OOOWREKLY Iliû- TIIIJR&DAY, AIRf27th, 111;3 V4iVI AN, Percy1 PhyrsIcIa e RATER<AADA DIFEBAERSDYNAMI PROGRAM UARANTEES A BETTER LIFE FOR AIL 0F CAN A'S PEO LE- SOLIq PERFORMANICE MPTY PROMISES *OId Ageo efsionh ofid otker 5Sodal Seçurity payments increase$d to help the miany hor need sta e assistance. A revised systesn] of Social SiE urity nder study. *Tight Mreyîsed to aid business aind .... . industry $%00 million in new money to aid ho'tslng. *A heclthy agriculture based on guaranteed annual prices set in advance of the crop season; an eniito dumping foreign farmi products W Canada's home markets. 0 A vast program of Public Worïs to provide needed facilities anA te ease unemployment. *A new deal giving addedfunds to the P ,vinces, in ttirn aiding the mnunidpaPiies and heipinq the farm r and the home dwner. 0 Une iploym«ent Insurcince benefits exte- ded, especial to ease seas nal unemploy ent problems. ID lncomý Tax red tions benefil 41/2 mîi 'on ta aJyers; 100,000 Canadiîane n Iower tax brackets taken off tlhe tax roils. *A huge programr of natural resources deveiopment iaunched to deveiop new industries and to creute scores of tliousands of new jobs, colintry no -)onle 1will si1. ko the ndsofithe uble, th'e veaeCanad.ian?. -I mo() amblitions, their hQpes, and their Prime Ministen Diefenbaker MONDAY, MARCH 31 VOTE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE IN DURHAM VOTE AUTiloRiZFDOy V TIR PGRISIVICONSERVA1IVE PAT OF CANA" t, . -1"* 'i 18Winlners In11 In HoIstien (Contest Eightwlnnrs hve just been an- nouncedt7 in the CounIty Hoi01stein Cluofb Çoluest that luas been eondifucted ai n:1S L th-e f rt-fveHostein Clubs 'Ar t Critic Acclaims Work 0f Local Artista By Margot Samuel On Friday eeigMairchf Lions Centre, IBowmranville-, a l'eur u on t i: 21> in the onie shoubd the East one 's work ir Onýtarlo durin gthe paist year. Th-e C"entral Ontario TaeligArt Dis- Vý"'1 t, 104Lr111 inning countes are Stormont, On- play7 was opened by iss Pearl Me- shoud mt ~taro, ellig'tnaid Elgin in the Carthy, ad rtcitc of the Toronto ong n e ovr 2100 mèsuber cdoss. and Prescot>,Glbe an'd IMail. Miss Carthy s"pkeseves intE Vietoriat, Lincoin and Hluron in the ost delig¾tfuliy on Amateur Art te x r nde(r 00 mmbrclansa. and wbhat it mveans nAo ny to Che ià- 1f'""t na dlividual, but toe cnte as a 11iijN Th cmptiio ws ivdh itowbole. She warnied that wemust beso, Thespriino ia s ie Hostin c areful not to !be fashlionable in our dunced by-' thesuprvsio ofa inle 1u,ýtiptastes as ,we are iour clothes, lbut -wbo mad, four sections, each covering approxst pursue cnuure forj its o ýwn skeinteresting mnately tea counties in Ontario 1under an-d to derîv-e fromi it wblis dbeysir Cty's Hf fiel&mau. In eac'h section the clubs urselves. Exhibits of Amateur Art Ms M were ýfuÊtber subdivided iiito cw reettot:atanin in arwt, be- an, copm groups, one for olubs ith 200 on cause ive Cee art coming frrom thepatig more Association memiers, and one bottom, or "grass rcotsý", iather than She ýsaid cf forThoe wthles thn 20.following, the dictates of the higher a definite echelons of the arsic (-wor1d. If we I xhole shov The purpose of the coùnte;st ,vas to as amtatceur artists were mierely toenwere only ý encourage the clubs to operaàte a well follow the higbier-upl, ar t would suf- ing, one be rounded proigram ocf activity, wih a_-fer. decyadt eue o unh fa l pliasis on procaed improvement pro- a brief span. The same holds true f or T~renton.T grams. Points were awaided for %an- government, according to Ms c and clear'l ouns phases of activity,. such as sup- Carthy, for a To-talitaîlan State ev- 1 SUstUlca port of 4H clubs, numbers of exihi- eatua1ly