ORÔNO WEEKLI ~iM~B THURSDAY, M~ARGII 27th, 1958 Mi9ss-Shirley Vagg, Valedictoriai At O.H.S. Commencemrent The following isthe valedictoryv ad- d'fress given by MIss Shirleyv Vagg. esand studeniits of Oroino llign Soladieýs andnlemn Prïces Reduced O n 1t is a great hoiloui, to lhave beeni the student chasen to ao-t as v~dc torian on behaif of the gracIuating clasýs of 1957. The past four yeais in Orono Highi Scho)ol will be long cheished ithe P R E IUý QA L I Y,, heats of each of us. Ttsemstht )nýcudalmost ýay teSuii j n been wt u ilo i gh oest thtïelea h ur g' al lu a StveOu 20gai 1on Cbut to0 Our exit fro m G(.rade 12 we hve eandto Tealize how important co- Mi-L-iy times ve. miay have beefn1 bur- dened by extra ïiom--ewor-k or. examns but in the words _f the pot Lyb study ena learniaLg bewon; 4'Twas FOR *'nR z"uneyer passed froni fthet son." 4 is seldom pla, enant to abt he 56 O haw a 5 1 , one us 11, the medicine 'fo7ry finial re-wardfj oi persisting iï, tak-iing IË, Is11usually good halth.Sot s ih (AN WEM TAKE A CHANM.CE Oni' lonager on a governent Mtu L. Has stINilfourid no answer to our irmmediate unemployment crisis? 2.Threcatenis to qambie away Our vital export markei_ ts nd thie jobs- and dollars they provide? THE TIME HAS COME FOR ACTION in the present yùiergency...çco do now the things that need doing now,... to get started on the To DR NG DACK COFIDENCE AND JOBS We Can dýians i agree ihyat our first job is ta get a/m ast amil/ion peo ple backtaak W/a n t t o restore confidence anid START CANADA HIUNMMING AGAIN. We want steadyý incom-r-es and a secure ture. We must make up the grounid lost through ns offaltering and confusion in our national affairs. A,. d must get started now. î The- Pearson Plan is desîgned to do. just 'that: ýold anld praicticalI action for every Canadian who bas hàd enough k, .5, :44. 4. *1 .4 of slowdowni,,doubt and drift. NICHLIGHTS 0F THE PEARSON PLAN FOR CA ADAO, 10* YOU 1. MAJOR TAX CUTS to increitse you)r income this Year,, 6.L DOWN-PAV34ENT HOMES- Change Ntoa create more jobs. .Yofé.save $I 4J every $4 >ou niow pay HoýIsir1g Act to make it easier tro buy homeswiou on your first $3000 of taxable inicomýte.lag down payjfients. 2. T9HE DOWNRY - You pay nio taxes 'on your first $4000 7. FAMI Y, ALt6WAbNCES - Continue family allow,,ances? incomie durinig first dhree years of married if e -pay to the age of 18 for boys and girls who are students. $90 ins5tead o f,$480 if 'your income is $5000. 3.SICKNESS ISU RANCE - Pay unemployment ben 'efits to peoqple who arc out of work because of illness. 4.NO EXCISE TAX on cars. 5.FOR FARMERS - 1. Set .up' Farin Developinent Bank toassist farmi m- provemnent. l. Extend support prices for w.heat, oats, ie, rye, flax anid butter. 3. Pay. compensation te farmers for cost of storing grain on thir rms. 8.SCHOLARSHIPS, BURSARIES AND LOANS -To give youth equal oppoitunity for higher education. 2500 scholarships and 7500, bursaries awarded annually. 9 iNCREASED SOCIAL BENEFITS - Old age assistance 'for widows and unmarried women to start at age 60. Right to transfer total pension when changing jobs. 10. FULLER, FREER, TRADE between NÀTO nations includ- ing U.S. and Britain. Increase food and other shipmenits to needy or undeveloped countries. Trade develapment - netrestriction ordiversion. VOTE LIBERAL FOR CONSTRUCTIVE LEADERSHIP NOW NATIONAl. LISERAI. Ç0MMMEF-7 can graduation corne.C The high spirit of Orono Highn Scliool in extra ciricular activities as m-eli as academics bas been maintain- ed whether we, were comapeting a-ainst-another school in a game, or apainst each other at the annual fieldd day.i La reminiscin.g we think of the out-a standing events 'whicèh have occurreda dur:ýng 'the last four years. Hiardly ii d we entered