"Ever since 1 was a littie girl Ihave dream-ed of a home and Chiidren-and xnawthat 1 am Îin love 1 find 1 shahl have ta wait anoýther whale yeari" A con- fuSCd yôung wamanwndr how she can live thraugli such ain eternity. "The -man has ap- plied for lis divorce, but àt wan't be granted until thàep An- ather, a mare recent friend, feul hi lave qln3 iost at once and legs nie ta marry ui. I1>dmire awd respect buir, and he's lots af fun, but that 's ail. She aSks m ne whiat ta d lo, "For twa years I'Fve loved thec frst mian, she continuelý. "H1e nover cared for lus wife, and sinj.cee first year he las beg-ý ged 1er for a divorce, I. cannot questioni his devotion. We have observed aUl the irnerîties, of course, but i don't see h-ow 1 can be patient for so. long! "My parents are very much o>pposed ta a divorce, and if I wait for thie one 1 love there l-e baund to be a struggie. 111 arn rather surte I can make the other man happy, My f ar- liy like him, too. Do you tLhink if 1 marry hÎm i1 can forget my love?" IMPATIENT VOI-TI- *If this girl marries thienian s ce lriot ilave with, she *wilil not be able to forget the 'one who las won. lier hieart. SYear aiter year she wîll b. *comparing hier husband with *hlmn, and ail her pretenses of *lave will b. futqile. One day b e wilI sense the truth, and it * euid destroy their mnarriage, SBesides, lie lu too fine a per- *son ta have ta take second- * Waiting a year need not be t he t+redv nti-res it. .in oet is a won- for heuf- dress ta rwit-n ie ed ta fi, attern 4682 : H 'kdress, 3v8' yards ic bdiero 17'3 ars 'ectionis on each paut- sier, ac-curate. ITY CENTS ( 50e> riat b., accepted, use fat saletyY foir lts eas& print plainfly ADDRESS. STYLE *marriage, it is Dot likely they *will appose it. *Lave i!s aiways worth wait- *îng for, and sometrimes it is *ail the sweceter for deiaY. PARENTS WORRY RER DarAnne Hirst: 1 arn 15, an p-3prents worry mie. Tley neye-r seern ta be affectianate ta eahother; 've neyer seen themr kis except when f ath.er cames homne. T1'his seemns strange ta me, th-ough of cou)irse they get alongý aJJl rigît. Does it mepan tley don't lave e-ach other. 11 amn not aliow&d ta date yet. They tell me taý stick ta My stud1(ies;tis is liard>,?wben ail my girl friends go With boys. Miy mother ltas neyer taikedi about sex ta me, anid al 1 knowj is wlhat I read. "hj1 is good ta tell somebody about these things. How can 1 understand my famriiy better? MARY" *Fathers and mothers do not h ave ta prove their love- by n utward signs in the presene rdo their cilîdren. Tley shlow i it in their giances, thir *voices, and ini other ways' a <r irl your age would nat recoge- *nize. Above al, they prove it *by gettiftg along pie'asa1it1y, *treating oc other kindiy, *and keepilngth famniiy at- * mosphere serene for their chli- * den. *As to dtigtry not ta be L' impa3tienit. Youe>parents know *yoîl better than yau know *yourseif, and when you a-re *readiy ta Ihave boy ftriendle * hey will help you t, be POP- *ular. Meantimne, perfiaps they *wii aiow yoau +o entertain *girls and oys together. Ask M-any mothers are shyV *about discussing sex Ïwi *1 their chilidren. Why dan't you * aik withi your family doctor* if a girl is lr love wlth onie man site zhould kno-w how futile it ls to seek her happîness with another. These s1tuations and other confus- Ing Issues recir. tte .dvkce of a sysupathetie and experi- enced caunselior. Write tour problemn to Anne 'Hirst, B~ox 1,. 123 Elghteenth St., New ô- - outo, Ont. Modern Etiquette by Roberta Lee Q.Are correspondence card% -» ood fse AYe;they are very popular andf In ood taste for 'the short, informiai kind ai note. It is be- comring mare and mare customc- ary for men and wamen ta use theý,se cards, However, they shi d c be Used for strictly in- forTmai correspandence. Q. I? someone begins a jokie 1you have already, heard, should you stop hlmn? A. Yf you are a imember ai aa group, it wouid be discouirteous ta others wlo mnay pot have previously heard the story. Uf, hawever, you are the sole lis- tenefS it is quite -ail right ta say youi have already heard the joke. MAN 0F DESTINY?--The shodow of- Geri. Charles IDeGaulle, France's symbol of resistance, in World Wor 1I, borne large orthEý current crisis in French pltc As ominaus whîspers circulate- through France that the fait of the Fourth Republic is niear at hand, %oame abseDrv- ersbeee DeGauile îs recsd ta brck hic thire.