T ok 'Volume 21, Nuîiber 12 ES Orono, Ontario> Thursclay, MAY 1 Subscription $1.5~ Liberals Plan Juge Couven- tion Te Chose CaRdidIaîe Th e Executive o f the Durham County Liberai Association ret ai, h'ad been adopited into the Ass0cî- the Commiiuniity, Hall in N"ew\castle oiý ï1he 'Orono Police Trustees met on aVion. R. C. Forrester and Gordon Apr-il -25th, 1958, for the puipose of onayev ening and were conirn'ed Co ter ere apipointed 0rono refp- hearing reports fronI délegates tO Ws h onsîdmerab1bsiheas to handie. - eetaie o the Association and, the Libera I eadersp Convenltion A de'gation of five froni the Orono are to compiete the nlecessary ferm'li heid ini Toronto on April i-th-19th. Çliaiber of Cammerce was presentfi, the Associations Industial Bru-lThe mneeting was under the chair- 13o dscss a numiber «1 5boi chu re. Atndrew McIGill1,was appointed, manship of Mn . Rbert Kent of Bow- within tlie Village and to seek some to obtan Ailirmation on available manvilîle, President of the Associa- acti'on. nikimgs iOno wîhmight be tion.ý PAINT-U CAML'14N usd for industry. This information is to be sent prenptiy te te Associ- Reot ee heard frm the deln, The Cihic Gommite Oin t.nsmngr gates, Messrs. Frank Rîckard, R. E.ý CordMon Cotter, of the Orono Ohanitier SEEKS iCOUNV1ES ASSISTANCE Lovel4hL, E. R. Woýodyard Gordon pîesented a request for the Village ILfi.l,.Mercer and S. B. Rutherfod Tickand Rss Honey. toparticîpate ia a paintmup camn- moved thaethie Counties' Road Engin- paign. The rComnittee recommended Mer 'bc conitacted to have the Tannery A Noimnng Committee was eA- pn.nting or the dock oWer, ana 'ie fiiLd aserd on tie east Oide as it was ected under the chairmanship MfMrn -r:rehai1. ihis was approved o n tu n tue west side is 1957. Also thelie Elmre Scott to make arrangemens ,,Iýù titesowh-opaisente th u ailhey Countiis are ta be asked to have 'the' for ýa NemntngConvention to be Pusdn al so l e aIL %vgsthe)urd ail t\%o Ppiar iees in f ront Of Iir. el orie p u ol of nontng a ptsintiieVil ge, u wsie ie an i r~nueruxvd addt to contest the Provincial eu hattacT.oaslip ounil ad i- elctuonex-peeLd to lie caiied *,his io~e aU1tô~rof ey 9,haýe the SIÇ WWMLS auturn. Meniubers of the Comimitte: .ersde of taie Tdwushp HI all aintdi Te 'éhairmanr lyuiWtd threu mec- ja!Fak Nk- n Gog V !he Chamber also req-ested that tifis of new Wiewulks tu bc em~nsrie- tnA eFaniicard Ian George Wai. %aop S4wC "bce pacd on smresla- ed tis yeati)eing norAthVIe schooi Jmsr lwa= e& u îe:sectng cwlth Ma and Mill Sfreets on Churcli Street, from Station St. Jh ae fBwavie .H -A -sto soth o ChrchStret ad asecionHuison and Pusselli oney of Pot .~ haL Main SLieet becthe llopksouhoononhurc Stîofet ad a sectio ~scret, as it lias been, where it initer- soit of Goubbiedick on Church Sti oe odnTiko'Mlbok -s ýitît Miii Street, . f hese are to be viewed by tuie Trus Jamnes Castie of Darlington, Laverne Lecsýmd igaii cnsWet Loe S Chapmi-an of Manvers, Eric Fallis ofI tee an agun onsd-eed.Looe LliCavan, HIarry Wade of Clarke, David PARKING souIho tainSrItilhogtt Ford Of Hope and Nei tVaieolmn of Tb-iivc omiteealseougt O'i p tnis projc t thS Y'ar ' -Cartwight. be 'Eustes a ougl malever it la Vo be formied and a gravel "cre he emns r ghma lbase laid. ý aga pian-. £'JÂParKingou ne cee-tlain e WVige. lt waa t ~' flIssa t cars could be angle parltd 011 botir ides of the businlessI sec-ýtion, at a 410 degee angiýe and this oudleave a 19 footd passage for throtghi tïaftic. lh itis maniner 68S cartswcuî le parked froni Logan'sý iîîîsbop at the sorth to Centre St.