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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1958, p. 1

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Volume 21, Nuinher 16 Or-ono, Ontario, MAY 29 LETRTO THE EDITOR: Former Kenclal Orono Giee Club And Dancers CameitnRsdn Pse cir ae Excite Large Audience liaJnjs üf Tow.ship oldtimie resident of the Vanrena, Cemetery 1 _____ __________________ erta, district, John Halliday Scott,i 71, dieci recently. Air. Scott lhad been in A Festival of 'Music and Dancing en- right on pitch, and ni "Skçip to 1 0My Lou" o tepattw eas ttld"Breathr of Spring" was pre-' arranged by Dr.- Leslie Bel,,Joan A ,1- If the Clarke Township Council ap-p6rhahfrtepsttoea. sen-ted by the Orono Higli Scool in h's acom-pan.îmellt showed to good ad- proves the debenture issue requiesked ot 11wen o he Onta., iver83,CMrn T h ry da ightolite ailsmees res-o UcTownship Hall, Thursday, May 22. vantage. Mna" was Bussian and by the Township Area Board, a savng wth bis wife and family in 1913, set-[ ent. The Trustees passed a motion to Tbe 1e Club, formed last November, different, ~Nursery Rhymes- was reai of $7324.W0 - over f ive mails - can e ~n nafr a h arn itithv ea sitnel etn ~ h w<ýs undr the direction of M.J.E fn ndi "ie l'Am o fur" theai- . madeptand ethe o ehol cn ieredywhere ie lias lvdfor the at4 uiDvso onrlf~-a hei Fdand the Folk Dancers were dit- ence wýas given the pivieeo aU ySpeie h in.Mus.i ~l ilass aapormo Ctd y'CaiMsS.sohoonsdre-giotin."Cison g Rolig log" Suliwa te icur rvele wenI 1e-ws mon teiirt faheealyloin fr roerdoefpmntofth tor ic ing meber oftheOroo aspeyins. ît nhîsmadthe tenders for the two-romschool at) settlers to take up farming xorth of the l Area and whlch wilI be under the jmis.- TechngSaf. nPpyfnih Lockhar's and the four-roomi school ï;eace River, diction of the local governing bodies 7'ebg utt n efcinoiThe lsn group was ithree beauti-, at Newý'lWliiIle were opened Prdday and the Minister of PanninganDe tins programn was not ofly delightful to fui Sacred songs, "Fairest Lord Jesuis", nn, May lth. Tenders were cail- Alasrayt ln adw ere- int rte audience, but was a revelation. o TeLr' hped"Cione o h o pleino h two schools eVer needed, lie was am-ong the most amaigauiveen ,s )sot a and "Now the My ishe er." Thesu b Sep orthecmbetie f the active in moving the hamet of Water- The painting of the Clock Tower 0' ofpreparation. The- singers, who were smot, gefed g o ers-jfor encli school separately or for the Ijletoi s resn dt tFarie. againcaeu fodsusin ndt -ixbrell, were respiende-nt in their sien, wýith well-controlled soi t and d Ioud twvo sclools toguether. Six contracting eFei uvvd by Mrs. Scott, in hos- was hoped that it could bc doue before ewdress, the irls bin ue gewas ,witn ,arts. firmis submnitted bids. ptal in Edmonton; one son, Hugh, of M'ýay 31st in erder that a 70% grantý For Lockliart's school the îowest Fairview, and a sister, Mrs. Ws. J. could lie obtained. This proved im- whltecelirs, ad th boysin wnte God Save the Queen" arranged byi tender wvas $41,200 - h ighs 5.68 lke in Peterborough, Ont. There are possible. An estimated cs f$20 .s.t iti fLu is an~d otler aciiia loe h eI-aac For the Newtonville school the îo ethree-grandchi1dren. M.Scott was pre- was received forý labour alene. Other grat srrn blssos, il f w ipogramo. There ere twelve Sa1cred tender ws$9,8.the highest $88,519, uea,ý,sed !by a son