OR~~N W~ ~L TIMe kl«hËorhlzÏoaSêend C-,(4il t',t ffie Urtumfflt, Ottaw- ~ounu~i R. &. Ferr.et.r PuMhher. R. C. Forreotta -Oronio and Tourism Ea.rlir his w-eek M.Dojn Kinjgdon f& the Lake Ontaro eep 111o Assachiu in speitt a haîif day in theý Village of Or-ono hih s merne uc "e Asacitio He oLud Ithe maoy iateresting faturs, th ilge wic cludeci the oo. the Lang Chapel, the Foresry ti#Orac ~riýAnc Curvply Wa Produects. A detailci survy of a;,. jilg 1omd inwhh memnbers of the Orono Ciuinbcei of Cam-.1 iner~. ilie ronoPolice iruseeLs asstc.Follow".iog tissurve Mc. Kng~ expessei te oiio[hat Oanohad maýny etrsa lfe frinutr ind tuii.0f courslthse ust be expaite ilth laa ognidiasanc(i itrs loms eshwn bl cd) a ieery oct.en a ticVillage. Special emipliasis vwas sWe-ssed iin t,1C-he value oftïousmand liî,ere hOoolas ia iinmb-er ni points tatoliterest ouissalid amiong thee ae tc seni oeutyof he Reforestati, the rose gardens, theý woded cdgraves, thie lilypond, te flras dipys raod tic parklng .trat sreas wninjg teirway hroug1,h tforetcd-aaîs of [tie Sta- tiou. lhe rono Park pruvides swàimiig tnnis, picnémg andl pay- granu aciitis. t asopru\vide: arstulatmoýspheire aftLer Ladrive alog te hghx ayonAher W to tathe vacation lad ta th north. In Or- anata urherioerei ourists is thýe srcua beauty of thec Orono1 1JatedCiuchti9Lang Miemorial Chapel andi the mo-demn business trea. Oni theoutskirt of town we have oernight acconmmodation in the )eitnc ft hirec mdem miotels. AlVany may wa,ýnder what advantagc there is ta have taurist inter- etin thec Village hawever thiey benefit the garages and service stations, li-e businessmnan lna alost ever,1y phase from- clothing ta oo,,d and gifts. Your touriet cald easily bur a futue citizen of t1he Village or a future ~busincsma !.or ndustrialists. Vie door of appotunity awaits ta be opcaed with Éhe assistance of eýveryoae in fosterm--g greater tourist interest in Oron-o. Local citizens are proud of theirVillae nd well thy sioud be. TREES WANTEÏ 1' :n he4gth a3cda ,es8'io f6,' Onajo hoiue9 .e- ATTENTION WOMEN'S GROUPY" j Graup proa.1ts at the , 0Orn ai,,r are ?open !to I Wmen'sGraups ýlthe 'auny o D hm. A Bay oe' ~rnmtti inc'uge irs. J eSN cdstl, Mr. Tamlyn Mrs }bbidic, Oena aJ 'c' . 'le va~cn evnings 'L aýlïte 30 c llasiy t tïring-weekd o fcei, fClatrke et%,si, iees anci i mie t5th fNewcst, A.,d by pulic auc,'t'io Friday eent g, May Oth at 6:30 . khiasp-ntire erd of r t hoselswine tractor, chery,- feeifuritre t MTr cieas. n AUCTION SAL Lot 8, oncss45, Dar sL l-Frt fr iorth of bENEF "lien J I r or trees on it. l\ierruaS t gh Socut Cabis. On r rdeei y ýDoctar ta Seni$0 fsas s somne color-l eKi) of!tIlP ntation-and river, (me- aroncianc thaugi antation. Smnalli ari.ad nci1huhpaotnttioni. Smali lag Hu se Liridi Iâ ýfrarene Iiknint shed o propertyv. Ail eniquiries must he - ade tt JohnA F. Reci,ý Real Elstate BoeBancroft, Ont? Phonc 14-J. Excldusive Listing,.- liogn Town- m 1-lptoni, to rdyeven- cigat C6:30 i iPot ataes t$20a bag. ~Orono. b- 2 bero&{ Ctag onC% jos Lake, equippeci, ad knklin k cen.Fomr yFrank 1Halloet Apply Mrs. 1,ipri ýghin, Box 1512, CtIom ComnlCantitlg,w o- row prcso latr erry, jIorI ,Iion1,O 'eti f 1ONE I'12 9 CONTRACTORIS FOR FARMI and HOITSE WIRING APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs ,t ail kinds oc Electrival Equ1ipmentý and Apliancesl Such as Motors - WVater Heaers Radios -Stoýes - Ions El Expert (1 Watch and Clcck o Repairing g MAI1N STREET, ORONO isuraice service EverY class of Inlsura ance is represented lin our office. The foQýw. ing are somde of the main coverages we can of fer:- Automobile, Lie', Accident and SiCkness, Plate Glass, Liability, Fire, Burglary, Hospfilalization, Lïvestock, Bolier, W-ind, Polio, Hlall, Fidelit.3, Bonds etc. ORONO PHONE IR16 FIRST MNORTGAGE LOA-NS Leroy Haito.i REIAL EST'ATF BRVOKER ÀAN» Repafrs CALL US FOR ES7rrIMÂTEl's I1ARRY~ E. LYCETT A. F. MIcKENZTE, MAL). 2-fYlo A$ aM. D »éSWl end Wd-n«u ,% k ~m~djg ad « y PIRONE 1471 08*)S DR. R. J. TAGGART YWI'UffINARY SURUON Yeterinary, awâ.iaee, bt.i.tlnk mmd ls~lvm~n~ .tbh.eI~ disp.m..L PUNE le *5N, O~ LESAL LawrnceC. ae, 14.~ Brrister and Solicitor Ï OINT in the Offices of MAI-N ST», ORONO Friday 7 P.11. - 10 .m Saturday 9 a-ni. - 5 p.n.ý Telephone 13S Orono ý JAC'K 1REID -Auctioneer andl Valuatoir Specialize- in Farm and Furnituire Sales Conquit me for term-ns and dates Phone 3 r 18 - Orono TE,)JA KS' Auictionteer and Valuater <.mdue saAg qe en <m cunuâa&* wfth ia* P«ry, « @». emm frm LIFE 1NSURANCE F.-E. LYCETT o~ o,~ Phoe~ - STAFFORD BROS. 319 Durdat IL E., WbIdt FINE quAiJTrY MONUMElNTS AND Let l. ereet a ham&», ýdis nit Led mmoumn t erthe rimd- 11< pa. of yeux r h.i Oa tâts ltt tibwut will gih'e yen eudla"e e.f.erz P.O., 62 pog He, utr. Mlonumentts, «iravestonies, EngraviiigGoldleafing 'Ba dfree d e~d IT PAavS TO- ADVER""ISE,