S-red to b. Savage But GentIe Now The buidog waýs brced ta get ît,,teetli into a bIlsnase anid Iiolcd on - a-id it has, become symbol cf ferocity and courage. Ibut these dogs today arec o leroeilou. T h e y in ake genitle Pets. The breed originated ln Br- tain in the 16th century when bull-baiting was a popular pas- time, It wvas for this sport that the bulIldog waýs bred iannd givenu -ts nre CComjing ,from 2 Jong une of OgIginancestors, buldogs pou- seae etraordinay courage, and awere sa savage that they seemecid insensible ta pain. 'FO acle a byulmhy had ta be 10w to the grournd, theirsqa build enabling them to avoid the horns of the bull. The protruding, un- dershot jaw aflowed the dogs to breathe wnile holding on withia. m "btllçog g r i P" ta a buli's »Ose, Tirhe sportsmien w,ýho kept dg Y.or 'bull-bating tound it an ex- pensive sport, for many- of tire .Iogs were killed. Sometiznes the enraged bull 'woujld tess a dog thh-ty teet înto tire air. But '4nce a bulidog hmd taken, a grip Mie bul rerely shook it off. 11a 1835 bull-baiting becemc illegal ina England, and builldogs mkight have died eut if e few qog levers mad not banded te- getirer te gave this fine breeci. The Bulldog Club, founded in 1875, wvas the fitst specîalist cluib gor( any bhreed of dog. Tedmly, bulldogs bred for, sho wj put-poses have ail1 their inlost pugnacieus looks e.-,aggeratIed, 9o that they- lo even miore ,avage thani their encestors who bad te do battie with the bulis,. But tireir undesireble ciraracter- istivs have been eliminated and thre bulldog has beconie one _et lhe finest pirysical specimens without its orieinal vicieuisness. The ptesent breed is gentie, g ced -natured, affectionate and bfa ehnit Agh-ts. X Tiey -were fitst lbreuEht over tirte United. States by the early- Engli settlers, and large breed- ing lkennels wer. estabiislied ln Virginia. In tire middle ef tire Igth century they becavme thre aimost populrda'x k-e r tire dort Oghitug contesta tirat were tire eage anrong New York sports- men1. Bull4ogs are now ameng tire top 20 most popular brceds la America. Tht perfect bulldog, ;accerding ho tirhe official standards set by the Ainèrican Cenxci Club, 1-must Ibo cf medium size and smeoth ecat;, wih ireavy, thick-set, 10ýw- gwun.- body, massive sirort-taved bead aRnd wide siroulders. FOR a 1 MAN-SIZE KITE-Russia may have ha4d the biggest satellite up, but Ross Byers, who lives in Knox -Counly, dlaims the blggest kite in his area. t's 10 feet high andI 7 fee-t.wide at the cross- o:irm,- and looks big enough to carry its little acldmirer, Susie Myeirs of nearby Vincennes, Plastic covereel, the giant kit. requires a heavy nylon cord to hold it in f lght and 1 50 feet of tait to balance it. in a hecuvy breeze Ws neceesary to fasten the cord to a post, The other admirers are Bannie and Prince, Byera' coles. Crooks DIdn't Have A Dog's Chance On a night of dense fog Police the watchmxan at a bout 2.50,» the Officer ArtAtur Roian was cail- inspector in charge explained. ed out, wjth his famous Alsatian, "They've burned a hele in thý- Rex III, to find a man who had sitfe with ône of the firm'is oxyv- atacked a womian on Mitcharo aicetylene burrnet-s. They ran Conmon, London. trom the offices to the yard at Reachîng the ,tootpath, lite the back, and although we've ordered Rex to 4.end hlmn." The been searching since threeam. dog led hinu threugh bushes