-yecir silence aind tk a handid n çoveromet NEW NOTE, IN CHIVALRY-Sir Walter Rl&igh had his cape and Warren Prince, a 17-year-ald gentleman, has his tuba, which aiso proves to be very handy in the rain. Shirley Sandusky, 14, the champion baton twîrler, found the tuba a pretty goo4 umbrella after a band competition. GW-I ______ IéP.Ct rk Last weekc the news highligits -that is, locally -- coincernEýJ the Womnens Institut.. Onex daY there wasý a pot-luck iuncheF-On at the Commnunity 'Hall near lere sponsored by a local brancl. Each memibeýr was aliowed te bring twa guests. It was a won- derful Iunch-savaury scalioped dishes af hs and that braught in piping hot, aiong with coid mieat, chiekzen and sa on. AndÎ of course there- were pienty of ~pies, tarts, trif le and a birthdayr cake -- ail guaranteed toaacd indhes ta one's waist-linEc. 1IPWC had sud l'uncheons ýtaa often we migît al le giad to take ta ",chemise" 1fashIio-ns. Oicourse it was ail very friendly and in- formiai. Aiter lunzch we h.d as guest speaker Mrs. E.,LU Deighý- ton, Hydro Econoiet, whO sîoýwed us "How To Live Better Eiectrically". First 5she gave us- a very interesting and in)forma- tive talk and tI.1en drave homne ber points by means ea a mavie, in, colours, ilustrating what cati be done eiectricalyto a improve working and living conditions i an ailder type home, How could. any womar, fail ta le interested in sudh a tapie? But just think bow impossible ail the sugges- ions would haive been years ago wl71en the WI. was i its i- fancy! At that time hojus-wives were more interested iii easy ways ta ea lamp chimIrIIeyâ or hiome remecdies ta ease croup or bronichitis wlen roads were drifted sa badiy it was doubotul, if a do-ctor couid get tîrough. Ves,, times have certai;nly l angled. And yet, it is ratIer rlice ccasianallIy ta go 'back ta soame of the. oid-iashionied occu- pations. Fer insýtance 11r. was thiat W.A. quiiting bee 1 went ta just recently. 1 really enjoyed le work, taking me, back ta the imei- years aga when quiiting usedi ta be a iascinating hobby for mainy wme.And how they ever did sudh fine work bY the, light ai coal-aillia-mps lil neyer Nowadlays quilting is datte unut- cier good iights and maybe with a te-levision progrini going on at the sameti, disrupting the fredygossip usually associated wvith ,a qiln ec. But dear m-e, we have to keep p with Vhe lms The next W.!. dierionba pýlace in aur aid Ginger Farm diistric-t and was fIe ý,Occasion <of the 251h Anniversary. WVe had a turkey banquet -another branchi in the ýsamie cdistrict doing tIe catering for Us. ItV was a famiijy aff-air -- just for nien- te~ heir husbands and chl- di. Of course we en.loyed be- lng back aniang aur oid neigl- bours and assaciates, especially as we notjcëd how weii, and cor- tented those in aur own aPge graup seemed ta be. lt was the middle-ý aged group who appeared to be. showi-ng signe af stress. Whidh is, understandable. They are the ones who now have to cape with pfoblems incidenita] ta raising teen-agoe h-idren, tu say nothirg ai Vhe high cost of living and its reactian on tIeN faniuy asaa wîaie. Yes, it was an evening out thiat we wauidn't have miss- edj for anything. Ir, fact we werc so anxious' to be am4ong thote present tha.t we turned up for the banquet a day ahead o!f inie! Iwas >.. sure I had been to'd iwas on a Thursday. After wie had started on Our 'vay I began taý ha.vean uneasy feigand isaîd-ta Partner -- "I wonder if it le taniglit - usually tîey have these tbi.ngs an a Fr-idaY." SureÊ enougi iV was ta be an Friday ,so we had twa tripe but otily n.banquet! It didn't matter anyway. Once ive arrive in th*. .reighibaurîaod aof Ginger Farm there are always friende ta Visit. Friday nigît it was wet and sno.wy, niiseralgiedrivindrg, but wv -. arrved home ýin tuiie for Partner to cee tihe last ten rmin- utes ai the bôxing bout on TV. Be-fare we leit we naticed quite. a f ew aid-timers Ieacllug hom1,e about 9.30 sa .1 imagine Partnier was not thI onIy one wantiiig at se. the figît. Yesterday we lad ail the fami- ly here and Partner and I were- the oriiy ones nat sufiering frram ,a cough or cold. We lave having alil aur crandsonq together at ane timie. It is at suich a tirre we are glad w didn't settlec -or a smalier hoîÂse, Plenty ai rooni lere for chilclren ta playý and the din-iing-area. accomxna- dates e-ight or ten very ice. Liii, a littie neighboujr -girl came(_ over to - in fact she is' here affriost every day, a quiet, weil- behaved girl w,.hose bîrthplý(csý was somnewherce in Yug-oslavia. Btei are -w.e lad supper 1 went with Bob and Joy