ý aud shghtly north aiong the botel. Aý dai-d pan la Vo be clrawNiup asud bot.h tne Trustees and Chamnber ai-e Vo cekthe nuniber of cars parked lé tLis wctien on Fridjy pigi-itVo Iara wi- ler ornet Vthe plani wili make. fer more p)ar-king or noV. The Chaini- îb-er a!is ,-o m riended Vth at ' oVitb b~issheuld be u the lookout fer frtler parking areas and one sudh aesWas suggested liebind thre fire- It was; generally predicted that tIré VILAE OA*SNolntig Conivention wýould be S. f. Rterodpoinited eut that hieid about the -middle of June. lb was, Cuicil ýStreet north of Vthe S-oo-b-fdciýded Vo hold tIre Convention lai been straked andi was ready teý have'Newcastie Commiunity HIall. Sèverall 1 Lile road cons-tLucted. Aiso the Board stronig candidates ai-e in evidenlce as IS te 'peLttioîi te bave une "'nnpertui ifor tire cause of LibeýraI- open te road east of theAMiSOi lnli iism ila Ontario ila running iriglifol- ioad. Thiýs îoadj shows on buie '1ownboing the election cof Kitcener plan but has neyer. been Ipnd tLawi\yer, Johin J. Wlintermiieye-r as aiso has beea partialiy staked and leader of the Ontario Liber-ai Party. wýill lie toutplpled sfiorltlv. Other iroad w-rk mmch ttheY are seeking tehav done inelLidei2a proper dite±t on tire lÀoit t'h of Uaoin 11111 and pre-,peri gracting and' graveliing of Rowe Ave.1 and lai front of Mlsa. K. Gamlsby's.1 Some impoevement is oeinig souglit at' ie rend ne-ar Vile Or-ono cemeýteryV. 1 SET NEW POLICY SUB-DWISION COQNTROL R. C. Forrmater drew attention Vo the fact that a numirer cf new streets A leter was received froni Vthe may be opened in Oroirehs year Deiý,arimerrt cf Planning and -Devel- anci that tiie Trustees sliou'ld set up al pnntapproving the ýSub-iisoiin definiVe policy Vo finance tireir con- Cntroi l y-iaw as drafted by tire Po-. struction. As th-ese new streets wl liTrusruýees. This by-law cnrl benjefit ely -those wbo have lobs Vo Ilsale oi preperVy in a parceL 'lesas sel or henlefit those e'ho purcrase, iV thn ten acr-es. wbeie ne registered was decided oni motion by Aeeer and plan l suaited, Tire purpose cf tire Ruthrerford that Vire cost cf eonstruc-1 bylwis te coatrel proper p1anning tien cfjew ronds in a development eî 'thre area. Tîansferriig cf Properýty, wuild be iorn Vrougb a local mi- itieblaw is paased, miusV nieetî proement ax on a freatag bases wItheVie ppieval of Vleee nin t hs prepertieýs affeuted., [ody),Iv ire miniater. 