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Orono Weekly Times, 22 May 1958, p. 7

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,wefl-to-do girl frîend. There wvas a sudden knock at the doo. A uniformned messen- V er md arrivedi with yet anotier aster ecgg, magnificently wrap- ped i green ai-d gold paper. The girl was surprised to find »(ie due as towho bad sent it. It wns a tradlitional Easter egg yanade ai cbocolae-hardly the present a girl -would~ expect for ler wpding, but tus did net wcrry lber. But s-he was_, puzzled gbout the idientity ai the danor. Tlhe chacolate leaked temiUng to eat. She had just begun te break the egg, when her bride- groom nrrived. The pair kissed IoNijngly and she begali te show jbim the jgifts. 'She pointed tr, the chacolate *gg. "Let's et it ýi' w,"> she -saýide ffirerlig hîm a plece. He took it-then bad a sýuddJen busých. 'Don't ent it," he Said. "'y. afeln there's soniething quieer* about this choclate. Let me take it up te the laberatary for aral- îý,J-kwas backh i les$ than an 'Darina,' !le 8aid gravely, takIrng tii. girl in bis arms, "that 9 ontains en.-ouigbpoison 'W :kilhalf adozen people!"- The police were infarrpd end edeeptx wereq ingdé tô trace the. - ~i1o1ed esseiiger. IeH. b ;>ever been) fouind. But the. young docter bas býis qwn theary as ta who sent the weadly egg. A yèar earlier, while eA hoidaýy abroad, b. haýd iet a woman who fell in love with lirs, thcugh. for hum the. affair 'raz no inox. than a chance hol- îday friendsbipD. It lm possible, bowever, that ibis temperamnental womani, ofrnnga bis ferthcemning mar- laget t th American girl, had I ecome insanely jealous and had s cnthflicegg te the girl'. home ýa dasfardly attenipt te kili bier »nd thus rab the cdecter of bnp- pinless. Eaer eggsbhave been linked -with love and romance for cen- fUries. One rOnntic Spaniard bit on the idea of prcpasing >narriage ta a dality Frencli girl kse hd frst met et 9a Monfmnïrtre- dancing club. H.e paid a confectionier $250 to ]Prepare a special egg covered -ýIth Èwlk. Inside if be placed bis froposa1e! of arriage, ,nclosing qàis a diamond engagement ring. nhe pretty Parîsienne fcundthe Mfter Irresistible and thàeouple :were wed on Ester Suinday. On vIOw ia Berlin rmuseurs beer, tne. war was an iron £es- Ir egg wbich had a curlous etory. On* o! the. early German inhces had fallen i love with princesasa when Ester camne sent het the, egg witb a ]et- etllIng ber of bis love. Th£ princes's was fond of lux- 1ýry qd lovely things and the m3ght of Ran ugly iron egg se an.- "eyed ber that she flung ifta e ground. Th iat caused a secret 4prinig in the egg te give way r.veallnïg a silver lining and a golden yolk inside, In ie ý*yolk iwas a smali croýrn af rare rubies%. "The princess's annoyance 'uns quickly changed te deliglif *nd before the. Easter testivities; were over she had consented te marry the prince," the story #oneludes. Equally -astonishing wasa, ebA00 Eastereg ordered by a' AT THE READY-A nLewý, method of providing instant proteclive mneasurcs in the., case of fires or other emergencies is thie vehicle announced by ihe Lofstrcind Co, SmialI and maneuver- able, it can scoot through the aisie space5 of factories. Ptcced 'at the ready" in strategic locations, it carries ifl nece5sary aýafety equipment, such as extehsion ladders, first-aid kits, resuscitcitor, gas mask, stretcher ci fire extinguishers. The Clue 0 f The Tattered Rug Sprawled full leingth, care- Pa.rkm-an- had beeni goirng te see, taker Epli Littlefieldl peered un- He had owéd Parkman a large der the doQr of Dr. John Web- Istan of maney, he explained, and ster's laboratory.' Alil he could had undertaken to repay it. At see wýas the doctor's feet moinrg noni on Nevemiber 23rd. Park- between the table and the fur»- j an had duly calied, Iiad re- ace. Alil hecul hear w,,as the ceive4 the m~oriey and had re- sait shuffle (if the doctor's shees ceipted the .deeýd ad mortgage. fil watey çontinuously flowing Wth these disclosures Dr, froîmthe ta.p. Webster returned to the labora-' Buvt there waàsosmething else tory, ioked the doors býehiid, .a faint bud ratherfrhtn him and renewed hio secret la- ing Lmeil . . . the pungent, re- boums Thé police lnvestlgationz pellent odeur cf burning fiesh. -eved rid nqanew tack. T Dr. Eph had neyer knman t Parkman had left Dr, Webster furnace to be lit before. But