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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1958, p. 6

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1'i pe to gradjuate le been havincg parents. After lold chores ai ný to mygi toa a nearbyv ~.Mypret 1r1i but thev àave forbidden me,! Neyer ýII one thinigs tae nd. I ain tiredý s6methling _haî1 Il. O1 allowed ~ social places be . Whati '* U * ove r,- r, 'r, r, e 'r e r' e e r,. r" 'r 'r 'r, r- r,. E; 'r e e e 'e e 'r 'r e e 'r 'r 'e e 'r e e 'r 'r 'r -r r' r' r' e e 'e e r, e e r' e e e 'r e e "r r,' r' 'r -r 'r r- 'r I4OW To Jeep Wives Contented Advice t) new hsands frOîn " All About Me" y IseL. contented, if flot happy, without' kLeecping ber barefoot and p)rcg- nant ard vwithout buying- her orchids every weck, and the timli to begin is *before the. honc.y,- moon fade_~ "Rt niay be a good t Ït i shlelias to Work atter marriage, but be sure it is a wolmaily -Oc- cupation and that she doesni't brirrg home more mnoney than you do. If she works, you should assumne somne of the housekeepfiog chores, but there are certain things you must flot do. "Carry out the garbage, but. don't cook or wvash dishes unless, she is sick. You may dr7y ths dishes, because in this ase yoti aýre mercly helping, Let her tak-e the lead in such chares. "Clean up the mness you, madle by dropping ashes and paper oni the living roomn rug, but don'L scrub the kitchen filoor or mna1ice the beds or you wi11 lose f ace. She wil] try to saddle her chores on y.ou, and you may be sû -much in love you cati deny her noth- ing. if so, be so awkward an-3 sloppy that she will grab the- dishelof h in disgust and chase yýou out Of the. kitchen.1,If ex- treme measures are in order, dirop a favorite, dish on the floor and break it. If she a3kS Yod to hang wa1lp&per, louse up tLhe job anld she will nieyer ask you agaîn.,. "And if she aský you to cook mneals, makze a mess, and 1 c mean mesos. Rf you fry eggs wt~ ,)ut lurning them to the Pan, you,1l get to ry eggs Often. lif you ha ve no luck in bur.nin themn to a tasteless crisp, youý ighflt try ïprinlling- them with pipe, ashes. But \vhatever yo do, don-'t prove yourselýf a better cokthan your wif e." Sun-fade -Separates PRINTED PATTEPtN * Perhaps you havet ~ ga yoseli the habit of " 1avtn~g homne every nighlit, you *are in a dulli rut. Why fia >: cricourage -'yotir girl friend -toL *drop hiuat. yoiur house ocea- sionally,? t is toc, bad that-1 *there a reui't otlers o':f your age "to make up a group so you * euld have .morefu. <mirci- * cntally, a, nice girl isn't seenà * regularly at ,,,,rner stores r *other public haunts; it does o br no gond. On that,1 agite * with your inother.) I Wonder wheth-er she would eareý to write me herself? Per- *haps 1 could give her a few îftas 1tat would brighten youjr *pattern of Iving. Voutx three Snight have a haqpier lifet- -cgeher, undisturbed by these 4diffceneIcs. Sit down with your t-motn-ar c and father and ask theni 4frankly why they forbid you t) d,9t-*ý boys Theire mtber>ointe Jr, 5,your nihorpdwhos f Dami'-%they lknoDt 4jr, 13, about te graduute, sh~ould 4surely conMuct herslif proper- * y, emd b e ntertaining f riendai in her own hSme. Don't be antagoniste -i your ettitude., thouzgh I 1understand 4teteM-ptati0n; talk quietly, ensd let tem see ho)w mttch r ou want ta coperats. I hope và yo wil hè enjoyinig yourself' Ssfand with y6uùr -parent4' 4'Depu Ane Hirst7 1 dated e ,,ougmafor npear- ly , e yycr,- andI.ov'ed hirn so50 muc!-i Ifinally Protriied ta inarry hlm sn.(That would have be within a month.> But onengh 1àie didni't behave hîmrrieil, andi I sen1-t lmc away without sayings "Shouldn't 1 have xland Can I1 now? We h-1ad neyver ha%î Bny quarrels about anything! I ansn conifused (and so ney :0at 1ldon't know thebarit thing tl do. iWhat is Wt JACQUELINE"' "'Nothiing. v h oung rman lknows wny 'kh-was dismnissedi. Ir haý hadý 1-really loved 3you ha wouý,d *have begged your forgiVenes:s- 'and given his word that you *Cortainly ha wvould flot have a>lo -d1amoopthto pass wit- itryngta malte ids. A 'k man in love can make '-,je nus- tebut ilf ,ýîeis sinuerely ' oc v he neyer Mfends again. You ill fli ot want lo blieve !e. ut Finm-a[raidi ha e l * aodrarriage . 1- iarn ~ sorry! t is a dUeataig Shoc toVrize he did trot userve Ditfrence betweefl parent., and theïr daughiteis tfsturh à ïaily's happiness. Anne litrat Wias been able ta explain the' generations tub cdiotherand wi ry to sIefp. Wrte ber nt 1,o% 1, 123 Eigtenth St., Newv TYorfanto, Ontario. LEM-), KINDLY DARKNESS The chir n~lcongragation of St. brnbasChaelNorfolk3 isIAnd. Austalia, ose ta sing the hynn"Lead, Kindily gh" 1Vid-way through the singing, ti.PnWly ijnstalled gnrtn ~Ian faiedand the un w àopee in akes Printed Pattern that's wonder(ý- ful for a busy gali's wardrobe ! 'hSe sparatIs YiX-Mateh be-Lit ing wvorries. BElouse, shorts, side- button skirt-a joy to sew, wea'r prited Pattern 4-820: Misfi's' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 13, 20. Size 16 blouse -? yards 35 - ïnch: short's y%~ards: skirt 3%ý* yards. Pri nted directions on caipat- tern part Easier, accurate Send F 1 ÈT Y CENTS(5> (stamrps -no be aCCeptedý1, use postal nlote for- safety ) for tis pattern. Please pint plainlyý S 1 Z E, N1, A Ml E, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBGER. Sond ordai' to ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 Eighiteenith St.,Ne Toronto, Ont. Orne day dringte 1949 seaý- son, Ewell Blackweýwll fanned-( iStani Musial on a twitchîng pîtchl that escaped catcher Pixie oF elF]and enabled Musial fa, sc-ampi- er al the way ta seýcond. MalnagerBukyWaters o[ the- Reds h-eaveqd a sigh. ,"Thaitgu Muilis so go('c," he groaned, "thnt taven'1 whe-n he fansý, a te'm ùLuclY tj hold him ito MY SOIJNCY SUDDY-hhis itjoâw-hatted bal) on)> ho-% eyes for Candi Scott-and rwith good recison. Th&, pairted-ain imile is nothing 'to th*. reotone Candi flasheb at the P'hoto- grapher. F00 ON YOU-Barbarci Bornes, 17 shows o Mexican iain goa how, th& peýoplei of ihe arec feel about his product. Th-' uqi> htte iguea relic of the Zatopec culture of Wes-tern Mxa moýy ha m-ore týa blaame for locali>' heoivy dlownnaou 3 tiiýl na eth herc refers ta as a fronitDl occlu, D. I ' i'~!'~ i~

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