aadulie. pintingprjcsae xptdtob s pnri b u o e o ,, n î ilo t S e r s i g - " B r eh aý, n d t x l e s e c u la r m n u mb e r s , m n y F o rt, w o sc-o l tntr h F n r a e r v ic e s w e r e h eld - f r e i n S t. u n d e rta k e c t h e la gen t i m sun uacowpnidand aIl sung from 1,lowetws$1430anh hest aul'sUirc( ted huclýinlaFairview. Rev. isavailable. aprig ~avou otthe vemlg. emoy El ciflonat 2ms was $1959 E.J.iller tofl>c-iated, andhra a ,le 1prinýcq-ipa, w . att, in- cerad itntîadteredrn f thl owest tender for LocUkhart's l h aehl eeeyii. .Hm prahdteTrs trdce epoga, Oin rîu e velcduesad 4ng c -e'Ode sho' cepe h otlte ohave thiem lire two men toý d ~ h v~'unsun- rngeef oos of the ctin sdacs ol avsen rsist w'ith lowering of untised foot- to s pin n sa O ~ h~,,flto coiaivev thz 1 moû1 ,IILIIB as 'n te )Id Oreno Cemneterv which r ut t thet«a....... tiie.V ongly t tner 1aumefor dile auenft ot t "Louhe he cunlLity, !nLOUnI ;llLseoolleurLPs ut atLI(ailLtimes. ac one act mdelus or her conltrioution to tiesuccess (;f'ine evuniUng,, aind lie con- vcyed ic appy feelingesympllathetie: and armoniions co-opeýration centýributt- i.n,,, to taeu aee oftlie wo.Al GCul-, Club practice had buen doue out- Side of sdiroci houirs, usual,ïly from &3.30 a.m., an.d thre commiunity fuels thati suci wrt'-whiusacrifice on thu part oQf lioth director and pupils deservesi onycom-mendation and support. Tire opening warmiag-up numrbers toi thec Glue Çltib were a greup of three frid kahomia, general favourites., donae with good sliading and excellent ~ntrpettinfollowed by snappy pru- caeagroup Pàrcell, a ýhïpl tieilti, agp h-ative, and" Fc"by Mor um rsfor- wri alwiced, ,oie he udiec(e. Mr. Ford show,,ed lis abilhty to choose a very xwide \aiet'y of compIroseres and selecUo)ns withoit puting undue strain oiinimtuire -oilues. M rs.ý St. J)ohn Lnd lier two groupes of f'olk Dancýers are tLo be con- gauae.on their fine contiribution to an educationial and inspiring eçig Oni the whole, it was a crediable and satisfying1 performiance, and reveald so much achieved in only six moaths. The preeeeds of this concert will lie ppidte the cost of the aewv gowns. ,Horticultural Picrnc In PeterborOughý js Hideawayý )accomipanist By special airrangemnent, thec public ripatiretie sup- can participatula tins event. l sca dne. The Peterborough Hlorticultural So-1 ciety wi1lle tirliceuot, te ait.affiliated1 rem the Glue Soceities ofthie District, for the 1958 of more amn- Picnic. i ýavier type of, At Peterboroughi, on Saturday, June the piano by 7, 1958 with Registration at 2 p.'m.* ut gathured la- St. James United Churcli, corner of io, as singurs Aylmur andI Romaine Struets. tih ceinturies A registration feu of $1.25 1ilcoe id sang thiree ail tire expeuses of a very cemplutul ïlocks lu Pas- and interesting programn for the after- 'Break Forth, noon 'and uvening, inclusling a f ulil Liglt," and course dinner. ithre programý The program iras buen scheduled as, chorales, "In follows:1 ýt Greves" bY 2:00 - Regýistratien ut St. Jamesý fui one whuru United Chuircir. espeeially at-I 2:30 p.m. - Conductud Tours (approx. My Mistress' 2 heurs) of (1) The City and Subuirban wvere difficut areas, including ail pints cf interest, us, but wre or (2) The Puterborougir Cance Ce. d tuneful, us-Ifactory, shewing thre various5 stages Mu I parts. TheY tire maauifacture ef 'the werld famous tWOell.............30 Arcitet'sfee (6percet 242 Furnl-t]ituLireail Equipmien t 50 Total ..................48308. For theNwoail school the lowvest tender was $69,880. Th»? total eost would1 have buen: For- cetract ............ Well Arehiitect's feus..... Furniture and Equipment Contingencies..... -...... Cost of Site........... The regula.ýr nmeeting2 of the Womieni's Ciiiîstian iTempeacIIî:e Union w"as leld on Tuesdlay afternonin Mthe Sunlday Sehool Auditorium ilte president Mrs. Walsh presiding. The meeting op- uaud with singsing cf God save thec Queun and -Mrs. Allia gave a splendid devetienal entitled "What shall thc harvest bu" from Genusis 8, verses 2 to 22. Skie em-phasized the fact we must bu very careful first what we plant; $69»O80.O0 scond,lw 300.00ad if wu 1ea 4I,172.801 liarveOst wil( 1,0.0prayer. Hyr 2,096.4q Thu rolli ca ail preseat ý $77,969.20 fermer mieuti ___paper on Peý $79,469.20? vey ecourag Total. . . ............ By accepting thu tender to build the two scireels th, arrivcýd at wias: For contract ... ... 2 wells. .. Furniture and lEquipment Archituct's ius ....... Contngeacles ...... 3,130.80) $117,352,40) 2 Sites ...*.............. 3, 10K.00 Total............... $120,452.40 This means a savlag cof $7,324.80 Separate contact for Lock- hart's Scbool ........ .. $48,308.00 Separate contract for New- tonvillu School ......... $79,469.20 $127,777.20 Combined ctrauts fer beth scirools ý.............. $120,452.40, lias been cleared of brush by the Tewn-' sliip. Mr. Hlammii pointed eut that the lieadstones were not te be touched at the present tie. At a Inter date a bulldozer wvould lie emiployed to levul theu ,,rounds. le said. The Trustees, we-re unanimeous la first contacting the Departmient of Healtis to receivýe a per- Smit to rem-ove the present stones to a plot in thei new Cemetery hefore any aictionof lowering cernent footings. The Secretary, H. E. Milisocu, was instrucet-I ed to phone the Departmient of11elt to seek the aecessnry permît. On, phioning the Departaient[ on Tuesday miorniing it wvas 1lkraed th'at before any further action of any nature is under- takun, the permit must lie receid tbreugli the proper chanels wvhich willl take from thrue to four mnonths. The Chairman, R. C. Forrestu-, iii- ýSbsrip)tion $LU5 ro Have OId In Orono Closed LETTER TO TH$E EDITOR Wyhen one electud body is petitienel by a majority of an ulecterate te de- fuat, thiwart and bjlock the purpeeesc, obligations and dnty of anotier electeti body of tire came ulectoratu! This is, «tire itopossible situation tint tire Ceui- cil of Clarke Township and tire Town'- slip Scirool Area Board is lu at tire prusent time. Tire purpose of any scihool boardi3t te provîde educational facrilities in tire aren they rupresent ,jer ail ciidreai wlien nee4ed. Tis is their purpose, obligaatio nad duty. Titis cannot ire -donc if the nery eiectornte wieuece thu otirer etected body te prevent tire- them .appeal and mwlas support fi-oui discliaýrge ef this function. Anl almiost paralcl situa!tion eit in the, Higli School Arca. Efforts are b-,eling made and acwtiojn taken tIo block odecision of the appointed represeýn- tatives of thie Higli Sclioiol Area by thàe vcry C ounicils Mwho appointed tl tem. lu this demrocracy, or a--moc)kery of de- mouracy? E'. Dent placin-g "Stop Signs" on Orono streets întersecting, with tire Couanties rond, It was poited eut that a numrber o c1weliings on the eutskirts of the ViL!lage were flot covered