decays and degenerates. Re- feeling witl bitors and cattie- shown at the conty garding Abstract Art, Miss MeCar- additonalt Black and 94it Day and thedis- thy feels tat it should nClude the EIott of trict Ohamipioniship Shwnmber o-f detract asthetic interests 0>f the ar- Warf, is, a h.erds on Record of Perform~ance te t ist's w mimd, as iti la arder to ïîng interp nunber of hends cllasifid Dr t"qe, w one's spirit thanl it is to dna w aMd bluesp numniber of herds hstd ed sfreefro oue heAaer1'vmetcn The !,Sil Brucelosis etc.encourage one to buy good art, and qthis week, to know am afpecat the 'valu1e of beeon \elco wbat one is bufing. htoegives the as t0 see, S'taijding next to Elinl teWe- terj- Ontario section i-,- the ove-r 200ý class was Perth, wiîth Norfolk anid Mideex foll.owing in that order. Luil the~ ujider 200 claýss Bruce wvas second to Huronl, follow-'ed by Kent, Labh-1 toî- anid Essex in that ý)rder. Iu West- CeaitrvilOrtar-io, Buant stood seco)n d to Wellington iÏn the over :200 mcmi- ber, cass, followýed l b,.-Waterýloo, Pee,ý Hlalton, Wenitwýorth and HaÏcldian., rwhile in -tbe ider 200 class Du.ffei-in was nýext- to Lincoln, with Wellaind andI Grey following. In East-Central! Ontarlo, Northiumiberland stood 2-'-nd to Ontario in the over 200 class, fol- Iowved by Simicoe anid York, w inl thc -unden 200 nmember claiss iis ; i 'g -%as 'next to Victoriaý , ith Dur- bau, Peterborough, Lennox & Ad- iiglton, Has'tinigs.,Iand Princ2e Bd- ward foIlowing in tht orde.nluEns-ý tern Onitarloýi in the over 200 mein- Storimont, with Carleton-Ris sel, Dur- Irn the mnder 200 mnerrber class, Ren- j duas, G renville, and Leeds fOoii!ng.1 frew was rnhier-up to thewiig Presoot;t cluib, with Lanaï-h- andPr- tena'c lloi sý' Lettr tan nesIlTh, paintig. A 11-ustas w outry to 1 poeoz ellectualby\, be u iie ni auratof any value. We be Lui (1 lbecaumse itla Mr1. Don Staples of Oronay a numrber of amusing and g observations on Miss M-11L f j e. 'ý'arthy toured thcexiT enterd favourably on t~ hihcaught berineat f Mr. Stwples that hay had. cabilîty to draw. Ofle v, 52 pa-intings in Ù11, thara' ýa f ew which were ust- d being a pen and ini, kiktdà bhouse by A. Lassing - -ý [his sketch showed bo&y. ly that thie art «fdug pable of transmnitting qý--- ;hout the use of colour aaP techniques. An loi, lby Kaý FPort Hope, entitled e- acalm and nmuted yeta rpretation, w ihdul ge- )w mnoved on,9to rt o a ýnd it would indeed , 5me in Orono for ulorý e' STRAIFORD TEACHERS' ,OCOLLEGE O NER AD TWO-YEAR Ca ;ES are offered leadi toan Interin Elemen Y-School Teacher'a Certfic te, vald in-the eleme] ry schools c'Ontario., TERM iNS EPTEMBER 9 958, -Descriptiîve book-, let T cingiiitheEle ntay Schools of Ontaj, free o 1request. ACA MIC REQUIXEMENT FOR ADMISSION:ý ON!-MAR COURSE 'Standing in. eight Grade 13 iprone of w* shail be Engl,,ish Composition or TWO- AR C RSE: Secondary School Graduation Di;plo nýof e General Course. INTERVIEWS WITH A 1PPLICANTS are cnutdby the Co-naittee of Selection. Secondary sehool 1studenta itestdin. entering Teachers'Coeg should apply fornteviewthrUgh 'h~Prcia, ofir onay schooL 0Other appicantLs shoul1d write to THE PRINCIPAL, STRATFORD TEACHERS' COLLEGE WATER STREET n 7' t remorally --responsî,ble for safe drîeving You, a--s a driv -ý,are required th know the Rules othRoad to' ualify for a Driver's Licence. But yor ,UobliknatiOn iii driviûg la great tanr merely kno-,vî4g ho0w. You miust also iractice safe drivin henever you are beh ind the 'wheel of a car. Rempn-ember tha 'you are orally responsîble for the safetyofev ith whom you share our streets and highwa-ys. ONTARIO DEPARIMENT 0F TRANSPORT 't t .'., '¶4