te- we can't find a seul. 1 think ýwards the eielctrltied railway, they've gene.' then look0ed about hlm, unde- "We'll1 soon find eut," Holmian cided. replied 4 "puit you'd better geýt Iloping te find s omnethiig the everyone eut of tire yard. 1 don't man nilght 'have dropped inth want Rex iuttakikmg a detective., Ftruggle, Holman told Rex to Rex raced only thirty yara,~ "'Fetch it," knowing h. would then skidded to a haltýnd bc- rst bri-ing anythirrg dropped l'e- gan barking. Run»ing te the spot, cently, tifl bearing a human Miolmnr saw a nman lying aleng %cent. the arm of a snxall ct-anc.' Fit-st ire retnieved a ctton- Rex then went off on tire wvoel pad smelling of ehloroform, s£cent of the other two, streak- next a ivy-blue r?.inceat bel,Ing over rivet-udt f actory wallp. then a man's .glo-ve, and finally At last h. reîched a steel ladder -the inost vital dlue ef ailantnd tried toe dimh it, but the envelepe býrJig a man's naine rungs were iced over, aid ire- Rnd address, kept slipping back. "Can we get' C.X[Iý. officers wen' to the ad- tte the roof from inside tira diress and feund that thre man buildinig?" Holman a-sked. was already under art-est. It ap- "4Yes,"ý he was told. "We've' peared that he had t 0 n c e already searched ip ftiree.AUl cycled to another part of South tire saine, up to tht roofet thy London, cemmitted a similar of- went, and there Rex cornered f ence, and been quickly app-e,- thre twe men, bent double ire-. hende-d. Rpx's expert finding of hnd a wall, "Call thre do~g off!1" the articles enabled thre police screamned one. "I'm afraid o!f to charge hirn witi the earlher <legs!" assau'ilt, and hie was sent te pt-- A' terrifying experience fal- son for five years. lowerd a cli te C14phiam June- In "My Dog Rex" Homan teils tïon goeds yard et two ai.m. just otiler remat-kable stories of "tie befere Christmas, 1952, when a dlog that n e v e r put a pmw signalm-an had seen a. man tain-. Wrong," neyer miissed a day-s perlng with a wagon, Rex rmced duty through sickness la nearly off inte, the black. maze ef.t -unes,' seven yemrs' service, and made wih Holmnan running atter'hlm. 125 arrestsn- Seon he ireard a rattie and t-un- At Sutton two men had inash- ble - not of goods train but of ed an outfitter's window, scoop- apsegrepes n elz cd forty suits, and made off. A -a passigt- express, and eal passerby said that one had tut-n- ed itrhrrtattuy ee ed down a side-street, shouting amnong the e-lectinified tracks! te iis mate: "Yeu go and , get Heen, - e trugr e tire car!" mgtb îid Running down the street, Hol- Hle was tremibiing -with fear man saw a manl leave the ide when Rex suddenly bounded te ef a pub and scamiper off. "Stop his side. Roiman grabbed hiil hlm!" ire ordered, but as Rex, by, the neck, pulled him close. beunded in put-suit a big shee-p- B Ut what now? Mo1ve or stay? dog dived. tlirroutgi a gate, bark- Tirey ,vere betwveen two tracks; ing and jum-ping et Rex . -Flow close would tire train pass? Hohinan w on le re d if Rex A beamn of ligirt swung ar3 wouId stop telhtadbeh- the darýýkness towards hlmi "Kee dered long ,enjough for the mqn s till!" screamned a voi'ce. Holman to escape. But, irrly ,,Iacke-cing clasped Rex tightly and closed his pace, lie threw off the sheep- iris eyes. The train thundered ,6f; wlth a iirty shake, kept past wt a blast of air tiret on atter tiere nazn, and pinned *early lrocked hlmi