under the Fire Agrue- mlent and thre Trustees decided toagn acquaint these property ewners with this agreemient which enahies the Or- ono Fire Departnient to answier cail3 out sidie of the Vij-le. The Pire Ce wns authorized tu send out notices te- thlis effect. Mr. H . M. Mercer was given author- iy te have tire firu tank by Mrs. A, Allen's rupnired as it weuld only hi3ld wv'ater Up te the hnlf-way mark. The secretary wàs instructud te ot . f ii ,bT HAfter si closed witi Orone He On Thui tweluvu si hing heild t and Hlunt i.r 'wrQ meeting niext fA .d n paint t Or IF' affurded pleasant listening. Peterboroughi Canoes and Bots, or Saving.................. 7,24.80Buiding. The utbardMarne Crpoatin Tntatve pprvalfor egýlatveiIt was decided athtie meeting te. "liren came the delightful Folk Dan- of ) T.ire ker Marie oraion'TettveAprvlfo ugs daPsIFyan mee t a cfCn-ikr o h ol aotsus itpurposes totalling $120,00, as hol is r1nd oe a a-Sumr mn er Carrpsite P grasntçfulyh ad ith rell's Cottage on iLake Scugoga Jn cer, gils grQeullyhe nd ]4'Otboard Motors. been givea by tire Department cf Etiu- etviIlle. The evening is scheduled for ______________ T. r irst number was '"MaYim" Transportation and guides fer tire cation.'rdaJeBtrwaevynei w oris a modern Israeli folk dance City tour will bu provided by the irosts. The Towiiship Council has givun ten- wlccmud te attend Furtirer particulars The Orono Cirarber gf' Commerce tire Police Trustees. Tis comr Iigrufyiug joyouisness and tlanks in e lsour o atr.l tredsetGuides for tire f actory tours wil bu tative approval fer a dueuture issue wll bu publis'hed nuxt week. ireîd their monthly dinner meeting on uinder its chairman, Gordon Cott t,-.Ei soidamewa "Ieco provided by tire Company Employues, of $120,00.00. This iras beeii appreved Thursday of last wuek wîth a good u-t lna'iaC~ét skl ntire manufacture of Canees, by hie Ontai 1tapMunicipalinth hns ,fth enane rrd..1 p Ovaiar" l. irci ih' duc ~Bots and Outh,)oard Moters. Tire acceptancu by tire Clarke T.S.A. txae awrHs.ntr anso ir edncErsn . wo e membe rs, d sig o buruse sa yf -d on a drum patÏr wit1h fascin- - ~ ~ adsr o~c h edrfrTownship Couni. R. E. Logan and H . yet -ee ilu- rno sia auter te Iu inasi, - ad is n Orentalsty0e by ire Ldies reAuxi anll -oard Stosumîthe by J.Wh fous $104,30.W, The above date cf comipletion of tire tredcdr .MGl ocpe h one taitrd iitgsyl.~ ved yteLde ulir ofS.sbnteb JWnts and Sens, is scirools dupends ou an early start on chair. se ndpefome wthïMr. Carman Ce gý,ý es wresnp1e purformed r Lsubject te the final approval cf tire the construction by tIe contracter. TieM daclnplatrbunssieMriat'Ce-. e gayahado,-t f jy ad aPp- 6,30 - An Interlude of Enter- Departinent of Education and of tireR Yours very truly, setio, i wa tteugt, as ravng otiiigefie a he ns oteaudience as well. tairiment. Ontario Munipical Board. Oso.e, harmn. Ietoi a hult a aiaie'sae Later on tire program a second group 7: 00 p. m. - A brief bnsiness session. Whther or net tire nueds of tire- some effect ila a neatur appearance s esetin veal t r cffurdnu a rsae y8If yen are înterested, caîl aay imem r'hifldren for more classroom spacu cari however a number of nmerdhants were stln oealstr o edancers. "Teluvision Waltz" and ber cf tire, Horticultural Society not be provided this autuma and wietrhr r- stiydreetecMesprratingoin thîs clS.aBu ,"Kilopptan", a sprighrtly German Folk inter titan Friday, May 