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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Apr 1958, p. 2

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FUR STORA9&ýEI CEEDS > Can àdas Finéit CIC0%L D STORAGEVAU Si 111 fhuul9ONS@ F' ark Si. Repairs- Re- t.-leaning Pick Up and IIelivery i - t I -4 ~ on diesel locomotives ini reiý CANAQIAN PACIFIC also ý end differentiot wa rateg TH1E DIESEL FIREMAN DISPUTE ON CANADIM{ PACIFIC$-7- TWO YEARS AGO, ini Aprà 1956 the Firemern's Union demaindècd wage jnré"es and c>fier benefits invoiving substantial increased costs. AT THE-SAME TIME Cunad14 Pocific proposeci that, as firemen were,,rïo n.cessory, th.y should no longer b. corri.d ; oposedl dropping both oritrury»woae.poym.nts for whchooi service was rendered in mountain territory. Hairiitenl, eff ecýt that the architeýLt cal fyer tnesas seon as apprý<>val is re- on the flepartment ()f Edui-l A.Iso incennection with the achool prOblemn a letter wvas received hy Ceuncil from ejght ratepayers ii No. . ýsection, (Port Granby) stating that they wished te be transfo-red to tihe Newtoý e jichool rA,,opro',iding --wgil was Wt let Pot Granby vitlh- *dotr,,;quctioii iniuaçjinery. N-o terdersl wene acepted in either case and these will be chosen a t a inter date. Seen tenders -wenýe xreiý,-ed by Gouncil for the purchase of a new road grader with so lovngat- tachments. These tenders wlerle also opeuned yet ano choice was ffiade at the meeting, RepireseniatiNes of the firt ere pjresent to outline the4 maehine of their firm. Tenders were, rceivýed from: Compressed Air Equiip-. y Ei*,neer ýGerg~e T)t it erie Distnct tMunidpl~a -eere present feor thie npeil'. etdrsand to adyise Couan- The, Clerk was instructed to pre-i pare the neressary by-lawýý so as blhél cost of a new g-rade-r can be pcidlri over a two-year period. Tihis by-law, wîlhave te receive two readinga anad then be approveýd by the Ontario di t ~oii te area. rnent.s Ltd., Torono m.u -ipp5oi uelreeen ai«ý third land final readin'g. TENDERS OPENED D oio Road Machincry'tSaes A motion by E. Dent andH.Lw Co Ltd., Paris - $22.897. eryws passed ùhat the old gra.der W. L. Baîlentine Co. Ltd, Toronto ih eeig.. tmeiiy ad- be retained by the Township and not$210 journed to resuime at the April reg- traded in on the new machine. They Il ý50.ular- meeting, Thurs., April 17t1% at felR there was plenty 011 use fer twQjcý M. L. Baxter Ltdl., Toronto $24,025. 7:381Y in the Council chames graders in the Tornship. ereW iýLer tTrýt,'if oisi al i ITree- tenders were recei;Ved for' $27,5K4. /10. "fr~ it Yren Pr.ié*td Agi Fire tss Only JInsu Une (-IngieY .placemtent value. IN DECEMBER 1956 a Feei olboard of Concii<tiop4ecommended substontiol wagG increoses and other benefits. At thesaime lime, it f*o>nd iat firesmen were not4 equrei on diesel oçmtives in freight and yard service and made provision for protectii of their empicymfnt. It aisc found "ta? ment of orbitraries and mountain differen- tiai shoild be modified. CANADIAN PAÔCIC oçcepted i le.Chiation Board's report. THE FRMN'S UNION rejected the report and called a strike on ýanuary 2, 1957. TH4E STRIKE WA$ INDED on iatwary 11, 1957 on the following 4sis- x 1. Canadien Pocifîc qgreed te puy the substantial wage i reoes r.trccolv, tO4Aril 1 of t#r',-0.Vicû, yeor undl et4fer nefits peçomm~ended by the Conciliation Board. g2. The Union and Conadicn Pacifk c gretil te r.fer the Dl! t. ISSUE as w.IIL os payme-ne of o rries and wountoin dif retil o »«ÀYAM COMMSSON. 3. The Un i Conadion Facif c cgreed tce gt.late thesoi*,ssues ine th elofpnd hmme4ictely following the pul:fict cf the. ROYAL. COMMISSION ' aÏpot THE, KELLOCK ROYAL COMMSSON cf three ,enior judges devoted ton .wcths to hearing 119 witnesses and, ait the. request cf lie Firnie's Union, madle o5,n e-groun<d investigations across Canada and also made observations on four major Europen railway systems 1t wos the mcst extensive anid thorough investigation in the history of labur-relations in Canada. IN ITS UNANIMOUS REPORT publihe February 4, 1958 thé. ROYAL COMMISSION found tht-, 1. Fien* ._o-4quired oni diesel locomotives in freight and yard service con Conadiom Paclfic ti0ier for soeWy or any other reagan. 