EMuarx Brothers vs. Modern Comedy The m-atchiess nonsense of thie Marx brothers - Groucho, Har- ,po nd Chieo - has been not- ably absent frorm movie screens fer nearly a decade. Their de- mise as one of Hollywood's best eomedy acts is, ln the mindu '?f iany observers, characteristie oý tle.idemise of ail show-businessý- eornedy, fromn vaude te video ftecent1y. Hollywood planned a imovie of their lives - the, usual tribute ta famous enter- tainment figures now out o!fta- aen -- the. best-nown Mar:z brothers were separately inter- viewed P.d sounded out on tlie ttate o! comedy today. "I ne longer have any interest înthtei movies," fiatly said 62- year-old Groucho (born Julius) uuring lunch and a cigar et Romaneff's in Hollywood. 'Tven "The Life of The MYarx Brothers," which M-G-M wants ýo filmn, wo't have us in it, ex,- Et-pt igiefýy. "Comendy is toug-h, the. toug- t Cf ail, a Very delicate and dificult business. There aren't M5 first-class cornedians or writ- Ing humoris-s lu the. whole vend. The humorists of the '20s and '30s 111<, Robert Ben'chley ire all gone. l'ni sure people would sit stil l Ing enough ta- ulay te witch oli Marx brathers m*ovies, if onlSy because nobody't; mxaking that klnd of thing anY more. It jakes menthu. e! prepa- ration. and years of experience. Aise, Yeu Must -have exactly the, -ight writer and a oroducer w.qo bas faith ~- t's risky to spend mneey sOflcomnedy. "Poplel~ agh at compietely different t1hings. There's nothing iniversal t h at guarantees a )3augh. If you're mauking a corne- êy, you're risklng a million bueku. on what people don't are on. How many people Pr* îher. new who tan make a lot of people laugh? Sid Caesar, Bob to0pe, Jaclici Gleason - they jiould b. knlghted, The reason wh~y ther% arc sa !ew cômediluls e th.at they'ur, shoved on TV andi ,ft the, hll flogged out of thern i try weeqk l.ntil fhh.y fdsappeai 1e the border "Ther are ne mort Marx etiery nvis"Greuche con- iated. "*b.episê WOe 414satire, K utr# Isverbotentoday, 4ratrtetlene; - $litai, re -, .ux, and .very cther kïnd - aVe kïllI.4 atir*. If Wil Rogerz ïWer* to corne 1ac1ctoday, h. *Ouldn't ak*&living. Thuy'd thrw hn inthe pk fer beinq At bis Palea Springs, Cî! »-me, Hrarpo (Arthur), the sïlent ene with. th* fright wig, is noew4 and ithe. grapefruit business. eThere's aways room for corne- dy," he gnid in his gentle, per- lectlyy moduiated voice which has Yteyer been heard on the screen, 'but 1 think we got eut &t t1he, iight tixue. The. lind of comedy w. made isn't around auy more. l4ebody takes the kind o! care w.r took, W. worked Mt.h the, writers six months, then thz writers vorked alone for six unanths. It just isn't doue that wamy any more." Chico (Leonard) now 66, was playiug pinochie at the Players Club n Beverly Hîlls. "I don't live in Palm Springs," he said, "b-cauise 1 amrnout au Arab an'd X don't like the~ desert. "lt's too bad there are no JAPAMESI ISSUES - Thie$* art two of the coWofut conimemor- ative stamps to b. issùed -by the Japanesa post servce on~ the, occasin of th* epêning of, the Asian Gomes in Tokyo in May of this year. theaters any more. Twenty years ago al performiers had ideas and developed them on the vaude- ville circuits. But without thie- atres, there's no place for comies ta develop. They have no chance these days. TV is a monster. You can do akn act three timnes arcld the whoie world knows it and you're dead. Before TV yeu could do an act for twenty years, developing it