Oroo, nta4o'Thursday, A P PlIL 17 Subscription $1.M, Orono W.A. Sm~orgasbord This Friday Evening, April 18ý The regular mieot-îng of thie W. - bsO g nz vias held on TihUrsday -afiernioon i -H C u s rg nz t--eSunday ecl-ool room. The presi-1 At Orono à/leetino i -'eit _rs. H. Allin ýjpned t-he mceet inig wit-h an impressive Easter meos- siage aster wh'Iiclih hmn 97 ivas sung~. A meetingf- of Duihanii Court-y 4-11 clubýs was held in thAe Odd Fellowýs Forie devotional period MTrs. Por- H1all ini-Otn on Thliursýday, 'April 10. t-or ren'd t-ho Str Ttule, 19 chapter ofi "he pulpo.se of this mr1ýeting was t-o St. on ess 72. raieteýrZu -H clubs fori hîvear. The presîdent theii gave an Easter n itrsigflmos-1cu mý_essage "WlýiatIoes Easter miean toi work wýasshn then Mr. Dairyiple .-Ou",alnd Cioe hedevotional witl i L:- hr a ,-le singb1g of hynin 100 "In tlie Cross andthe club esadsaeshfor tik of 'Chist tI UOuy" and prayet. ontepjetan plsfrt-i Syear's' work. The minutes of t-le IIVarch meeting j 1?he NocthLi DuhamBeefand Dairy wîero read by 'the.,ecetary zid tuie Cif Club was organizeýd and officers tr-eas;urer's repoit- shioed a bank bal- «re&e tas folows: ýnee of$368 Pres,7ýiderit: Ed. Koval Mrs. Hooey, corresjponding secre- Vic-Presýident: David:( Riekar-d iry, repoted,sending out 7 crsand PSiei ty: Jtetr r ieasiuk renad replies froin Mr. M. J. Taimtblyn, UPubciydirecltor ar endt Mrs. E. fHancock, the Lunn famiily, I o î ltatn -i etn Mjrs. ýI. J. Corniishi and a notu o and still wtsli to join, p1lease contact thanks from Mrs. C. uihancan, Ottawa M.Diypebfr pi lt fra gift received fi>dm ,t-he W.. MVrs. Ruthierford neported for the1 Mr. And Xlirs. ..?igott I pa ronag-e comit-tee. A bill was pre-, stmted ý $7.07 for- paper and paint, Clert 5 nîesr this mvot-i lias beent com.plet-ed. ILt Sa___ decided te buiy a nweletrîl and Lant Sturd'aIy eveiag 1'Mr. and c-hair -whicbI is baddly needled 'in tlie parsnag Mrs Ru-herord lsd rs.A. G. Pi'gott clebratedthl t-liake tle WA. or ther dnaton woïty-'fifth-hwedding anaiversary in t-o t-le Rrd ros.Thte ladýies wee ka udtisw' Hall, Oronio. UOne il à~undried guestis were pueýent toi busy sewisig on hiospital supplies, dur isi hecupecnrtuain n The pesdnt'atoùt-dt a bi. estwis1ies. bil h'ioi1Fg te Ilooitfleld -t-ôt hýMent. >urds wte 'evpenigi' on-edanc Annual Conferelce e 1tinýg to bi et crswe- lae ar4ae h~4t-lre n ,prl 2t-, Tie ar iirg enjoyed by ail. M r. Geo ge Emi- tbei vii~00 Any iladîes w ie'ingï . seb1y of Brantford, preseated MNr. attenaeenaut ~frs H. ~~ici,4r~f ~iamll rs, Pigott with ,a 1<vely ih ýXrS2.S1 J iecv su[ r StinesS Silver., dment or Mrs. Logaii, secret-ary. Lnhwa1eve yth o A comirt tee -was eliosen for the Mr.at dai Mr banquet of' tlie mii'ns Çaiani lb ~ s RowanvjU un4ipr'l 3~d cositivg rngngant enjoyable even'ling toa ý4 Ms.H lliiM:rs, Ibar, Mrsý LlarBail and 'Mis. S. T aaau W r.M'J aihy ~'et were pr-esent from Brant- Report -ývts given oni t-le sm'orga-ftauti, ootAaBw +., i' asanvillë. Roseneatbi ad Ooo n Tueda ir donation HeS. Board T. Furtbcr r' on or be- Parsnage, Siie consideration oyn Wednesday, eeTii-ig wasgin by the Dut-ham,, - 'istriét. Hligli Sehool Board on t-he (p- (jtions for thle purchase of lai fd in the 'Pla Chool. '-The meeting was their regular1 ay? Aprîl nmeeting w,0i(lh was held in the )rono ili hSohool.1 -ýir. R. R. Waddell, a nmme of thel r'ned' tothe site eommnittee outlined the seven MIaHotiomand d " cels of land on wîdh ioptions had lmt nule 1" een e 1edescribed thu location lias picked o01these parces and alo stated the Tnemipte thuýt wsbein.g asked for t-hemi. iays is the jTheý iiiajiriity of" theo Board mamwibers to portrmyhad vie*ed these sites a number of f thle piays w veeks ago, Three of thle sites were é memîbers. d'hsen on Wich furthler investigation wýho would is to be held. Tihese three site r part ih tle the propérty uf( r.Lawroence Hoey, je heki in north boy the Cemnetery, the parcel of e-iCl~g at Ir. Donald Staples, south of O1onoý dna ven "west (of 115 and east of the Cruntv i x1ràne for rý oad, anid the~ parcel of land north oà it th)eîi tai..ý the Fnh grounds ln the Village of wii Wst &o. A imoton iwas passed hy * fContinued on page 3) :ussion 'Rock 'N Roil',Stunday Spor si The Teenage YoL1ng People Of the j as juSt a phase that theu ng peoill' ' Orono UNited Chuipcli led a dsu-peweepsdgthrough as.uhl son om erieSunday peaen1g in t1,oters s tli "haleston," tan(dthe Sunday Seool Auditorim of the Or-- J ttý-r-bug". The seý-cndstilject -was onro inted Church whieh pro'vod of houghts on "Organized auct Unor- inteest to' oth aents and the te-gnzdSuinday Sports." Organtjizeýd ager. Tie Auît-oium waslaf fi- u ndy Sport dlid not recýeive favour Ad foi' t.he iscýussioni in whioeb both] in the discu1ssionu, however, littie- adults and thie children RartiipaO. c aisthought to exist in unor- John 1'amliblyu, president of the j gaized, Suitda Sport, if it didl not group, opened the meetin. Me. John' interfere ith regula rcurchcivi- Ford led the ;audienice in singing fan- 'Lies> nLi he discsnthe.teenagers3 liar, hymn. d pare(nts e-,ti-prssed thieir views, Mr1î. jamies Gamt-by acted îas cha-Jir- openly. maan for tdle discussion period iVhich F ollOwin1g ' he meetinig thle Young11 dent wi t t-o items. The fist subi peole served lunch to theparnt jeet disused ss"Rock and RoIF',j pesent whht Vs Uie ceisted of! nmusic. Iler-e the imjority feit t-bat itia numbLher of the fathers.1 Commuies Speuimg,, Excee*s 1957 Budget By $10,1<14 UnIitL-ed Coà)urt-lesw exceeded their budget- for 1957 by $10,114.