Toda?î'shoear isni't sa'tisfied withi simply purchausing bsi foods and preparing te o her famlly in a rouitine wý,ay, The advent of televised suggestions particularly has caught her interest, and she looks more and more for ways in wvhichi to chan-ge even o îrdinalry fare inito appealil,,ais w'e11 ais ntitiouiýts, mneals. To this end, w,,e offer the fllowing suggestionis. SNYDER'S CUT GREEN Béans ~save 6c2fo 29 QUEEN'S ROYAL DICED OR 2QozICD-AI Peacqhes Z L?2 9 Buy One 6-oz. Boitte lc. A Dressing BOTH FOR j AND GET FRfE ý2.50 "BONUS BUCK" WITH ABOVE PURCHASE TABLERLITE QUALITY MEATS TABLERITE RED OR BLUJE BRAND (Blade,,Bone Removed) BladeRoastlb 49' FRUITS AND VEGETADLES FULL 0F COUNTRY GOODNESS Corn t~ ob 10 good49 FROZIEN FOODS; SEABROOK FARMS Kernal Corn -15 oz 15( Bail Pen MONARCH PIE CRUSýT MIX - 18-oz. Pkg,. CIGARETTES -Popular BrA#às - Carton ef 200 IGA ORANGE JUJCE - Sweetened 48.oz. Tin IGA MINT JELLIES CANDIES ,G A5SU MNNY M OR N COC)FFr-EE - B-lb. ca IGA MfiiE AT 'B3ALSv ii tr v y -1-Ti.n CHEZPEE .Covr aIe -1e .Fa HAM SLICES - M1aple Lea'f PORK LOAF". Mapie Leaf ith dressing - 6-oz pksj. FROZEN B.C. CHIPSTEAKS - 5-ez. Pkg. CUCUMERS - hot lieuse grown, long green s!icers SAVE ON FOOD PURCHASES CLAIM FREE GIFTS TOO Mirs. J. Taylor of 104 Ballacaine Drive, is anther Toronto i4ousewife whe acquired several useful heslodpromiiums %v[lh IGA "rBon-us Buckýs". By saving lier -Bonus Bocks" Mrs. Taylor lias claim- ed a TV Snlack Tablez a batliroom scale, a dress- maker set andi several long playing records. Why don't you start £evinq "Bonus Bucks" tee - they're available each week et your IGA Food Store when you purchase "Bonus Buck" foodi features. ' CORN.ON-TH E-COE After remwAng the husks and silks andi boiling fer 10 te 15 minutes1 in ,a covered kettie, cor-on-the-ceb is served with butter Wnd sait. Although this is the mest popular meth- o&c, other %ays of serving cooked corn are in use. If yeu prefer yq.r corn 'off-the-cob', take care not te cut tce deep when cufinq the corn f rom the cob - reniaininc kernels wili corne f easily by scraping. I4ere's a recipe that utilizes une .ked corn te make a tasty î SOUTHERN CORN PUDDING 3 clips cut uncooked corn 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 teaspeon Sait '/e teaspoon pepper 3 tablespeons melted fat 3 tablespeens sugar 11/8 cups scalded miiic Combine cern andi remaining ingredients. Peur into greaseti baIing dish andi bake in slow aven (250 F.> 30 teý" 40 minutes or until firmn. Serve te. One..half cup choppca wainwts and 2 teaspeens gra on ion ma-' be atideti.7' CI TA PEACH COBBLFER 1 IC. flou 2 tbsp. shorte<ing CI tsp. -aking powder 1 egg 1/2tsp s1/3 c. peach j ce J tbsp. si gar 1 No. 2 cai peaclies, sllced MIETHOD: Mh1ke a snortcake doug-h of a!bthoi( peaches. Place fruit axfçl remiinig juice in botto of wel-greascd býakin-g pan, sfýrink!e with a littie cm j)amoni and dots of butter, Cover \t dougl which blas been roilled to fit the pan. Make deep g-ashes in the crustW allow steam to es- ipe.Bruish witlii mllk, egg or meltid butter. Bake about