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Orono Weekly Times, 22 May 1958, p. 1

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ES Volume 2l, Nuimber P 5 OrQno, Onitario, Thursdlay, MAY 22 Subseription $1,50 hip Psé With'drawal ýw For Four wpe Scooi e onspCouncilil cf fr he ext IýýjtwýTo o apay for tle by-law supperting pe- nwmtrgrce.T ISoa mat eet by the council te nllow with theapproval afthe AMiipal Wls sections laithe Bori cf theeprovine cf ntia.s Schaool Area ta -with-ý y was moveç by Caun- À A b4w was aise passeci teies ifd Sanry aticarried tr in ithe Twsip xettrllfers The by-law; allow s the la a trêier camnp antia, e apribit ertainlands fromn the suich traïilers beinig lct except lnaa Are2a anti permiits the triFrlamichelicense lueeis $1000 aur separate areas cfa imouth or whee a trailer is cai"ssed tis. as a go,,i triler the yeairIytfe e canlie etat $100009-. Failing te abidie wit1Lhle wsthe reforing c- f tn "s f this b-a a persan is alle; .8, 9 and 21 or mare te a fine of $30000. The by-law wsas ias Port Gnranby,.An- given tliree readings anti passed& SèxthLine. fd at the m-eeting g cf Wponies for" new gratier. Theý' ýzation was given, to the Municipalý neati appropria- the metig ai lie seugli on the 0f thés amaunt te pur-clase theý oolo recanstut ci aie $:3000 for dge aittDis sita Étil Ili pojc at te 4il2,4>0. 1, C--a nsum cuf sceLlaneous. 'ihe council adjourned te meet ati hel Children P'ay 1~ig Paî~ le An~iu~I GrUnft F4r Censderaionis new hbelnig g~ tthoproimotion of thle Durliami Cenitial m-iýiees are sw,ýinginig into acioni tbe var-iauspassof fair promotions, Tueý Junior Departmientis one such corn- ittee wich lAs already been active ainti haepaaethe ltof cexhlibits la icthslil chltiren maytak1 part lai competition. lTlie ist has' bee ýpriei nt willbedistributetid iogi out the ublin sho Llte area. cal e the IevJ.'T. JBrown The FirBoard enIcouragIes partici- patýion liîe varieus el)tries lhy tee chltiren. This Junior Department -pessibly one of the larglest exhibits ati Orono Players the faJ r and is awasan ipes fleep In R1ehearsalSwrtg anti printing are but a fewI' _____ areincliueI in the list cf en- The exýcitemen)t amcong the cast cf tries. the Orene Players begins te heighteni as, the opening date fer' thein grand pro- The children la the public scliools duction draws near. Centinurally thie wýill ne deulit sean be deepl)ath eir pre- cast are rehearsing laintirer that they paratian cf exhibits for the annuni, f ail igît present te the public a thrilliag fair ant inl their particular prejec s performance cftetnent murtier wýiII display talent anti enthusiasm. mystery "ius for tee Prosecuition", The mystery is to be presenteti in teOrenio Town Hall on-twýo suiccessiveë ngtFriday and Siiturdaiy, Janle 6ý anti 7. Tickets are expectedt 1 be on1 sale tis coming week antinsev. in far eiher nilit may be maie tîrcuigli the purchase cof a ticket-programi. The Final arrangemejents are presentlyJ bigironeti out wil stage settings ant i ýds from tItis ventur-e by the rena Ama- latian, will lie useti Ler sports for île )f Trip To Europe At Evening -Auxiiiaryl meeting af the Adý1ele2McGiIi tadc the meditation, men- he W.M\-.S. was io, g h beautifes of nature and esp- Si the Sunday ecially the beauty of the spring season. United Churcli Adele closed 'ler interestingmet- tian with prayer. eia ent, began tht Stella Carson