now wi a large 'sum cf mo-ney on ït was se bot that Pt one part him it icreased3 the probability of fhe buildini.t could be feit ot murder with a motive of, through the wall. For a week Dr. thef't. Webster haod hardly emnerged Only Eph Lîttle-field, the car- irom his rooms. And through ail taker, WRS flot sQ sure,., that week another of the Har- Findiýng ispare kem £ tdi yard University professors, Dr. them ithe _laboratory <1 -oc, George Parkman, had. been And discovered they lwerelbolite missing vwithout trace, as well as locked against hlm. In thie distant year 1849 Har- FMe watched Dr. WebÉter's lheavi yard rockéd witb. the riddie. At inroads on the fuel store, noticed ricon on a foggy November dav, the. frequent use cf kindling,. lean Dr. Park<man had been seen constantly tried,'the warmth of walking rapidly towards the th1e wail where tlie furniace mredical ceilege on bis way to u 1rd a ndngt business appoîntment wîtih so-m What Was happening i the person iunknawn ..ý. but it wns iab? Eph wa., sure, he wouid as if he had been wh.isked oiff salve the mystery one day whien the eaýrth. the doctor wds t lectures. The police searched tb-rotugb Climbing through k-window high the coliege buildings. They drag- iii the wall of the laboetory, he ged a nýeaýr-by river. They lit- himself gently, The ; tered the. town with reward bills. nace was atight but Epb foirs't, Lured by a witness who thougbt it was nat Pa very large fixe. he had seen Dr. Parkman in the Yet some barrels of kincling nieighibourhood, they scoured at were missing. And there was wheat warehouse and practically somnething else absent-a heavy emptied it cf grain. sledgebanier whic-h Eph hadl Aiýd il the whule Dr. Web- notlced standing hi a cerner mter remained -MhL his aboratory, when he iast cleaned the room., eng-rossed in bis experiments. Oni steps leacding fromn the When ' he em-yerged, iacking the rcoom Eph's sharp eyes lso spot- dear carefully behlnd him, a ted stains. Putting his tengu. tubby, beetle-bro-wed little Îman ta the stains, he detected the, gazing blpnflly threugh steel- harp sting of acid. rlmnled spectacles, be was able That night the furnace burned te threw very littIe iight on ,warmer and. Webster seemed ta Parkman's movemnents. werk ifter into the night than But lie admitted thnt re wns ever. The next day the police the business contact whorn had declded ta lauincb a house- ______________________ to-bouse searcb, beginning at ithe spot where Parkmnan had rich Brazilian t a hetel in Lon- last been seen - in Webster's don some years age fer the at- iaboratary. tractive girl he had married at Webster himseil unbolted ffhe Easter the. previous year. It had doo.r, opened cuph )oards and a chocolate casket entainfing storeroomas, expiained that the jewels wbich were hung i furnace had been used te burn niches and there were aise tiny dissection rubbish. The detec- d1rawers for the unset stanes. On tîves were satisfied, its jaurney te Brazil this unique But Epb was mare puzzled egg Was instired for a large sum. thain ever that evenin-the eve One ai the cestiiest Easter eggs cf the Thanksgiving festival - tver given, by a ma.n in love when he ran into Webster by went to a bewitcbing star cf the chance. Moulin Rouge revue. Experts i ' Have you h a ag ht ye ar .ilver filfgree work made it at Thanksgiving turkey yet?" said a cost of nearly $50,000J. It was Webster. "Go and buy one-and Iiined with biiue satin and cen- chiarge it te m-e."' tained jewelery ranging freRi Till that moment Epi mad ai- lamond rings to rubies and ways ranked-.tbe doctor as the sapphires. meanest medico in the world. The man who sent the star What lay bebind this change cf thie egg told ber that it was Pa beart? Scratching bis bead, Eph token of bis .verlasting love. He tried to vistialize ev'ery detail of wao a millionaire but ho neyer the scene earlier that day asý married the. gil, for a iew detectives searched the labera-' months liter it was ünnounced tory. There was one tiny 'detail- that h. would wed another dan- that bcd not seemied important 4er 'u th United States. at the tinie. In Paris, too, they b-11 the Eph sighed with chagrin when gtery of another rlch man who h. reallzed that the. forgotten de- became lnfatuated by a chorusà tail -was even more 'ujiremark- gIl~ and sent her a golden Eanter able than b. im-agined. It wa.9 gg whlchb .