O15 minutes in a hot over, 425 F. Szrve hot or cold With' cýream or lemnon Sa Éle. GREEN BEANS WITWCHEESE O Try this one oni the family - th e'l love it. 4 cups Ceoked Green BeanS ¼ 4teaspeen Sait 1/8 teaspoon cayenne 2/ cup grateci cheese 2 tablesnoonis butter 1/3 cup cream I OArrange beansý in greasiýd 1aking' diç3h, season with sait and cayenn.e, add /2 CUP cheese, 1 t.ablspoon butter and creama. Stir until weII1mixed. Sprintcle with remnainiiig cheese and dot with ràl ainin butter. Bake in hot oven roc (400 F.) about 2M minutés. Serves 6 te Bý Salads have bcomne increasingjv popular in recent years and wth hihtndpopulatrity has corne a greatly widened considerat -ion of whak aes a salad. The vogue for tIle saflad bowi hasenhan,,,cedl the favour of the fresh green sal- aaspartîcuilarly. Many and výaried] salAd comibinaitionls arýe posil u- n 1t~ thje Fea or litlian Dressinýgs avail- able this w ieklat, combination offer at, IGA stre.As an intodutin, heWish-Bone branid of' the Frenich or taia dressngs re ofiere on "bu onebottie for, 31c e n ingrediens tii lierally mke the sld IT'S TH LIE TRM ,AT COUNTSK euiIf' iapplies fothllm tl an~d fvouaînl o plas dp *r ,hasi an o i lezThat o e pftrie hmslfontds etc 'I I Q ýjj an houmena in yt it n iy missbCie 2ppouit t bA Imf thim. Cek ai, r re-xtf Previously, O.H.S. lias had three rep- restaïtives at the camp, Sue Foster anid Eric Carleton,' who graduate tisi year, and a formier graduate, Charies! Arnistrong,,. Two newly-traied students will be a great asse ,t th tre Phys.,Ed. program at thie schiool next year. raeXI '"Uelebrateste by )Viadelon Allen Buried somewhere deep in the wil.d north of Leskard lie-s a amail clearing, thie scene of Grade X' Form -1Party on1ay iý 6th. It was decided early la MAay by gradeý Xi studenits thiat tyshouidcelbrt "ýsomteting" witlh a hayride and wJen-ý cir roat. Marilyn Cobbledick, Janetý Stefekand Madelon - -Alen appoint-1 cýd tu the lunch commriiittee and Laur- ence Sherwin wvas in charge of the pop, Don Cbapman consented to drive bis tracton and wvag"on, whileMr Ruther- ford, fori. teach)er of grade XI agreedt to act as chaperone. Twent-two appy students boarded' the hay wagon eat Mr. John Besmt's cor-ý nier ait830Thursdiay igIllt. Tlig singing anti throwing hay, thee"gang" arrivýed at the selected spot, prepared beforehiand by Peter Loucks, 10 feat uon weines, pop, chips andi peanuLts. en1joy et. MuLsic was supplieti byAlldy Sutch on bis: 'JKazoo", ais the cstudents imunched foodi around theielire. After lunchi a few gam el wereplayed. As, eleven oclckrollecd aoi t h sleepy, Stuffed, studients (cFlrnhed ontoi the wagyon for the lonýg,"an" id1eý home. Mth Geore'Nader ànd Julie Adamns Sk IRAY ONLY In Technicelor "éJgE IDAKOITA" With Jock Mahoney and Luana Patten "1SMILEY"1 Comecly - Dramna of an Australian Boy MONDAI To WED SDAY JnTechnicoie IDESI A( NMEZ ln TeirB# Comedy "cLong, o (Traier" AlýSG, A"IUItJnterta in ment 'THE BNR1C5HE RS RICO,, With Richa2rd Conte anld Diatte Fester, -z--- 'ublic COron Comineneing \at 9,00 P.IT E veryone welcome