NE I4I RSTJ eflear Aune H-irsi: We htave set a summirer- date fer our weddîng, but develo- naeits o! the last f ew monothS Make mne reaiiy uueasy. Twov( triýeuds have divorced their hua- bands and aniother is unhappy, 'Chey aewouderful irsa!- [ecctionate and sensible, and their husbands seernec a-bove the aver- P-ge. I doun't kuow what happen- ,d,'but thir marriage ouiy iast- ed two yIearis! It mnakes -One pander. "Cnyugive m-re some ruies en lhow to miake m-y husband- to-be conitented, and keep hlm tbinkiug I -arn the oly giriluà tlhe worid- xý Mrriage success dependis so * mucb ,ont background, tejnprrera- * meut andi the will tIo corn- *promnise that this lis reaily a".big le order; a f ew fundamrental hints *eu be q,ýit to size by smart *fiaucees, howeyer, and flttedl * (ýto thir probiemis. * One o!fthie leading cauLses Ê' for divorce ln this country is * opposàïg opinions ou how to *spend the faniiy incone. Theý *tirne to discuss this is beforeý Sniarriage. If your fiance has Snot talked rrýaukly about hîs *incorne and the living stand- Iv ard it permits, yau two haci *better get down to brass ak * ad tuake up a budget. True, *you wTil revise it after mar- * tiage puts it, ta the test, but *you should tart with one, *no miatter,, how simple. I f you do not know wbat *problemrs your fiance faces lu * its business, lu! ormr yourseîf *ncrw. A mnan likes ta discus * is- daily triumrph and failures *wheu he gets homne, ai-d his *wife l- the one ta appiaud or *sympathize. She la hia part- liuer, and should be b-is favorite- * aeiecesa he wvill not be Sterrnutec to searcb elsewhere wThetlier you endi make a thieir admiL,-ra- rftidence, He ;o theyý, must ig. - Sec bow !0vv ast rssgrow lu ,asy filet-ecochet. Spend' pleas- cnrt eve-nluga making these. Cohtau hieirlooi - wo-rthyý, rpec, a coth, dresser set, or scr.Patter-704 bas es o !oliow chart, directions f«or 8- Lacl sqouare lu No. 50 c-otton, adAD- hrght i er - d ea * le iïitimacy cf imarriaýge *it is easy to let your mnanners * down. Neyer omit peae *1 and ý"tb'rauk you"'. Comrplimients, *and a littie judicýiaus fatr *brighten thýe daily routine, and * lmitam ihis -.we1jbeing and *yours, too. Learu to be a g-ood *housekeeper, o! course, but *do't make thýat your initial *ambition; beingl a gooî,d com- Il panion la 6verY it as import- *aut.L Keep Up with what's *going on beyonid your neig-h- 'borbood, se you woni't confine *your conversation to the cost f 0f lving auid why the lundry *man cidin't corne today. "Being mrore than nice to bis *farnily is a IMUST. Wbien m-is- -arindervstaudl ngs arise (andi tbey *wil>) it la comforting to knovv 1, they are oper-ninded, Be as *conisiderate o! his motherla * hope he wil'De of yours and * miake sure she knows that *youLr one aji-L is to keep ber- *sou wvell -and happy. *Keep hlmii as proud o! YOuI *as he is today. See that your *appearance is iýmmacu1rate and * alnty. Maintain. your personal * integriîty and sportsranship- *and learu ta holci your temrper.ý "' Firmiy refLuse to show jealousy ' ri no mtter wha.t doulots appear. *Trust hmcomipleteiy, anld let * hlm-n know it;, a man u)suailly *measurea up to bis wifes j pïi.lon of hlm. * Nor will you- ever descend *to- nagging-aud renem-ber if *you mention aý subi ect twice, a a mian is apt to cail it t-ht. *No disagreement shoid ever- * ast oeuih.Not orle' o! * them a wovrth it. *It is reaiistic 1") approach * marriage with somne trepida * tion. 1 wish I had more space *today, but these hints wîll- *suggest othersarad keep, you *onth rlght track Moreover, *if You practice them- daily your *husbanid wli stay on his poit. *toes, too, Fit your picpe *to the mnan, and keep a tight *hoid ou youý,r sense of unr *Good iuck, to a smart gil. £* oùple ln love shouki re- member titat the Goldent Rule works eut in marriage, and Mte wlll te follew lU bec<»nes a habit If trouble cenes, write te Amne Hirst; yen cati b. sure ef her symnpathy and help. Address her -ai, Box 1, 123 Elghteenth Street-, New Torenteo, Ontaie. Beauty Routine For Busy Hands Our hands becomne se occupieci w7ith lousehoid tasks at times that we give thiem littie oppor- tuutity to,- take care o! tbernselves. If yours have been guilty o! disappearing behinci your back or under The -table- on social oc- casions lately, console- yourself wîtb the thought tbat even a busy pir co!' hands rmay become attractive in a week's tinie if' you f ollow a simple band-beauty -rutinie. Begin andi endiyour day