s Walked Off WitliIxo>a ah xin za stafi of RoyalSideoardat Windsor. RoyalSideoardDespite every pre,.ntition, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINS Linvestigators ecently turncd Wiridsor Castle upside down Iooking for a gold brick that had vanished. Servants were que- tioned, archives examincd and mifembers of the Castie staff beý- eame keenly aware of griimisus- ]pieins of thcft. en the mystery was solved. A .gift fromi the people of New Zealand, the gold brick had been- ntelied do-wn into gold spoonsý enid forks in use today at ban- quets at Buckingham Palace. Happily, Detective-Supi. Owert McGrath, who is responsible forý the investigat.ion of any crime ini the royal households, does notu bave to cope with tho problemns p! his predecossors. Many years ago articles o! fur- niture were regularly disappear- ing from Sandringhamn. Chairs .vnd tables, a sideboard six f cet long, items of dontéstic equip- ment and a Wradrobe stuiffed wiý,th fancy dresses were aiwong hie royal losses. There were even blank spaces on the walls where the thief had walked off with, ,imali pictures. Then it was found that a King's Lyno junk dealer was in the habit of visiting the house for eld and worn.-out furnitume. A mnember of the domestic staff hegan to supplement his own in-. tome by selecting extra pieces - and the police paid littie at- tention to, the dealer pushing bis harrow down a main drive... until they discovered itwa J.aden with booty. Sti11 more startling was th' eieft of part o! the Irish Crown Jewels froma Dublin Castle in M07, at a time when the castie wvas stili considered a. royal do- main. King Edward and Queni Alexandra were vîsiting the Castie and were expected to wear the jewels - the glittcring insig-nia of the Order of Si Patrick - the following day. There wcre diamond stars, golden collars, ruby crosses, a bamp of diamonds and an em-er- eld trefoil. TIhieves calmly stroli- «41 into the room vwhere they wiere lying, within yards of the detective guard-room, and the ýewels have nover been geen tce this day. Then there was the case of stolezi gold plate in Queen Vic- toria'~s .roign. Whenever the Queen changed residence the iplatc- was aise transferred by royal carrier. But one day it was kiadvè'rtently sent by ordinary transport and lest. The police weme neyer able to make an ar- rest in the matter. It la scarcely surprising that, on another occasion, the Quent f1anced in the window of an old truriosty shop and recognized ene of her 'wedding gifts. Only the other day, one of Queen jVc- toria's silver cups turned up- ell 150 ounces of it - in a shop- 'winçlow -in Pt-ckbann. t had been AIOS BLIND - Five-mili sur- chroge of ihis 10-milt Egyptian stamj$ wiII help finance an ori- entation and care center for 1h. blind. It is issued in connection with the f irst Afro-Asian Con- gress of Ophthalmology, held in Cairo, Egypt. legiimaelybought a-t auction in. iIreland. Luckily, in modern times, royal thefts are rare. When the auto- rnatic burgiar alarmn went off at Windsor Castie a fewv months ago, police spent only seconds en1 their pre-arrang-ed plan of set-. ting up road blocks whlle guard.s serhdthe Castle grounds. t proved ta be a false alarm. On the other hand, a truck- driver found he had no need to by-pass the rond blocks wheni he begani stealing the fencing of Windsor Great Park Snatching it bit by bit, he sold $1200 wortà to scrap dealers before hie waàs c-aught.' Thenl there was the scanda- Ious affair of the guardsman on specil duties in Buckingham Palace, only a few months ago, who perhaps feit that he was on tn a g-ood thing. Cash and valuables began dis- appeiing from rooms occupied by close personal staff of the 1Queen and the Duke of Edin- burgh. The royal personnel were concèrned lest the news should leak out for they rcalized tbeic ,%orldl-wide sensation that mighIt Cccur. t waýs arranged that Squad- ro-n Leader Christopher Blount' should set a trap, using a secret- !y markc.d £1 note. It was a rueful Guards lance-corporal wh1o lost his stripos and his ioyal job. *Difficulties in recruiting staff 'or the royal palaces - and the constant staff chang«es that oc- cur nowadays - have naturally caused an acute new police prob.