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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Apr 1958, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TUTliN JRSDAPMRIL 24th, 1958 - A~idz. meSeeud 2aa Mal. eutOf ie. Departmnt, OtavM IPOUador. R- A. Forre.g.r Publluhhr. I. C. IVmrete Use The Tank For Swimming Discssios 'u t4i annai metin ofthe O0)o'0 mmn10 _Memorial Park Board on Truesday eveningl delved into many phiases if the iark ýbut possibly oýne of the most important and also oee -\whiehafet the greater numiber of peopIe)f,; oth young and olti, -'as that of the swiniming tank. The discussion followed the line of greater safety at the tank, a~ subject whieh should be foremnost iin the minds of everyone who uses tis- facility or vdhose cildien use this facility during the sunimier monVhs. Tihe prime purpose of a swimming tank is to prýovide an area in! which one miay enjoy the pastimie of sinig As pointed out at the meeting it s flot a place for running and general horse-play. Of this a great many are guilty. Many sanal cil4re who are jumt Ie-arning to zswýlim sit along, the edge of the tank to sýplas;h with their feet and could as easily as flot be pushed orý brushed into the tank. If these youngsters are none swimmers they have little chance under their. own steam to recover the slde'of the tank. The gi-eatest dne at the tank was felt to be laî this area. A suggestion at the mneeting %was the fencing in of the tank so that no ruiinlg ,,, or jumnping would reýsuit and that the tank could bc an ieawhere o(ne en.joyed oniy simn.New swmigtanks are so regulated to-da tat 1V'i would be almost prohibitive to have suc'h a tank in Orýono. The yearly ca of operation whbere a regular attendant is nce ' vr, %wh(,eesowr re a mLit along with other reglatonslhe cost would rmn lint'o the thousands of dollars. local 011g",and 0c s of thie ,c on01 by thos, tank does; provide myaniy enjoyable h-oure d provides a swm'miag ar-ea other thanl in in. streamis and mll ponds. Greater 'wl's o rn and jump and pusli wvould ait the tank. A reaflization ofl its purpose, I STYLE This boselas nlany new, to to6nrdc - year they will attend normal school for a full year. One disadrantage oü this course is the imipossilbility to La tr obtain n University degr-eewi- out fi it ooipleting fifthfrm eTihe remaining -three will enroIlin' Grade 13 this- fali and hen spend ~nryear at Teacher's College. It certIainly wil be stîange ineet-j In.g w one f e-lw-classma tes re- ýuiJI1gftm school - fromi teach1Ing <~oL, Uat is. Uý,càIi Âews Mrs. W. G. MCullodh arrived hiomie! Mo.cnday from Bradenton, Fiýa., wýherei sihe spent the -winter mionths. Rememnber the One Cent Sale, Can- ada's Greatest Druig Sale, at Tyrrell's Driu" store fnext mondaynmorninig and ciniungfor a wthole weekt KENDAL eNiEWS Mr.. anidMs.H'arold Souch sperit, an evening ALely'it M.andý Mirs. Fred Warren.i Fiends lai Kendal were soIrry to hear" of the 'p assig of Mrs. Alex Hoy an~d many; from the village at- tended the funeral service in Row-1 man1vie on Thuisday üto pa-y heir last reýspects. The heairtfelt sympathy, of the Kendal fLrîindis la extenidd toi the family. Mr. Arthur MUercer of Guelphi visi-ý ted his grandparents, M4r. and Ms.ý Fred Warren. Arthur won a $900.1 Schularsihi~p this year at Chicago Un-' iv-ersi'ty .eelhe is going te school. Hie also won his degree at MecGilli Unîversity, Montreal, last year. OLASSIFIED SECTION NOTICE >PASTURE AVAILABLE i eewilli oe a meeuýrng in1 the. Ar-- mondres ont Monday igt Apr-il 281 Good. pasture, shadie and water, at 8 p.m. for id] those intLerested lit Photie 14r1 Orono(-.b- playing Tennis in the Park this isum - me.Please, plan Vto aVtend. a-c" FOR SALE Home mnade 10" Bench Saw. with LOST * gaýsoliine motor. Also two wheel lug- Key RUiing %ith houseanid car k ,s gge tiailer. in v-iinity of Mre' Garage, Wed- See R. Pelletierv, Orono. neý,sday, April ît.Libe cal e'waid. _________________ Edwvard Samjjuel, pyhonï- 11710 m-r 15).1 1 FO<R SALE~ Foir