&S accor'd- ng t",o t r;e a1 a- o,-I pre )l seipt" t-o Couacil in-sessionaJ Cobourig ast oeek.,'.,T - uste rr oi(1erit-i s $686,618.90 and -cbo amount- sport wS j690,7313. Publbi elfare department- budget-- ed for $172,200 ar;d sport- $186,620.21, Pubic WXor'ks budget as for $312,- 691.50 and "sot $30p1,67..pro-c tion t-o persone an-d proper'ty whieh inic1udas 1mw ordorcomant-, counfies' jai, family court- and weted inispection va $77,085.o7, a an oat-Ariiexcosaý of their bun-get by $13,285,07, General Go,,vrnm-ont budget wits $72,600.00 and t-loy sport $81,511.54, lire ToAly Ues1roys liim ILI Newl inviIIe, Tkreatens 26d Start Rink Repairsî This Coming Weeki Work to repair dibe Durliami Central! Agrieultmial Society Arena in Oronoi,) ,,1ich is used riuinug t-ho inter1 rion ths as a rink, is to begiii oMon- day of thîs comiing w-eek. The final Lcrangeniits meue approved by b-li coLninittee, put in charge of th"s0work, uni TIuosday- evening when tlwy 'held a mieeting laintde Ororg llIydïxo office.ý Ihis eo'nitt-ee wasn nide of ment-bers ncunçe lPairBoa'sd and thie Orono Chaniber o)f Commierce. MVfr. Wi. Iihin has undertaken -lI project witli assistance from MAr. Roy, i'honaIpson of Leskard. It is expeeted that t-he outside shiel of t-le building ý,iîi be coipl,)eted withini the next tFwh inonths. lue buiing' wHIlb e etended t- the niua-th soxue fourten. foot- to give. added s~Pace for dressinig roomis, of- fice and st-orage. A elilar is to be piaced under tlie froat p)orit. on ini whlch will be pliaced t-he heatiag unit and drassing roonis alon.g wth swor-, age space for fuir equipmient. Ie arches inside w'ich .t-ere enlinscaie *A $10,000 fire destroyed an un- b tho CieAt-sue 'epue 1 Ti occupied ll-romedttwo storey trame 1front 'portion of the present- re t ih-ne in t-le centre of Newton.viliel cihw-sexesi C ar edb earlyFïiay mno nrg and setL fire to tue-ne is t-o be toriidowai and, ti, the, roo of a brièk 'h6use inext door. pl'acoýd. Firtmes l'ev.elIled a house owned by Théiscseeduleof uwrkdues not 0n- Mis. Bess Walkeyý, 87 Queen stree-, cude thle instaton of 4 furnace, Bo'wmanville.ý Mrs. Walkey launt aslr,ýoii facilities, coipietion ofý Wied in the houyé hn eight Ycars. the duessing iooms or seat-s t-or speAc bad been rertin it t-o Mr ardi Mrs. tons. Plans for t-hi port-ion of thle! Vaun Jobhson and their family. Theý ouii 'ni lgýl be çomlpLeted w1 1t4ieý Joinsons moved t- a nearby home or1 baelA'aad s<éf'%tlie buinding CI Whidôo oilpl'eted1 ini its construction.r The blaze, fanned by a strong eýiit- wind, tlireatenied t-be home fo Mr. and Mr.Fred Nesbýitt-,_ ,nJienex1t, agart rnl tt -dCon- do-ou;.' Mr: Nesbit-t, 78, a cippe, hadýtasae r-i ted 4 t-o b-ýûi hris *n is loni.M",'~- býit uc(aped iter mkhZeti le eec tTec~' slg wsout-side. She said theýeeleA - 'ucows on t-le east- side of lier home Ydjoining t-le soene or thbe fire lad Mrs. Magaret Arno rtîd lrs be-e cracked. Normiia Woife attended t-ie, Çonfe- Leon Beaui'ieu, Who lives in - th-,e ore on Famuily Life EdiicaUi in r re- house on t-be east side of t-ho Waikey ýat-in to HonýpEcownics teaching miern-reported t-be f ire. .j3eauli e 'iad ûiiiný aster week oit t-bel'or- [sailie howas ret-lning T2au , aC'c-ý 'dîegoe_. ) l.]}i~.