1 1 Designed to gîve yoy-the ultimate ini cooking perfectin- a modern electric range will roast,'broil, fry, bake and boil --ait automa.tcally. E1ectric cooking is dlean cooking. Your pot and pans stay si nig bright. Therea 'no film on walls and curtain- and your kitcfren stays.cool. Electric coolk4ng is fast cooking--tconomical too. Wii h an automatic electric rangre you 11.VE BETTÉR ELEÇ-TRICALLY- ,te safe, clean, modernay Hi-Teens Dance khoe Mimer Base-!'ar-res er .ar-tea1 e. en ced . eids' T o-night And Sat.1 bal OrganizîDg th ep~eentivNewtonvillesehall was the age of 13 One ofthe tru sigusof is ope, Bowmanvil1e, MilIbrook and al- ~aR nFia v~~g ac 4 riyî aebt e gso 1iOnote re s s p ng3so rmCobourg, when friendis in the hanilet -and suri mïïd 9b and you ol like a goodth preparing, for- the Basdhal se-oni-dsrc ahrd t ii evnnto-nght, corne son and this got underway for therudingdsrltahre to ld tun QutaS o reOigad aehr _io egels ;farewell to thie W. E. Reidis and on ut.Qui rwhatyouaredoig ad LkesoreMinr lagu Iat Stur Anapiplication was lreceived lf iom ghr~ers who are about to move Vo prt osine flasby dnads. For- flashy day be this group haeld their anninal i'lirook to enter a Bantani tem n, -fýD.nds we sugget white>k, (ýshoes> meeIin Necastle. telau hisya.Ti i ltheir home in Orono. saed shirt ore atr -l wite collar r Rev. W'hite acted ais c'hairrnan. for or tie ,PurîPle jeans or orange trou- At this meeting \Mr, Arnold Wade isthtMbokasereaed the prograin whiceh conssted of piano sesWedon't eve eetdC -Lrare If youcon was unianimrousiiyr-letd the loop. Altlhoýugn Oronio was not solos by Janiet Grahan-i, ThiroOthy El- in~~~~~~~~ taljuta ln s o ore tent of the leugue. DougIat, aprtleastmeeting it is exipected lot ud litt rdGaau di Nwcatie-%va elete'viýepc esenh t at athe venins wil represent Mliss Doris Martin, Miss June Wood, df entatr.lecilwas etdv-osi' Orono in the league andi possilbly vocal solo's by Mrs. Moilley Rçbinson, Mr Ford, our intelligent 1IRigh dettnM. ei aveba er - Vhre. These enins would be eWe two chuse>s by 'StarkvlilleSh e S&hooi teavhler, and nenb er Of -OUr __-- ___-__-__---- Bantamt andi possibly Midiget. by Mrs. WesitIeuser andi stories by ~iensClub was qoe ssyn Mr. WbLite. MEvryne hoid av aterrifie Orono O4ddIéfOwvs Hall. AdlSif 50 Mý,iss Donýotby Stapleton read the tïne onTusda night asaeethg cents. Also remienber SaVrday niight Tfie 1958 fee fýor eaoh, team enter address whiýel exipressedi hüwv deeply ï-, sr, we)l oigtiniied." (r.Forjd i' 1aV the roi<no Town Hall when the Hi- ed in the leag-ue was set at $10.00 the the coxrnrninity regretted the loss of 111 reia4Y t0 give s&anie god d&ance Teenis 'wiiî sponsor another bail. samne as in other years. suc goosi friends. They twere then piees wijbh his faitbful but iixed uip prtxers, Yes sir, corne eut and Fee 'me priceis ih presented with a reIlxing chair, a silver ea service anid a pair of bed- phi'! Long strum tihe old wa'h tub For, to-rnorrow PigIît 'me next mweting ef the Associa- ro avscd e enas ia Ls kte makes like an artist playing ihe iycetVoeVi, ticonhas been ealled for Saturday, Ap- Iran Mi.ei xprsdthr Iasfidie4 with one strinig. 'mat is al! you'l spend. r 6wenris>oe4es wlIbe rdu aippr'eci2tion and extenslded a hearty Se dent ferget to,-rniig, ht, sday, Jini Gansby cdadenre ue~e.w1eneto'all o vîsit tîemn in rOnno. electricity does so much ONTARNO 4FIYDRO ..costs 80 littie JaeâT. Brown President 0f ÇanacIian HILsteixi Association frorni the Caniadian H(>lstein Journal he1 dthe Bove herd, most of James T. Brownm, president of theithierjiyon edwihgrup f iloIsteini-Friesýian Asisociation of Cani- ighor.Tessrshjve inçuded adla for 1958, has hen th d(en of the BnonPoch RagAipple aod montvic, Bloard of Dirc_tors, first elected j iiJeIIikeà Pietie ?Po'chý, both bredaL 1946. He bas ser-ved on vrlosAsso-(o)ntVictoria, loe by two c ciationi commnittees, being cha 1-anof agu luls, len4atoii ltag Apple Re-, both the ltar'o and National E. iancee and the At~aainGienftui. ten-ision Commiittees. Futuruity. Mosýt o thie Ibei d's young He gainied prominence eveti as :1rnilkers at presenIt are by Pabst Wal- Juniori Fariner, being a memlber of higbh level of production go'es with lthlisý the Durharni Judging Teain ometn Unit. The Bove junior s at Guelph Winter Fair la 19'24 and R ojaafe lleptad, e»oowinnier tihe Royal in 1925. His Hoîstein : te. of 1957. est stemns f rom 1917 when hisý fauhr TheIherd is niaintained ataborut. J. 1). Browni, purchased bis first 100 head with 55 uiow lii prochiction i ad Whites froin Jii*.sUn"cte i The týype of the ic ukers îs evidcnt ir,