ORONO WEEÎiLl 11ME8 THRRDAY, NMARCIT 27th, 1958 JOHN DIEFENBAKER, DR. PERC VIVIAN The Diefen baker Govern men tid eservresi chance ta *carry on its Program of NationalIDei eopment to raise the standard of living of\qW.&iCnadians. ýA Great Record of accomplishment in eight mnonths mnerits your vote of confidente in the Conservative V~TE VIVIAN, PercyXM ON %ARCH 31 Stude Yippee!!!1 ing up. Af e Ari-lr, Ti This dane prepared by : n1 vget Lthis, pat ed orchest w-iHl feature stlicks ;ý('a cat( BaI Ss ide.Wha't a jazzy igr-oup. ýSe far our orýchestra has play- eji a4 the buril of 2 dogs and one hiptinnk and have ma tie wo birds (jail b;irds). Doni't woirîy, the-re wil also be records. Sounids like an exc'ilngnte e-h? Don't nmiss it yout cool cats as she will bea real goine nite, Remeibeyr this, Thursday niite, Aip- ru-i 3vd, 8:00 p.mi. sharp, Oiono Odd- fellow's Hall. Adiîss'in \vith o without rmembershijp 50c. Jii Gamnsbiy P,S. Oh yts! Tihe dress wil1 be soeuie- thing new al-so. Sinice tihis wiII be a' rock and roll cool nite we mnuat dres as si. Such as loud s-hirts, jeans or leud (no't noisy) pants, ýwhite bucks (shoes) iand Elvis Presley liair euts. IFor the girls it should be ponyt' 1il s sirsand sweaters, whîte bucks and knee Iig~h scscks. These are only sug- gestions bu't jein in on tîhe fun eveizy-J ene. Dosn1't matter sun or ramgaiztins Tethe HI-Teens dance 1 xviii go -Uaî. r. Denit said politics affecs ev- Jim Gamslsy er'Yoa e, seoxvby net take political ac- tion? The GCC does neot have to) doe- fend its policies of progressiveners. HI-TEENS DRESSUP DANCE Social Legisiation now in force was- laughe- ait in the 3's w-hen pioposeti Another Dance to tako place April by thne CCF. Mn wee4end wil be a dress ut dance lie reîerred to the surjplus food it- IeSaurday prIl 5th. This will emns with no means of getttng it %o be held in the Towýýn Hall. This js the hungry. To overcome Mhis the, strictly a dresýs up damie. WVe suggo-st CIOF had recommended a 'World Foodi Qvhte shirts and ticsfor the boys amd Bank smme 20 years ago. the girls can wear dresses or Sirtse! question and answor period fol- Sprcial Dances xiii take the lm-lwd light once again as they also aippear --7 to be a bhit. at 'the Hi-Teens dan.îces.,_________________ Don't forget this one kids, Saturday Nite, April 5'tth 8:30 p.m.ý sharp, Or-j ono Tow~n Hall. TOWNSHIP ROADS .Gontinued fromn page 1) POEM j sucji equlIpmient for Ttnsiprend jThiouglits cdf a Boýy ait stllpper ThurI- 1wyork. sday Nite, Af.pril 3rd. exmj Projeets named are the 6th ino Tired I ain after the exil from 115 east to Carson's pim-e and iceai, 4 miles, cost $8500. West boun14- ary rload fromi No. 2 ighwav to ird 1,lne, prime, one mile, $700. Third line .'west from boundary te 115,Pr'.Imle, for 11/2> miles at a cooSt o1 $1050. Fifth Une, f romi County i'oad east, l,/2 miles at a cost i)f $00 tpoo side- ro1ad, prime 1 mile at a cost of $700.1 Orono, Newtonàville an-d Kenidal Pl'mle and seau, 1 1/4 iles at $2000.,o anîd Foster- road, grading and gravel- lirg, 2'/2 miles at a cýost of $5000. 8th lino from Hfighrwaty 115 east for, :1 1/2 miles, grading and graveling, ait a cost of $1000. Priming oLf a r-oud means oiling aýnd sen iI mas a surface treatimenit1 w-hich cani vary in type.