over. Roi-. hlmir in a doway. man was shivering now, an-d Ris share of the cl--othes was soaked with perspiration."ep found b htie pub w hie'd stili!" the Valve roared aan been wIlating for his maqte. Fier-ce -We're camîng to you!" ln cornering erooks, Rex neyer Tire yard foreman whvo ed fought another dog unless sorelY there t'( satety said: "Yod wvere provoel. botir lucky-. It wvas a m-iracleý Qne night they were calied ta that neitirer of you trod on k. an engineering works by tire live rail." Tirames et Battersea. About for- Roian gives an absorbing ac- ty policemen were assemibled ceunt of Rex's treining, besides outside, includig p1ain-clothed descriloing iris exploits, in a bo,1s C.I.U. men. "Wirat's tire use of t'het will engross ail1 dog-kiverls. calling Pa dog?" onorifthem en sir- cd while others looked Ufl, Obey thre trafýlic signs -- thel? vnrusedi. -ae laed treefor VOUEI "Th'-ree men were dlisturbed 1by S AF ETY. ()fst ai usare Inclinedci. to p1;n)d seeds to close togetir and-ometimes witir very fine ,ceed socnetime's it ean'tire irelp- eci.Bt the mroe tightly- trowd- \ec1 the plantý the less vigor any ~geof them v an maintain. s brtly alter tire seedlings have sIiown t 'heir first set et truc leavrvs and before, crewding be- comOs titical take oeut tire ex- cessq plants in bththe tl- fower 'axid vegetabîe garden.' If y-ou ha've need for then--elsewlhere iii tire gardeu fthese tirlriniings vain be transpjàntad teadily at tbis stage. For tieer trt grû-w itea relatively low height like Alys- suin, 1Dwarf Merigold, African Pai.sy, Wallfiowers or Lolbelia., ,you shouid leave ony a tew inches space between planits in te row. With langer flowers like Zinnias, Asters, tail Marigold, Petuinias, Dahlias, Cosm-ýos et- SnapidragonF thet-e should ire a i-inimum et a foot hetween thé row. With lai-ger tlewrers Mke Sunflowers and Tîtirenia sh'ould -have et lemst twe feet space between. Cetrots and beete; sýhciuld have an inch r e-se be~- tween them. Remove hait etftire plants laten on for tire fit-st mîeels. WATCH FOR J3UGS With so meny' easily applied chemical mixtures or tire mat-- ke-L'thtrte is- littlc if any- excuse -for having Out- fiewers and vegetables dlamageci by insects et- disease. Il is ne longer nec- essery te prepare varieus con- coctions. AlI tiret ene iras ta do Ls te go to there arest seed store, teil them oui' troubles and get sotne handy- preparatien wýhivir is simply- dusted et- spray- edl on. For every 'bug ior disease tiree s a specîtic curtet-r cen- tral. Tire main tiring is te start control mieasures just as soon as tire fit-st li ut-y appears, Treat- ment Is net expensive. A irealthy, dean ad vigor- ously growing garden is tire best insut-ance against injury. Well spaced, well cultivated plantasat-e far less susceptible to trouble thati neglected plos overrun with weeds. 'Prmpt clean-up measures, after har-. vest eor bleeniing, and la the. bioorming. and ia t'he spring and tali will aIso help gremtly, Maayý bugs and diseases live cver in tire gt-ound,~ or la w.eeds aIong tire edge cf tire garden. Clean-ý ing these up regularly wiil help substantially la keepine a gar- dlen ircathy. NO RURRY Do not fret if tire spring in late la y-eut-part et Canada tris year. la tire fit-st place frettig will net heip bria tire warm day-s any- tester and secoadly- tire is still plenty oft tlue Pny- wirere la Canada ta have a fine