'Tir'e area. de- s,-ciled inatle by-4aw takes in lot 27,ý CLEANER BUSINESS SECTION 28, 9 and 80 la Vie feurtb, fiftb and DI)ibî'is of wrnppers, paper mud dirti Visouth quarter cof Concessiomn 6. on the Main Street et Orono -%as dis- TIr Trstes ps -e a )roboli Vocusýsed and te Tru steeýs are seekîn ginsu!bamit tire by-law 'te the Town- the assistance of Vhe loý,cal merchants snpfor Vieir consideration and pasa- te deaýýn up- in front of their, stoe :iL g. ~every Monday mnirg wen ro vision be inde Vo leav7e bbe debria Join Development Association picked-up. Th'Pe Orono Police -Trustees recelved A new niercury-vapour street liglit -ommnunication fror tire Lake Otr-lste be installed inVthe nortir cf tIre, cDevelopinent Associatiorn tinh, e Vilae 13 Youth fui Or, In Local Sjp A Silver Medal Coyntest under tire! aupcsof ile Womien's Chris iant Tear,-perance Union nas held la Vhe Suu,ýiday Select Auditorium io thtie OooUnitedi Chu-c-r on Friday, Ap- * u25Vl. Thirteen y'otItful speakers -,tk part lile conteat.- Recv. Long issistedl as n very cap-i abeciainman anti eommeirced the p~o mwiththtie singing eft twoý lymasfoiloetiwitb prayer. Preceeting tile elocuition nunirers,l A:unie <ilbanik. -La formier imedaliat, gava emprance seleetien -ntitled *A W./(JTU. Peein", antiAlMarilynr Cebledckplayeti stveral 'piano in- Tilerere seven girl contestants Judy Vugg, Shusley Sirarronl, Gail WJiliis, Janie Greenwooti, Cnt-el Gil-1 baiLinda Tyrrell, Bunny Hughes., Th!e six boy conteaants -weî-e Danel Rogerson, Jimmiiie -Motrison, Robin Targart, Ronle Besit, Billy Todd nti Cruelius Grceen. Tire jadiges were -Mrsr. Har-twel'l O rone Young People fTop Bible Quizz Cuitest 01ro1o as eiirep reseiitetiat Chamber To Sponsor Fire'. Works Display On MayI 9th weekenu daut the Buewmbnvîie Con- venltion fromn April 26ýth V o 27th for The Orono Cllamber of Commiierce comimented on and a motion W ail Young People. on Thursdlny evening, with twehre pse osekteasstance of Vi The ~ ~resenit, supported and passed a 1businiess men oritocean up in front etZ heconivention started oni Satur- Fireworks display for May 19th. Theltheir- stores eachl week and that te day nîght ovith a banquet and the mneoting was held lia the Orono Rest- Poliee Trustees shouid see tbaa tVire qjuet speaker was Rev. Lors Cari- aurant wheni a great deal of business debris is piocked up. This passed iu-zio son' fronil Peterbruh Two films1 was lidlled by the group, nnoxly were s;hown fOlowed by 1,etino ofieswbere Miss -Velena Goppiigl The firmworks dispiay mas niost \vas eiected head of the "Faibli and entirusiasic'ally supported by the AGRICULTIJRA-L C031MITTEE Evang-elianli C ()!'Ii ttc". Tire Clare- group aiid a Comnittee 'of W. H. Car- Donald Stapies -reported for tIr, l'on,1t Youngl People ciosed thie evenij man, E. Bo!wen), J. Meffat and B. Tenl- 4oîmaCo ritettng ht ilng with thu worshurp service. nant was appointed te mlake the finalaiefotWS eigpacd nre On SilILnd te ovetoyc,-t -plans The event la Vo be held on ýMay buiilding the Agricult ural Buildîrng. theconenton onVa-19tli at thre Orono Fair Grounds. and tliat tItis eartaiied tire possib le' ued witb a churchi service in, th-e moIr. Through isuch a veniture the chidrenpucasng o a Meryo-oid nig.Por ropaenerd-th BNean1a11sCil be abie Vo enijoy an oligr1eat proiliem la the Merry.