ORONOWLhi4M ufhoizd m eeomêr2aam- aiL Peut 'Qffice. ».Oartmumx, Ottawa .riirR.A. or. r Fuhlbhoe. Z. C. Femotor OJjN Wednesýda.y evéing, -May 7t uh gsion and aiso called on Mrs. th-e Executi\-e .or the Evening A-xii Drummiomd, president of the after- aý-y lhd a very worthwhile imeetinginoon aqxililary fofr any heilful ad-ý athe hlome (of Ms.Ed. AMilsoit when vie.- thermain topie of lscussion was way's It was finaly (dcdd to ask eaehl and m ieans of main.g our extral f group to give $15.00 talent - moneyý locatin. an try to increase our monthIy. giv- President D)or.thy Watt asked for, ings one1-fifth te cover the increase. Pt RONO We carry a Full Line of ýRANi) R A M - HENUE R SON 'AINTS & VARNISHES and THE PRICE IS RI ýýHT àDai'y 8 a.m. to 5:30 pa. R E. LOGAN, Prop. Ou'~, Ont. j DEATIIS CýOE--\ the home of her toir, imrs. O. Jovn, on Monday 5th, 19.58 LauiratlCooper. )e!veý efthe late Fr csJ. Cooper, 87th yeàr. Rested at tje Barlow 'oeOrono u il Wednesd ing, May 7th at l a i.. Fn Oreno United IurIch1for serv 2:30 P.11. Inlterm ut Oron Cerf COMING J Girl's ~of45al1 Me at Mrs. B, T~nnanî~ RtEWh1 ,4 late resi ce f FOR SALE Orono, Onta o 0on riday Ma2nd, 1958 mar si ilJamnes Green wood. EetreMo /3IPLke .. Heloved hus and of WfI l- m Mae ofer. Greewod d father oF canie and MaoKaye's Je keilery, Stor a-ci rbillian. Agle i53 years. i'vkvie was frmteB 1low" Funer IHoeme on Monda, Mia5Vh, l158 at ê-.30 par.WA, - WhiteBirch ees inlusters, Up te SHEWCIHUK the B3ow'many I1r in heigth 'nd ce ur, trees 3, to 6' Memorial Hol(spital, May tst, /958, go'd andfu' Victor Se uage 58 year'S.,/mnf~tn 1.3 Sojvle Rested tthe jBarlow utier'aî QOtario. 1Phc e!702.c- Hoeie uti Moday niornidg, 11:00>_____ a.m Sri wsheld, inf'thc, Lang Mnoal.hpel at 2 p .àý, May 5,.OTC 1958 Inteni eut Orono C inetery. OC A me;gwiib ed odyeV~ MOnt 1enin'g, May li2th. at 9 p.ui. in the Or- HIADOS E.I oiÀ gii oe iVuniipa1 Building Vw re-organl- of a dear iihe,îz l .arci-1 ______________ castie who P, a y y4th, 19418. 1IN 1MMORIAM SometrIme it's adte rsa Wchy semé thui ghave tebe, MATN-n vn-imory of But in Ris wsdo , Gùes planned dasoNl .MriwoPu-ed BEyond Outr io to se. ady way Apnii25th11951 and A ofay re brancé MYre- HAPDCASThEiazel M-n oving W itILlout fniréwell she left u il1 emr e 1 a auhe1ae Sady iissd i d lis reen M HaA Attw'opassed a my MIay bered by Everýett and Rovnie. 4th, 1948 MAY SPECIALSI Âway i tue h~.utftI 1s aof Gde We willmeet le- d ones tee Ever re meib4y the j'a mily a-p FAT, 1 Range For Over 75 yea, s 24' oven $179.50 nce Batt-é ry Power 'Lawn Mowers ULE PeIC]ý $3.75 18" Otaco59.00 18" Beaver $49.00, Barb Wire .. $8.25 18" Re aie priced......