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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Apr 1958, p. 2

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Fr PuR STORAGE ~Open Letter O (Çontinued front page 1) The 'heaiting at the Por-t Hope school Bw as stated as stili nflot satisfactor'y CREE S owve they are cndeavouring to hve th-s situation correeted. C.anadas tinest M.Alex McGregor, hi-n O Bthe Finance 'Commùittee, repor-ted that the rise in the cost of meals at the ateashad flot to any great ex- CL D ST O RA GE VA ilLT S a t -hese-in- fmr toth cafeterias were over the iastî Pkn Il.e 1910 H.C. ýBENSON Park Si.B monlh almoaýt carr-iying themselves. o The Port Hope cafeter-ia was, it was ~ DSt ClB tated, 1e(t sering the pur-pose forý RiiiepaajÎ -R e yig Cea g s-er-vi-ngthe number of nmeals that i O c~ should. r.R. R. WaddïLeil, chaiirman of the PickUp ad Dlivey ITransportaition comm i-t, rporýtd ecOnmmittee is seeking to have a larger ivteles egatns err- bt.i put on this run Vo alimînate tJhis ceýi.ied. problem. Also ini Bowlnanville s'orne Th.e Board discussed fully the ai- studenIts w'ere ben let Out up VOwn ietted grant for student and library and the (ld was of the opinion that books and lItm~as found Vihat Vhey were ail studeaits sýhouid be dropped off at not ait present taking fulil, advantage the adilad iton secretary was giv- e this grant. The Boar-d pased te sn uthrit ~oappi-,ach Mr. Garton, increase the expendriture in thils de-1 to hav ec'lis rem edied. partment. whiceh would be refunded inl -the coming year. Mr. Goheen stated .Ur. A. Stri'ke, chainnian of the that 1-i Miillbrook that aIl achool iManagemenit uoîinLtt(e, spoke briefiy books to Grade 9 and 10 were being of a lette i r io the ýlïllbrcook couneil1 suppliefà frene o afly charge. whieh stated ýthat a thew sehool wouldj he nieeded in Millbrook wiVhin theJ A review of the opt-ons was then niext two yeairs. Mi,. Sr-ike mas ofet! arried out asý reported in the las4t tha infiv yers he nro-.week's issue of this paper. Further oipii:on 'rnt n fezgatitheon le te be conducted on'the ment for a Wgh Shotakii;n , l2 h Ufoy tpe n ot fteFi sam-,e a eaý as it dostoa, ud i (n sts a~ud105. A cmnte fD ,Wrig-'it and /r.R. FaTîs was sýet dj;)P iJothe Oron,>o 11gbhool rport B P Spring Concert - Glee Cluib, Nto nal 'Polk Danices, Guest Artist. (ib) Annual Sehool Triýp - end -.-, May. (c) Cadet Iný,pectf on - Juine 4, Forty JoiNew Tobacco Assoc~ Forty paid-up miem-bers wereen rýolled in the newily-iformed Dur-ham1n and Nert'humberiand Flue-Cured Tfo- banceo Gruwers' Association at a mneet- ing held Aipril 9th -in the Orange Hall in Port lHope. A mee(ting wili be ca- Aei l e nexit two ýweeks toeet officers. A ieouto o fori anl atSoca- tinwspassed a a tpuoniicmetn :1f ail aiea tobcco growers jin the town haizll Jaarjy 2. Wdesa niigit's meeting Wais cafled .bya com;,- mittee foired at thiat time to prom-. ote formiationi of the association. i he comm.iittee, ýonisisting of M'Vac Irw.ini, Morrish, clai rm-ani; Roy Fo3-. ter, Kenidal, and L. D.Setine, Cýentreto)n, agreed Vu contin-ue in -jf- fice until theý eie'etioi of officers. Deputby-Reeve Michael Wladyka -:f Port Hope was cihairman f the mneet- ing and Herbert Ký. Long, Port Hopýe, was secretary. Hollorary Chairmank A resolution was passed, by he meeting to thank R. -H. Cook, vice.. chairm-an ýof the Ontario Flue Cireýd Maiketing Board, for his devo-tin Vo the interests of to!bacco grekwersF in the area. Mlr. Cook, -Who) was prýesený-t was eiected honorary uhair-man of thq aiew association. Mi.Cook told tihe meeting of the progr-eaýs of Ithe new system of seliling bcc.Very slow at fis't that mIalny growers fear.ed th.ey Would SUAI have iast ye-ar.s crops on iiand at seeding tinme , the system i s wor1ked very -well, he said, and Vne average pricýe petrjiouuid of tobac.vo hias been higher than the boardhad expected. Pr-acticaily the entire 1957 toha-,cc crýiop is Durham andNotubrld lias been sold. Designate Areas By-laws presented te the m-ieeting by the inteim committke designate those areas, co:nprisi-ng la Ârea 1, Car.twrigiht, Marivers and Glarke Towvships, in Ainea 2, Hopêe, Cavýan and Hamilton Townvihips, and in A-rea 3, Hadinard, CaahAlnwiek man Percy Toiwýnships. The board cf direcetors of the a-s-. sociation will consist of four members elected from eaeh disitrict, of w1,ich at ILesat tihree mnust be farm nes The officeirs rwil be elec.ted by thie dîrectorate fromn -m(yng theïr owV1 mexubers. O>bjects eof the association dedlaed in the by-laws are to study the p, Db- leis of tobaccc growýers 'o otaîn anid -give out information of intuernaýt to tobaeo growers, and toprmt tlre interests of tobacco growers 11 the Ujnited Counities. SAre You roectd AgaiP ç Fire Lofs îI s ,1

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