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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1958, p. 5

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WEEKCLY TIMES Oree >iiges Win In rn igt dwe otnp Th [ooMdesd\ id otHoeJ on Tuesday 9-5. Donmie Lycett was the g [ATM, -ing pitcher cgIviin.cUp seven bits fi jand taking fourteen strilce-outs. ThisG igame was'the first of league pliay for o lite local boys. Malcolm MecKen le was v rii them strong hitter for Orono as was Rus- sel] Major with 2 hits each. Singles' t MqA. ý.22tû were registered by Donnie Lycett,' Pet- L jer AMaartense and finiren.Port 1t- E BEST j Hope used tow pitchiers in the game E ÎHE RLF T while Donnie went the distance fo the C ....~.Orono crew. p Sjweek witb Mr Kaye. IMr and Mlrs. ii sinnn fhsv zs Lettie eLi thlis .k Mac- v ýisitted Ivirs. ~~CJerseys, Slit- now on display. Jims, Peddal Pushers, ,ý-ur Summer H-ats, These are ew Sty for only$29 Cotton IDresses -New Cotton Dresses a ing to-day. Sizes 9-22'ýý Ail different Styles t choose f rom. Priced front $5.95-4,13.95 Cotton Skirts in Plain or Patteri . Cý,olour bâte,') green. beige. bla4 , brow'i. Size 1020. Price $.5'$09 Cottor. Blouses.New St>Ws: colours white, orange blu, trquise t ak. Size 12-18. Price$32$59 Armstrong s St~re Opoe Ail flay Mopd~v PREN IVM QUALITY GASOLINE AT A REASONABLEl! C per9gI. e ~tax incl. at IV1Iý, t Ol- L Saî-r *tween Oirono and Newcastle on Highway 35 I CURESYj pen Evenlings & Sunldays IsiiE STOVE OIL , SO AVAILE~ IN ANY QUANTITY FO )r The Corivenience of Stove Oil Users May Is Na!'ural Wateî Systein Month For The Best In- Shallow or Deep1ýWeII, Jets etc BEATTY DRO HARVEY PARTN ER PLUMBING - HEATING FR EE ESTIM AIES TYRONE 8WMANVILLE TYRON 1 MA. 3-2240 WE SELL TUE DEST- SERVICE IHE REST SALE'S And SERVICE A 1 Used Cars Our mplete servi guarantees year rosund evng pleasure CRVETH MOTORS ~phone 35 ecate nai wymrq Rats iKechaje and 1Heather, Wymnan, Quebec, iMr. and airs. Lon Long-, îoýnoMr.1 and Airs. Jin Fiske and Kathy, Barie.1 Mir. .and Mlrs. S. B. Rutherford andj famiily, air. and Airs. E. Hi. Samuel andi Mis LaIie lrown of Orônio attended th wding of Mlr. V. ),uger ta i ss ElIeanor Crowe ci Bowmanville in Bow- mranll\e on01Saturday Last. INeiglibours and friends from ronoi and LBowm-aniville attended a farewelli party and presenitation fr AMrs. Chas. Disley at her home in Bowmanville on Frid.ay leven'iny last, prior to lier rnov- ingc to Bancroft, ihere ber husband is emiployed wth the Ontario Provincial Police. Miss Jili Chapmani, bride-to-be, was honoured with thefolwn showers. A m-iscellaneous shower at the home uof Mrs. R. Willis on Wednesayeven- rng, May 14tth, when twenty friends and relatives wvere present. Refreshi- ments were served by thec bostess, Mrs Joyce Willis assisted bkY Mrs. Glory IAdams. A miscellaneous s'hower at the hot-e of Miss Joyce Jones~, Friday ev- IIag May 23rd. Tu-enty friends at- tended to es-press their best wishles. Re- freshmirentb ,were serv-ed by cocstess-1 es, Miss Joyce Jolies aýnfi Mrs. Joan Gordon. A pantry shower was also hieldj for Jil]inl Oshawa Wedntesdaiy ev, ening1 t: thec home of heýr sister, Mlrs Broome. The cildren 0I, of e rona UnIitedi Sunay ehol nniersryby pa- inl tate Aniversary service and al- Sa~ ~ bytknamjrpart in thle mi- cal rto fthe mrigWOrshi1p per'- iod. R-Iev HI. A. Turner of St. Pau's, U amnil a the gue2st speaý,keir fo- theoccsio.AiM.L11. Staples, Sunl- da~Schoî u eintnda.tconducted the service. file cildren, ýlead b !Y th-e Orono Banld i aae ram- the Chuirch alang thUe ManStreet oback to the Church where they took their- places at thec front of 'ieth edîfice. D)uring the service thec Junior class Iof the Sunday School sang two sa sn-gs as' were conducted '- vr. Ford. Thle Or- oupublic Sehiool Glee Club field thec duties of the choir for thie tn9rning and lsang, one anthiem in a verypeang maniner. Thieir harm-ony and diction ,%vas quite cxacting. The Rev. H. A. Turner directed the' major portion of bis topic to the stu- dlents of the scbool and emnphasied the lmportance of acquiring5 the habit of prayillIg,>osi~n iiatnÎ Ichurch. neu asked the parents to e the examnple for without, sucb exampfles hlabits of prayinigad attending cburchl reularly clsn1ot bfe f ormed I,'by the elhildren. IThe meeetingý. of the Brown-iies this wee ws oend a sulWith Fa'ýiry Rin. e then wenit te aur parl whichare he Paries Gnoes, Elves, ! Pix , makudaed ancead took' u('a;r)Gad. The Brawnfies then left thle TwniiHa-ll n en naNature Hu T. e then came ckt te Hl anl eakd questions. Brown;iiesý clsdwith PrayerýAdTaps. SUNDAY, JUNE Ist, 1958. K'irbhy -9.5a.m. Oron - - l .m Leskard - - 2pn. The Rev. R. M. Seymiour Di e the speaiker atailerics SUNDAY SCHOOL Cf a -m -------------on- 2 P.11. .............. Kirby 2p.m.... ....Leskard( I~ 4, '7 This Week Sale of Dolis at greatly Reduced Prices Furniture G im~,ubreakable, just JI ng to proteet he floors. Set of ej,-Idrs for .. 29e Special - akpn size, wvill keep Iiquids hot or, cold. Plastic Cuip........... ... . Boy's iJnderw-,ear Shirts and Shorts, sanitized cotton with nylon reinforced binding, sizes smnall, medium and large. Garm-yenýt ...........ý3c Smokrs'Specýial - A quality Cigarette Liglhter and a tin of Lighter, Fluid. Bothi for .......... 6c. SpecalBief,idies' Cella'rsuedIe , Rayon band le, whi1te olsizesmeiumandlrge. pair ... 3e Nyvlon Hogse Brf, 15 Denier, fuil ahind PodrPuLff sae. 1btnad. ar.. 9c, Garmnt Bgs,-tî-nJumo Comibînation, Moth- pr-oof or1StoraE bag, holds up to 16grmns 12 hook f rame, 36 'inch ipp.Cornes in a-ssorted ýolors. Yo"ur Chioie............Each $1.79 Spý-eciail -- Freshf Salted Peanufts, 12 pound balgs 15Sc. SA E ME SERVE YQIJRSELE URON 5~ Q $100 SrE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS s. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N gs AA Dze lý

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