- a wor-k at- a nearby service station ait Grassý, Pofessor 'apd« Hèad of the1 1 a.mi. uhea h-e saw smoke lpourigý Department of H1omne Maagement-Ir out t-le west- frot-indows of t-ie 'land Chuild DovelopuLent, Mcia bours, ta- University was t-le -Conferepce2 ie't4elionedbis enipoY-er, who Leaden. Mr. Gss' wede exporiee notified the teloplione operatr. She' 1aded -mh, t-o. tlie -chpess of t-ils gavea' aJ alarm gnand citlens exê'a'ýnge 'of ideas fromn teachers ac- iishe4 t-o t-le' scorle. Tliey formed a' ross thle puovince. bueket-brigade but- t-be lire as out J'udge Mot-t who lias servOd eo ad- of c"e,i.,- . mi¶aibly' in 'te Juvenile Court pf.O1- Ani unideatified timnsport- driver taço, eniplasized t-le great îiport- vlibo wnis passinig t-be scenle said ans ac Home Econ-omiies training bas la explosion hnd occurred. Oaiookers makiag Canadian gils conscious of said t-le diver hiad boniieut by flying their nomos.otn ïalasfuue rŽ s~ Glssfial t-be windowsof tjie'homo maknrs.11e'stressed woman's boue"vt?§'stJ~n more t-han 410 foot- intiti as being truer-than reasa, I .cos. the Iiigbway. and iuiîged Home Eclonmis-Is t-oi- Tise blase was out- of control wlien spire girls t-o i\so t-s speeial intul- imersof t-le ABowmianville voluni- tion in, brinjging riglit ideals lut-o teer fire brigade- armved at t-le sceere. tibei homes. Dr. Goss, in siuming! I'ne wee jine minteslater'by p t-e onferisnce, alSo dwelt upon t-e port if-pe v'obuq-em firenien. t-lie ext-mmie importance of fa-mily] ,Both department-s concrntrat-ed their livinjgs as r-elat-ed t-o t-ele deelolimeOnt -ý ' ,fr r n-asa-th"te' Nosbit-t hlime, of -whol~esoimo attitude int-le home C Sunce t-le NWalkey rosidence was ai- fanniég onttbat-o t-e conimunity ardi roady a comiplet-eloss5 pIloviding Ladeslip in fAcin9 orld The case of t-le ftire vas unknow'n. proibliois. it-zens said t-le Newcastle ' F're * - D)epartient- lad, been calei ow r n P r o r e ver, an order b Newcastle c-nÏO o oP reEca c wouldh not permit- t-lie t-o go to tl-ieý clie. oNewcastle brigade is ai-! louedý( asis i hésinI Annfuai M eetingi Cr ana Oryooonly. ThelisOrono Conrmuiit-y Park 'Board il n w1l lold tlieir Annutal Meieting t-lis] Lakecomiag ba'Tuosdayý, April 2d h ake tire as Daj eeting -il lie ý2hel itlie Kumlrit-e eague Organzing Apartment-s i t-be Hot-el block la at- 7:30 pý.n The Lkeshre baelinl Leaue' veryore is nv-it-od t-o attend t-bi wýill ho'ld lt-s annual meetingin &Bw-1 meetinlgt-sectm ier"o'-e mianviile F'aApril 19. Four' towss oard jand t-o d.cuss t-be prograni of were jrnlast year, tliree of t-hm impoeet o -ecmn er charter members of t-le loop wbich usi believoed t-o have st-art-ed ha 1909. The ihrce uwele Port Hope, COuorgan remavhdle.Fourt-h teainiin t-lie re idiA rouLp Was Orono. eisld1 l Ai foui' are expocted back t-i, seas0ri.1 The Leagnie bas lieeni openiaig for t-li pat ,few years or t-be t-ird Sat-, wrllay in May ardi it is exe t-ba tler of "pa al illbe ardi fis- ri ay 17 t-issesn Tr-adhtiorally tlie oenrin obr mdl Bomnielas awasbeer o VaLy 24, hie Quo'en's br-dy o ýourg w ibe al- bomt-o 'Port Hp ha-lay ad Ororo laxpe t te Afr atcdynigli tne Napanree-i Jeoig'eowniirtediate A flialser- ues wstied a ni0-e game iece.This-- seisis t-o decide thbe Ont-ario ciawi-ý pi-ors jr t-le intermediate "A" divi- sion.i Lasýt week t-wo) gamies wr e played -witli t-iýe frinNpa-ewilws -i vict-ory for them on>-.la 12-5 courIt.