Oito!LP " mu FRESIIIl - PICNIC PORTION -lý-UFULL ClTl PORK 0 S H Ouý, L DF.R"s. lb FRESHI - LEAN MEATY PORK BUý,TT STEAKS lib SWIFT'S PRE-MIUM FRAN KS lfej 1b m45 c Free Snow W'hite and Seven Dwarfs -us in each Package QUALITY PRODUCE INEW CRZOP - CALIFORNIA VALENCTA - ige. 113 size el Orangesdoz 69cV EFXTRA JIÇY SUNKIST Lemons 1,50 size doz SOLID HEAIDS - NEW 'ÈMGIEEN Cab bagelb FLAVOURW.Flf,, MLLD, TEXAS - Lge.bn Green uOnions -ea MILD, REFIIESI{ING - LARGE SLICERS CU-cum bers ea Quaker,. Large 12-oz pkg. Corn Flakes 24e CADBURY'S -Drink- c foc lb 53e, CUL VERHOUSE CHOIKCE 20-oz. tii-- 'Peas2 for 29e LIPTOIN'S- Chicken Noodie or Tomato Vegetable Soup 2 pkg 25e York1 Brand Spicy 16 oz. Jar Pickles -Waf er 29c 25c RORINHOOD, JUMBO Whîte, Choco~. 'i late, Golden CAKE MIXES 21 oz 3 for $ 1.001 ROSE BRAND 4 lbI"95c EDDY'S WHI-lTESWAN 'TOILET lSE GOLDEN HOUR CELLO P&KG. Niacarooil BUGS 29C PabIum Ccreal 43c Vel large uin 43c Peipsodent, New push button dispenser iTooth Ba&te ~ $I9~ S~UNSU~ 1~oz. Jar' Saiad Drcssîig 37e BEST J3UY KINGDALEFACTORY FRESWH' Your ChQjceof . Creami Sandwch Assortmli 3 pkg$1 KRAFT FRENCHI'- Dressing DAINTY Rtce 29c 2 131,c J Aant -Mar's 1DailyFes Bread -24 ozi 8c Libb's Fancty PineappIe, tin Juice 48 oz 33c- Prern 12 oz 47e FROZEN FOODS S-PpFro3zen ORAiNGE JUICE .-o . t ........... ..... .......2 C RAINHOW TROUT, 12-oz.pk 9 I Crnlsh's RedU Writ Storei k- thieves weeýliuokýiig -for. The vauit was taoken froim Elmer T. Banting of Bwavle ffpresident of the Lake On1tajOi Deveksmelt Assýociatio'n for 195q7-58S %-as gain elected as president of theý Association for its coming year, 1958- 59. O tirer members of the Exeentive1 ax'e: Ilst Vice-Pre'siet - MaorJ.D L.~~~~~~ W.MKnze me ue»M.W ew Drecorsof theAsoitn i n~a, ]Yesroto; S. L. Slippamr, P Reèe R BuciePortHoeRee j"g tn . G. H1arfiitý' eivle Mueeve A. C. Platt,%Wellington; Mayor Dý. i. Mayibee CmL b1lor;J.E TrbulToronto. mende-d and it was a "greed byth juçoard f Directrs thatan extensiveî dirct ailca'npagnbe UcondUCLted [oougih the R'egion1aloffice toai prosectie inust ltnCantaaland Lnitet StaLeS, piîngott-ire ser- vices of'h soainathehe mer- its of Ioc:ating inni ra ers eneiby .iJA rn ime in ivtay tee soito wilil ho-Id a mieetinigini Torontowth al indUStrial de-velupinenit ageacies fýo topitan idstrct tou iuîther pioint, ouL to tiiem the ser-1 vi'es olitelîed by LOItA and A ythe1 commaluiies ini the Rugel on .S. L. Shippailcitaimanf* tb thanked tjni c¶airmen and de-legateSi .11 I1arrîýsibug and CIe veland, for t11e 1.îîzt-~eýt1fts 6ailled tLflere . 1t re~poi wd t ày ,q1 mý xunicýPa!i'ty thlaL oine oî tneir resoi uýJpertr isced nulis re ý, Iz eiiiiie rs ervations to date u-, ear as a r-esu1tý o1 tiltelenquiry-î nQeCVIn fand îuSew iu-or pou-en Sihows cf ~lasL yeur and a-.