as you went along. I'iu sure people would 9,o te set pictures lk, ours. Talc, 'Duck Soûp,' We're ln a room discussing war and the. bullete begin coming ï, "F'Ii put a stop te this," says Groucho, and hê. gees over te) the window and pulls down the shmde. You ean't beat thatt." -?rom NEWSWEEL Hangman's Job Go.s sging y 1orROi's lnabillty tO recruit àa offleal haugman i.t the only thJng saving tige, captured Egyptiann frein death, acýcord.. ing ta a report from Jerusale.. Th*. thre. prisonrs are "sui- cide comm-andes" whei wero rnbesrs of a gang that .,mras- sacred & group of Israeli school- chldren and their teacher last year. Since then they havez beeni under sentence of death. How- ever, the armny refuses to de- tail soldiers for the job and ne ciyilian L-xecuitioner bias been f oind. There have been iiurerousg volunteers for the task of hang- ing the prisoners, but ail offers have corne from relatives or friençis of the Egyptians' vie- tims, and the authorities have refus;ed their services. They say that they need a hangîman who will performi the execution as just. another job - PLANE JANE-Don't let thaIL' mile feol you, Aye Aye Son knowm how ,te handle t!ho automnatic wegpon she's toting ,,hile on guard at an cirfield in .Ringeon, Burma, The 13-year-old beauty scotred top honors in the f irst training course of womner wembers of the BturmcrAir Force. GARDEN FRUITS If the.garden lu just Ran erdin- ary city lot, one is strongly ad- vised not te plant more than one or two fruit trees at most, and to get special dwarf types whlch corne into bearing sooner than the. standard type and take up much less room. And on.emut be prepared tai spray regularly each year, otherwise it wih be mostiy bugcs that we are growing. Better suited ta the small gar- den are bush fruits 1k. rasp- berries, curants, gooseberries, blueberries and the. stili snaler strawberry, and along the walis, or feuce lunes oee an grow aâ grape or two. Then there are the firuarental fruits, sQrne o! whicii like certain fieweringi crab ap- pies are edible enaugh to make beautiful jelly. The main purpose o! these ornamental fruit trees and shrubs, like thie quince. appleand cherry however lu ta provide beauty after the f]owering sea- son and also toý attract- thie birds. Most trees, shrubs and vines are planted -in the. spning whîle their buds are still dormant. The roots should be spread out in a' gesnerous sized hole and firmiy covered with fine damp soul. Keep wel watered and if neces- sary staked for protection against the. wind until thoroughl-y estab- lished--. LJPSTICK BAZARD Wheni Mrs. Re5va Culien, of Denver, recenitiy f lew tLhrough- the sound barrier she was warn- ed ta remnove ber lipstick before makingi the atte-mpt. Engineers warned her that the. minute quantity of grease contained in a lipstick may burst luto flamnes when coming in contact with pure oxygen. Cleverest propaganda strôke cf the decade ôccuirred Iu the State of Connectîceut where wom- en eau now get fishing licenses eheaper,,than men. How (Can J? By Anne Ashloy sQRow can 1 reinove yellow àspots fxein white enamel? A. By rubbing with a flanuel cloth that has been dipped ha -garden moid. Q. «ow can I dlean elderdown? A. An e-iderdewýyn garnment caxi b. cleaned by rubbing it thor- oughly with cornm-eal, allowing:e it to stand Por a few days, and then r>haking thoroughly. Q. HOW camim ipart a dif- *erenft flairer te steak? A. Squeeze the juice O!, a lemon over thie steak