ý The second gamne was piayed in! GOorgetown -îSat-urday ni gict vwît-h G;eoigetowni tioing t-bte sories iii a Township Open GraderTenders Stili Face Schïool Problem ClakeTowshp ounilresn~d Reeve Bro-vn f elt that if anyul iat their April meeting on f~ridaye~ decision was up> Vo him due to h7;s" ing wdt-il imteml-ibers present. Couneci] P5$ositicn ri- tlu1icitto c0a),y on o 1again mnet ~wfth delegations eom.ern- Ithe other ý)f thle motinsoft he res24 ;n- the Township Publie Sdhool Arealolit-ions aw presented, lit was hiu anid aiso gpened tenders for o-rushed I PPrsonalwMshaTid request to delaiy gravel, equipmnent rentai and for the L;îiiefhià ction aiti1 he bas had purcliastý of' a new road grader. an opportunity to further inrvestîg;atê Eleven electors of former llo ands~otaydcso i ih sectioer No ~ met ~rriake in this question. o h o thren Township Schoo! Areýa. -;ection, also spoke telling t.hemet r.Alfred Armstrong -was the main ing that it was thle dcision of tho1îe spjol<esmian for thbe group. It. was t-~~le ie d revently conta4ced in No. 9 to wnish of the dele-ation, he said, to request a 'w-ithdrnaa fomth(,liea kiýow if Council had made any deci-i as sýoon nis possible s ioný to let former sohool sectiions 1 Mr. AriiittrPugý said that this had ýand 8 wi"thçlt-aw fromn the TIo'wnship nut been the case in his vontacets bUt School Mvea of Clarke? As the 1Towin- tiýtt theýy \ere willingtrminw shipSdhol reaof lare ae to the area providing the new a'choci jý)ý isnt the plans for the t.wo iew i to 'be erected this year. The reev* sc.iooJssLat the next reg-ular meti1 mentioned they would probably have' the delegation also -wished to know aftersetiý t hc ti - w îaheror fot f cunei wil ~ ter %-u1'd be discussed by anlydle- PVUV-ethe.Iiplants and ifji ijt- fUrveU til 't e >0 o ate at flat t-hue for t-be electors of No. 9 t-o present ani- other petition t-o withidraw from t-he area lbis year. ReeBrown reviewed thle t-wopre- v'ous sIt-osthat liad heen duly mov0ed and seconded 'but not carried. iTie-(, were: (1) tihat iio action be taken on thle petitions for tlie shoi t- itbdpaiir from t-be scho'ol aa 2)t-o allow t-le schools towlhda fvomit-lic,- 'atëa. ln Jao-tlcases t-l m- wY'p ý drenrit,' aried b¶wu a w-t -w'as received froas tliý chool Atea Boardi ont-ln- tiois t-bat- uore passed at ýnoling. The first- motion the. tdliool board was t-hait ted 't-ho final plans andî Ins for, a foýua'roomSOihoolý ivilleo and a two-rooin Gfi 9 ý; o jnit HoId Dance A-nd-Dramw For Oronlo Oddfeillows r educ edI. This euîng, Aiirii 1935h j Rrveii i t-ne tIL1t-'T-st'of the Oddlfellow's idurig' t-liear