Orono High Sehool before oive were takîng part in itS social ]ife. In Grade 9 the hilarity which ac- comýpanîied the in'itiatiýon ceremony heiliped make eachi of us a true mem- ber of this pince o (f leaýrnin Other things corne to miâd, only to mention a few there was the cadet inspection the Christmas Formai as1 well as the monthly parties - and horw1 thoroughly we enjoyed the annual spriag trips when oie visited many listorical' points of interest and beauty in Ontario. Sohool events are carefully pan ned by the students'under the leader- Iship of the teachers, and the Students' Council. Every graduate is deeply indeted to the teadhers, 'who so patîently h1ave guided us to fields of higîher learainig. Iachi has done bis share to ji)er litewider the gate atoth i fied by layin)g a sound foundationi andÎ hel'Jpinag us build the ladder by which oie rdse ,to ourqobjective. Mtany are the privileges that have been bestowed lapon us, but many more will be showered on the stu- dents of the ureas they WAo for- !wai-d te aa t'~audnd ore miodemn Se now as we blý)d farewell to Orono High S,-heeol, its teachers and ifs, stu- dents w wish our former f ellow stu- dents, tiie future graduates good luck as they pursue that educa'tion which is so vital te their success and happi'- ness. We hope they will, as we do now, look bacik te Orono 111gh School n nd gratefully think, "All's, well that ends well,"1 Thank you. Sixteen memnbers of the Durbain. County District High School Boa J met on Wýed!nesday eveaing lath towmahville Hgli Sehool for the' ur.poýse of -inswering-,tjie "Open Let- ter adresedte therm by- the New'- esie CItizen's Committeel. The enir vening was, spent discussion on0,rthis matter, The meet- inýg wns adjourned, by motion wt stili sonie questions te be answeredý-_ at a later date. No action was taken1- at the meeting te change their erig.- mnal decision. The Board is te meet in Oroneon Saturday afternoon wben they wilI view the 'varlous sites on whicïh 0p_ tie-ns have been takea. The To-wnship Hall, Orrno ,wasf1> led te oapacity on Thursiday evening Of last week when the annual ýOrono High School Ceormentcemeat Exercises were held. The audience of studen.ts, parents, and iaterested perso_ýns enjoy- ed the, progain sutplied by h su> ents of, musie, drills aaiddrna Mr. W. W. Watt, spok-D]e to ýthe au- dence and welcmied týPim te the Com- inen3cernent of the- Qrono Sehool, He stated that seondar-y euai ,abe- oming more and mýore etiaed and that commnities are tkn a greatetý interest in seecoadary shos It pro-, vides the leaîders -aid the intelligent f ollower-s, The liberal dctoihc is tagt.n wih athe iberiitaige et our parents is; stili ar of the cui,ý- culum. We soudhe siha-ve a pride in theaiee ntsof ou rn-I dents. M-_ Carol _Nichoiws, chairman ret the Distjt cigh Bad {oebif ,y 1bringlnïg greetings fentheBor l, e> D i/t a pleasure .and prvi'q te be pr-eseýnt and sae eweor tainly im-preissed. At thls point iateevnn the a- wards were presented te1tbe students, whicb appeared ia last, weeks issue of thiýs paper. v Mr. W. B. MadMuirray, HeLadinas- ter et the Univers ity of Toronto was the guest speaker. He said that ste- dents can apply the lessoas learu. at scbool te, the probleins ahead. Here he empbasized perseverance and, good work habits te strengthon the climb te suecess. Kno-wledge, he said should, neyer be spread Itee tii. -Ore** Fuei40 LambeLImItei To og Ownéru As of April Ist, 1958 the Vill ge of Oroino wiII en- force their by-law o control the riiining-- at-large of d*gs ,ithini the lixits' the Police 'illage of Orono. Dogs found nning-at arge will be empoundàed in the pouznd and the Uecessar charges wilI be assossed a- gainist the owner be re e animal is returned. ORONO POLICE TRUSTEES,