ý The total rond enýpenlditur(s 1lasti year" amounted te $79,211-2.00 of which ýj4,400 waIs direct ireceipts to the reoad department. Theixera rpito fer 19u57 wxý,s $75,000.00 ~-= = =A( r, C. E. Stapletoni, Road Suiperîn- CME TRYTH E SQTHSACV 1MAIEVER WHISPERED 'BUfl Silence.gays volumes aboust First, on a 30% stronger X-built ChevroIetl Quieer ngie framc, Ch:vrolet's stylists placed teil of super sm,@thns$ luxurious body thcy'd cirer plan- uivr b.n.er.d hy .ny caret, _ edi. But not befort Fisher engi- 5uors uaw to t that Chevrolet'e *ny puke. "Sound Barrier' body matched Ite A tlmI L PL. &t.. fa - te bnauty in practical protection. Next, Chevrolet increased its Power range with <h. Mot effi- cient V8s'. cer huîlt ,. . radicaily new, with machined-in-blc* pre- cision for pacc-srting perfo~r- mance and economy. Total engin.. cboice à nfow six, with four cream- smooth transmissions. It'. the widest sclection ever--available în overy Chevrolet madt! Talk about smnoot>rness! Cheir- rolet tops it off with a choicc of Iwo new rides: Standard on al Chevrolets, completely new Ful Coil suspension mneans a big ad- vance in riding comnfort. Deep steel staw still te ruwvevwun,, Me ei4.,li5tqfi "htnng .p.. CIu.vy - e o aven. mer* am.z.d: On* of tw. new cuspnsions emoothe your woy lik. br'.ad"om - while 23 kinds~ of inwilation in it. Fisher Body ail but swatlow sound çempletely. Absolute ,nowness fromr rocid to roof supplies' the canswerl coils at ail four hesoaW road shocks like e nc!Atd Chevrolet ecii Swet i <n furthpr to bring sspen Ride -the Ioweet-Priced air M. Êvailabe1Y6o$.haxc to try it tu knW o*hw ey ar&ca Yrt th i ti ts wnen", lhin snioothest of 4J-Ç.vrolets comec ta you ét ite tra4tionally low pite.. Litle Wond4er thM Cb.v'. whis- tlhan ever before. Corne try 19538't Most popu1st car at your OCevrolet dealer'% soon! *QpstonJ, a il e ad4ltinal Lest, oie Vo moduia' with aiaomot ri nms.In The most XUII~~~WV~modern, efficienît ~~W~I0lOR ~engines ii the sorldI r' 4' $ CHEVROLETm'58L ------SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER FOR QUICK APPRAISAL - PROMPT DELIVERY----- ROY W. NIOHL ViLLF C.OURT1O~ lit PRBi "IMAT jàvey Pme Tle&BMA. 3-2240 WB ELL nu BEST .AN» ýsErT TUE REST i;'rt Pita eli 1-1- 11 1- 1 1-a 0~x~4 arr4 M4 When the, fuolowing gfrls wlll re- ceive Éeir old Cords JQan AllUn, Mariyn Co bledick, Marlene Graham a d nnieTyrrell A special in vitation is extende( Members of the Local Aýs( ,d to all pas1 i I t I i FORD- ED$EL 111 SALES Aa4 SERVICE AIUse'd Cars iOur complete service guaanteeîyear, round driving p'easure CARVETH NMOTORS e ~'r. ~ r r-' "'s',' 4? n Il -, r nts b C leb ate~ Xt ~ d~ntwas nppointed Township We Aýt the meeting oni Wedne'sday wasg .r nresenit Messý-rs. A. Ward, -uýca H i'-Teen uance b prii ;r Engineer an.d G. Totten, Counties En- gee.Thiese mon dlscussed with, - Cound1il thre various aspetes of dhe roadi fds anotber danqcour- %What shoud I do Uncle Samndiparhwtme.%M. Toto7n stad that r te eamsof oure. utof ehol fr '~vo.weks priming and sealing was a miethod 'hursday nite, aft e iheNohibxg to do but w-alk thetetwih a rvn svneo x )e a nite ofý celebriation Wn oclbae~penlditures n od, t maspine g sand doils. Go Ao tnedance of thie Tes-? otta 'eCiite a uca , y beinjg ud il the Naue,- Thvaynite 1 Pl lelae a nmchin wjphs PUrîpseand tha-, %aH. It xvii be speciallyNo schoo tiwmrrow, why mot be late. iwudbc ? le oyr-rnt tA mw- che ili-en si.th af nDrss<;un folthesane choud ï. îcîunlitiesdesirg desac»w. elratinig stLudenits. There %Sot shirt and a ioud tie1,CThýe cost orf the.ý re(enit ,no,, tor'nr le galûre. A prize fnr How mmch"Mt" d.a L OP'?1 tw the Townsîhi ofClarke vos estima w'inninIg courpe. AIIso, I don't know ý' Bill", *hwlogWI î ed slightîyover $10,00. Sume of [le yevery peron with un ;ou stay? larger costýs of openIiig the' roads a -f- lktxiibe given aa n<'ing to o ecîa rik eîtitorýnm 'wro $250. f:or bull- juic. (Tat~sRockand ree op.dozing, $1625,00 foriepir to snoxx oLr ;Po). A speciail pe-]e[ermc itig oe like ma n odpovn q mnlbu ot tra wý,iIl be on hawI. It ro.$45 ~owplow rentib $2500 aIné' Mr. Ford uon te ioy W I aprize la an eimIinaton rdr ea's$20 y im Gamsby, ahem! on dane n (drums) and Phillniarneause I had red strped pantS. THRE.E CANDIDATE lu Lem) u the sL tech Ilest mv loud oiraHge tieI(From page 1)