* %ïgdnd h l41- nothing more than a tattered aid' mond5. rug, whkh le lied net seen be- fore., that ea-veredi part e!ftth. floor. The, next imemreni., bis eyes, ablaze, Epi mn tt ell bis wife o!, bis èiscovery, Beneafi the laborafery wa-s a yauit 'shicii bnd long been closed and sealed. And with barror reni.m- bercd fiat ûne day, xnentbs b.- fore, Dr. Webster had asihed him casually whetber the 'vault was in gaed repair. Wh.nt was -worse, th nly en- tacewns tbrougb the floor of th fialboratory by tihe frapdoor Webster kept covereèd ywtb n rug. WTheri Epi elie there waa another wnay in. He teck spade, pick anid chisel, aind t7ried te bur:- row b is >,way threuLgh the soiid w all. !-ls wife kept watch but Epi %vas îinterrupted sO m-any times 'hat by the end e! the day h. bad med oaly a f ew bricks. Next day be madle faster Pro- greýssand fiuïillyfelstn was moved. yte a soi Shining a ligit inta the vault Epi discerned the barrer be hmd always leared. The lnmp on fhe severed -legs and' torsoeta a, man, Dr. Webster wns azciapped into jail wvitbin the haur, In n medi- cal school, however, it was net ,unprecedented te, find a dismemr- bered ccrpse, and the. police knrew tiey weuld face a teugli task ini prcving ifte ob. tint cf Drz Parkmanl. In fie, furnace w7ere fouind ether grini relies--splinfers of chp.rred- bone, a Éused and dam- aged set-f fais. teeti. Dr. Web- ste r had t r ;4Ld te ensuire tint no vitai lcuetû bis crime éwns lef. Having tbrown the severed vrmains intc. the vaulf, he had been slewly disposing of tbe-m. He b-d got rid of the hands and ,kuil; but paistnkirigly fie scl- entistF, tried ta pie tiheotiier fragm-ents tagether, By careful measurement tbey eould only say thaf the. vlctiym bad been of about Paerkman's beigif and weigiif. But it was Epi 14f tlE.field Who ,ucess'tullyv wound up flic case. Hlearing o!flhe dlscoveryj oP th. e ef h h. went ta tii, local C LASSIFIED ADVERTISINO AGENTS WANTIo GO #NTO IAUSIN190$ for vourself. Sel! Our' ,xcltlig h ouSN. wares- watchee and othew productâExiet fou n soe.N eompltloii, Prof- lts upto 500%. Wýrite 110w f or fretc colour catalogue and zsparate eonft. dential whoiesaR& lorigo e*ot. urra#y Sales, 3822 St. t.awr*n(ýe otel EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUN11TY 011.5, GIASliS, PAINTS sli the. best. Dealers W>Atedt. Wri1t* WARCO OBlAsk &r-IL LimITUD, ARTICLES WANTRe WANTYBDI for cash -- fBtespm, coins, palntlngs, antiques, ld letter1s, e., GaIngel, 105 Ridele Avte.' Toronto. ÂMES lIn-Cross Chicka (0wovenhead, high production) Mioulti be orderedfl or ,June-July, or later. Brillera for August September. Have wide cholce in chicks,; pullets (some starteti). Better contact oray I4atràery, 120 John N,, Hailten or local agent. PHONE, Wîre or Write for tiiese popu- ler breeds and we ca,, give you prompt, delivery; K-137 librhkWarren, Rhode Island Red, White Letghorn X Ried, Rcd X White Leghorn, Light Sus- ccex X Rcd, Red X Liglit Sussex, Bcd X Barred Rock, Barred Bock, Non-Sexed or Pulets. Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey 'Poults. Place your order wefl li advance for brofler chiekoayant other breetis of chlcks andi turkeys. Cat. TWEDDLE CB.IICK H(AT!CHEEFIES LT». kFERGýUSONTARIO. "JACXARtO IN Autraa" 9Book of photograpbs, strong you1ng mni on gheep and cattie stations, $t2.10. Fred' Woodgate, I19 Brsbaine stre'-t, Tnworth, NSW, Autralia. ZNStiRANÇCE agency with cmiso tncomgt $0,000 to 500 uadeTr~ t.Particulars by letter or phon1e t6 C.8.tragg, 291 Canice St.,OiiWa. OMFORTUNITIES FOR MIN AND WOMCW e0 arly re-servations! Write, 0*e' WelI-By-he-Sa IprovemeFnt A,5soeï- ation, Wde, Maine, for lit(erature. ARi îdeai place to~ speiid your MheSebi- coast vacation1. FfflUM Reqirem-ents forie., nn Ilving ïni u.S.A. Comýpiete,coldeta. #tuthentie. ' U.S. Information Box 2405 Vancouer-,. B.C. SE A HAIRDRESSE .iOWt CANAVA'S LEADING SCI400L Great Opportuntty Learn i iardressingý YPleasajit, dignidied profession; good, wages. Thousands <f sces Miarvel Graduates. Amercai's Greatest Sse Iliustrted CatalogueFre Write or Cal! MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS, 3U r4ilor St. W Trontoi Branches: ý4 Kig St. W., Hamiltoni 72 Rideau Street, Otta,-a PATENTS , 'J'TMERSTONHAUGH & Cio p9 a n)y patent Attorneys, taihd180 600 University Ave.,Trnt Patents ali countiries,

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