then introduced thel enmremaks gues"t speaker, Mns. Erla Jase of Newv- ,he Story", was casie. Enla showed her pictures which president. she had taken on lier trip tu the Con- deait witli and i tient last summier. There were piet- hy Wtt,'speke ures cf beauty spots in Englanti anti' sigof Scotianti. Among them she 'showed the ked that eaochuarcli where Rev. John -Kitchen had' ýincrease tLheiè gone t-., churcli; the bouse where lie gj roup lis aiso was bora andi some menibers of is ey. In this Wiay f amily whem she had visiteil.'}Mer essary amoutit fluent commentary was most enjoyable a prajeet. and we hope she may come again sorme time t4 show us the rest cf ber lovely dy1During tIre eveuing Mr. %Wm. Mitchell ai ientieretitwe beautiful solos. Faim for. everyone. N;ew Ti hnqusUsed Orono Anatlier step la the ativancernen of' nenial attack o~n forest fireff las been~ taken'by fthe Fanest ' roteçctinpa v*." Sion of tee Onltario 'D- Ypartnnietof Landis anti Forests. Aften several years of experiiment b inIreppingc water frem aircraft, it bas developeti a technique tlint lias proveci more effective in re,- taiI-n the rate cf forest fires thanl antiag iitrieti before. Development of equipment for dnop-i ping water from float-equîipped aircraft 'la Ontario dates hack te 1944-41. At tIrai time, the Air Service Branch built a system cf valves -bte the fleats cf a, Nonseman aincnaft toeeaahle wter to be takea i laIette floats while on tireI wvater anti nelenseti while l in htas - requireti. But Jhis system was-abnd- oued after maÎy trials, its.ce rw back beiag the iaability te effect aý draop la sufficieut bullt hecause cf thre smali disciarge cpenings, By 1950, the Division hadi developed ner wtnbmigtechukjuie which invelveti the use et Iaiex-lined paperi hags filleti witl three and one-hialf îim- perl gallons cf water. These were, dnopped from aircmaft, includfing heu-ý copters, la saivas cf up te eigcht hemhsi at a time; The most effect ive miethoti ef tiropping was provitiet i Beaver airemafi 1l'v menus of a roller canîveyorý mcunted aon the cabin flour. The bambsI mnoved even thre couveyor and eut thnougli tire camera bat-ch. The system of neial wter-bonibing lad -its limit- allons aIse, anti Division officiais anti Air Servile staff coantte epei tenyy iutenesting and informative. Audrey Wallke teanukedti he speaker! and the sooist and lunch was served uyi 957 h i erieBac The Devetionial followeti wite a hyin. while everyoci1enjoyeti a social Iraîf neanly la 195, mtire A i eried Brand Jeanne Sta>ls rend tIre seniture nlur. superio o e cuber cf thre enriier mneth- etis. Bs taly hîe equipmenl coasisis .aI otaf n ansmountetion île fiantsý ns T o Seoasor D liceaofthc Cter Pan1ti envTer aircraft. The' ul lad of thet011r tn is 160gas in id 0 f xh biton A re a ic tanks iïrefiliet inlan mlter cfý r e - a secuOnds, wieteaircraft is tx ong 1 the suirfae'cf fine watem at 410 ilesi We - oyi'i-egoing, la hav-e Lote supply he musie fer- the evenilg. per heî(ur. Thewar is sýcopetiu glthosu [ails oia Lfier Al.Thie Hi- 1Danciing w be fromi 9:30 te 1:00 p.m. lrul ieiatpusi aetr Ten-membersý_ w1io taict Sunday aller-1,anti admrission will lie the slim clIrnge:t o' b anwil s pn h p no,,on aItihe resitience cf Wayrie Hooey ef $2.50 a couple. Dance pizes wifllieebn.etet i fillnglic lr aepiaaniag a ig sbindlg oný Friday, giveni andt ten will lie a lucky at pr1t nsataeusr