Sires Barred If Kno'wn To Plant 800,000 ers 0f The Red FactorýTreec Ila The Arta Uronso Jiu The American iiidustrial Develop- ment Coýuncil nw meeting at the Annual ;Convention in At ianta, Geor- 1 gia, has announ.ced thiat th1e Lake On-1 tarjoù Develiopment -Associationi's In-, dlustrial Brochure lias been named ai top award winnrer in the "Excelent"ý clJass for indusbrial 'brochures. 1 There are seven, hundred mormq3lersq of the Counceil in North Aiieica andthere were one thousand entrées in Mr. Don Kingcton, General Manager1 the industrial. brochure Contest. The, of the Assocation, is aýt present at- is ,\ hatL is kownas a simple recessive entie wio wrejuge b aco-~tendi'ng the Iridustrial Developmnent Sneteitouto fprbe gene, it only appears when two ami-ý muste of the Comui were narrowed onclCovnio n tata 1d os elcttie intO this cOuntry, mal both earrying thus recessive fac-' dow-n to thirty-five and these Wre will be returning to Peeroahmherave always been some blood tor for ied colour are mnated together. divided into twvo cateégories, inmely, this w-eek-end. ieswhidýh carry,, a haidden recessiv výý1,en Len suich a miating only resuits "ýSuperior" -and "Excellent". characteristic wchich woW uld casion-in a red and chié c al, twenty-five all.y rar its ha&dhe form of a per cent of the thme. IL wvas in the second classification' The Police Village of O0!ono expcsrdadwieHilstein c alf mhich thdat L.O.D.,A., wýh-ioh represents Vis to ie regiosred in ths brochure wvith- had as Us parents, two regstered, uii h atfwy q te area, mon Uts aard of first m-jention. in the next month. black and white HoIsteins.Duin thpa fw yas te Bcause tuis color characeristic ques-on nf enether auhis whici are lcnown to carry thus undesirable C- -urc narac,,eristic, sol be used by at rificiai bireeing associations, has ien ç'sus.sed. -~ecos of the Quinte District Cat-ý .o,... c, le Beeding Association, a policy was . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .p .sd,.t. .bo us Hloîstin sires who were --on-arriers of tdis red fac- toi. This decîsýion wmas reached lie- cueit mas feit that thne prime r- ~poaihiityof a bireedinag association e as to) offer t'he services of bulis tat arebzed iproerbui1s, and at the ý1m1tim do not poss: -ss undesire- aSeIed hrcersis Plans for. trea plant1ing bytheýDe- partmnent of Lan.ds and Forestsfo thisspig are comiplete. If ail goýeE, 1ccouîiig to plln sotre 800,000tre wi1l be planted within tliisdsti. Pro)jects included a re; Glamorgan5 T'ownship 200,000, Metheuni Township 1,-10,000, Nor-thumiberland County Forý- esýt 75,000, Dutham .Counity Frs 210,000, Victoria County Forest 18. )00, GanaraskaAuhoit Forest 9ý2- S000, Brluton Farmi 100,000 an.d Digby Tonhp(proposed) 100,00. A large scale programi suclh as th*iuî wilrequire ajptoxiamateiy 100 meil for its comllpletion. Local labour wl b)e eniployed in ail cases. This work opportunlity )ccurs d (urýinlg the ltte part of April and first. part of _Maýy when mosýt other activitie-s are? at a !1ow ebb beýca,!use of bîok-p coitioi4n to Oronoreinslabenapnt e d manager et a nwA .store wvhi'h wa, openerd îeccntly in Nap- anee. MrnTalor maried the fonuer =ilan Alli, daughier of Mrn and Mrs. S. E. Allin of Orono, Mr. Taylor has been very activeý in i onnmuaity lfpatýticu.iarly int11a work, of Giace United Chureh an~d tkie Boy Scoutsý. He isý vice-cliailnuan of the Napanee PricSeihoolBar, Mc. and Mrs. Taylor 'ha-ve two soti AIlan15, and ?mr, !D. MR.S .RUTHERFORD ORON<O WEEKLY TIMES THIJ1?,DAY, APfl L.ODA IdutraI rohue hejLs4ges, in a.warding the Develop- e L.O A.Ind s rianienhet Association bochure f smnI Holstei tion inthe E cn lass, sae ht1 C Iassified As "Exccellent g" etie ubCctinraiahe orin dustrial mailiing. C r i