ýiiteri resort opera to r à, ýse Vaoi:' -,The r~fii pauitieýs wer eeno,4d to use the ta he resort i oeraLor>s mintedistrict. ber nunici'p)a.ilties to tiie. ç A ~ ù Èdr -9 1se Iiy are:II-a1iýrt4ý, iloint ail(Aeunuen o'ntip ("oatinuied srom tPage 1) Mes>a-rs. Xaniblymj -and rme~tihat tri, tepartm, ent of .Healîh investi9atec iLnese tihree sites as wo suitaoLktity for wat.er and seoaige dispo>sail and to r- port teir flindings to thee next Bo)ard me Ting. i otion crid l'lie secretary twas instrueted to) write rthe Departmien't to esecurete -pir'uper procedure to he foiliuwëd iir gre.:ssilg the new stdhwjl. Mi. L(Jience Allriasked i n censlzideriation -, was to fbe given- two, siLues wîîich ai-e loeated onithe third an!d' fourth u1ne. Mr. -AUiini noved that these bwo sites, C. Gie!Pnney'.s and K. 'ILuéier'*s, b uisiérd and ls tihut options be taken onthg.N .îIe secoaded the motion Thre DBard aise pssed1 at the rneet-ý img a ltr hih as date s 1a 1repity to [ei pnletadrssdI to ~~theinb iie' omte 1-'Jrî~~ L epaes. Faýi yGold. Te st wik wsflo d SsnGilbart,SuanMcae, andBiownesworkedonterci- pas-. Gamets were th!en lae. h Record VaGit Sl 1ea Fr.Uoo'lo qomnetilme eaýriy Wednesdaymo- ngthe faeoy of the Cuînipiy Wood! Pr'oducts ýin Or-ono was broken it b-, inmieing tire (dor VoY the plant. i Taken fim the office cf the fn w~as the Rcord Vault. Tlhis vaun'lit contain ed the boo-ks of the fii but nu cajsh, wvhicb nhu douJbt the thief o i i -u tihe of- fice and later broken inito. The ,+ w ,as ýmnaAed when i'Éuld. Mr, ht Staipleto,,n fouind th" recerd vauito his way to work eun the Lesicard ad Alil tihe books iwere st-41i intack arA were red'eerned by Curvply WOod, Pri- ducts. At no timie does the firm keýc-p cash at the plant. 195,8 CenitenrlÎaI Concert ý The Bowmnivïl Choral Socîety with NOÇAMARTIN, s4tn Ats OWMILLE TOWIN HIALL Frî, and Sat. April 18 andi g CU TAI E 815pan, Admission- Aduits 75C ~f -i -'o -~ -Studentesoc500 enad other Special Feýatulres TH WEPýKm-END' Y our curch, in co-operation 4t localI fety fica8, g ach1 mo4 tto obseev% oeruIes of 8-afé S b. pointed out that aery i-dývÉ-ë orally responsible for the, 9 ft a'veyn with whorn hâ shares our streets and highwayq. Remem berhi week and every weeIc -it ia tho dUty of éveryvone to D ---.SA-FE LY ONTARIO DEPAItTMENT 0F TRANSPORT er Banting Reu.Elected Presiderit 0f The L.O.D.A. ROYALBwmnie TIS THUR TOSAT. -ARL17- 9 classiaiIndian tal --XT MO. ED. APRIL 21 - 23 Theone TIîat Got J Truie story of German War Ace Frauz Von Aliscaught but eouljdn't keep), starring E star Hardy Krug-er. Added Short - THE BLUE DAUE .... .. ...... ... ii t-i if- 1'~ 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N -N N 'N N 1