ies Janel 1311atbhTw alO-The most bineresting part cf alli s thef îe cmplted loni c em ire'n C o taid wiiir the recenstruction of f acltntalunch wil lie serveti for IhosendIletakc e aeia h eieilm îeOrene Skathing rink. The rink lbaspepewhliemsfrfom uganiic. heen oui cf commission sînce FoIra- er. 1 ansu-re everyone wie 15 able 10a -pint ary, when teec front haif was tiestnoyeti suppo)rt aur worlliwbile cause xill de T his type cf installatien bsiel at î by attendiig our dance. advaniages aver previoius maîot-is o Senta Ji Gmsb bs ealcteidance ibis Saturdny aiglil ai tle 0Otit-i- cngîl te ativanînges is tintt unie nor- tire renawneti Pa'ul -Mininicola of Peter-i felow's Hall, mial con1ditions the aa iecas heagl b Ia iiigy cansenled W nhi on.(Cainueti on page 3> $200OOO o BeSpeol 1Iq Pac k Exhibition Grounds For Cobnr B FdeaIGO!j'Victoria Day' Entertainmen-ât nane iniisüe r Donald Fleing t is v. ekc alsfor the SpeIdLIag cf Ove .~~2bOO0O on fedenliloksprgasi Caunguý,, including the harbor and fed- rai buidingsli the town Prj -t nclutie the spendîng af $64,- uOerdredg,,ing Cebottrg barber, and $6(3,000o for repniring the pier andi thej harbeur àitl. Anther $109,000 -was set j adefor the fetieralbulins Drdin peratians anti repairs a thehabou bvebecomie ýaftt Ercf primeilxiertac ue _ta the conditioný teharbour lias fallenin àta becýauIsecof weather :Ianti(neýglect. Ships eniter-i ng thle harbour this yearý have beeni forcedti t carry oll'y par-1 tial cargIoes se thiat thiey coulticrs ta sdbaloc atet , i iarbJOur meuth. The hrSt slip attemptlng to enter nnagrouni. Sturîns hiave hanmmered the sea'wallsý a11 botli sities cf the hiarboutr, ,,ipta the surface coacerete and cakn h walis. Parts of the walls Ihave been cl'osed off te prevent persnsrm walking aleng it, where thecodtn is se severe that it is lhable te cal-ý lapse. The ferry dock lias also become aý ,inatter of imnportance te several, people. Since the ferries steppedira mg, othing lias heen donle witli th dock anti the w,,oodJ pillings have been blIameti for more tilan one sericuis ac-i citient. - h.condtiton of <'tKe larbeur lbas' becamle a topic of i çsin l teý 'Cobourg C'oundeil wliere i, lishee un7-ý 1 gedt tt som-ethag be -done. The harbour commission lias repar-ý ceti te Councuil thin t i wslookiag iIitoý thematr la Tyrone Arai A smnail herti cf cattie attacketi by a iati fox, lielieved te lbe rabiti, stam-1 pe(It ad rove thie fox off the farm of Chrles Tahh, Concession 9, Tynone. Since th~e lncident, Saturtiay, ail thre animais -on the farm, inciutiing fi-ve cows, thee cats and a -dog have been placet inl quarantine, tee cattie for 60 (iays, -This is the second herd of cattle te) be quarantined inl Tynene, six miles ncstli of Bowmaaville, this inonth. Gn Ja I ten cattie were quarautified on the iarm cf Arthur Richards after a cnaxed neti fox attacked them. Tt was shot by au armeti pesse afer a fu ,rther attack on three boys and ia Mrs. Lillian Woodi, wh saw tee fx -hase the cattie on tee Tahh farmi Sat- uirdlay, saiti that after twe caives were corneneti by the fox, the rest of the cattle stampeediai raitlihe fox off the farm. Shie aise- saiti that animal healte in- spectons who visiteti the fanm later, suiti that anaother fox had been shot' near Tyrone tlie sanie day, lt was aise learnedti tit a fox was shot several tiays ago on a farna be- longing te Walter Park, Seventh