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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1958, p. 2

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?3"HWAYS mto. when 4Drd Cer RJIC olu ý The - Millhrc -cir bya OL 00. L'a FUe HOME DELIVERY PHONE -~~ (HWA .5-1109 ITerry Carleton, on the mound for the runoBanams eadhisteamn to vic-1 (Continued page 3) DagtrBanquet in the f ail. I Ways and means for the L.A. te malke 1 money w\as aise discussed but nothixlg ýdef laite decided on. iT v o of the Golil Cord winners, Joan AMin and Connie Tyrreil, are te go to uu>e LaKe Camp as Councillors: five guides are going te, Doe Lake Camp' and thirteen guides to Pigeon River. Mrs. S. Barrabali is coin, to Pigeon River Camp te assist and nt the meet-. ing the L.A. was endenvouring to get one more lady. t was announced that M rs. Ruth Taggart had been registered and di!] receive lier warrant in the near future. A Brownie Revel is being pianned foir thie FalI. A delicious lunch was servèd by the b.ostess rngn 'the meeting U a' CHEVROLET PICKU-PS wîth boxe2m - t 0 9 f t. îin 1IeVg th anqd GVW'ýNs th, 5 te 7 tousand pourn,!s! CHEVROLET MAIel3805 M;Ilh10 than any other made! tuetCýi et1Otgyiv ms f' îlly 211 cou ufee o CH VROLET Step Vans off'12" fi opening rear doors! hoose from twe Chv Se ans roi plee wihslidig do, forward folding is ad60-inech rear nor fcyorosucîion-free cargp adig.Otoa oos anbeflttd fo CIiEVROLET Trucks with 154 modeis covering every trucking need f rom 5,000 Ibs. GVW to 50,000 Ibs. GCWI TeredeLsigneQd tbtake amything and moze ocf ià No wonder more Truks resold eaeh yearý ~ thaniny Other ~~ maire. ytruckinlg polm ÔT TRU CKS local athorized Chevrolet dealer for qulick appraisal - prompt dlelivery _.u-tc ROYWB NICH ILLE Dout COLRTICERLa The Highway Improvement Act PUBLIC NOTICE 1S HEREB , GIVEN that pursuant to. the Highway Improvement Act, 1957, an Applica ion wilI be madle 4y i he Minister of Highways to the Ontario Municipal, Board for the approval of the closing of the following ronds in the Township oef Da rlington, County of Durham~, that intersect or run into the centro]ied-access highwny known as Highway No. 401. 1. Parf of the usiepened Rond Allowarice between Lots 34, and 35. Con- ces son L't 2. Pq - fteRoad Allowýance betw,ýeen the Brokven Front Concession and C 'ncessionl, oposite Lot 34. (Not now open.) 3. Part of the ' ad Allownnce between Lots 32 and 33, Broken Front (ýuncessioy 4.r ~~of e Rond Allowance between Lots 30 and 31, Broken Front ConeQ nknown as Pickell Rond. NOTE.:- There wiIl be a Service on. t he south side of lTi.ghway No. 4101 te conneet this road with an interchange at Courtice Ronad. 5. Part of the Rond Allowance between Lots 26 and 27, Broken Front Concession, knewn as MceKniguht Road. NOTE:- Tliere wil be a Service Rond along the sot h side of Highway No. 401 to eonnect this road with an interchange at Cutice Rond. 6. Part of the RoacfÀllowance between Lots 24 and 25, Broken Front Concession, kno)yI as Solina Rond. NOTE:- There will be a Servic2e Rond on the seth side of Highw'ay No. 401 to conneet this rond with bilt Rond, whii will cross o'ver Highwxay No. 401, and with an inter- change