2. The proposai of Conadian Pacific for profecting firenien fro, Ios" of emplcymnent and seniority is fuir and genero, '3. Abtraries have become unreulistic and sbioud 6e dropped and payMentýMcon »¶the, bcsis of service render.d. 4. Mouritain differenfial paymnents 5hould be dropped an~d retploced by valley differential. CANADIAN PACIFIC accepted the. report of the KELLOCK ROYAL COMMISSION i$ gliehd> usderkguita de ~when the Comisinwtas ppointied. THE UNION refrcted the report, stating that nothing in it was acceptable to thén. They did so knciwing liat npt -one firemnan woutd suffer los 'f railway emnployment who was hired before the prposai to discontinue firenien on freight and yard diesels was made in April, 1956. Ail across Canada there ore less thon 1(0 firemnen Iired after that date and now workirig whQ fauce possible lciy-off. ALL EFFORTS ci" Canadiîul Pocific to settie thîe cdispute th.rough negofiations. with theFrens nhae fcild. FOnW.EASfrmnaeejoe-usanilwgeicess.Drn hese two years aioonte diesel isehas been postponed cieth ro adeeycneÇiou a dva nce estgated ytwo eq s CANADIAN PACIFIC,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fufllti dt, i oieo nintat tî i "gso heKELLOCK ROYA COMI~.IO wIl ake ffet on<ay11, 958 p LnY ' TII - - - - - - ---------- -------- - - Five 0Orono Guides Receive GoId Cords On Thursday evening five Oronýo Girls Guide.., JcAnLn Rutherford, Marillyn oebbledick, Marlenie Grahalu teninie Tyrrell and Joun Allen were presented ut the Gold Cord ceremiony held in Convocation HIall, To-rrtc. The five girls were presented te the wif e of the Lieutenant Govenor of Ontario, ?drs. McKaye and at the same time were presented with tiheir Gold Corti certificates by the De- puty Commnissionier of Guides. A feature of thse (vening was thse wiîgýan recital by Marion Cullen which was most enjoyable. Miss 7Marg-aret Steele of Havergal College was the guest speaker'and gave a quite hum- oreus and pointed address to tihe girl. urging them to accept tihe responsi- blity of leadership in tihieir conum- ities. Two Ihundred and siXty-twêe Girl Guides were presented and they carn1e as far as the Sioux Lookout and theý Lakehead. A numiber of the Or- ono parents were present at the pre-., sentatieri. Expeci 3 Mior 1base Lall' Tuiesdny eveinig a brie-f meeting rf ail chose intérested in inerba- 4ai will be beld Vo start tihe bail roil- ing f'or the cSning basebali l sn Ail be>ys are ieqieste<i te attend4 from peeWee to MidIget age. it would ap- pear that Orouo sheuld be able to f ield three rrdn'Or tean.ns tbis yeur. Tbse lnterc-sW in c)ehgcn n maftlagilgtea415 are êIso re<Ueste4 to attend. Di»i'V leav$ -bis job Q tW just a- few. Wrk with theyu'sr cdf 01r0n1 tlis sta'ter. 4--H Clubs Plan AI",L t&e Durhami 4-Hl Clubs 1me-t iný the Odd1eliow'sHall, Orono, Ont 'A4plii 10 at 8 p.n. The meeting was opened b y R.en Brcoks and iien wt wetre en1tertained by a fil'-ni nt value f4-H Clwb.. efledes «f the reýspective Clubs exipitined te ue n~ens of their Cl-ab, U!nd after a few words freo or Ag- rLOultural Ro 4aeentative-, ML D,%r1 ryýinp*ep, the leader-, took t1heir clubs scýaratedy into the itchefl to ~aç>fo 1Officers for thée omuing yer. Ikbe#ýt liuwas e1k4ctd preside*nt v the South Puxmhaîm Dahry Qalf Cub,'witË Glenn prescott as vicepwdeyi, Helen Knox secretary and~ ari 1Yelloýwl-ees Publicity' Direer. We decied on tue 1la4 week ini jMay for our annuâl jud7iýg cepei tien, athough the elaet date wýas not set. After obtaînin9 our inforniatior pamphlets and Record Býeks, thle meetng as adjourned. il ý pli

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