Cen- cessien, TIyroe. Tlie fax was runninig ,,razily arouati Mm. Park's orchard, wben it w-as shot hy a farin worker, 'Walter Bqortfeld. Mn. Park buriedtihte fox which laid pocuin uills la1 its mouth - usually: a sign cf mllabes - on tlie instructiis of the animal healîl idepaLrtmcnit. it lins been announcedti lat Trenton bas entereti a basebil team lain lie LakepshareLinteýrmediate agetlius rigte 0lfer tic number in thle Iroup tins yenr. The teams are2 Orono, Bawý-1 m-anville, Port Hfope anti Trenton. The series epea_-s Ibis 7week-end tanti Gjrono wllsean be lan ctin. atchi for thie anne-iuncement cf thre epening date. j The Orono Banrd alng with a Fine- v erks display cf a aerPilnture enter- raied routitwo thousanti at the Orono Fair Gratmt iniiielebration cfi VitraDay on Manday, Mlay th Te vetsponsoneti by the Ornn CabrOf Commerce nmetwil e appreval cf ailthose ta tedt hec me nanu affain anti will be expanfldtinla ts scope, panticula,-rly la thie potOf frw k.This ,wasithel finstventue b h lamber in this; fieli ati romthe lnteïrest it created thrughout the area it is the hope of terla'iment jnext ýyear. I asjammled the wetst section cof the redsand liniet the streets ta tLhe gs'Iounds. It teck a fuLIli haif heur for. the greuLntis toeclear cf cars after, the per- lerman]ce. Gooti use mas matie cfti Grandstanti and tlie railing about the cýe track by the rmany spectatons, beth yoüung and olti. The eveangs entertlamnent was augmented by he presence cf he Orono Band lpreseritlng musical aumnbers lu imartial and everture compositions. This portion cf the eveniags enter-: tLatment commneaeti at e-iglit o'clock! ai cOnItintidunIL a ine wlien the fire works tiisplay openeti. Gamey Lycett, a mnember ef the OJr- oaa Cubs touetid off tlie first fuse tai start the nemi firewýorks tiisplay. [tý wnas the Orono Cubs wlio had nraisedti the money for the firework's thnough a can]vas cf the Villagýe untier the tiirec- tien cf their leaders and meimbers cf the Charaber cf Commierce. Members oýf the Grena FVire Departmnenî car.nýieti eu lie remnaincler of the firing c f the Orono Mînors I Thie Maly meini-g of the Won's Asscitin as held or. Thur-sday', afiernlooan at the Parsona 'ge, with a ,gaocq tedne The presidlent, iis h1. Allen opened the mneeting i t th WV.A. theme song and prayer. Mliss E Penfaund gave thne devotio)nal esae shec teck as lier subject "Thle Shlephdrdsl Psalm" andi asked the ladieýs presenrt ta repent in uinisoni Following, thsMiss Penfaundf read a beautifuil stry 4-'The Sang ci f the Syrian Guest" and clasýed the devotional by the oign f hyn 280) "Thle King cof Lave My shlepherd is', Tlie Ccrresponiding Secretary repart- ed seing ei" ut 10 cards anti rend let- ters of appreciatian from Ms.Wesley IElliatt and lMris. Ilutli Allia. The treas- urer's report shcwed a- bank balance of $256.69, After somne discussion i Sunday Service on the 2nd Sunday il. September wîthi Rev. Basil Long as3 speaker. It was decided not tri bave a stra- berry festival this summer. The meet,ý- ing closeti with thne W.A. benediction, At the close cf the m-eeting Mrs. Ding served luinc'h and al enjayed a social time. MVrs. Allia thanketi Mrs. Long ferl- viting tllieWAbtameet ilalber liomeý saiglow mucl i the members ape -teti ber kindnless. J Opiening Games In Orono Te -eee Orono Mliner Bsbh Teamis swung into actionlvnthek enti and tii-ove out two wius agnst eue loss. Thre 