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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1958, p. 3

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Bs,, sge 2) j 37th ANNI VERS CEt Tins BEST BUVI HEINZ - SAVE Se. Hot Dog, Barbecue, BEST BUY! LIBBY'S - SAVE 9c -200.4L BETB!Hambrg - SVEoS. HtD abce SpaâjgheÊtti 5 tor89c!Relisheàs 2 for 639c FATURE! BEEF OR 1RIqH - Save 10e Swift's Stews 24 oz 37e FEATURE! WHITE OR CIDE t- Save 2. Canada Vinégar 1 7e FEATURE -12c Off Offer JDETERGENT L ave 14c~ MapleLeaf l\Àcýi(qidc 48-oz. jar 59c Strawberry -Lave 4.- 12 oz 35c FATURE! SAVE 4c.. Margarine / 2 lbs49c ANNIVERSARY PEATURE!,Kr=LLOGG'S Sugar Corn Pops 4 pkg $1 6.OFF PACK Our Own Blend Tealb 65e ANNIVERSARY PEATURE! Red and White Assortedi Jelly Powders 4 pkgý 429c ANNIVERSARY FEATIJRE! Red and White Brand Early Riser Coffee lb 69e ANNIVERSARY FEATUREI Red and Whte Pure Peanut Butter 4 for $1 and White 7 for $ BEST BUYI Save 14c- 5 Roses 51lb37 FLOUR b2&g- Arniversary Feature! Happy-Vale Save 50c. 15 ounce tins Crea iStyle I CORiN 10Ofoir i Anniversary Feature! Libby's S ave 6c. 15 ounce ins Deep Browned ' BEANS-5 fo.,I79c SRed and White Anniver5ary Speciail White Cross Interlake - Save 9c, TISSUES0fo Sc IRed and White Anniversary Speciail Green Giant - ave 12c. 15-oz, tins PEAS !!C MlEATS LAN. TENDER (BIade Bon. Remo S IF ' Blade Roa b tc :ý PREMJUM l b 5 9 c FRANKS lb 4.9c AVE THE TROUBLE 0F COOKNG A MOT MEAL T HESE WAR>A DANS! 'NE SUGGEST A HOT Bar.B-d %WH1( CHIOKN $1,7 ORDER A 2/-3 lb. CHICKEN TO-DAY FOR THURZS.,iRI. OR SAT> FRESH ïià BEEF L ERfor/ economicM«»ti %J39 1P RO DUCE FINEST QUAL1TF - GOOD SIZE PI1NEA pPLES Ifnr AOC III GodnBANANAS ~1y2l 9 Ripe ý2 b29 C.rnl-sh's IRed &Wf ite Storý-ý- win tiiis game andi proveci plenty où strengtùh ini the hitting department. Mr. andi Mrs. Wmi. Boyd of T0oontoThis team bas plenty of poitchIng abilityl ýpent Saturday with Mr. Roy Mercer liaving AI Quantrill, Don Danchuk, T.: ind boys and visiteti frio-nds in the Careton andi Wayne Kennedy. illage.The Orono PeeWees travelled to New- castie o>n Saturday morning and trim- MisMary Taylor 3f Toronto spcn' meti their opponents by a score of ;aturday ,vith Mr. and TMrs. Blake 31-- 2 to 9. Ralph Kennedy wias the win.i,- pitcher with reief fromi Chas. Reid. Thirteen Orono boys were on the field Congatuatins o Mss uthJacsonfor thiýgame and never let up through- out the entire seven innngs. Grant Yeo )n graduating as a registereti nursei the Orona eaticher turned inl a fine job il Ottawa recentlY, ftehlfld the plate. ±Vr. Hugnesc and daughter Gloria of Plort i-iope vîsîLea ursM.. Luxon on iiiLrd~ati canonf on mr. and ! Mrs. j ona i inonîson al anti my. Iihe older students of Keridal, Sixth j'Ile ailvC Lý ean s scnuos eniJoyeq a urip t0 vingston0on r riî0ay îast andi ýo-' snwn (iarouti 1' oithenry andi Mrs. Wlilred Rouighley and Donialci of wrono v1îted i vJrs.iva Sabil Ùin C>Un1aayanc i er sou ios ughe andi ltrienct 