- lem. There was a stir, for ex- ample, when a telephone opera- tom at Clarence House was found to have sérved nine mnonths ilu lHolloway Prison. Another crisit that had to, be soft-pedL1led - curred when money disappeared IARCH FOR ESCAPED CONVICT-ThreE Philadceiphia police- men search freight yards with gunt drawn Iooking for four convicted prisoners who escaped frou a police von ouiside of Moyamensic Prison. One of the convist was recaptured shortly cifter the escoipe, ainother wds apprehended affer leading police on a wild hunm. break into royal property, of1. ex without fttrther' criminal, in- Lent. Like the mn who, at tile end of last year, clim-bed tht railingcs at Buckinghbani Palace in the carly hours o! the rmorru- ing and foil at the feet o! a sur- prised scntryý. Once a startling adventure be- feli the Qucen Mother ,when, it iF said, szhe walkcd intô her pri- -';ate'iiathroomr at Windsor Castie dluring the war ai-id found aýn Arm-y deserter hiding behinçith 15oo r. The Quceen Mther, it wvas r- iiorted,. calmly askcd w.hat he was doing there. Thon sqhe gave the unfortunate man a wretched ten minutes as she dciivered hem porsonal view o! deserters and rang the bell to summion the Castle guard. The police are kcenlyawr of treacherous eyes that watch every royal activity, waiting the slightost relaxation o! vigilance. When it was annouonced that the Queen . Would givo sittings to Pietro Annigoni, the portrait paintor, at his own studio îin Kensington, thieves promptly riaw thir opportunity. Aninigoni's luck was out, for- he had omitted to bank a sinali fortune in fivers -- and the cache disappcarcd. Again, wheni Princcss Margaret visited Exe- ter. Cathedral, in 1950, she was supposed ta, se the great iii- ver rross, with its 1-undreds o! blue Braziian diamonds, glit- tering on the high altar. Jewel thieves, however, had becomne aware o! their rich op- portunity. Tliey pounced a fe w days beforo the Princess's ar- rival. Though the cross was too heavy te lift, it took thcmn only a few seconds to gouge out tht jewels. The followînig year, a gang tackled Ralyrood Palace. They had found an unguarded ground- floor window at the back boy which to effcct an ontry andl went straight to a gallery on the first floor whcre many valuable mnementoos are kept. Clearly they had spîed out the lie o! the land be!orehand. But 'the troasures had been remrov,,cd to sa-fety and the thieves' haul was only s f ew ilver-tipped airrows. "It didn't amnount to miuch,7 as. a detective said, "if they Tei-e z!ter the ScottishReli" Walklng Sticks And Their Olwners Whon Sir Winston Churchill takes. a walk at his country homneia Kent, he, usualîy car.- ries a f avourite w,.alking-stic'k. During a recent vîsit to Chat- Weil, Mr. Macmillan, the Prime M'ýifister, went for an after-Iuneh ýwalk with Sir Winston and ho, too, crried a walking-stick. Both men prof or a walking- stick ta an umbrella while in the country. In this they resemrble two other f amous Prime Ministers, Lloyd George and Lord Bald- wtin,- each o! whomn had. a col- lection o! a dozen or mnore stout walking-sticks. On one occasion, in Wales, Lloyd George forgot te bring a stick and cut one fromn an autumn, hedge. A! ter bis walk, a friend staying with hinm asked for the stick as a souvenir to add to bis collection of famous mcn's walking-stïcks, w,,hicb. includied one said to have been caried by Gladstone. The famous drama critiç, James Agate, owned a walking- stick, containing a glass flask. Miss G. B. Stern, the novclist, cherished a large collection o! curiaus walkiýng-sticks. They lined the entrance 'hall of her fiat in London. One o! the mnost curious con- sisted of 1,000 love lettLers roîil- cd together over a steel rod. It belonged to a rôrmantic lover o! the eighteenth century who car- ried his dead swýetheaýrt's lot- ters vwith hlm w-ýher-ever ho wïent. The average person çioes not need any encouragement about rushing the season. Most of thcmi are far too inclined ta tear out the krst fine day and plant Pery single flovwer and vegetable seed they have purc.hased. Sornetiimos they even plant in the rain and very often long before the soi]. is really fit to work. The experi- enced gardenier, howevor, jknowsý that thecre are saf e ways o! rush- ing the seas'on, little tricks that will produce flowers and vege- tables perhaps a week -Or teri days ahead