-Gso- Quizz lna the ftero(ae awtiron heur anid a hrall show of grounrd and round ias the operation as One would repesetatve. ~Oroe cmeeuton eral ir wos.Eeyone in î,thee need te be a michanic and suacl a par'- top with Vickie ».Cotter-, Velenia Cepp- arlea is mnivited. - snV eaalui a ietit ingý aid Mr. Johin Foi, as our repre- si ob vial a lns Sentati--eýs. The sesçSion 'was then clos- A canvas of the Village is Vo be possible to find. eciwib ibl Sud an Cnrunin.ride to finance the show- which will1 At the ev\eingl, seri .ce lmany Yung o st' $100.00 plus a few extra ;liall Mr. Carl Biliings reported tint Vr People from Ooo tde hn charg-es. The Orono Wolf Cubs art Pair Board lad obbained awhi Rev. L. Carison ganve aniotber eut- te) be asked o- beli)p with the canvas AMid\%way for thre fair tItis yea dr staniding sermon. The Cacîeih* ith Vthe doniation te be $1.00. IV was this ould include a FerrisWIe1 Service after the Inistallation setrvj'ice stated that for- meat fantilies3 the costland a Mei.ry-Go-Riound(]. He u1a vvas wvell conducted hy Miss Copping. Xli in aiIt Vwas a wondetful con- vention and la witich we - are very Proud of our- Orono reipresentatives. Oromo Athletic Plan Sommer Activitiesl The executîve of the Orono Amiateur Athletic Associatioîý beld a nmeeting on Wednesday e'vering te plan the summner activities foi, tbe youth cf the area and aise te mnake arrange- mnents for the annuILal promnotion c f the piay. The Association iýs ag-ain sponso-r- ing a play fromi whieli they hope to Clothing Donation gin revenuLe tO promiote sports ï andj S3hother activities during the sl.1-Ier ThIls'fr1y 1 3t lts. nr(mTh Plirny- ý noii thae astîTig stage ~wiii start tonght for its first fuiJ rehearsal. The play is "Witnless Anycyn, interested in helprigwIth XOr the Prosec-tution" which is a not- "The Spring Co uit Clothing able underta'king for the cast of 12. Drive" for t1he Mission Centres of The play wiil be staged on tvwo succ- the Church, is~ requested Vo have your, essive niglits near the end of iMay. donation at the Orono United Cliurch SOm-e tim'e during the second: weel< eariy onr May 1;S'th. of June the Association are to hold their auction sale for icih they will -A guide in con nection with cioth- seek the co-operaton of the pu[blilc ing of al kinds is "cleanliness", a to scare up articles that tliey have state of "Good repair'" and, at ieast, no use of and are presentable for sale "svnlmonth's wear ir- ea<ch gar- The entire procqeds frornhs venture ment."is Vo be alloted Vo assist with the re- buildng of the rink. The -Mission Centres stress the Th-e Park sumorer prograni of or- need for underwear for al ages, ganized play and sport is 'to coni- jeans , iviiOd - breakei9a, sweaters, mience on Juiy Lnid and continue un- men 'S and boy's trousers, and wvarrr tii July 30. The rga will start ciothing for children. at 9:30 each rnornîng an'd end at 12 noon. The registration fee for pre- Your co-opeuation -wili be greatly school children ia $2.00 and for the appreciated. older chiildren One dollar fo)r the fuil W. MS. Family1 Salad Sui Iiin Vie Suaday -Scirool Auditorium fl~ et rono United Cirurch, cri Monday, 'ators 'Compete Aýpil 28, "'Tire WJIMLS. Fanr-ily' <wlelincludes Tire Aftern.oon ail Eveaing uiire, lGL. Ex plorers and Mission Bandl and Vieir ________________________ eaders, anrd Baby Band Leaders) ga-bbere'd for- a Salaiti Supper Meeting L erMrs. Wmi. Wa-nnan, Mrs andi e-afIliti Service, for-tire NeilRniîey.varions groupa. Whhle tire juiges retir-et for the i r Tietbe-oodfsivaniv decision Mrs. -Rowe presenteti a 'gifb iigi bi pll-clus f of mloney Vo