01 snawa calied in andi niat uea w±tni lier, Un Suiay of lastI wuelc, 1vrs. £-cnîarusona wi rwMonir1e Mr. Iooert Gay, whio was mùnisteri oni Uins ~ i af se î years ago, 15 )e- ilig ofaau1citt on aie 4til OtJunie ni t-eceruorougn. omne irorn KeniaL went Lu i~wovL Unîea iUnurenflon ,>un-ý aay evugto ie cAnuversary br vice and nudfra aîmi preaca a flue ser-ý Mon. iVi1r. Gariand ~~r î~e i au-11, nsrs. itn. . ~aon ounaay wit'b aIr. jon)tlxl  u J'iiS. ,0ri.0y Pata-, *L>L'Ou t î ana( -eLI11ng aIuJ.","i.ý- Mliss Miary Loft1house ývisiteti 1berI aiC, îuss . W.beW lit' Citue wees- ai. nivr. aro 1ii McGla, GaQ <.eaLiljon atay were iVr. ati Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, F. Miler, Judy ani ý,us1e ana i(j rs. 1. stoKer vîsited M. uawauosat. ty Corne b t Kendal Suniday School An-ý niversary, Sisayun 11a- 11:151 Rev. Basil Long of Grýonoj ist, be lie guest speaker.r LESKARD NES Receut visitors w'ýith Mr. and Mirs. A. Louicks anti f amiily wvere Mir. andi Mrs. H. Daey an famiy, B manvlle Mrhnir.. DaSucrees anti f ol,,llaly,e .rono;Mrs. nucars W.Hdbba T-iiy Toneto; ar. and Mrs. 8lW.t ants on,- ono.M n Ms iwt rf os Mr. and aIrs. Jack1 Pollock ant f arn- îly, Toronto xith aIr. and Mrs. J. Mc- MIr. andi ars. A. Youtng ani son, o iToronto, âMr. andi aIrs. Puckrin, Picker- _?Ur. andi Alrs. -E Law, Oshiawa, MVr, andi Mrs. D. Marsliall and fanmily,! lAjax with 2dr. aud aMrs. E. Green. aIr. and aIrs. Ross Robbinis andi Gail Toronto vwith Mar. and Marm.A. Robbins. We are sorry to hear that aIrs. Bob' IMoffat, daughter of aIr. andiIr.1A. Robbis, has been iu Bowmnartville Hospital We wiShlber La speetiy re- CongratlaitionIs 10Mr. aànti Mrs. K. Gnlt(form-,er Joani Tenuant) on th birth oif tir 1,soni on1Satlirtay mnlling. MIr. anti Mrs. E. Green, aIr. A. Nw mran visiteti Mr. and aIrs. l thrnwtrailer- Homie t!ieý pur'chatset Mr, andi Mrs. lR. Ml}nlwth Mrtu anid Mr. Gim r ani f amlily. We, are-,c ,o;,ry-, to her ht Eitie Karei Lee baLs rhumtie Foyer. We wih hLu a sped &cove\ry, Genis sufferingý frmte as. 'Are Yeu Prstected Agalimit Fire Loss 0 Oniy lus protection against Ioss. Cheç your coverege for adequate r, ni Placement valIue» V0 N.F. PORTE Ph» 12516 We carry Al sizes of COPrER, PLASTIC ana GALVANIZED Open Daity S a.m. to 5:30 p.m. l%. E. LOGAN, Pro'. ?.km* 11814 eoms On ÉON $Wà I Avj& owm ianville RYL M A. 3 -5 58 9 THIS THURtiTO SA?. - MAY29-31 MATI1%9 STURDAY 2.00 pa.. N\,_aaed Dais: in TechfticoIOr Starring DIANA DORS, DONALD SINDEN Tin tar at 7 and 10:45 - Dais-e at 8:35 p Fun for the Wbole Familvi NEXT MON - TO TRURS. - JUNE: Also Mon. and Tues. - June Q-113 olle show eaeh eveniliv et 8 p.m. Price 75.- Cents /à # imký wm /PO#/M# 8O4fwx 16-z. jar ~Pickles 25ec REAL ESTATE 1IFY UWANT 70 B Y OR SELL ROPERTYI,- E VANS, Brsker Phone 33-17 Orono, Ont. FEATURE! Raspberry or PureJam NNIVERSARY FEATURE! Redi Evaporated Milk TNDER ROASTS, LEAN and MEATfY ShrtRib ommqâ"-

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