Y. ORà)\O WEEKLY TIMES TIIURSDA Y, MAY S th. l1958 / d r-, tas oui gro Scie tender Sunkist OranI £ 49c reen eans Nay eay 0aiona6po s Pl IYOardnset luCeo Selct Flvou pakedM, crýwýp.,IIet se goud Siz4 Biananas 2 bs 33àc Cuçumers2 Onions mEATS ello 33c fr 29c 3 bs29c B ý,iYEFozEN ÏNR BE BUYSh -------- 7C Swift's, Sweet, Pickled, Peamiealed OQTAOElb I51 ROLLPS PORK HAMLLc ROLLS lb 6Y Swift's SkLinless Brookf ield one pounxd package Sausage -àc Swif's P'reiumtin- shiced Sandwichi size 6 oz pkg. Cooke Ha*4c, SAVE 4 cents -- Red an WhM-Iite Jelly Powders 4 for 29ci Miracle Whip 16 0unvue jar Salad Dres g 39cý Mother's Day Suggestions SUPREME NYLONS 51 gauge 15f den. 'r. 89cý ~Golden HIoir Assorted Chocolates lb bo, ý -This Week's Candy Buy full Pouand 39C SAVE 6 cents ýTEA BAGS Salada - 60 bags SA VE 1>cai~t White Swa~n Toilet Tissues 9 mils $1. 00 S AVE Ile - REGULÂR or CHUTBBY Kicenex Tissues 3 pkgs 49c SAVE 14e - 10e OFF PACKý Free'Silver- ware in each Surf giait pkg. Deterg SAVE 2c M'AGSTAFFE's Strawherry or 2 4 oz jar 47cé A ,.'VE - EASIFIRST SHORT ENING lb pkg 2 for 5]c SAVE 4e - NABI'SC Shredded Wheat 2pkgs 35e Il Intodimg Lucy MaIda Posture Queen Fer '58 Lucy gaie ie icor ve-r f s se conastats urin VIet f a TŽa Dance ti teOdelos ive sal at ail A sinliar ontet hein an ' v , ja Ch ilra tL o ll g a Gilcmeitosof Grande 9an f1 wet cuefllysceene d for correÏ Slas-maes.The outcomne of tiheir vot- 1esi ti'n1is s - n u f)l pary rignaedamIong the studlents and~~~n tedsayofsuits alid dress-e, on FridaýY show,ýed mny h lait accepted 1While Mrs. St. John anld 3Marilyn %b dc encocted a seilpunlch to b ereived with thedoughinuts, Pat- as .C.s s~nnngthie lateast recýords befre d afterte otei.Dcr atins y aneKno;added gf ett thle atmospqher-e 4of the party. Forithe ctual contest, thse final- ists with that animials-ohi-displa feel;- ing, ere rquire to alk, siLtdw onl a caiad plick ssp a boi)k in front Of the entire s detbo.dy. Thien the afternoon guest-s Mrs. Don iStaples and lMrs. Ted Samuel an-nouni- 1ced the result q)f their judging. To) 1,u cy, the, winner, they~ presented 'a mal'nicure set and to eaeh of thie rive runners-up, a silver cuffee spoon.,7 Although the idea of a Tea Dance and Posture Conest was oviginaliy, forePigil to most Of the Studenta O(HS.eve ion nOw in comlplete annual e'vent. (Cont7itued f ro page 2) or less disappeared from the area., This mayhave resulted fromn the gen-.! eral public not trngin any car- cases of fox, coon, etcý. thait 'igl have been .suspected of bahTving ;rabieS, This- year, however, we have had six positive cases i)f raJbies in fo-x sýince Marnicisl9h,1958. They wr di-stibuted as follows:- M Nareh 19, 1958, 1 fox neas'Asgr e April J6, fox near Ox Tong-ue Lake< April 18, fox MUonmouth Twîp,., H i- iburton. April 2.5, fox niear Camero,, Ont. April 15, and April 2 2 foxesý near Minden. Thse foregoýing shouid be awang to thse general public in this District to treat with caution any animiais which are not acting in a r-ornial mianner. AnY Conservation Officer ori the Lindsay District Office %-Il be1 pleased, to receive a-ny reports of, sucis 'ahnonmal animais or forw-ard thse huad of dead w-il'd animals to th~e pro)- per authority for iýnvestig-ationl. If a dcnàmestiýc animal acts ln an ab - normal nmanner please do not de- stroy it if it is possible to lock it Up or tie it up without running an Undlise risk of being bitten. It should be held for -a neriocL of fourteen days. fi wilI likely be alrigh$t KENDAI tNEWS The, Womnen's Associatio)n-met Jn the Sunday School room on Wednes- I day evening, Apriti 0th. The vic- president, Mrs. G. Gathcart, wvas lAn thse chair~. Mrs,. Reg. Elîiott read the! scriptgu'e. A talk on1 Moses, the great J leader, 'was gifea hy Mvs. Cathcart :ii whicls shie .said that Christ needs, i us todal to fsirther his work. A yery fine, taikwa given by Mrs. L. Green- wood on the llawaiin Iuands telling -I. of the ideal clim'ate, fr uit and flowers fouri there and showinîg picturýes of, the islands. It miade uis feel itwol Anl a grand place to s-penid a holiday.ý Aithe natiinialities get along wel to)g--thelr. After clseof th-ýemeet- reTreahnents.* noe uig F ted 0;' spety ivitb hise moth-eir, IVis. SMr. amd Mrs. GeoýrgÏe Clark of Tor- ouito speiit the weeikend at their sumi-! merhomè ere Mrli. u114 Mrs. Wns, Mercer have se- tturnýed homde after, spen:iing the win-i ter' nonthis in Florida and _Mr. Mercer is feeling inuch better. M Is./A.* Swarbrick ,was anoer nigt ges ivth -Iand IMrs. El-aküe AlexanIýder aiid on Monday hiad teaC with MIr. ans(i Mrs. Bert Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. T. Garbutt of Tor-i Ositu Were at their s-unmmer homie lere fos the weekend, . NEW8"WHfIRLWIND Here is anow r that gives y ou bargains irUfty, featuIres and Performance. it's buîtt4ive year Of dependabI .,trouble-free service.,eQWS grass5 weeds, pulverîzes le'aves and tri Zclose to give you complete awn care. LOOK TJ HESE TORO FEATURES H îgf-ofcu cangeIn .secontfs Th le, stop and start confrols aft your finger-ti s. Stagge ed whecel 'Jes;in ents ILecf ulcher atff ment inctud.d fre*. Low Down Paymeni qowerfui 1.75 4-cycle engîne with recoil starter -- spec.ial Toro Auditonie Muffler. ROMjL P H H ARDW ARmnE Oromo oOnt, Phone 143 ROYAL Iowmanville ROirALMA. 3-5589 THT S. TO SAT. -M -1 MÎATINEE SATU Ay 2.00 p.m. (Color) A- DOROTHY MALONE Collnedy feature king for Danger' i (B. Boys) 'Coniplete shows at 7 and 9:30 pm TJO WEIINES. - AM Y12 -1il Matinee VWednesda;2 P.. ANo AN',sIl 1 ~<EWdÂÂNEsESTi OPA aV~i n NIMi2 RÂ) u-oOks - is >'our, N s N N I - ~-~-,-~------------ ->fl~t~)e(,OUe o~eWe,,e CornIsl's Red C& Whlte Store W.-ý N N N N N a N N N N N N s N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s s N N N N s N s s IL