THURSDAYi A vii Red & White Tea Bags 5e oiff 5e off JCES CANi )AIS B IGGEST 30 bagys Red & White Teaý Bags I Oc off 60) bags BROWN 20Ooz QUAKER Muf fets kWAGSTFFPE'S ASSORTED J ams and Jellies BILLY BEE CREAMED' Honey oz 65c SAVE ]Oc ON LARGE P.ACKAGE *SAVE 5c ON SMALL PACKAGE 2 Ilbs 6 5e 5 for 89c 2 pkgs 3 3ce TIDE Detergent ARROW BRAND GREEN Peas 20 oz tin LIBBY'S Catchup l arge pkglr38c 3 for 35c 2 for 35c 3 for 63c plastiec Container 24c 15 ozýtin 3 for 34c ,,ozp~kg 79e PRODUCE O CALIFORNIA'S FINEST - GCOQOSIZE 138's I S UNKIST ORANGES DOZ 4.3c lo O R1P LUSCiOIJS - JUMBO SIZE CANTAL.OUPEB 4%ujumbo size ea 37c SDELICIOUS GARDEN FRESH SWEET OORN large cobs 6 FOR 39c ~ o TASTY, HOME GROWN jASPARAGUS 2 lb bunches 2 FOIR 29cf Gq CRUNCHY ROSEBUO SRADISHES' large bunches 2 FOR 1 .5c MIEATS FRESH PORKL LON,,-,SALE 3½/ Lb. Average Tenderloin Portioni lb 63c lb 79e Rib Roast 32' lb av lb 53c SWIFT'S PREMIUM Breakfast Sausage lb 45e Pat iln..Contour-fit 01nly 99C Fits ail roning Boards * ,, 44.frOOO440440140440(40Ofl<>O' 0 0.440404>04 O440S4S~4XC(4.4tm.4,ekq4fl4044.0.44.~.4 4*o.oeÔ...4O,. t C*rnlsh's Red U W Ite Store t- , >44.>44444444~440ûb<><>~>»<> 444444.4494444.444 ..ofoeoob.4oeoo.o<,,.~>.<t, r- - -'j day with Mr. ancd Ms. F. Stoke'r. VLILU spen ii. 1>11 e V d IUwithfl ierDi eints, MUr. and Mrs. HHolland. vas 1\1r and MIrs. Stanley Moffatt of Mis. Fletcher and daughter of TiY 'te Oshawa visited Mrs. Alva Swarbrick onito spent Sunday with Mr. and Miý rart on Thursday afternoon last and Mrs. BIake Alexander. -e.R. C. Whyte ý to Fesno Toronto spent the long Miss C. W. Stewart were caliers weeendwih her. On Monday they Sunday. ilea '. h election of officers w a conuctdl" the president and the of- ficeýrs for the comingý year will be: Pre-sidjent, Mrs. -Martin Mainders; lst \ice-president, MVrs;. E >. Cour-oux; 2nd, Vic-prsidntMrs. Reg. Ellîott; Sec- retLary, AMrs. H. Foster; T ,reasurer, Mrs. iMMackiin; District Director, _Mrs G. Cathcart; Checer Commi-ittee, 1M 1rs-. Wmi. Turansky, Ms.Art bow and Mlrs. M. Luxon. The program for the dune meeting will be in ch)arge of Mirs. Jack Stapieton and MIrs, Art Low, conven- ers for A\'oicuture and Canadian In- dustries. The meceting was closed by thec singing of -God save theQee. Mrs. M. Luxon aid Mr. and Mis. Minor Basebal ed ai solicj. to hagger to driv-e in the two runs and to bring victory toj Oronlo. Bonnie Lycett was the winining pit.1 cher and took a total of Il strike-out j off the Newcastle batters. Orono proved superior in the hitltng department. Topi scorers for Orono was D. Rufflay with, three runs to flis credit. Peter Maar- tense,.Donnie Lycett and Fred Ander:l son followed with one apiece. The following is the Orono lineup: Donnie Lyeett, pitcher; Russell Major,. catcher, Kenny Kennedy, lst; Wayne Bailey 2nd; Peter Maartense .3rd, faiýs Bosgraaf short stop and fielders John Tamblyn, MNalcolm McKenzie, Fred Anderson and J. Green. Orono Newcastle 1 0 2 O 2-4; 0 2 2 0 0-5 The folloi;vng l the first hiall of the Mlidget sehedule. May 22 - FMrt Hope at Cotiourg Mlay 22 - Bowmanville at Orono May 27 - . rono at Port Hope May 27? 