prilce of $425.0em-s paàI by Merriil Brown of Batfh ,y for Pthis animai. The a'verage prie of lte animsais ed the best average price, o*er $860. so]d was $299J)0. Both Mr, Gainet Riekard and Mzýr. John Rickard receiv- for the shorthorns they sold at the sale. Mîr. Rýoit Mtoffatt and son ôi f Or- ono paid 250 for Giote Butter- cup wlhm as cons ignd te sale by' ýJ. B. Cariiigfiam- of Biackstock, The OooPuýblic School Boai d finalized the hiring cf a princýipl for, the Orono PbieSehol o se duties wiicommnce hisco'ming S'iptem.. ber, 1958. Mfr. HluRert LoweUs of Wei- land has 'been hireci hy -thei3ad Mfr. Lowas le taenty-six yeare of g amrried wlvth a oai f twoe ciur'reu Cnrran aleworlkinig Vo oýutin his B.A. whiclu ha is itaeful cf cceiving -within a yeair o oua. r Looue la ise soquite initarested in sth- letics. Vleau. applicants whièh wure r r1 èivad hy th(-a Board. Telitew uprincipal a oe cf te hast recommande cf alify cf te apjplicants snd ouil rcev $4,Ou i tis position at he O1ono Young People Please4î WTTith Iitcrest Aid Aiteut4ance The Young People ,vere pleased te sea, suait a large csowmd at tliaii, cihurcit sesvi'ce and the colfaction ouil ha giv- an Vo te Missionary asud Mainten- ance Fund. On the meeting of Mardi 23rd titare were 30 imeuihars present and Vlie meeting '.ras startad by a sinig-song lad by 1fr. Ford. Mary 'ound pi\vs nernmitad te new treasraer and Goia Tyt'vrel sud Jean Allun were lected as convaners cf te lunch con- mittea. It -was decided titere wiii h no meeting on EKautqv 1una'y anit loose collection fso&a te meetings wouid bha usad fer "EverioFumlly, Plan cf te Churcit Observer." The Young Peeiple hava beanpln ning for auother discussion for par- ents *and teenagers on April It. Jinu Ganisby wi'H hathe: -Muster ),f Ceremonias aind (Mr. Foý -wfIl:be lu edItrge cf te musia. 8.5 The Papes Driva wîl'l ceeu be. corin- M0inuugp ou i td.first Saturday lu April., Ross Tamblyn sud Roger Baricw will lake caseofte advarýtiséiments and new carde for te Paper Drive, aili 25.0 lue Qprinted. .80 .60- .901 9,30 , $576,64 $559.81 - 5598 l Balance on band - $16.83 Fair Board Discusses Futaie of Agriculttral Arena On -Mondayevng directers of tie Durhami Central Agriculturai Sooety meV in Orono whera Viay dis;cn.seed planVs fo)ite Agricultural huiidig. A suggested daungW e eanted at te meignddisussad. A comittee was fornmed fror ite diractors, sud Vis conmittea le te mneet uriit ite rono (lianuber cf Comretis ¶rh'iursday nigt Vo formulate planis for Vihe restejuation cf te building -wl-ii itas beau used hotit as a disnplaylhuld ng on Fsis Day sud as a riilJ iïrin"<Vite urnter. ~Architect Wsrking en Plans For 2 New Toý,wnship ScXÏ The Clarloe Town-Ahîp Schîfool MAI -Iard imet in Newtonvýlle schl oýn MaýLrch 18, \with il mmlle b and lu MNon-thly billse weepasnd ipayment appiroved. eac trs ite Area have ail beeni contaected reýgard- 'ing contracts for the nIext ya A letter from theArte, I. Geo. Toaks, wsrn, ttn he isý working en the final plans friLhe Lpw new suhools aut No. 4 and No. 9 1Je wilî meet with ',he Board in thie arfuture, at a speiai neint dio(euss fully, plans andspcicio. Next regular meeýting w'i1be àeid li NewtonviIýIe sholon Tedy kpril 15th et 8 p.m Canning Companiesý Closing For Yearl Audience C One hundred and sev-enty-five ini- in Oron eponsoed 'b%-theDuha ConyFar n TioLn at whiých al )f 175 In Oronu cuaethe i dcte of nuark-eta; le farra producte.. The price fixding proý- cedur e nrust, lhe sad, ave La cost 4>e production fa2tor. tare cncldaeswfo ar -e contesirg lere ~Mr. ine ferdto thc to r-1preseet Dra at Ota'wa, Were Liberal proposai to the Sup- 1) esent and~ spoke Vo dite gathelrng. porýtpre of butter froinu168c Vo 61k.. Mr. L,.