ORON WEKLYTEMES 4Ae&ri~e4~ Àae ail *~, fuse Office Departm«Bt. 4U«"a Po~R. k.A. Frrsr Pbbe.IL" C. Vegster Restricting Canada's Trade Caaasexport trade in mninerais js about t0 receive an~îrudeé joit from the United States. Tfhe United States ti f ommissioll has made al ruling that imiports of lead ai 'ito that counitry have inicreased sa as to cause ae r iýury to domiiestic- industr«ies. This leaves tue way cp e, i ü placiifg restrictions on such inipQts. t is; thereffore T, )-( d to more than double the tariffs ismiosed against tIýemn, and uo place import quotas on leaod and zinc. This, of 'oUï se,ý is afrned directly at Canvada, which isý the chief supirof these metals to the United States. One inight very well question- the ruling of the US ,tariff coymnission that iincreased îimports of lead and zinc aie~ responsible for the injury to the domnestic indu.stries. This is niot exactly a correct statemnent. The injury has been dmune to this and other industries in 'lhe United States by extent of the rocession which bas takeni place. in inidutrial pr oduction in that eounirtry. It s a temiporary sitiuaton, becaus* pirto the re-cession, the US needed very badly the lead and zinc epre fromn this country. Wben conditilons returiln to normal, the United States -will again have to rely oni CanadAa 1 oovd its industries -with thesera materials, The United States tariff commiiission viewpoinit is, of 'e, a purely selfsh expression of econom-iic nationaliýsm. Doubtless ýthe Chda govertnment w-îll take cgi zance of thiýs latest thraouCaa ~expor trade twithth Unlited States fr'Oom acuu of action detrinliental t thS Value of thie Cance-r Fund With all the bead-shaking that has been going o since the advenit of "S-'putaîk" about the need ftor mror e r-esearich, the Jack (-f trained personnel, mioney and tools for research, we mayi overlook one very important develop- nient over the past decade -- the grow'tth of cancer researcb. Evidence ocd this was seent at a recent mneeting of the board of directors o1 the National Cancer Institute of ?Canada, when nat bodyr voted Igrants-in-aid to 82 research Projecs and 18 iellowships, for a total ocf $833,0f)&. Ten yeanrs ago, the amiount spent for cancer rosearch in Canda was a f ew thousnnd dollars. Our best m'en were going* to thé Uited 'States and England. There bas beeýn a drastic chanige and this bas been due niaiffly to the response:C of the ordinariiy citizeni who answer théeuo durnigth oce'sfuind cam,,paigu,- in the nionth of April. Tbrough .your sulpport the Socty îla-able to place funds for, rec-ruiting top and senior physicists tW studly Ibis disease. Througýh sucb reséarci Che di-ead of cancer inay be ,viped ouI k 0 T noýýusines s Section Every Monday mùorning the Orono Police ,f Trustees wilI have paper and debris collectg cd in the bàiness SectI on of the Village. They as the co-operation of t4e busi-G nessinen, to have the 4reet swep and theG debris ,illed inf ront of their stre for earlyG Keep the Village aýt and Tidy Athietie Plan CA SF iour weeks. ,A motion wam~ passed t0 PA DRIVE Apn up w o751MO for Crafts and e- ùWîî permis lon of théCy Scout equipmnt foi thé park program. Cnmiin O rono otd Youuig IbsPeople will l their mo thly paper