3 teams wene the Onenno Pee Wees, thre Bantams anti the Midi- lets. All tîregames were played inl tee Oroue Park wiili a fair atteadance being reg-istereti for tle -aýnes. ORONO PEE WESV ICTORS The curt ain maiser aillhe Onno Park On Satuirtay evening snw tle Grono Pee Wees facig the Bewmanville en- try l ie hcLakeshoeeMiner league, The locial boys teck a 11-7 wlia overi Bowmnaaville la wliatprevec ilninter- estlng gaime as aise ti thîe IWO playeti -in Montoiiay. The 0fi-bac cew came frcmný behind la the sixth inniag te drive out: the victcry. Raîpli Kennedy was tIrei wùinin)g pitcher witli n total of twelve st1rlce cis anti le pitchedth le entine gamle. The big btors for- Orona were Raîpli Kennedy, Gerdie Simpson anti GrantI oe. There are a great nmber cf faew faces on the teanm Ibis year andcit'ey lave slowIn a great deal cf in.t enesit and spirit in ileir epenlag game. Bo.wmnnvile teok tee lead ln the first witli a singe on two lhits when., Orono waiteti until the secondt t ie tle scorehn Raipli Kennedy came homeir on ai mnmber cf lits by 'bis team mnates. Bath t'eamiïs scameti tlireè ruas i tire thirtiwiliGordie Simlpson anti Wayne' Miller sc-oniag fo"'r the lec4js.Bem- i lle took tieeegelîe 1hsndg home tne rus te Ornes vv b ralliet te taly six la the ,ýbettcmhall Theuse wýere by BuLzz-y Mercér, Gerdiel Simpson, Rýalph Kennedy, Charmes Reid., Arnolti Walincýe anti Grant Yco. Final score 11-7. The Bowmanivile pitdhers teck elgîht strýikef-auts (ver thie Oneno hatters. Th1e Grono team lineuip: Ralpi Ken- nýedy, piteher; Grant Vea, catcher Terry Graham, Isi; Wayne Mhe,2ni; Buzzy -Mercer, 3rti; Chiarles Reid,. short andI fielders Aia i leroii, AmitiW lace and Gordie Simpson. Orono . ......01 20o 2 6- Bowmanville 0 2 0 3 J. - ORONO BANTAMS FALTER IN 7.4 Errors and pitching trouble robL-ed the Gronu Bantamis of a victory Si~ Monday evenig at the Orono Park t,, Bowmanville #hy a 6-3 score. Prier t,) this frame the Orono boys heLld a on,ý rua leadi. AIl Quantrill was the starting pitcher for Os-ono andl hurled five halls io theý seventh when reliefer Terry Carleton came ta the mouind. Ai took ten strike- outs in isSi X fuli innings and alowed only two ruîns. Terry teck threestke outs ia the seventli, howev er. thiree ler, Terry Carleton anti Leslie Hopper. TIre game was very close tîireuglicot witlh seme fine pitcliing beia'g exhibitlL Qrono led the most cf the way anti ex- cepting for, tle last framne lad tee vieý- tory within thein grasp). The Orone lluieup: AI Quanili1, pit- iLher; Ross Tamblyn, catcher; Craig Hinti, isi; Larry Miller, 2aid; Temi-y Canleton, 3rti; Leslie Haupper, short- fieltiers RaEger BroPaul Tamblyn anti Jon anuýcck. Otiers seeig ac- tion an the dýronio SquaI were4C aMc- Mvach'en i 3rd anti Donald Dnrn 1i ,n id Grena rlaima 002( viile 0011 ORONO MIDGET$ WIuN The Gen itg lBasebali successfully iotee leir houaiý ni on Moniday aflernloon wlier took n 6-5 deciston over the vi NewýcasCl team. TIre victary fo Onono squatitii net coiee b unitil the last liîf cf "lie sevenîli iliey were hehinti by lwo i-uns. Ij -ffanie Ruifflay' anti Fred Atiti suoreti the lieing, anti winan'rg rL ter they eacieti first when bit. pilcîcti bal. Donnie Lycet hea - (Ceatinued On Page 3) -s s- s-. s- s s- s s- s- s 55 s- s- s s- s- f s.,- 's s- s,- -s s s- 's..- -s -s- , , f Subscription $1.M

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