-Woo-d, president of the Farnu A th year vrg price , haetabtedî, Union, amted as chairman. amouated Vo586 whereas goînrg-baek Dr. R. P.,Vîvian spuoke %istte the for a tan ya eaete p,îIc, mneeting and pointed to the actions wouidlue 5917c. aknby tlue Cnavtv oen Further Vo the propoSed "uP~Put nmentu and tha eice enfoeced by pricesý" anud "deficiency psymets thenu. fHe stated th't the restrictive the ýLiberals, said Mr, Honley, w,»ISh action of the zeveanmeut lied been continue Vo give sanction and aesb-. ienefî turkey, powder mik and 'tance to prodncer marketing ba, the itrozen peas indwtry lie referred lfully cIai-ify the stand of thue fecleral te the purehase of Canadian Caniiers govern'wient 'te assfisit in financing 1b) -Del -Monte and the affecýt thiat te theý stabilizatioin plans oef provincial -losing of thase eanners woui& have. marketing, Boards, and undertake an- Mlarketing Boards, lue sait, were Ganadian Canners Limîtae Port muérierthy, hewevar manypr- Hlope division, lefol'wigth e trend lenis existed and their functiýouig of other branches- in the atr a sud uat lara thrýouh sitae.Te to- 'have surValed the production of can- laccos grawers, lue statad, that Prime Wd~pans for Mis yearc Tt le repoted Minîster Difahke ad promniseld, Mtlat Büririanvila bran2h bas eaitcal- - ,vben Vine pemits, Vo raviewv the tax lad operation's'titis year for peas and on tohAcco. He aise ponted Vo action cern. taken to moe the sale cf tobaecco The pack last Drycar was extremeiy_-;i,ýl- leavy and teconupany ifinds lisoelf r. Vivactiui i-, the Ati - wvtth s itavy invantor-y snd ne plans ua tb ia-nAt a e he havepetbee fialied e 159. he Ps ai sedeigned Vo try and fnl- itae yt eenfialiadfor 159. filîite maLin ýrq;u st of farmners. It Serinu~EfI~eM'as designad teiSet a puice in fair The sitOtionwM ihavei s4ioC ult-n0-ui i tecot0f rdutin affect on the farmalrs of Duvhamo Cos U m o f m"" cutwho 2have dpe lddonipen ieé-sin1farmneraacould kilow , heir coantrate fortei, cshcrepaswlîpisbaoes CsPeetdiýng 'sudthatL a 'asredced'Orsj,,, ou50nomlnravovg fund si uai wrkars, aspecal&y xpoman, cho t in pastyarsavpaie hankMat.thae t cd Ait- The deuisio)ns cf the A.cV reet plneforiseverail 2 0l w eAnnyes wt Ate AvîoryConumutee, lue The fammiers wil lce mor eeffected c in) t1ha Port Hlie ares than the cii For. the nýinenmc ouudiis plYeas, since the le a Y 0113%try ar- stata1Dr-Vi ianthapce couléd pot ries a fairly etapdy s4%f, cnig go elow 80% cf the 10 year aveMaj' grpfutmad ine iuices ii ilhaThis antvil work wththe -pea off-seassons. tiýon,f the -<iim g roupe. The prices, Neuail close tetwo bVousaud -,asýl1aid Ou'd bha la affect for- oaa îtcres-if în cruciby je un--ear, (éer eentract for te growirig cf can-l- c'sinig, the ConseirvaVive Gan- Wxg peas, with an averaga cf tew~acre didate stated that the faormer couid Trhe inforiïa-tion dýt cttanuning aew o11 _btain ,a fair share cf the dollar- toriep in Northmberland