o! the fellow next door. But they don't get thiest early things simply by golng out and planting too soon and in the mud. They practise appmoved' short cuts. Take such roalîy warmn wea- ther things as tomnatoes, inelons or cucumber,,s among the vego- tables or some of the more ten- dem fl,)wers. The expeienced gardenems will isk a small planting o! those extra early, perhaps t0>n days- or two weekF before the nmain. plantings. But these early rows o! plants will b. proteeted for the fimt WeekF; when theme is daniger o! late frost. They will be covered with special wax paper covers, or panes o! gla¶s or perhaps if one doesn't mind extra trouble slmr- ply covered loosely with news- papors et night. Then too, we may hurry groyth with extra fertilizor or with special prepared soil or for a few extra early tomatoes or petunlas we may get extra big startedi plants and for th~e first few woeks, keep protected, Easîer To HandIe Straight rows and as long as possible in the vegetable gardon are not a sign o! fussiness but of efficiency or comnmon sense. It. -will pay a dozen times over te talce a little came in planting our carrots, lettuce, beans, anrd toma-- tocs straight and evcnly spaced. When we do this cultivation, eithem by power or by hand, la simple and quick and it is safe too, even whehi the new plants are just starting to pecir through the soi!, If we are sure the row~ ia straiglit Pnd the plants in 'the row evenIy spaced thon we cani weed quickly and cultivation is only hal! the chore it woulçI b. if the seed was tossed in any- where. A long string and sonne good stakes are absolute mnusts in planting. Decause the neat vegetable gardon is so easily cared fer, manmy gardeners aisô plant the !Iowems they wiIl use for cutting right slong 'side the vegetables. This la' an excellent place for a row o! sWeet poas, for the m~ain planting of gladia- lus and for any flower seeds le!t over froin the regular beds. This Is Vital There is nothing s0 important as the seed wc plant in our ilowem or vegetable 'garden. Soil, cli- m a t o and cultivation may be ideal but unless the seed is gooct nothing else wil matter, A.nd good seod means fresh, pure strain seed and o! a varlety that is especiaîly suited ta Canada. The successful gardener does not take any chances with somne- thing left over from last year. He makes sure that what h. plants comnes from a reputable and Canadian source and that It is fresh this year. Trenches For These Carrots, parsnips and other deep rooted vegetablos often have a tough timo getting down. deep into the soul, especially in beavy dlay, arnd in tryîng to do .,o they become twisted and branchied. When we go tao pull them !wo toa may have a tough time and leave about as many roots in the gound with the tops twisted o!f! as wc actually bar- vest. The wise gardener prevents- ail this fuss and loss by planIng these deep rooted vegetablos inaa trench flled with loose, sancly soil m-ixed- with compost. 1in such a mixture sced germinaté~s more quickly, the young plants are easily thin.yed and when we go AGIENTS WANTED GO lNTO BUSINESS for yourself. Seli aur exciting bouse. wares, watches and other praducts flot found iii stores. N~o colnpetition. Prof- is Up ta 500-/. Write now for fret colour catalogue and separate confi. dential wholesale prIce sheet. Murray Sales. 3822 St. Lawrence Montreal. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY 011,5, GREASES, PAINTS Seil the best. Dealers wanted. Write5 WARCO GREASE & OIt LIMTED, Tronpfto 3, Ont. AGENTS i IARE, YOUR SALES THE EASY WAY witli TENDERAL, the o niy Iiistant LIquid Meat Tdiiderizer on the market. Nao competition. Tendersl lsa asur* lýire seller i popular demand ianci % steady repeater. Money back guaran- te DO IT NOW - while gorne gootd districts still open. Write for free bat- tle of Tenderal with literture and full particulars for exc,,lusive agency Ira yaur district. TENDERAI..LABORATORIEb LIMITED 14 Temperance Street, Toronto 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE FROM NEEDLES l'O CROCODILES WRV supply anything. 