7 Cobourg at Bowmianville Mlay 29- Bowmvnanville at Newcastle May 29- Cobour,g at Port Hope Jane 2 - Port Hope at Newcastle dune 2 Bowmianville at Coorg Jane 5 - Port Hope at Bownianviile Ane 6 -Newcastle atOo dune 10 Newcastle at Port Hope dune 10 -Cobourg at Orono Jane il- Orono at Cobourg dunie 13- Newcastle at Bowmanviile dune 17- Port Hope at Orono dLune 19 - owmranvilie ut Port Hope Jup t- Oronio at Newcastle Figiht Forest F ires (Ctiiinued fromi page 1) from 'touch-downi" empty to " take- off" full is 18 seconds. Water cani be j dropped by this method while men are 14 present bl1ow fighting the fire, an ex-IC tremnely dangerous procedure with the'i water-bag bombs. The tanks can be removed from the floats in about 15I minutes and re-installed as quickly,I but they do pot seriously affect the normial operation of thie arcraft 'If lef t In place. Perhaps the outstanding ad-i vantagce is that the compiete opera-! tion of water-droppîng can be carriedi out by one man-the aircraft pilot, Controlled tests during 1957 revealedi that the average area wetted clown b a single Otter water-drop measure 304 feet by 96 feet. The longest dimen- sion was along the line of flight. Dens-; ity measuremients of the water dr 'pped ranged from a trace to .30 inches in an open f ield, to a trace to .25 iuches in a dense, black spruce stand. The; following figures show delivery rate per houir against distance of the 'fire from, the nenrest landable b)ody of water: one mile, 2,900 gallons; two Miles, '2,10 gallons; three miles, 160glos four miles, 1,325 gallonis; five Miles,1 F.oestProecton Division officiais! aestisfied th-at theýse tests and trials on actual forcýst fires p)ro)vde juistifi-1 cainfor equipping ail Otter anldi ea'Ver alrcrFaft in thle Dprm twi th tanks for the 1958, fire sao. okis rceigto')t1his enrl. Alhuhit is reailized that this Mayj better forest fire potctinthefuur of his înew ýde, elopmont nappear1Us L PIab to Attend an Itmporjt ant Meeting And Carcas4s Cuttingi Demonstration SE! T\1HE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A AND C HOGS CONô TOWN HALL Weds., Nay 2Sth, s p..,,. jORONO e'TINSKOPJ We carry ail sîzes of COPPER, PLASTIC - and GALVANIZED PIPE C& FITTINGS Open Daily 8 a.m. te 51:30 p.m. R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Ià@ mis.111 ROYýTAL Bow. THIS FR!. AND SAT. - MA ý23-24 MlATINEE SATURDAY .ý00 pnu. -two FiNE =FAMILY, ILMS "he Happy<Road"l starrinig Gene KeliV and Barbara Làage /also "T-arzan ýai The Lost Safari"' in Technicolor Last complete show at 8-40 NEX? (MON - WED. - MAT 26-28 as the tmazing men wfived the sea' !most amaz ig adventure E ~.>i .044 DE LU<E "Peyton Place, TEA BAG VALUES *FINEST ORANGE PEKOE TEA *ATTRACTIVE NEW PACKAGE BLUE BONNET YELLOW QUIK Margarine AYLMER BOSTON1 Beariý 9oz jars DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION Dog or Cat Food BIRDSEYE CHICK5EN, TI>RK$EY, Pot Roast Dinner Centre Cut SWFT'S PREMIUM IBOLOGNA s-liced 12 oz 39C