$54.95 arb Wire -ý. . $11.50 18", awn Boy, priced.....$84.50~ '00 per 100 poitnds 18' Deluixe Maxwell, priced ., $84.50 pecial DRIENS 20" - America's Foremost ;f eah ga ROTARY TILLER, pricd at $159.00 ,,h Standar4 pà t Boy's and Girl's ie Silver Doitàr, C.C.MN. BICYCLES .. priced $19.50 N NH A RDEï"W A R Ey iaIways b uy for Ie-ss, Phone 1661 Orono, Ontario, -u 00a LTD. DON LITY 17c OIL per - gallon' per gallon PHONE CashC ýop Far. S W'e wxldo al youtr Cus fi Ppraying Kok r os. PHIE16R 2 LARKE O R O,"R. -. P INTING' FREE 'ESTIMÂT Poe 04 c cO e --m e M T~U~5 7W'A Phone Dl SECTION LST A iRiestone Bracel at the Mas- oniic l Baçiet the ddfelilow'ýS Hall, OronoonStud'y April 26th. Anyonel finding ame please niotify! Mrs 1af Duv, 1, Leskard, Ont. p hc, I1, Or( o.a- '~/OUN Onepai oftan 'Picy" shoes found noth oKedai. Owner phone %Ml, Orene, a-c NOTICES aC There ýwil l Bantanm Ba i ratice "t urday oiMer g at Il a. ;atéth Park. Alnv bo i either Bai arni or else please bring tieir white ;.a! i"lo ioms to the Park "it that t e. They must be in by Satu day A. F.MeKENZIE, M.» OSee Eima S'ap aiî W*wut S k PENEmi - 1 DR. R. J. TAGGART V»WE 1IMUu S *1 LUAL OMING EVENT 7 The -l reg r oithly meeti n of the . Evening A iiiarv will be YedoYar.e ..Ms. . ThuesdtM t8:&rs. Fran-! cis J'ose, Ncsl is tVo e our guest Britran oiio and wi sepctur'es flher trip toi »MAN .L, NT ie M NA 356" U4 MA "Su Cuistom Coirp antin- new fo>ur- ____ ~ precsin ter. ed Benry,_____ phiole OcQno1 -e IW. KAY LYCETil, B.A. ()rcn .ilectrie oiio CONTRÂCTRS FOR FA-1RM and IIOTSE WIRING APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs to ail kindfs o& Electricaql Equipmnent; and Appliances Such lias s Water Heaters Radilos - Stovecs- Irons s? MacKAYE'S WATCII & CLOCK i i Watch and Ctoé-k Repairing I ~ 3MAJIN S'TREET, ORONO heck 1~ u'ç TER [1- 2 ~ IHamilton~ -~ I Isuraiice Service In te -UOuces of R. R.Waddeil Q.C. MAIN ST., ORtONO Fidaly-7 P. - Satuirday 9a.lni Telephone 138S 10 ~.m. - 5 Pj". OrGno JACK REID iAu-,tîoneer and Valuator SpeciaIize in Farm and F urniture Sales Coneluit me for te-Crnis -and dates Phoûne 5 r 8re TED JACKSON Aulctioneer and TVaIuatew mmliws, et *OMM$,e dj« Leroy RaiItou Sadie Hamniltoni TT Every ctass of Inasuir- -ance is represented in our office. The follow- ing are some of the main coverages we car of fer: Automobile, Li'f., Accident and Sickness, Plate Glass, Liabilityv Fire, Burglary, lospitafization, Livestock, Bolier, Wind, P'olio, Nail, Fidelity Bonds etc. OR-ONO PHIONE 1R1(î FIRsT-1MOR0TGÂGE LOAN"S Leroy Hamilton REAL£I ESTÂ'TE BROKER - I Il UIT. Nr~ !tone ANDS Repairs CÂLL US FOR ESTIMÂTES IIARRY E. LYCETT Phione 33RI2 ORONO - RN T. Tro ADVERFISE TI NSHQP The New Loo. lo