Ti tthai-zaiarSMeSnixd,,mMaiL Peut OffÎmce ttawa Peunde. ILt.A. 7r"eo*.e Pubthe. IL C. P.irrer L NOTICE NOTICE d Shýeth ~ Ladies! Shyone wv*sýfisg to send Thie Sal ation Ar wilI ,hold their wolens ff Blankets peaeconitact l ,a dilepa helate ammber fKirby Abefore June 3. par of Mlý a the first few% days of /1WoIK WANTED-" COTtAGE TO REN Snma1l onie, edroom iCoet1ge at View L~ake on Lakt-Seugog; ne ly decorated, flush toilet,ý and waton tap. Boatl inu,ded. ,B season io week, Apply Do M is, Orono. Phone 1 Pl(. 'a-p YLotmg lady rqies eigor al day Saýturday j etnployn nt. Plione 13r9l 01r0n1, Onltara- 1947 MUon ch], excellent condition, radio and sories. Phone 1324 Or- orlo, Lawýrence Sherwin. a-p sio)n 1. and 1 r mys b>. ORONO 1 101 C(eest rfoomr we. eff Harry Gîve gifts that say: c~a~(4~4o4fL$t end. Ido ai place for Motel or s4ort or Cabinsi Owýner ordered by jJotor tol seil, o ierwise no. Sen $1.00 for sniap)shots,,(some coltor- ed) og this Plantation and river, (re- turna le wh len snapshos are returned.) ar-oun ad houhplnato.Smail ~ar( 'Iin anlhrou anfat n Sall log Fýuse and la efr:meImplemenit shedi," n property Aizýl eq iri st be made t ' "Jvh F. id, R'tea1 E s ta te Broke, BaoftOnit? Phione 148-J. Excluve is~ng.b-c C na lct ~ONT1ACORSFOR FA Mand IIOJTSE W'IRING Cree Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and uratedRlar to aIindsof Electrical Equipmuent ani Appliances Suceh as Motors - WaV!ter Heaters Radios - stovcs - Irons Lawrence C. Maseia, LA. Barrister and Solicitor DWiMÂNYTLL, ONT. Office MA 3$5flU >-nMA 85 W.KAY LYCEýTTY B.A. In the Off'ices of! MlAIN STÏ'. .ORO!)-ýIO Fridy-, 7 p.ni'. - 0E) Auctineerand Valutior i.Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales COnSUit me for ternis and dates r 18 - Orolle Auctioneer and N PSoem émh, -n h% &. mwtehu et *ma*. dti LIFE INSURANCE F. E. LYCETT 1O0»8.n.O. 1pki - years to -orne. WhVlatever your budget, thereaeeecrclgifts to rný,ke a bride's hea>rtù arry f irn svig'power tool% .and whatcf)uple woudn'cbedelghte wthone or tohanu me- inoderni electie lamps.ey1 be proiïdLc of their electric giffts and happy tobcuete'eso eoonclto vuse. eleetricitydoes soMIS . . .Costs so lt ti e ICALL US JFOR ESTIMÂTES lIARRY E. LYCETT 'hoNe T,12 STAFFORD BROS. mouumenital W.rk> 318Da.M nst. Wbith iV INE 4UALrJY Lot as oet a fhanidem. d Ide tn.uient ve. h MM4 ti alent 1sai. wUl &ive Yeu Mebfe cemEegi. The ke TuTM r 1 8,V Engraving, Goldleafing -n"q dIr-ect and «me. oemmtslAl IT PAYS TO ADVER~S