Comminuait-y' Cè7nMvý are" sporsoi1ng a,' -eln'tîon aiid p danice ani uiraw in t-be 'Cenitre. Thel Ulance of rentà proceeds of t-lis venture is t-o le usedl costs cmounted- ro -tet- t-he fc hng f t-leý revenue for-t-be hall iwh 0stackïig chatir. rentais along i Tire Trustete4-skh f't-e sup-ý a month arnouni port of everyo-ne iuitleir venturoto _,jlerating cost A ontplete t-ho furnishing of their lval t-o "27..2' Jn t itnd lt-s gon1eral financiag. ta[ýxes of $4.6 This baill bich is a greýat asset-iamounted t-o se t-oý 4te Villaige and Conmmuait-y has Aay as:ianc but-ihrouigb ý1tý- comfinted efforts of st-andin g of' t-lie t-be 0 rono Oddife1lowvs ard _Heat-her t a ini i b1(appireci Rcbhakah Lod.ges. Thie total 'cost oflýof t-ho hall. t-le bal' and eFquipmient t-o(dat-be a.-'& This Sat-urday inunts t-o $17,5{1000 'with frce lab ourýare heiig utZofer( hengest-imnt-ed at $3,000.00, The t-o-f.the prizes are fi t-ai oquity int-le buildling- includinit 1 and five $10.00 c 1hfee l'abour t-len amounts t-o $20-- ýt-he 'daive h st-o 500.00l. At present a mort-gage of row's Orchestra. $5000M 0eiets aainst t-le building uppt--vie mîirâ wbîcb t!- i Trstees wýoaid lîke t-o see complet-ion of t-b Fo'ur Share In $200. P At Orono Babl Tu,-o hnnýdred uporerof t-he Or- Ii 1nam maýs si ono Basebali Club sat down it-o a Tur- MrIl Keast, key dInnier on Thursday eveningin(-tCoprTi -be îJý Towrhlp 1-il, rono. This ev-cde' t-o ssac 'rnlý g -'iras ) iSporsoredi by t-ha eCl ub t-o riaet-han lt1el! fuirnish flunds t-o operate d-uring t-i vIrs.M. Morris coming season in t-iýe JLakeshborie Irow (hiron le a "'ue.drun and ib-us The dinnor was cutored t-o by tli admission price ladres of t-le Kir'by Uiilted Chrurcli. A vote of ap'prouiation was xred t-o the ladies -by i. F. E. Lyýcett oni ~Lafof t-be bail club ard ail thlosel reet.Two gifts were aiso preseîît- IA t-o t-Ie ladie. Mrs.Wnî.Wna arýep-ted t-le vote of tlianlks o)n be- L o i o -lilaieýs md st-a-e,,idatbe - c i prorrd Q rireUro i e nAild v ledthem ir ir tbeiii rrgbase- alub aao s )f."lemil Lwer'ymanaer, ft-i cvenirg. Bieii hootlirci rh sul cheaco',ishet for- a terni ILu- of~ ~ o acne f700 t-o take tbe bague for t-ho past twýoferra everhougli1 t-ems we(re enoterd inrit-ho g'oup! fromt-owsdof7000 t-o 10000 ini pop-ý Fioingt-ho dinner Mc. ac R i oduct-ed tbe elimination ma fo agrand ,Acash prize of 'L$200.00.; -ed iýn t-ht Ntée-, $20.00 asb prize ha provic Plan to it-erincea lis buildîn mie arb Lese four in t-be iminate a and Mrs -werece rt to t-be di of choclat-es weegiv torit-h rame drawn. Prior t-o t-ho draw a einyeleai by MU. iD and accompanied on t-le Il. L'owery. Dan1cing 'c even]ag whbtht-beniusic ed by Mlrs. E. Bon ayoKen Nei ard M H1aroid dlnsery dmnice's t-hrooîgh vaîllinus, Foliwing is t-le fin mor- o rceitaand RZECÉETS Sale of' Tickets EXPIENDITLU Catering. ...... .... .. - Pr-izesý... ................ Rent- fHall -- Pintig and Advertii B 9alane........... ti ommmk f mor9m nU