The Association are sponsoring rive Ibis Satlîrday, MNa ý3rd. PIel e (year three imnor basebcall Ieans.1 have paupers Juside aIthem by C eré is a neéd for some new equip-n 'cok mntfor the iliidget te-am and tuis was autboizéd to hé purchased. It DRA APF STIVA, was also decîded to pay a simail fe K mo astend~y -umpire as coaches findi ig S tO0, 'a Preab y pi e- Ut at times almst ipossibe to gel sent: -"S_'peakifg of Pcte"aî lunphes 10 bandie thé games. Prper Bownianviile T ink véut A e tain MnHad ',vu mS uhé e umîecequîpment is also béxng pur-ooUied ul îA Ao'unO ,Žnsp. Fda, ay d au 8:45 p..Ad- îsth Élini11or teamis have neyer hadppin0 e1ý bass ,iie Athlm.,c is also put cbasing I COMI*GE N a set vwhich are to be kept iockéd i h é leofficér . an m 1)e 11of 1ron a locke..,ue, e is need of a:ss tu lice e No. i, nd icérýs and/émn-j toDu Si iha both the PeeWeand bers of Beath ,lRefhékab Lo ge 14o. Rantam. teams. Anyone wishing tou. 34 are cordia ly invited tg attend help are askeýd to contact Mi. E., 'e -ne X rhpo udy 4th Samuel in order tLhat thaseto te,,ns ~.S.Svo~- n~iaChurch. Iva héproperly ýlooked after. a,.,Ictat2.3 .n il~e odge Hall.ý Service at 3pu.At t e service WVith plans now Ild thé Association short Memio.ial ' ric -iI év is déstinéd for a succéssfui suinier ai ouc îîevlCéo77 hp. ay w' v program. a large ttnanet eSeeic CA 0ý F THANKS LeuelToTheLi ùîy 1lof iemIe e iy El- Letter Ttt wîsl th u akrelives fienda and négfibouï for thie 1-il-essa ami rhe dior sympathy so S nthr _____Vie offér s mini than s for thé lie Edior-,floral trib utés2, té al' ae;,the The Orono WVeekly Times. nuises of Bo 'manivili Mémorial 1 Huspital, Dr. andjKs.à eKenze Chn Thursday last ani accident of Rév. Long for bis è ring me age Oronio. I refer, oft course, to the upjsQt of the High Scbool Bus. This mis'bapl ENG _EMENT 1i0l certainly stir the population off Thé engagéme t is anno nced o Orono and its suburhs, to demiand a CrlJli[ag o h e Mr saféty check on all sch<boolbuses,!and lVLMrs. P. J. C pman o Ronald silice it is only natural that, we should Bruce, son of Mt and rs. Bruce be concertiLd for thé safety of therHancock of Orono. Théi arriage teu stdnthdy in transit. Il séeis thatl ake 'place quiet!, thée sevent o we mortals are do(et 1 wait for June, i9)5S.ac .1liafortune to strike béfore we area arous'ed 1 ai,ïon. W bi'ingsnme' BLRTHfX lu thé purpose of this lettr.t TJI~.Mauref nd RI,Il Thréeila 01rono a situation Philli:)s3(néee IcKénln wbidbstanh, a il eîeamanopen lu annouunce thé birtb invitation fori raed ol strikje. Jan,8b.I ozs., oni beg yo r ont to cnie me morbid if aIthéli Vancouver Gel 1 'suggest that tragédjy basý nottr- odad ami b by do ed its baék on thîs invitation, but bas1 mierelyv taken. a raincheck on it. li SHETjLER-_léno nmean' that at thé swinilng pooi ila'pýt locý h Orono theré is evéry posilility that thfeir daxughtér, ýNaur 1on April 25,19 , ýimurnan lite may hé lost. The rea-Son MmrilHo t forI is lhe'tat 10 maay peoPle ré-i 'lgard thé ground ia théeimmiyedlaté v'icin1ity uf thé pool as a pl-ýayground rýatbér than a swiimriiing area.. In your last éditorial you suggested thé Bi1 constructio)n of a wîre fence to Pré-ý vent Ibis. Unléss tbéy bave cb'anged'A Iheir mmid, tbe Park Board will un- w «+aâty doubled'iy réiply that they have insuf- o ficiént funds Io make sucb provisi.on, 1Cm taci When confronted with thé fact that, they havé at théir disiposal thé sum n Fi of $4,500., tbéy will say, witb ébarac- U èd iE téristic nlonotony, that tbey are sav- ý,gi s for' the rainy da y whén a new Phon i 'pool wil e necéssary. 