garden, evea if we caan't get a spade ia tire ground until late May. Incleed thre are several quick grewing thîngs wiricir wilI mnake abundant bloom or fine meals fer- tire table e-ven il planýrted la June. Tire experts, incidlentally-, alway-s wern tire beginnier ta taire it easy,, ta pt-e- pare tire soil well, and waît un- til tire spring weatirer iras reel- ly qrr;-ved. 0f course, one shouldl get nursery stock and some ofthtie hercher sorts of fiowers and vegetables pianited as soon as possible, but tire main sowings at-e best postpoaed ui- tii around tis turne or even 1 at e1. Spreadinig tire piaatings, tLoo, aven a. fairly long pet-led, rîgirt up te early J-ui la tire wrmer parts et Canadla, is aiways ad- visable, In tis way tire irrvest etr flowers and vegetables is sýpread eut tee. AG2NTiS WANTED GO INTO BSINESS for yotrself. Sell our exciting house- wareslý watcbes andl other products inot found iii stores. Not compietltlên. Prof- ïts Uip to 500-,. Write now for free eclour catalogue and separate cosfi- dential whoiesale prive sheet. Murray Sales. 3822 St. Lawrence Montreal. EXCE PTIONAL OPPORTUNITY OILS, GRIASES, PAINTS leil the best. Dealers wanted. Write WARCO GeEASE #& GIL LUMITED,, Toot , Ont. AGENTS MARE YOUR SALES TEE ASY WAy with TENDERAL, thé Gnl1y lInstanlt Liquid MAit Tenderizer on the market, No coniipetition., Tenderal is a sure 'ire seller in popular demad and m steady repeater. Money back -guaran- tee. DO IT NOW - while e goca dist:ricts stili open. Write for f ree boi. tic of Tenderal wtth lteratui'e and fuui particulars for eclusive agency, in your district. TEýIDERAL LABORATORIES LIMITED 14 Teimperaýnce Street, Toronto 1, ARTICLES FOR SALE HANDICRAFT Mterials: Foam ràubber fuor flowercraift, Leather, Felts, Beads. Shiellcraft, Copper and Aluiniurn. Write for catalogue. IIANDICRAFT SUPPLY CO., Peterborough, Ontario. FR031 NEEDLES TO CROCODILES WE supply anythîing. 35 Page illue-' tratecl Discount; Catalogue listing over 300 items 50,1 refunded with order. Special 152 piecê 5Fishng Set regu- lar $29.95 - only $4.95. Consumnera Shopping Service 58 Jones Avenue, Toronto, AUCTION PRICES LADIES' TWEED woolezi apring Coats, ass'td colours, sizes 12 to 20, also over- ises. Values from $30.00 to $65.00 for only $14.95. SMART DRESSES, ises 12 to 24½,ý only $2.". IMPERFECT DRESSES, ises 12 to 20, $,5 LADIES' GABARDINE, well taliloiýed Ski Pants. not lined, ass'td colours, ises 10 te 20, 39.MN'VINDBEAKERS, Latest styl, ies 36 to 46, 'M.98. MIEN'.S PANTS, Meiburn, ail coloursises 30 te, 44 ornly $4.98. Outstajsdlng Values - B3uy Notw - Refund Guaranteed. .0 deposit, balance csolleet. D, RNGE, 5817f St. Lawrence Bivd., MOntreal, UARY CI4ICKS PULLETS. L1imkted tarted, Dayoldî. Variety breeds: Aines In-Cross, Coluns- bian Rock-Red Crosses - other high producers. Order brollera for July-, Aligust. Ileavy coeizereis. Mixiyed chlcks. contact bray Matehery, 120 John M., Hamilton or local agent. THE demand for Tweddle ïpeciallzed ,chicka %vas neyer better, Why? Jecaufie we have the right breeds for the job you want the chiliu te do, For mnaxi- mium egg production on the mini. unum amount of feed, K-137 Kii1iefr- chika outshines themn ait. They are terrific layers of large sized top quallty eggs. W. also recemnaend for inaxi- mun g$ rouctionl WarrenRhd Islnd edWhte Leghora X Red, Red X Whtt Leghorn, Caifornie Grey X White Leghorn. Our