ta look at a býuse they are thiinking of buy- ing in the Milton district. Part- ner stayed home ta aailhthîe recst af the farnily. The bouse Bob is tiing ai i ,, fbuyingisci quite handy ta lhis work and within sight of "ithe 'Mounitain" - he same Mocuntain that used ta give me amc pesr when e wee anthe'a, .i [ANNEKI1RSTJ aafqkoo"o lhey do buy tis house we shal be able ta take a short eýut acrus country andc th"z by-pasq the town - an! advantage ai thesea days of eongested travelling tbroaugh lnarrow Streets. Butii- ton le,,rtwinig fast. It i s"soo to b. the site of atw-milo dollar baildin(g - a niew homeý3 for the Deaf andic Dumb. AloveiV pý ot of hvyacinths, wasý, Some Adylce For Heart Sufferers "'What the hecart patientned, the American Il{èart Associationi said iast week "is fewer don'ts and more advice on what he tau do." Condition vary w th every patient, and the doctor- niust supervise eaehi ife pattern. Generally these common -sen.se ruly apply , w i h . a 1-IfE youA are ove)wiht e duce. but kcep to a balanced die' a1 proteins, carbohydrates, faUs, and fruit. 2-Exereise moderately; it ira- piroves circulation and aids di-. gestion, Unless y ,our doctoýr or- dlers othierwise-, you -may smok,, Alcohol -- highballs usualiy are ailiowed instead of cocktails. 3-A heart attack does not mnean an end ta a normal scox if e. The d.octor, of course, must advise each patient whien sex relations car) be resumed. 4-Whether the patient ,_an go back ta lis aid job, andhw soon, depencis an the severity ai the attack and the job's de- mands. Generally, however, leý can return to his samne wrk Jr. three ta six mnonths. 5-Stress is a criticai factor. But don't slow down ta n n valid's pace; that may be >ts frustrating as overactivity. From Newswee-k, Sad uWe ather Lesson The weather has mnoderated, and this is a good time for il look back at what worked and wghat didn't when the going va8 tough, The wvorst af the snaw ht righit around New York City ' ,where traffi l acilities are moreI a vanced than aýnywhere else in the nation, sa iet's just take au-r lookc th ere. Quating the New Yark Times: "Cars stalled in Nassau... "Suffolk roads crippled. "The Rocklandl Coach Ca. sus- pended ail services "Short Line buses ran on! y as far as "The parkways laoked like jumk car yards "Five airlines cancel 190 de- -partures... "Most inbouxni flights canc7el- led or diverted,.. "Duu3 lnes to suburbs can- îcelled~ '?et the great city, with rune inches of new snaw in its strceeta and 23 inches -in many suburbe., functioned rather btfslly througli- out it a-Il. But how? Again, tii. Mimes: "Commiuter travel or. the Newi York Central, Long Islîand, New Decorative caver for atabla or ta use as a tablecloth fore speciai occasions. Lovely on th*. round table s0 popfflar na-w o on an oblong table. Pattern 510; crochet directionsý for 54- and 64-inch eloth laý !strin)g; 16-incl in No. 30 cottoW, Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (.stamnps cannot be aceepted) ustk postal note for safety> for thIA *pattern ta Laura Wheeler, Btix 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New To- ronta, Ont. Print pIainly FAT- TERN NUIMBER, your NAME, and ADDRESS, KULDIP'S COMEBACK-After rtiokging a big hion the Groucho .Marx show -You Bel Your ;i. n 1956, handsame Indian singer Kuldip Singh feil victim ta a series of Holywaod wpc and downs calculaied ta gray hie thick, block hair. But now hc thinks hin trobls ae verash. sar .o Sirley Temple-'s "Storybook" series3. HerLl h. draws hie sword Ia pratect Prinýcess Sue England in "Laind of Green Ginqer". Haven, and Pnsy mli al- roads was genierafly goodi, Arrivals of I o n g distanc4 trains w erec 30 to 90> rutP- late ... "Rail stations were crowded , "Departures were gene>raiiy on schedule "Frozen switches caused tie minor deiays on railroads .Y And that's the way it alwayx i!s in ernergencies. The airlines, with their great speeds and re- quirements of delicacy i handi. ing; are knocked out eariy, Th* bus 'Unes fight it valiantly, but they are inieffective in the en& if for no other reasont because masses (y! abandoned cars block their way. And on the raiiroads. it's just a busy day. The railroad men get ta theïr jobs, 'f they have ta crawl. And they stick ta themi. Their equip- ment is buiit to take ii ,and doe%, When is this nation ging te wake up and treat the raàiiroads right? We are the 011]Y nation ig-a the worid which i-, abandoning raiIroad m'Ieage. -- Memphia Press-Scimiîtar. MWake An H"eirloom 4f,