the mnnly students Mboievitow ingl ir Sprd iag colwthours -c ilat prepaired essaý,s nnd 'ladle P07 p1n nigrewibFr bers iliclilweîl'eon11di-splý.aytnteve- Tile 'jrogr'amconmittee nppreýciat, cf bile assistance etf Mr. Ford with 'r.G iruilneroua well tc rendeti iooa ski oalselections wminc iladed grea' Wi teVl veninig's eatertainment. r le Mrs. Lowery gave the judges-- cilsion atiSpoke enicoui-agiirgly Vo0n- contestants and stated tiley could n - ail be -ninners, but wisbcd iley w-u ail lom-pete agaiiu. Mlirs. Lowery peetda 'Sit: a Mledai Vo Janie Greenwooti andi Cû ellus Green and 'book-, Vo ail coii f an s. -q iOslcr Tire enjoyable eývering was brouuglit preciation ef ber generous help witir te acloe byVir sigingcf ~hethe group la their 1958 project. Quieen.» T4e remainder of the eveninrgý's pro- g-rain was held lanVire Auditoriumy o would be ies's tlian wathe,yusal spend for this~ annual evet hesc retary was anthorizedi o tbanbe $100.00 dispiay. If more 1ironey than is necessary is coolIected the surplus wiii bc, turnedci er te helrp rebuildi Viej rink. Watch for the canvasseijs Vils Friday evening.i Air. A. AMcLaren etated tirat a numiber had mentioned building lots available for sale but that teu date no one had i iited any. R. C. Forrester reported that thel r Township Coutrcil mwas pursulng the! *oitist have Sop i-seet, on st'reets inthVe Village intersectin with the Counties rond. It was aise stated tliat the Village was se(elring to have a Sub-divisioa Centrol By-iaw put into force. Thie Orono Chamîber are te renew vO thièr nieri-ership' ln Vh(s ý CïiiTh% i Chanmber and are aise Vto support tirec Cobourg nominee at, theý convenrtion , as a director. I nededportion, iioutliportion naert nd.'h te tire South. NI ERCIA Mr. Carmna cbant's Conirr Scmrmittee w' of petitions t, store heurs.1 ferent set etf in 01 'herfo: 1 . - - d ll C Nk Vlliu ý CIVIC COMITTEE look after this in the nearfuture,, Ur~. Gordon Cotter reported for, the The coimittee~ are to travel to or Civie Comittee and r(eported that onto on, AprL 30t~h if prior conuVaza aiguns siniliar to Tavistock had cost are made by pb.one. $200.00 for four. These sigis were 4 x 8 feet. H1e also reported that they had investîg-ated the parking, on Mian VrAindWarctaserr- Street, Orono anid had found that ji ported that a baink balance of arouad agonai parking -,as poüssible on botn $100-00 existed' and the Chanmber had sidesiavn 18 feet for throlugh 18 paid-up mnernbers;. traffic. Thieo cummittee wili suhbmit their Plan1 to the next Police TruLtstees Mlr. E. H. Samjuel asked if anyore mieetin)g. kniew of a house to rent as'lie needied Debris oni the Main Street was also oefl i ln oein W.A. Ànnual Meeting "0"f Presbytery HeId In Brooklin Id reIieý cýf tire1 L~IJOYMrs. Cîsybton H. Searle, Executive Galbraithr said sire lad put iV ia three Ofcer cf t he Domninion Council parts, my respenaiility Vo God, Vo my perAtChuchoman's Association, wr:as tire -guestfeiiow m nen and te niyself. My e speaer dringtheatternoon session spensibility Vo God is to eiunreniti- __________________________of bile Annual Meeting cof the Osir-- ting in my practise cf Ilis worsirip Lhe(buichwhih bgai ýv1liOr nwa 1 Preabytery W. A, held laandi His praise. NMy