by* mrassaging them wvýith a lotion r a creami. ollow the same proce- duLre before andi after each task that is partclalhard on your bauds. if they are- rough and red, cover tbemn with a face creamn andi a pair o! loose cotton i- iltta for a few gbs Use a commnercial softener if the water in your iocali ard, andi protect your hands fritrher by wearing rubber or neoprene -loves for cle-auingý, dishwavshing and launidry wor-k. K eep a pair of warm loe hand ,luthe, ichnand s lip tbmonr, chtimne you v'euture out inti the colci, eenif il is onlyý for a fwmnts Use o!fcea, otion andigoe will benefif youir nails as well as yourbada.I or naýils breaïk- easiiy because theV' are bie lucraseyou orngejuice itk and drink ,oneenelpeofcnM r F'avo rites Un The Best ActreaS Acrtess and Actor Dlane Varsi Can you siameïil i ee. R .sense it , , . thiat f irst toucli of s-pring? Oh yes, I know Àità l actuaily a long w;ýay off -- theïre la stili snow on the grounci and we miay yet have blizzards, ice- ztormis and heaven kunows, what Lbut nat, we hope, anything like they are ex-periencing ini NewPvfouindlanid at this m-roment, Here there is a certain sonne- thîng lu the air that precedee the comning -ýo! spring. There is a differeuce lui the early mora- ing sun-raya; lu the %way the birds !ly; lu the coinur o! the iiilow branches. What's m-ore *you mnay even see crows flying. We have seen tw.,o and yesterday a cock-pheaat camne ruuulug acrosa o)ur back lawu. Aboveai lhaven'tý you noticecit a lifting af your cown spirits? ïIsu'tit wn derful what, e-veni the thouigbt o! spring can do to arpersoný? Wve begin, to tbiuik o! gard-ens, seed catalogues, baby chicks aund wee lamibs. Ob yes, andi bouse- cleaning - that, I suppose is inevitable. Dutnot, I hope, while it is stii] WetC rd I ssy outaide. instead, , maybe we- can) wonder -- blatedly - where ailU those leisure winter bburs hiave gonr! Or didni't y-ou av any? Someý people just doni't 'have any spare tim, or baving it lack the energy to maire use of Ctwbich may resultfrom a nuer o! rea- sons. Y7esterday, for- instance, 1 lied a leLtter iwic the wrîiter saîi -'I fuel so digsedwe1 look ak ,1 o-ver thfe winter 1o1h adrealize liow little I hAve to show for i. I ave triec Io kuit Fanci ebut canl'tspee'n ic do muhpot even reading, except for lancing aitth papers.Evervlhiug sestoa munch effort andi 1 just lie and tbink of ail the things I want to) do ni can'1" Iwnderho Thaýt letter worýried mebec,- and annime a home OUL o! al.- most ntin.She a nd her bus- band live -on a iftv-acre fýiam enud becausteydon't keep tanoy belP, h'be i r tie i poba pretty well taken up wdi hou- holci dutiesý. itiso't like 1ber 1,o just "it anci thýiuko! aIl ie thingahe ouildlikhe tado n i can' uidnalythey dorn't bave a television set Wben aprsnfeshawa it la tinie ta l ofrareso Red Buttons possibly, cousuit a doctor. A doctor will kuowA if there is anyý- thing physicaiiy -wýranig bu3t I alwvays thiuk the person hiersel! la a better judge o! wbat to do te occupy her mmid -- andi that sornetimes depeuda uipon what she does with ber bauds. Crea- tive work la usually the best - andi JIt cani take sa ay.frs painting, pottery, piecing qoîlta or just or-dinary sewilng andkut ting. A graudmother la neyer at a loas to kuowv what abe shahl sew or kuit! And wwhen the bauds are &tive- the mnd bas less tirne ta warry about physical aches and pains. Last ýweeIk'1 weut to see an oid lady o! ÏAI wbho had fallen and broken ber left wrist. She was weariýng ber- thlird cýast with juai.t her fing'ers free. Aund what do you suppose, she was doiug? Piecîug a quiit- top, no lesa! "Oh, I'm sow"sheý admnitteci, "but I've plenty p! timre and 1 get there - and i th wIork la keeping rny lingera ex- ercisei." She certainly wasn'it wiorryiug about the things she co0uidn't do 'but was detlerin;inedI ta do as rnuc-- as she was- ableý. Ou the other ide o! th11e scaIe-, wxe have w o m e n, particuilarly farm wmewha puali themn- sevsbeyond endurance and lie- camne over-tired auci nervy as a result. Eousecleaning - every n.ook -.and cranny must b, gone over. Every bit o! woodework- w-ashed and somne o! it Painted Floors varnlahed aciwaxèd. Picturiies and onret lae anld polishied. Every housewife knows thelv stor.y. But sormetimeý-s 1 wonder . . .do we own ur possesslis or dlo they oýwn us? Taking care of plants and ,iiie.l-kiiacks takes time. In fact as thie years go bY these things becomie aqimie-con.