ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THL Sýjunoco Stationsý InscalI New Style 0f Gas Pump In Area, A revolutionary methed (of selling i rkowI aictor fuel lias been întroduced here' ýand in surrounding areas by Sun Oul Company Limited, T.mrîsts Look To 'Ontario for Campsites Outdoor writers from Mlichigan who' met iii Toronto reciently with parks1 personnel of tie Oatario Depaàrtmnent ofý Leads anid Forests expressed enthusýi-1 aeilLieest in this pr-ovinlce's policy loi deveiuop)ing smiall parks, traller or, ilnten cam ,iteac nrtionilr viin the Diefeat Orono Boys 11- 15 Teprlono PeeWees OnWeasa evenin gtravelled to Courtice for their first out-of-town «ame of the seasea. The victory went to the Courtice gruup ~jy a score of 1-1 The Qrono boys dîd how ever hold the lead for the f irst iKAL NEWS Mrs. S.F. Fergusýon, Ottawa is vus- îting friends in Orono:. M\r. and 'Mrs. Raye West and family F'eaturing a recently invented blend- PM ot.Knrc ibivtrl >.treinnsbtdepdbhn un- attended the wedding of Nrs. Wests igpu1mp, the new method for the first tro;it newýspa'permain, remar1ked: 'Wel der the better hîitting of the Maple sister, Miss Grace Haywarèdn Mr tim enble eah cr onerto elet / are very iaterested because ni Michi- . ýrove club whicli played this gamne on Ray Champa -in Trinity United Cýhurh te mnotor fuel which losely matches ,i: PPG gan our territory is quite liminted and! the Courtice diamond. Bowmanvlýille Ion SatLurday last whený the octane needs of his particular aut- our population mnuch greater than that IMiss Darlene West was the flower girLl omoil. f (ntri:'Ralphi Kennedy pitched 'the entire1 the better hitters for the club. Other Corne to the' Sunday Sehool Anni- Die local debut. of the unique system Frtos emdrtecrusaw gamne for the locals and was one of versaýry in Orono United Churcli on cballed Custom Blending, was announ-hii n scha re cgod hitters for 0rono were Buzz Mler-I Sunday mornîng. There will be specialj eed today by Mr. Russel Howe, Man- ,-e, esa as.er.lFhe Fagan and Allan Heroit music yteSna She n h agr fSu 11Cmpn'sCbor etblishied at Laite et Two Rivers ti yteSna -ho n h Algonqun Park are extremnely valuable. Dane Rogerson picked up four walks Public Sehiool Glee Club. The 0ronoj ale fSunistrict. Cbor saesditrct oe ý he cn ffrdthe extremely moder- in five trips te the plate. Band wil also be in attendance. Theycaoaffrd y IThe local Midgets play in the Orono Lt ffes achoceof ix rogessv-ate charges for a parking place besidei It offes a choce of sxaprnertiier n laite. where firewood po Park te-night against Bowmanville, ely higlier otanie grades of motor fuel,j ote ete erltig Ï111 ffspensed from a singîeautomatic ______________ vided and toilet f acilities are available.weheprmtng blending punip. Each blend of fuelý 4~ars an dnfin number, ranging "1Algenquin Park (2,700 square miles) from 200 dtifying'o' n asoline thanl their cars re-i has always been a favourite spot with tes, fishing possibilities adohrii top m-iformation. This may seem strange, butAN com-petitively acri o otn iur.Is ar. a hettlspn nàie, an fok.Thylie enetra em tal N lahe westoendo rd i1uLng. qua Uity. c"de t ca e s o~a u nIS inte illionýis Of ey attractive a interesting en uaceinMtany of thern isist o ge1 C s nificent and imposing Nature Museum, 1 ýý1rtheir boats with t1hem,, to puitter C s rp F rýr M1&. 1owe asserted that the top blend Miracle Pump which bends and dis- the ntuire traits and, of course, the aboutt on a northern lake 'explorng'1~ W ild p4yn Blu Snoc 20 - i te bghst0C enes ixgrdes of mnotor fuel is -l ufailing -,ceurtesy. of the park rangers or just wandering about if an area o rrvice stations le beth Canawda an,,d the! this ra. ucha' pnipiasleenii nited tates.stal]ed at Junor West's Service Staioich ae Lad te knowv that morei "It's interesting te note toe that more Thenee fo suh awid scecton f ' . pac wi bepreide fo tes yar ndattention is being given teo the preven- PHONE 16 IZ32 LAK th]at mr facîlities are being uji tien of forest fires and ryprulOON ..1 fuel qaiyhesaid, is senin1 ofhe oiini h fwtrsilb Cud dies by utomotiv ef stu- Plan te attenld 1,(e rono Hil1 etee, are glad to kn ow fteeoiini htfwfrswl ecue enmes lt ui" aho pin"Cnettinssnew eeienmruJn-o ihgnturists ninthe 1parkareas comi7pany ý-that t ùoeut. of every five lti,ýea"t i c ineorst wsteninei uyng îgie tnîht n heOrnoTewn Hll. Cran nsfom ouWr rea-derasttea- neis830 mmdain vilbecet, itac Wlla Benafermer Canadiani newspperm 10\o in the United ......... --'~ States, conclurred. Although hemn in Canlada and a veteran of World War j L D E Two with the Canadian Armv Mr. i Brennan confessed that lie had n-eyer been li Algonquin Park (»itario's ajrgest provincial park about 200 miles north of Toronto. This year lie alretdyý is making reservations for èamp eac-j coiiimodationi at Lake of Two Itivers. Quetico Park, Northwesterni Ontario playgroundA adjacent te the U.S. Super- ior Naýtional Forest, aiso is drawing manuy inquiries from state residents wheo want to holiday even farther afieId,-ý Mir. Brennan said, PETTY TIEVING OF MISSIONARY FUNDS Os.,hawa police are looking for a thief withl expensive tkn" ways as ýve11I vs a swýeet tooth. Net loss of a break-in at the oshiawa Missionary College reported Tuesday by officials of the Seventh Day Advený- tist Church of Caniada, wvas four blue-ý berry pies and $3010 ini cashi and thiel till in which it was deposited. William Easterbrook, Ibkeîry mania- ger, saidenry ,vas gained by breaklng: a portion oethre glass infic-the east side -,inzdow, to reacli the latch of the bakery door. gIF YOU ARE INTERESTeD IN Cestaine Jeweller ,yat Wholesale Prices ,;ontact Ee.A. Leigmeut j R.R. 2, ORD ý, ONT. F/O Roy E. . Mi.ls, Mrs, family, R.C.A.F. Station,A and Mrs. Harold Snell andj onto spent the weekend w Gamrsby, Jim and Doug. M .Mflls and Aylmer, Mr- sons of T-or~- 'itit Mrrs. IL FINE OND NGS Po iami :e ,ref 'tY J125 à IF YOU FEED POULTRY o LIVE STOCKf * YOU anid YOUR FAMILY ARE INVITED TO ATTEND! t h euGeR AND OPENINUOof th~e NEW PURI!A MILL6 L SWHITBY, ONT. SATtJRDAY MAY 3I SOfficial Opening by Hon. Lesl Fost, Preimier of Ontaria iFree Parking from 9 a.m. Miii Tours fromi 10 am Lunch from 1'1 to î 2 NearTbesNeo~llaes! M a t M ab"K a#,e'"s icwellerý & Cif! Sh.p Ooro- Ontariro