ORONO WEEKLY TIÈ.Ï BIRDSEYE, CHICKEN, TURKEY POT ROAST DINNERS i BIRDSEYE FROZEN $TRAWBERRIES 15 oz pkýg 1 FEATUR11E Frenchi FRIED POTATOES 9Cozpkgc *: F1EATUREI *FEATUZE' GREEN BEANS * FEATURE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE *ý BRDSEYE LEMONADE * BIRDSEYEI BRUSSELL BPROUTS Birds eye MIX'EM or MATCN'EM SPECIAL Green Peas Chopped Spinach Leaf Spinach Squash1 12 oz pkg 12 oz pkg 12 oz pkg 4 FOR 1oz pkg Society 2p0 ounice tins D g "Food 3 Io r 39e Kraft Velveeta Cheese lb plkg 590 Map)le Leaf 19c. off pack, giant pac'kage Soap Flqakes 65 Success New heavy duty clear white Paste WVVax lb 63e ,Swift's Fresh Milk Fed Veai, Shank Portion SprI n rs lb 't)eBlanched Peanuts Veal L. lb 63c Knuckle Remtoved ROAST Fresh, youing, sliced PORK LIVER a] Swift'.s slicedl, riadless, Eversweet EVERSWEET BACON Swift's Premium - Sliced DQLOQNA ,liced olced lb 270 lb sealed bqc lb 350 PRODUCE Refreshing, zestful, Florida - Good sizeý - 4-8's GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 39c Select(, tender. crisp GIREELN BEANS Trasty, Romte-grow,,i - Large bunches GREEN ONIONS lb 21c 2 for 15c From Egypt - New Crop COOKING ONIONS 3 lb 29e Mild, stimulating, hotliouse -- Large SlicÜers CUCULS z'BERS ea. 23c 1 lb pkg 39c Kiag's Choie Colu,,,bla ozCkR 79c 3ft $,0 2 f 37e oi.pkg 97 c F~ a - Raspberries 15 oz tin 35c i Crnlsh's Red 8Whalte Storei EarI We ---J '.~,uuu1 Ependitures of $i1, ".i ere reported in the annual sttrnn f the No)rthumiibe.rland and Du rhasm Heabth Unit read Vo the counties coun - cil oni Wedniesdiay, April 9 by fi. E. Walkey, cairnian of the board ofi hiealth.i Main items of expenditure were1 ,salaries, 24 fuil-timie and 8 part-time,i ~8,532;transportation, 1'6 privatel cars and 5 unit cars, $1t7,781.37; main- tenance supplies and operating ex- penses for six offices, $13,155.18; additional professional services, $3,-1 1i35; ýboard of' health salary and ex-j penses, pension funds, etc., $7,983.34. Couanties Cost $50,500 Rtevenue wvas derived fromi a -pro- vinicial grant of $*50,500; a Linited ý.ou,,ies giant of 50,50J0; a national- health -graintof $5048;plunbingi iRsectonfees $,0.0;surplus trm 95,$954.7;an-nicSln eous, $266.22. toa IxeDitures wa i) n dL o r ,.S, based -ion a ipplation of '72,771 o 76.1 cents. During 19,57, th ýe report states, thiLee was one ca'se of'plameii wihresuIlted in coMpIetýe rcovery.1 Threwee ecaIses of dipthe-ia, l'y - phoid or- para-tvpboid'. Therewee1 new cases of tuberculosis and 12 wen-e admittedi to sanatoria. Of the 301 cases on record, tihere was one deathi from the disease and 200 wvere dis- charged froin the sanatoria. Eight-Year Low In communicable diseases, chi;ekeni p o, eaie, umps, whooping1 pecugh, etc, 1,280 ca e) e reported, 1 the lowest numbet in the pasteih years. lt should bue rOtea- m1ut InoVail cases are repoited, e-ý n ougil the Public IHea'llih crquires suclh. D)urimig the year, thmee outdoor swimig ools wr rfse er- ,mit te operate because oýf non com- pliance wthregulatiols Lrespýc:týin the construction aa opraton f such p~ools.Sevenll dî .v ere, îal'lde asunfit for _ýhumau habitatiori. Thr ee-,public healthnurs es-r e , sigiie( and wýere replaced but threel vacancies stili rsi.lam arch a nlewý saniitary jinspector was added big ing the staff of this depýartmnent -vol four. In OuCtober, the