- sumning wvorry, cithier to thei oweor if sh-e becomnes sicki to tho--se who hiave charge of her.- Do we reailly value these things so much? If so1wy? anaskç- îngmysif hat as wejllas you. Amor-,ng y collection is a Piece- of w:ood, brouight backý from, Egypt by an aunt long before 1 was born., It i, suppoýsed to bDe from ,the Mouint of Olives. A fti)y Irish lustre jug previously owned by agr.ndrno+her 1 neyeýr ev1en knew a2nd odds -and endis of oLmraments, painted or cary- eci, brougbt back from Switzer- andi by Partner's. father. Well.- 1 arn now, creating a trearsure of more practical valuýe arnd making uise of imy TV time, Crochètied bDcdsprcadïs for tWin bedst Eacil wbeel pattera t a ke s about twenty minutes to do and there xiii be 540 wel in each spread. Now you fiur hat one out - 1I have bneen afraid to ty 1 haive doue 220, As 1 say t' my TV worký - I couldn't be aýt peac-e with mny conscience if l werie towac TV with idle hands. I rmade a sprecad la'st year. by utiiizin,, the samne timep. leir.,- looms for mny child l-nas the Silent Finland The Finiand of centucriesý past, andi centuries to corne, needss no re-creation in th~e minci. It lie there, before the eyes, yesterdaày, today, ~eigyforever, Its silence andi ils sülitariunes, too, Semte Spring from etern-1 ity. There are teins o! mniles oZ forest, lake and mnoorland, Lun- broken by a single lhouse; there is hiere a dimiy-tracked ýroad, there a scarce-Iy-worn path. WVhere fields have bc-en cýu itij- vated they are not neaiy rimt- med with hedges anid fences to break the lim-itless andscape, but divided oiy by ditches which the eye bareiJy notes. Roads, paths, ditches ail disap- pear in a vast sea o! whiitene>ss onýce wvinter cornes and snow be- ginsý to fal. In summirer the stili- ness is undisturbed by whir o!, train or tractor; lu iuter it,,is deepened by Jte snow t,, hat blots out sound as weii as m1kb foolifail. Iis a Stilnyess othier than a1 mere absence o!. sounci; t has is cow,,n quality, as pjosiive as that o! sound, and it, gives to. every note that breaksQ it a quai- ity to which the noisier WeCst has become deafened. Thi.eFln- nïsh lang-uage, so rich and var- eieluexpression, has its great- est, wealth in Nwords which de- scribe minjute, variations o!f sounidwhc any but theý Finrus- wouid f ail to hear. When the wind soughs in the pnie trees, it is humnista. Whe-,n the wînd soughis il fte birc-h trees, it is kohista. Neithier verb can be-- used lu the place of the other' The birds of Finiaînd seem, too, to share this heightened human sensitivity to everYca dence. The notes oif a, piano), scftly played inu-ailoniely coun- try house, whil draw t1hem roundL the windows to sing l concert. The lnsaeis -made ol a surprising Pmixture o! mronotony and. variety. The1,0ý, f ests, the Quický, ,vllp up these scn fun separates in a jiffy --- daugh- ter wiii live in, play in, lev" tïhem. Make sevexra1 versions Cf smnock, shorts,, pedal pushers kâ nio-iron cotton, denim,serult wiith our easy Printed Pattern. Printed Pattern 4707 Cil" Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8. Size 6 smock ane, sýhorts take 11/½ yards 35-inch, Printed directions on each pat4- terni part. Easier, accuratE, Send FORTY CENTS (ýstauae cannot be accepted, use ,peýstai note for safety) for this patteriL Please p riînt plainiy SEe9ý, NAIME, ADDRESS, STYLX NUAIBER. Send order to ANNE ADAM8~ Box 1, 123 Eighteen-thI St., -NeYv Tornto, Ont. HO! EWS-Sam drssedforthe-ofdEskimos crowd .1 round a lýinotype machine 'in h corupoing rolfth1_-Fcirbanks (Alosko) Nw-ie awatch foremanl Iri Todd ply hias trode. t vos itue frîlntp htthe fsintdEskimos. of Borraw, Alcaka, 'hod even Zseer. !lakcS -AncI thI e Ldes ola t e mnoor- laiid s ro11 o n for h ou rs a nd -n i es, et their mnonnjry growî, ail the timne more impressive. There are f ew of the sa Uý fleeting and deliclous vistas ci14 England ich disappear before the inward eye hias had ti*met* photograph themn. Instead thei scene repeats itself, impressea itself wvitb increasïng intensi4y, and bincis its spel] ail the time more fir'rly. -- From l"Green Goid and Graniite," by Wendg HIall. Q.1s it onsidered proper t1 repeat a person's -namie wben yffný are ackniowledginig an introdl' ion? A. This is not only proper, but practical too, NMany perssul to remeimber, the namles of pùùe- pie to w'oLhey are introduCe& R1epeatmng the name, as, "HOwe de you do, Mr. Garrison," hlps te imprint the namfe inon'm- mor0 ly. Weekys Sewy-Thrifty PR TEDPA'! i.,ÏïN