1 appreciate j théir foresight, but is it not a falseil. asséssmérit of values wbhich considers pucr.d. Fu<u Ifuture needs to thée xeclusion_ of thé préseýnt safety of thé village cbild- '. réa? 111auay case, I submlit, that, sbould a néw pool hébu Lt, a 'wire é*ý féncée would certainily be includéd as_ an indispensab1eleiart of the plans. R AL E Thereforée, tlu)apend that mt-oney now R A S would not only hé a sor»t of invéýsîm-ent in thé new Pool, ibut il would alsol 1- YOU WAI léavé our- minds at, rest that at leasîý BU-Y OR S astart had been madle to'wards safe P1OE swmigfacilities in -the Orono I t Sincere1 fI LV fl R~u) -i £, ai.. te.4*9 p.m.; 6:»0 te Sifl m SP AIS ad 1 ooe1o - Fo- the vei w st rices on AI-~ qe~,,sdksbs.is 'lmîInum lStol-lW 0o m Doors,' * lgrmt ch Railing-,.w ngs,ý Colonial Prefab Hoines, Cola es an Garages, 1?S»NE 1006 O*emmUe UP ,;une 13>91, R Pelu ier, _1________________0___ SALE White Bircb r(eés i clusters. Up L !u,0" Whlt an Cedar Treés 3' to 6' Lwr~eeC . Masen, . good and f uI înfvilé aCIto NomnTustl R. . 3 tu il, Barristeran SoIicitJý; Ouit. KPhne 96702. c- WHANV1LLV, ONT, CfIICkS FOR ALE Order yOtu Vu lis hickstrog 340l.aMA8Mr Hfudsonj, Phonie 241 d-p I ILa the Off'ices of CONTRACTORS FOR R. R. Wadfiéll Q.C. FARM nd HTISEFriday 7 p.m. - 10 1. WIRING i Saturday 9 a.m. - -a p. Free Estimates Telephone18 Orono SAPPLIANCE SALES - Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs to ali kinds of Electrical Equipment JA~CK R EID and Appliances Such as Motors - Water Hleatérs , Radios - Stoves Irons i. ~ Auctioneer and Valuator MacKA E'S g Specialize in Farmi and g g urniture Sales g ConflIt me for ternis SWATCI & LUCK gand datesi CLMCgPhone .5 r 18 - Oronc Expert TED JACKSON O Watch and Clc ck g Repairing Auctioneer and Valuator g MAIN STREET, ORONO ~à" « ne Um Pun, 5B.W" ,- b n r gufitan 12urono i a isuntuv aigikhhInsurance Service Leroy Hamîltont T ATEvery class of Insur- LNT TO ance is represeuted iii SELL. our office. The follow-- tTY iing are some- of the m~ain coverages we cau otffer~ Auttomolbile, Litý, Accidentl and Siekness, Plate Glass, Liability, i'okerPire, Burglary, Hospitalization, Orono, Onit. Livestock, Boîler, Win<l, Polio, Hall, Fidelity Boinds etc. oitO0NIO0PHONE I16I FI RST MOKTGAGE LOANS Leroy Hainilton REAL ESTATF BROKER -111 jPluanblag Repairs CALL US FOR ESTIMÂTES RARRY E. LYCETT Phl.--3RI ORONO- ONT. 't LIFE INFý POeOus Plan; S» rm"m sud &â 3uran4e Plume. F. E. L. STAFFO1R 'moument, Phuas M ai MO" Jsi " . at .qIW Th 'i. UTTU LJRANCE mv"ffl madu ila; vtwtgfg. b. YCETT ZD BROS. WT8 AND £mg ,~ ;*a o-m d' Âad sca" nte wie give itGr'r GOMYPAI Ph... Turer f S4214 Monumients, Gravestones, Eingraving, Goldleafing ' êiwoet a"âs.,,ea mmm"e IT PA YS TO ADVERn"lSE,- \ e' Phone 3347V~/ ZU1CES RED ,.CE D ON :)ViOu*1120e rylo 07/per :t7 galion HOME DEL ,WtY PHONE 7 SH4ARA. 5- 1109 mý,w 1 8 1 Il ý