at Courpce Rond. 7. Part of 18th A) einue, Registered Plan .o 97. (Net open.) 8. Part of l7th fienue, Registered P«3 No. 97. (Net open.) il. Part of the ofad Allowance beKweeni Lots 22 and 23, Broken Front Concession, ýnowni as Park NOTE:- There wull be a Service Rond on the soutsie 1fig71 _y No. el1tu connect this rondi h lt Rond, whii wil1 cro,ýssi o r Highwýay No. 401: 10, Part of t- Rond Al4a nce between Lots ,18 and 19, Broken Front Concessioi4kmywn p, Maple Grove Ron& N0TE':- There will be a Service It nd onOe south side of Highway No. 401 to carnnect tb's rond with boit I4 , whîch wýi11 cross o)ver Highwýay No. 401l, and with an initerchiange at Waverly Rond. il. part of the Rond Allowance between Lots 16 anid 17, Broken Frc40t Conicessionij known a)s Syrnons Rond. NOTE:- Thereé will be a Service Ronad on thïe soutli side of Highway No. 401 to connect this rond with an interchanige at Waverly Rond. 2.Part of trie 1woad AH1ow Éce b)etween Lots 14 and 15, Broken Front Cocsinknown ias art"1in Rondi. NOTE:- There will be a Service Rond on ithe souti sief IHighwayNo. 401 to connect this road witLh an interchange atWaveryyonda(. i13. Part of thee unlopueeR.a Allowance between Lots 12 and u,, Bro;ken Fronit Concession. ý 14ý. Part of tdie unoo d i(irond running norther1y iin Lot 7, Broken Front Concession, being street in a sbdvso by J. W. Herrick, P.L.S., Reg,,istered Nv the 8th. 1856. 157. PaLrt of tMeRa lwne between L_-a nd , roken Front Con- csinkn]ownatLmb on.NOE- wil l be a SrieRond on1 tlie south sid1 of Riighway Nýo. 41r toconnect this rond with an i- .16. Part, of theR Ioac-btenLt 2 aïnd 3, B3roklen Front Con- SuI Apia nx1 Ve er ~ tesi oard Lt thie Cjty Hall Osaa nteo ' Jnes93, A IR HOIR 0F10 :00 0'CLOCK [N 111E FRNON ALIW AV IME, zat wic(ime ami pnealilpersons li i t be ineese r nfete nay attend and be Biore o4hesîdBor alvessoojctn t Hie snîid clos:ings ï, FL PRU l AR FGUOJETON RCLAIMS wJih t.he OntîjoMuncips bard 14 Que Sree WetTor0o trefering te File Nurbe PFM '35-5, ND-W IIh LnS' urveysSecion f1tE.le partne.of liigxvas Paliane Bildngs Tornto Atention: M J.E Jaks u aNO E R U t A FJN,15.The hý1 Me aigt plae s rnyhsuheqenl' ed b';thie adBrd A Plil P2'63-47shoin tie oins o rods proposeîd to be ciosed mny iesenbtheofic o tieClerlk of tHe wnsi of DriligtIoni,at Hiampto)11,n, hOfeo f hC ei f te Town 1of Bowm'ianviile, ati. w mnanville, at thec office oi the eatetof Highwaýys, at Plort H1opeý, and at' trie coffliuc of.the Departmntf igh ysin BIoom 2ý_6271, East 1Bock, Par-_ liamientBidigTri ,uin eua Qffide hour11s, Upto Jun4àe t DAE nt Torontoc, Onti, tris 3th day ýof May,5. ITE TONOURABLE FRED M. CASS, Q.C. Miinîster of Hgias Hwonr- r CON VERT YOUfl OLD FURNACI OR BOILER, OR INSTALL A SELF-FIRED UNIT Why pay for heat you're not getting? An Trop Fireman Vortex cau b. Installed in your present furnaçe or boiler In just a few hours-and then watch your fuel bills go down, home conifort go up. Complet.e self-fircd Vortex "ntz arc available î00. Exclusive Iren Fireman auto- giatie controls. Phoe1 or write this %e.k sure, for VREE Survty. en's, hel & Umber Iinited ( - Ph- 14816

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