35 Page îllus- trated Discount Catalogue listing over 300 Items 50e efipided wîth order. Special 152 piece Fishing Set regu- lar $29.95 - only $24.95. Consumners Shopping Service 58 Jonies Avenue, Toronto. AUCTION PRICES LADIES' TWEED woalen sprinc Coat, asss'td claurs, sizez 12 to 20, aise over- sIzes. Vaues fram #e3o0 ta $65.0t) for only $14.9f.1. SMART DRESSES, izes 12 ta 2441& oaly $2,98. IMPERFECT »RESSES, sizes 12 to 2,*19.LADIE' GABARDINE, wefl tallored Ski Pants, notIlned, ass'td colours, sizes 10 to 20, $3.49. MEN'S WINDBEAKERS. Lateat style, sizes 36 ta 46, $4.98. MEN'S PANTS, Meiburn, ail coleurs, sizes 30 ta 44 only $4.98. Outstandlng Values - Buy Now - Refond Guaranteed. .0 deposit, balance collect. 0. ENGEL, 317 St. Lawrence Blvd., Montreal. BABY CNICKS PU~LLETS. Day-aid. And limited started. Variety 4reedr.Amues In-Cross and other hlgh producers. Broilers toa, or- der fer June-July. H-eavy cocherels. 'Mixed cbicks. Prices, e. >q.y Mtchery, 120 Joh4n M., H4amilton or local agent. àOOKS "WHAT ROME TEACHES"I - tg-page discussion of Roman Ctholic teaehig> ln llght of Bible. $1. PROTESTANT- INFORM4ATION CENTER, Box 21, Pas&- dens, California, U.S.A. ENTERTAINMENT )PICNIC, or Garden Party? Cowbey en- tertaisner witb opes, Wbips, Boomer- wngs, Laughs. Day. Stewart, Molvern P.O., Ont. Phone (Teroiltô) ÂXîinter 3-4080. FOR SALE DAIRY asn. Good flouse, barni, Ilydro. near highway, gchool, church. rrwln Pretwell, Preýsctt 2,Ontarle. HI~WARTED MlE N, WOMEN:1941 establîshed firin NEW Organte Foodi Suppleîment - ground floar eppariunlty, DESSA LEE HI1LL Mail Order Service, 11168 Santa Monica Blvd., Lon Angêles 25, CalIL WANTED ,- Single mn Experieneed. Purebred Beef Cattie. J. Daunt, Ingle- wood, Ontario. SN,-lgrove 141J3. How CanIi ? By Anne Ashley C. Rw nan 1 nrevent a bus INSTRUCTION )EARN more! Bookkeeping Saes3man-ý amlp, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Le-. 4ans 50*. Ask for free circulr. -No, U3. Csidian CorrespondIence Course 1290 Bay Street, Toronto MEDICAL 100 VITAMIN CAPSULES, 10 minerals., Government-approved formuine. Why psy 20)% more? Only $L.60, postpald. Clyde L. Morrison, 2610 Orcliard Ave- niue, Huntington, W. Va. D)ON'T DELAYI EVERY SIJFFERER Oe RIIIUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITiS SHOUI.D TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRIJG STORE %35 ELGIN, OYTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE »ANISE the tornient of dry eczenï, rashes and weeping Ar.l troubles. Post's REzema Salve wll not dîIsappo)int yau. ltc14ng, scaling anmd burnlng ecze- ma-_.. cne, ringwaorm, pimples aýnd foot eczemna wll respond readily ta thfe stainfleas odorless ointmnent~ regorclless frthhw tubborn or hapeless they em Sent MNet r. on Receipt 0f Pric, PRICE $3.0 PER JIAR POST'S REMEDIES 2465 St. Clair Avenue rzsat TORONTO OPI'ORTUNITIES FOR MEN ANDO WOMEN FREZ 1958 Catalogue. Gifts, cosmetlcs, novelties,, greeting cards, etcý VWrite for~ yaur copy. Bern's Navelty, 6108 Jeanne l4snce, Mantreal. PAINT Signa! Use letter pntterna and stencils, Many sizes and styles. Cata- logue 100. Berge Ca., Gonvlck, Mýinne. sots, U.S.A. SELL Nylons and Hotisehold Goods for us. Esrn 25%ý commission. Regent Dis- tributore, 1073 College St., Toronto 4, OntarWo ,ýONGWRITERS! 'Stop Paylng! Start Getting Paidl Learn the Truth about êongwring! Revealing Faîcta', Free! Write Naennlg, P.O. Box 774, St, Louis 1, Pissauri, .-S.A. BE A HAIRDRESSER lONCANAOA'S LEADING SCHOCOL Great Oppartunlty Learniifalrdresslng Pleasant, 4lgnfiied profes-sion; good wsges. Thausands of sLuccessful Marvel Graduates. Amerlca'.9 Greatest Systemn lllustrated Catalogue Frc. Write or Cal! MARVEL I'AIRORESSING SCHQOLt 358 Bloor St. W. Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawe, MATENT$ ETHERSTONHAUGR, & C om pa n y Pat*nt Attorneys, Establlshred J1890. 600 University Ave., Toroynta Patenits alh countries. PERSONAL C ARTOON IMeassDrawnPrfson- l.Are you a beginner needing lrelp? Write for fre Information. Howard lB. * Nauglad, 1244 Rakyden Avenue, Eat Clevelanid 12, 0h10. *1.0 TRIAL off er. Twenty-flve déeluxe 1eron 1 eq ireents. Latent este- loqu ~nli~ed. , eIdeicoAgenicy, Soi 22 Ternl s1 lTororito, Ont. Y* b. hoppy and tranqui Instecl f neqrvouos.Qtfor a goocd nlght% s lep, toke êSdfn toblels uccording t. d1reciiomg SEoICItr, $1.00-s.9 TABLETS Omo $erStûuosfrf N N 'N 'N N N N N N N N N N N s, N N N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s, N N N N N. N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N