30. tins saving eabu passed on te tire ru r0 pro ject. A suggestion of small wastu e Mse.GrdnCte Dane, ereuute iffren, ut ery________________________baskets about tewn did net muiet with ford and R. C. Pari-ester outhan ueeqit ifeet u eY t-a ettiroLake Viltagl evuepinnt Lnteresting and enjoyahle. Trco- A Ï I. jtoyci r enthusiasin as i1a fi1or ftc ilg -~~~~~~~~h, fn cstms dddtetieI ni rc nll0 y ~create ether probîens. h atk M.Ontrohevor en az e ss!fu o th es tw e gro u ,s heo f fa c te-rse O i i e G i l ý-,Eýs of;thes twogrous of ances. Crono ssioMn.1 Donald Staples reportedi on tlire ïad a'iltter wiich had beund The Glue Club sang a greup of Negro 1 1 The rn Hydre Commisino progress cf work ut the Aruna and seking tire assistance of tire L.( nhiiaren s Recreational P o am Mna vnn'ateie h rnn asked fer assistance on S9itrdayte te have a Provincial Camip site 14 spc."O bord FI'm Tirud" was intro- a of a femuae ookkeeper te look after tirelceni lenrhedo l eli' sn io lepeetO oPr dnýýced itir a soie by 1Mr. Ford iîi ___office duiring tiresumm-er nmentlis l ian h erhedo l uni. sui ftr peetOoePr sinceru ail effective. l G iesaige Wins o iePo-acalsces<ftr î.ordur dt itore timu ecna le devotud la conauction with obtaîinagLa dôn-1Sud na proleet \xvold ibueof g Moss, Babaa A a llded i ucu tin f onuJnethnd e7ma r s icis ces o teply l t otsid unfile ork Apliaio s1r tst fr ir Vlag te co m\te ad l i lt aue te roie a d a e onDuewnil7 icdspo-briag tourists te tire VI1Lage.,,If too_,k solo \verses with dcean, swee v ih 'oiefie financlag cf'tire Summenir R-Tire plaing ei" f tire Snim eR -te bu reueivedi by tire manager op teý me iîn ncs twssa islud. tire Orone Park could p L vii DiPlay 01 ou eu r tip" hard cetoa rgri hc ssonoe toa Pormi diun yac1ti onig Meaday. Thie nmanageri, E. itaDr, campbell i edcdoctor. 1trs'orbt dIsn fie smothrirtir an in"Clmbl upirytir Orno matur tîltieAss- wllagaýinit llis yeir be.huaded by Mrs. Dent, ttd tînt work liras been. la- wsinterested la the Village anid 1fu-1 Cmpn tir Montan" irebaluvere in cx-inton Tespn1rigoftie ly ralMavin Lunaiag tire mlornliag"s of icrea-siag over tic ,pnst few .\arsnd 1Ier contac-t was plaina1ed for. tireveybssfrn wui oa teb Tesoioigofteply I yuars ore than ouw ee colettom.I "u JseirsLovelyeoea nuleen nilswn i mnio uy eitation da1,istint if nny of tire planncd devcioping niear future. Gadna trio part wais taken DY Lis;a ever t)ie pnst twýo yuns, mucir ncclaim Ite buaunouancec this comning weuiad (of aew lots opea it could floodtier-Tire firework's dslywsdsusc o uigtesme ny Aa usJnc Huron adCil a ytire loca l audiences,"inesfo0 vey1,i eloc(eneite ohir g ramaleayset eut. band it is tic ho tltre Cham1bertîn .C orsu uîac Belenn l "or, orTh Tndr tc roectiu"isteli n-eceptioni clreru n l ire pregrai. Peeta a truc tibrue phase service nuext yeair tley nmigit doub)L le iredsItoe fti'er vetsetr e len Gnir m. A uer, et Trin- te ti serice by Rura l d etA- part sLu re l eato. C h apl hse ad oies cuc Tuic cetgup ivea wa sxseci-Ngly e ý'lesis ae igllc e r asebxpetudtAlisthl-eirrpeetcetmltdtnsyen ire eticCommtuesatdtitI n-et o tuiýs it a ur Vii crdttemi inLreupnecc sa- aTresc0,e ie umrpo eitrfrtiemic uer-frmWa sen'Grag t cd sute dofemauke - rking'lacbinelscprvlo tr lme nia eï. iry er cissnpp c ci sgnmdeenisa rut el n icfl- isc pnyani rafu ioe Vilage, ten, ln-i t u ulm td e psed tlisangrnter der 1

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