Ganadian arth-i ritis and nlieumatism society estab- lished a branclh offic-e in Cobourg and, to hs a residient physi'oteieraPist has been appoinlted. X-ray exam-ination of food h.and-1 lers was initiated aut Campl)bellfoýrd-, Bowanvlleand Co-bouirg, wh*ile in October a mass -X-ray was condurce in Port Hope, Extent of Thfe health unit activities throughoui(it the year cani be seen ia the f act thlat ts doctors and nunrses gave 36,308 immunization doses for polio, diptheria, whoopirig cug, et- anus and small-Wpx in the 6041 clinies. School Inspection Besides rendering services to 13,- 628 elemientary school children a.nd Vo .3,047 secondary school students, Vieý health uinit maintains an annual in. spedtioni of schools. Last year 20 i were referred Vo. the Ontarieol)eparýtm.entl of Healtlh for special attention be-' Cause lu was ,found that conditionsi were ]ot satisfactory, In somnie instances, where the1 sýchiools were old and[ overcroiwded,1 nleRw Class roosas were rcmedd Durinig the year, thuee werýe 2a new schoo1s built and 23 new, class roomiis added giving a total of 446. zi!ny im- provenuents wremadle Vo existing schools; 31 class roomis were decor- ated, 13 new heating systemis installed two inortoilet facilities were pro- vided, water, was supplied uinder pres- sure to six schools adseven inew weils wvere dug. Fîfteen ScehooIs ini le he(althl unit area still possess outdoor toilet facilities. Besicles pre-natal linies, the third year of bedside nursing cease, under thie national heulth grant, -was coi-- pleted, the sanie disricts. Brightor, and Cfilbrooyk wer-e visited, bout the progiam 'had Vo be curtailed due Vt! ýiorLage of s'taff and to iliness of1 n,,rses. Of the cases visited 71,1 per' cent were wonien and 52 per cc-nt were more thbani 70 yea rsf age. Ifi Un ies Health Unit this service had flot been available it is evidendt that rnany of the caseýs Lwould have been ho.-pitalized. v <ci The health unit is now reïq for 199 eating sbline pnýsteurizati'on plans, 112 .- duicers, 17 saughterhouss,2ý ci!pal garbage dumps, 14 $iunei lours as lel as municipal wat plies, housing-, infant homes, shops, groceiy stores, bathing and swimiming pools. I NEW 1811 WHURLWIUD Here is a irower that gives y ou -ib .gin i ltV, features and performance. Il- sbiwto (givm years of dependable, trouble-free serlice. Mows gria, weeds, pulverizes leaves and tirinis close to give you complete lawn care. LOOK AT THESE TORO FEATURIES Heightof-uit ehcrnge in seconds Throttle, stop und sli C<.N I$ csf your Sfaggered wh '",l7 i jEnts sccilping. 4etif Mufcher ï a fen i-ded frae. Lo)w Down lPayment Easy Ternis )werful 1.75 4-cycle engine with recoil strtLer -d special Toro Auditone Muffler. rgraipowver propelled modets also auaitdaite! OROLPH HARDWARE Oprono IROYAL PIr*ho0ne Bowmanville MA. 3-5589 I 'i ~: .' OU LUXM Plus "LAND 0F L1GT 1"41-nEi colorful visit te Trinidad. "AmiL LOVE" at 7:20 aa4 l9ý NEXT MNON. TO WED. - AP1R Superior color -1 JACK hiN starring GL, ýN, ANNA1 1 p ozpgZtr ê,5 6 olz tin 2 for 37c 6 oz tin 2 for 29c 10Oo.pkg 34' Supremle Fresh Spanish Peanuts i lb pkg 29c E. D. Snith's Cherry Pie Filing 20 oz tin 35c Glide Liquîd Starch 32 oz jar 5c off 22c King's Choice Strawberries 15 oz tun 29c TuS THURS. TO SAT. -- APRIL 24-26 THISTinee TSATurd-- 2PIL 2 2 Excellent Famiily Features!