the very Iwetprices on AI- umirlum lStorm iW.Mowvs oafl £toors, P, ch Railin<gs, ÀA -iiiing's C oloniali Prefalb Homnes, Cottages and Garages, Poe1391, R. ilelletier, Ormo 1Iý wîsh o,0 Li nk nimyv majny friends, ne~hou.sand relatýives for 'heir cards,flws and fruit and the many nqiresdu.intg niilness at hoime and in Cihe hospital. Special thaniks to the, officers and meiberls of teJiaoie Lodge, the Oronoi Bad e.Basi l Long, Dr. ..l,(cKenzieý the nurses and staff o)f the Bowmnan- Miilton J. Tamiblyn rl 22, 158 WslyElliGotVBloe husband of LouleGascddnand joy-, ing father of Iee Mrs. Dunba r of and Rg ofKenl'. Resting- at the Barlow" Fumlerai Hlomle, Ooo Service on Frid-ay, Ap-ý vili 25th, 1958 at 2 p.m. Interment! Orono Cemnetery. ilaý Jii M vrs. Maley, sister of t2r. Allan I Cathcart, is ini Orillia M4emoial bsH- led jitaI et present and we hope she will! U s0on be feeliing better. -Mrs.1Male ï lived niorth. of K'endal and -fLInter li yeas bs lived in Coldwýater.Ba The floýwer-s in Kendal United11 Ohlurc. on Stirndy ,verýe in memivof a Mcr. and l Mrs. L. Paeýdeýn arid Jaan i visýited Mr. anid Mr-s. Bert Thoympson onl Sunday. Mî', Cas.Thiompiison and ArthLur attýc(ededserv-ice iI, Port Hop1e Ulited Churdh lont Sunclay mornîng and en~-, joe'tihe sermon by tihe Presidenit of the Conferenc(e, Rev. Planister. 'YOUNG PEOPLE PLAN (tContinued fromn page 1) ist Saturdaýy ia May for Oshawa, ýwmanviIle and Orono district.,it m Gnsb the mnanager and Waynel 'aîley h is assistant. A Drama Festival is to be sponsor-' dby the Yeung People lai the Oronoc niited C'hurch oi n the 2nd of M4ay. Jire Gamnslby %'anis nilinated as ead o>f teWeiner Roast wthWayne îi:eyv, Grnti Tamblyn, DonnieI iuglyand lifford Long to assist. ilsevet wllbe lield M thte Os-ono Lrk andi nach memier is alloedVo vieoeperson wjihiinthe age White B;irch FTiee~ in clusters. UpI o 10" hig'ht and Cedar TreeýIs " to 6'l goodl and fuil. Norman Tustin, R.R. 3, Stoufviljle,i Jnt. Phione 96702. C-C COMING EVENT Plan to attend the Public Speaking Contest on Frid'ay, April 25th in the Sund)ay School Auditorium at 18 o'clock. A mnmher of contestants wil be c ptiintersp)ersed with miusi- cal numibers by Mr, Ford and others. Admnission 25c and 15,c. b-c CHICKS FOR SýALE Orer your117Curtis ChiýCks throug-h UronooElectrck PIHONE 129 (ONTRACTORS FOR FARM andHOIISE WIRING Fr-e EsLtimates *APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guiar-anteed Repaira to alI kinds otk Electrical Equipment and Appliances Sucb as Motors - Water Ileaters Radios - Stoves - Irons G Expert I Raimu A. F. iMcKENZIE, MI.D. 2U ~ ~ C *049pu t£I * 9 8Si4aq .aid W.dMuuay kg mppedmsawmînI DR. R. J. TAGGART IUWE USê effaff- Lawrence C. lasem,,B.A Barrister and Solicitor UWMANV1ILrE, ONT. SfIigge NIA B- à&94Noime NIA a-sui W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. lta the Ofcso R. R. Wadldell Q.C. k MAIN ST., ORONO Satuday 9 .m. - 59m Fatriday 7 p.m. - 15 p. Telephone 138 Orono JACKR EID Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales <Jonsuit ie for terms and dates Phone 5 r 1,S Orono - r- -_ Luator ýNCE d . eofl IDAIftY FARMERS 0F GAN 409 tHuron Street. Torot O IL 00. Lm PRICES REDUCE D ON Er--MIUM QUALITY me 011 20ec 01 17c ADA VOI 1L per gallon per gallon HOME DELIVERY PHIONE m- SHA&WA RA. 5-1109 r Every class of Iîisur- ance is represented ini our off ice. The f ollow- ig are so)me of the ,,main coverages we can offer- .4utomileII, Eife, Accident and Sickuess, Plate Glass, Liability, Ffre, flurgiary, Hospitatizationt, LivestoÊk, Boiler, WInd, Polie, ifail, Fidelity Bonds etc. LORONO PHONE IR16 FIRST IMORTGAGE LOANS Lero y Hamilto.i REAL ESTATE BROKERÏ AND~ Repairs CALL US FOR ESTIMÂTES HARRY E. LYCETT Phone 33R12 ORONO - ONT. j ~. 111W )S. Lat ms tset eaSbaa, % I 96% umd ov b M- les Md .qmdvu .A"4 img ibis IgatW*Wtowm zglu Yeu emklisee.mft'e. Monuiments, Gravestones, Engraving, Goldleafing' "Ib dfrmuBa" me c'y ommnhi. 1ITPAeY'rS TO0 ADgVyERTISE

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