and onions just before serviug, and it wil add a deliciou's flavor. Q. Rew can 1 keep egg yolks Uf they are net needed for In- mxediate use? A. Pýace themn in cold çvate and k-eep in a dark, cool place, an~d they can be k'ept fresh fer several days. Q. HOW can 1 prepare vege- tables that are a littie old, te make them more tender? A. By addîng a hittle baking soda ta the water used te.r = SLEEP TO-NIGNI S.dlciri @b!efGcýcordIng ta direction&. SEOICIN' siO-$4.95 TABL.ETS VDSPuq ïfr 112 2pratlcai ws'ys t..gave inoneyl IHousehold hInts thinge to make. wayu to decorate. Send $1. to: Mildred Blood, Box 7. Cester, West VIrghiaif. ME A HAIRDRISSER OiN CANADA$ LEADINe 5CHO@t. Great Opportun-lty Leasr a irdressing pleasant, dignifled profession; gcoo wages. Thousands of successfu3 Marvel Graduates. Amorica's Greateat Systein iilustrated Catalogue Fret Write or Cal MARVEL HAIRDRESSING 5CHOOL8 35% Bleer St. W. Torontfo Branches: «4 King st. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa OUR strlng cof Chart'well s"Wb and boars. il bred and flnported from' Sir Wnston Churchill, are certainly out- standing. Those that have seeni thenm tell us that w. have the best liard of Leanraee they have ever looked &t. Chartwell Lava bth. the aow and litter costlng us over $6,500 is bý far the. best s0w we have ever limported. Many other blood ftes to crhoose from. For the best ït iL Fergus Landrace Stock. Weanllngs, four months, six mounth elci gilts and boars, guarantsed InpE gl11t- and sow, and ,,ve-vcabl,.boare. Send for lilat of pedigrees of the lato tmnportation3. Catalogue. FERGtXS LANDItACE SWINE FARM FERGUS ONTARIO une youXr pare iUnie' to bild» Interest1ng aud ProfJt2al ble9lmètiii carter. UndoOlns eourse Mât ntcrfsts Yot- * ookkeepling * Cost ÀMqQuntlr4t *Shorthsnd * TypewriIg * tatioflary Enlieerlng *Siort stoy WittIg *JuniOr. 1ntemlredi5ate ilh Accounitiiig *Chartered Serea r CS- 0 Buinbess Epig1ish keiI Correspondellet Wiîtt. for f rte.Catalogue today. Mâm13' thai' courses frùm -i wbkhl to ebaos.. igay d6Charles SPreets, TciOntQ. if YoeTINOD AILTHIE iNE Everybody gel#a bi .mdevwnow md then4 tired-out, b y.'huaded, andasaybe b.tiiered by sba4kates eab. ps nihb4 gerîOuaty wFon, ugi astemporsry ti>lrc condition caused by exc;,ss acids and wastem. That's the. ime ote 1.Dodd'gs Kidney Pilla. Dodd'os stitaulate lte kiineys, *nd sa help restoe. their normèJa se of AmSvîng exces&a cids, andiwate.Thmu you 4fel better, eleep better, work better. Get Dodd'n Kidney Pills now. Lo.k fot te bue box with the. md b&nd at mil éruggista. You c&Fà depend on Doild'si. 52 N 'N s'. 'N N.'. 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N N N N Ns N 'N 'N 'N N, N N5 N 'N 'N N N. 'N N N '5 N 'N N 'N 'i '1 'N N N 'N N '.5 N '5' 'N N N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N N '5 N N N N -'5 'N '-s N 'N N, 'N N 'N 'N '5 'N 'N N "5 'N 1' t N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N s 'N N '5 N s' 'N 'N 'N 'N '5' s 'N 'N -o -'.5 'N 'N 'N 'N N 'N 'N N N ACTS INSTANTLY! T N DE RA L LIQUID MEAT TENDERIZER NE VER SALTY No waiting . .. No fussing ..Meat cooks in hailf the usual tinie Retains the natural meat flaveur. Tenderizes peunds ef meat for just a few cents . . . Best by Test. TENDERAL is Guaranteed Absolutely Pure. No Preservatives or Artifiiciel Coýouring. TENDERAL. makes ail Meat Cuts Tender and Tastier, Reduceu Shrinkage of Menit and Aida. Digestion. 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