co)untýy arnd 11oouy, Liberal Candidate 10% cE lward couxty would ri t be Rse!loa,'LtriCniae oparating 'his year awas reiased la id ha had ý HneprmissVoniake, tlue ares"e atinie aga. ' id h Su n Vt,- t.t. o ak Hprticultural Plan April 1 st Meeting Tite FËxaiutive Meeting c f te Or- oue Ho;ticultural Society, pie ld Tluesday avaning, sud plane piera 1nîdIa( for tae April meeting, wiuis l te 'be beid TuLeslayv,.Apii 1, lun te Odidfalliow's Hail aV 8oclc. 11fr. Roses ilat rlihaeitwn pictures, sud aye will aIse h-ear a re- peut on the Haiitep Conv-ention, The Spring Price Liset for Hortiul- ture Menbers should lue av-able tien, and ite ainfor mn s shLip titis year mýilli haa Clrysaîntite- main .pjant, deliverad at te proper, pa tin îmie. Plan Vo attend te meetinig ionA ril 1, and enjoy a social tVine, y-ou ight e lqçlýy and urmn eue cftVite ded. r pzes. BROWNIE NEWS Faii y Ring. -W . 1heu 1Vc-htintû 4epg T1he meeting was -pa W tithVie' ptre1s, markecl a ttendlance and VooI, -yp FAiry Gold.> l'est work tyas titan bèigun.- BaVty, Preeott- GIhatand- Suzannpe ,eKai'1ey passed their Bandage Taet for: Golden Par. Janica PRutha-oird, Barbara Mitchell and i4argare(:t Middleton psssed thixeir T,-1 ing Tic Test. 'Coleen Flynn, Car1ol, Giiiuauk, Maxuy Tannant 'sud Lynda Bowan,,:passGd thair Tie Pascal Test.ý Shtaron Simpson, 1Margaret MNitchell,ý Dorotby Dunflop, Sharon AllUn, Maryý Tannant and Ly, nda Beaen assed teir Carry at.iaenaTeVt. Carolj Gilbauk ber Natioinal Autitein. -Mme. Sid Barrahali cam-e te o r mieeting Vo rpass tests for Goldený Hu11I& Mary El-ian Toimie and Cat-! ryn IHcoey passe'd titair semaffliore , lTe meeting wae dçsosed witit P'rayer snd Tapa. by GaVhpyn 1H00ecyr agg-ressîve irasearca progvam trpyn prove efçinyin im-arketing faumi produce. To, str-engthain farnu a ni, home deveiopment proigraml the Libi. erai gevernment wvuld estabisIi, a. F'ainm Dt-elopient Bank Vto iake adý- aquate credit av-aila0bie fror ail nat eýspcialiy for -,young faeers on (L along aind i shrt.teriu basis with lu interest rates,. le referred te. beef exporte to t, h U.S. sadnd that tarriLffs shoi-,id lnot be tyd ih.Ash',poitatd out tttC6 million po-unds of bhef wss ri- 0or 11onthe- ,CGas bWiïg ei~e into Caada nd tatthiswul like.- ylwrbeef pces by I0 cent's f ment that thelibeipposai te u Ernest Denit, C.C.P. Candidate Mr. Dentrit !je C. C.F.CaE dne sain efor a der whetn Ipoinit cf ou uet of-e-rd -uLr hose ,,,hictWfliI 5ve ta iocti wa e Lleiclti i ieL.btra-,l Platform. lHe statad polýiiSas an th-h oui d harec-epti ve Vo dele- Iman te disý gaVions. fronui DuritainCeunty and miatters concerning farnmling sui f. nin ,Woud sWtudy V itn uVt i fVt contai'ned a aeenMomcf dite eonutry as a MIoe.livdVt Thte Lterai conceptîl e nare snp-Fedarai-on port pricas and deficîaucy payoeuts. protectI The LiteaOUiolîl maintan and eatnd ei'ed Pc0 sucli s systen-I, IV aili, ha said, bead- Said ipolitc (7iis1rd o prOv-ida for fariere action are priýcas for týheir priodiuets bearýinga M giutr fair ~ ~ t raaLnhpV heir cost cf pro-poitician"s. ducton ad daigne teinsu-se nar CIF had b, sh fte Naionalirinoma toean-( Townshi Pls Ro page W eanesdsy1 ite mentliti iahitananca. the construc rVts and $1, fhep5pe s- sa eus main- i E ih1ree C-andidates Speak Bef( Mwulay, Match 31, Electiïon1 Be Sure To Cast .....................