responsibility te tir Ciurcr hic beanwiV OranBroirin Unitedi Chuircli recentiy. Mrs. myv feilow men is te t-ollow Vhe coni- Muisic, playedi by Mrs. MI. H. Staples. Searle said she had been asked'Vo alk mantimient "Go ye into aIl tire world A rship t, s ri ondcted by teon Vheie uification cf Womi'-is worland preaclirtbe Gospel" and rny re- Praien, rs Dumon, olewdwitimn Vile c'lurcb. For this moat iSm- sponlsibiliby 1te myseif la Vo keep 4 by the Affiliation Services lat w1ich portiant thiîîg Vile momen bavýe been1 close watcb on nry sirtul ,t fieymessages àwere brouglit by- ne iIaecoe ietti"h ae oduee I i Mrs.Gibl forC~GI.T.and rs.Working cf IHis Power in usTrogrgce Lea sk forVieExiilorer grotip. Encrauh Fdliy.1.F a bcmtrd D grpuip presenting their giftstaVotire to tranlsfit oues ;iita iminimum cii f mg Vie moral ut Via Missoar Society, wihwas TeftoThe hewoenc bleebr i udred hirard bte iigsce TraueCetfront Explorera und Ii Éoi h ftJesus lae - tary, MsJ. C. N rtad thie higli. abeautiful 1quilt and kittled articles muat tof smit ile spisit et InII"lg an-d, f~mC.G.I.T. We in Orono )are fort- m1iffnimum et fr-iction. Tbe,îîUsbs y heeectie Ue eprt wr uiat iVe h aving se many interestedtie ieetire wVorkro'f the ,wiwcn cf tile red y- arlusme -- Leaders who are willîag Vo givee' Iflurcil an Iav-e an undcrstnnd( jing lecu tie antidine _ýfcommîttees, tIheri Ve andi talents Vo) leadinig Viese e1>thtil -oe situationiilefor'e . Af'ter bile story cf t'ne--etr, rend by varions g -upaan, the rat e oaydcsosîgîigVl ie secretarY, the 'e -.v, q 4uestion1 trmsm ioinithe girls moatit be very Tile Fdro will le n new organi- and anisw\er Pe riod con rrditiing andienouMgng "US. tiinwbicil Nuillc erethe val-' .A.. wean Lseat îe. Drumrmoad 101(ie-xpressed te thanka cf tics in bots bile W.M.S. ai bil le W.A. 'Mils. Johin Broome, Mi-4a1nilb1o, the W.M.S. Vo Vilese Leaders, Mrs. Giroupa. 'an1( Mra'. Donald Stai,,ono B»ar-bara Carmieni, frr. Cotter, Misas ti eesr omaengetr-WA led iii a Reniie e S-rýý Jeyce Jones and Miss Neal andi alieffort t i rgaue ect duing wb ich (1a\ne s8 memes who belped la everyway Vo 1niake al to ail the womnen of the chuirh. Mrs. wl a asd~ Ic i s siucceastL[ycar. searle sa1iti aile as pîeasanii tîy su- amnal meeting - -vre renad ati white Aspecially arranged film, for C. piisedcl o findtiztthVie vtonlcrations nreplacetîinla vases Cby, 1G.I.T. provedti o 4e very interestiag! nd Jtd y Vive mentbers eto il the liCommunion Table i he-r-memr- te ail, sItowing Vt Vilte lite and ne- Norilinster- United Chiircbi earlier 01ry. Soft nmu- played by Mra, Syd.- tivitieset gýrls la Japan are very in bile aternoon lad been se l ine-LoIrr cnpaid iiae- simiular in nýany waso Canadian 1cý'ping with tire suLiject about wýhicb vice., Girls la Trainng. - 1sItewas tValkng. Mi-S. George Jwel Seated a.1thVie lead table -nitlr tne A mssgefi-ni Rev. Mr. Longlanti Mrs. R. B. Galbraithr lad chosen Presidenit, Mrs. Eivart Cornish, Wereo, broug'bV tet a close a very spiendldj-"My resrpoisibility as a Christian" as' i.C. IH. Searle, Rev S. J. Hliliieru annd wot whule eve-ni1rg. bile tieeof the Devotional. Airs. (Coîrtinued ont page "t) Seek SbDiiion AreaControll Orono Lins 9)evelopment AssOcý S 'l . . ubscription $1.50 1