beat by far for dual purpose: Red XC Light Sussex, Light Sussex X Red, Red X Bared rtock. Special -breler breed,5, rkey- Peuits. Caýt&lague. TWL-DLZ MCK A'rClll2llELTD. FERGUS, NTAA1O. 91JAÇK/eIO IN Australiu" Book et photographi, strong young men en sheep and cattle stations, $2.00. Fred Woodgate, 19 Prlsbane Street, Tainworth, NSW, Austraila. ENiAiMftNT PICINIC, or Garden Party? cowboy en- tertainer with Repeg, Whîpa, Boomer- an gs, Lausghs. Dave Stewart, Mayemn P.O., Onit. Phone <Toronîo) ÂXinster FOR SALE MOTIEL in Florida onbeaUul ha11r0r near Ft. Myers. 9 cottages and homne. 1ý25,000 wl hendile. Kashfinder, Wichta, Kantsas, IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED INSTRUCTION KAIN more! Bookkeeplng Salesmmnî- sliip, Shorthand, Typecwrlting, oetc. Les- 4mix 50C. A§k for fre. circli-. N1ýo. 33. Canâdion Correapendence Courses 129C, Bay Street, Toroiltoo MACHINERY DUCKEYE MODEL î12TRENC11LINO MA. CFIiNE with Buda gas engfin. la rurt, vng order. Meke olter. P, TilUey, Bîackwood Ilodge Equdimen,ý 10 Suntract load, Toroite 115. MEDALS, SADGI8, #TC, M;iLITARY MEDALS - BADOUS C AP, (Collar, Shouilder badges, Buîtote,, .Ëbroldered fl;ashes, Creata,,, 'Reultil aqnd miniature inedals. Rilbbong, MAI- tary Insîgnia, Colectors write us yeoUr needs, Speclal 10 different World WaJ Ul badges $L00 MPIRE CIEVRON M4 ÇODSELL A VE., DO WNS cVIE4 ONTARIO. MEDICAL DON'T WAIT - EVERY WtFFERER OP~ RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY BIXON'S RUMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 235 ELGIN, OTTANA. $.5Express Cc4ler POSTIS ECZEMA SALVE BANISII the torment of Cdry cscmaï rashes and weeping skia tro:ubles. Post's Eczeilasa Save wlll not disanpoint yeu. ,tching, scailing and burfflng ,cse- ma -acne, rhlgworn, pimples and foot ecsema wlll respond readlily to thfi stainlesa odorless oliment regariee e.4 how tubborn or hopeles they ýecrn. 1krnt Post Freéeon Recelpf el, Pric. PRICE e3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 st. Clair Avenue Eeat TORONTO OPPORTUNITIAIS FOR M¶EN AND WOMCN FREE 1958 catalogue' ;fscosmetics, nvte, greetlng oa ,ec. write for your copy. Bern's 3oet 10t, .Ieannie Mance, Montreal. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CAN*ADA'$8 LEAbING SCHOOL Great Opportunlty Learn Halrdresslng Pleaisant, dignlfled profession; ýooed wages. 'Thousands of icsfu Marvel «Aaduatpès. Amri's Greatest Syste2m Illuistrated Catalogue F7rre Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING 5C1400Le 358 loor St. W. Toec' Branches: 44 King St. W., IlamUiten 72 Rideau' Street, Otta.wa PATENTS X7ETHERRSTONIIAUGI1 & Coa mp any Patent Attorneys, 'Establlhed 1899. 600 University Ave., 'Toronto Patents ail countries. PERSONAL rP7&t-astic'D-scounts! .Send nn. 4 dra andii50e for big coloredwloe rgle .ýtao u*.ad confl.dentizl prie Ilt Tmin ,Box 825, Port (Obesýter, *~0 fUMi Ôer. Twenty-fve deluze eesnirequiremezts. Lr eýý aU* Box 22 Terminal 'Q" Toronteý. Ont. S LEE P FW TO-ff IGQII Tc lie happy cund fronquft lasfeoiof nervous% or foi- eQood nlght'es'seep, tçak% Sedkin-fohblits ccording te o étos SEflICIN' sx e.5 TABL.ETS Org oret Osfr C %LASSIFIED ADVERTISING N N 'N N N 'N N 'N N N N N N N N N 'N N. - 'N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N -N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N *N N N N N N 'a 'a "a N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N