Junfl'ly C40earaneze of ail Ou- Cotton Dresses, At Greatly Reduced Prices DressesIfrolm 6.954o:189 Cotton Blo0uses, goodÉ quality broadcth red- uced for you,,r c hci ce for $2.95e Cotton Skirts no/v on sale for$39 D en im Shorts pink, b/ue Children's( Zotton Jersey size 2-6 years 9cyour cbloice for 75c- regular Ç et a 'Bonus Buck witb every d atr spent In Dryg4,ds OPMAu D>w stee 0*pe AU 1Da7 làme.av il PREMIUM QU,ALITY GASOLINE AT pergm.. tax-incl. OW TIRES '1N-"a FILL UP where Have AIWA1YS atVIGqR C Betwe.m Oromo .C@URTUT j Open Ek96 &' or D AND SG THEA q Ooi~o Band piayed a nuxrnben of seleC- lions and aiso the hymas at a joint ei(venbig churcir service of rmembens of the 0Ono and Newc.astle United' Cuirches. The service was held ia Wal tonua park, Newcastle. The Painting otf the Orono ck tow- e lias been completed and (-ci tamly is a great improvement over its former appearance. Anyone wishb'g, to assist with the' selling of draw ticket for thre Orno Cirmber of Commerce boat,' motor and tniler draw can secure tickets at Rolpir Hardware, Orono Electric on OEono Times. Any assistance woufld ae peciated. loy klu SPh4e 1r12 Orono UNITED CHUICN- Rev. BaLil LoCng SUNDAY, JULY 13th, 1952 Kîrby .. 9...ý:45 A.M. LePskard 2:0.P. h~Whye Cas Agai PIndourne Memoria] Ilie case of the GCrow vr ersus Mrs. Mi. Whyte of Bwmmv llewhocon fa! ard ducýts a haven for- chlidren, was cafLJed Imîy ar1v f1or ten o'clock, Juivy 8th, and agajin ea t adjournied by the Crown to eai wit-i nesses to establish'htfiat Mrs. Whyjjteý The ro does run a childreni's 1or ihomje pbyed in withîn i the mneaning of the Act.. Thieday evenm, case ad(jourined for the second time, iTIhe visitox, w'lll be called 0on July 29th. of Il to 3 M1',I,,. and Mrs. James Rutherford of 1 ~ M!yiMs iiW. Greenwood and SLinda were Sixtir Line visatjrs with _~rs. F. Brmaohe le day last week. ) Mr. anl Mrjs. Calvn Hamm visited wth ffis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 1-aiion their wvay to thieir Summner Miss Audrey Billigs and Miss A:u eritaHll of bakefield left Wednesday for a vacation at Mmami Beach. Fioria lr. AhmtItnElliottBus o~manéle visi- ted wiho hs bun t Mrs.F. Bnimacombe Sunday last. Mr. and Mirs. lvcntu f Ne, j Brxnsick and Aiss Carolyn McArthur Toronto wvere wee1kend visioswt Iyj. ad Ms.A. A. Drummoad. f r.Garnet Gamisby, K.ingston, isi Ivisiing vth her mother, Mrs. Robt, Mrs George Yorjik is a patient. inth central Area Coulncil of Gir lGuide, Asocatonand iDivision Commýission'- enshel rthir ast meeting et t'he sea- I-, soa-i\ homeof Mrs. G. M. Liatlon, wlatTrsday. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. M\eGinnii-ý's and -lami.y of Mab;mena\ viste 1o thie week- I Cn IthM anid Mns, Hl. E.Misn, Minand Cty Mn ad rS. Henary Leaman spent the weeknd ihii. W. J. Leam-eai Andvsited MSinLeamen inBo a- MrS. C. L. Power.s left, Satund1ay for Kenura te spend a mlon-tir with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Powers and family, cal- lîag at Beardmore to seer gea grand daughter born lune lst, 1.958 pupils Ofe MrS- M. H. Staples who vere successful in the s1umer exam- inations of the '&9yaI ConservatorY Of ,,Mjusic 01 Toronio, held recentiy in Bowmanvile were: jýhe~Ory - Girý 1- Marie Allia, Ist Glass Honours, 9%;Frd qaei ist lass Ilonours, 3% piano), Gr. IV-Peggy Hancock, lsti 1Glass Honouirs, 86%.ý Gr IJuy TmbyHonours, Thie Orono Banid and the Kendal Fife ýlrnd Drum Bandwil botir attend the y Ith ofrJiy celebratien at Bowmaflvile Ibs Saurday afernOM. Ile Parade is sededtu start at 2:00 p.M. and wilstarýt off fnomn the Cream eof Bar- ley Park and wl aisc end at this point The Keadal Fife and DrUin Ba-nd w"ll play a numrr eo seleetiois 1.n Orono arounld 1:00 in0rir oattending the Boýwm-anviMe parade. On Suîndxiv eveffing of Iast week -the ~re ri~h ~o~1s '~roduce heavy grass anid weed growth. Steps are now un- der way in this district with -ise,,eýral n ew chexn-àca1s te ontlor kili Ai vegetation prier te tree , planting. Christmajs tree ,rowers are reali-zing b tat ibWds are excrcslng asi um in- fluence on the suiccess (If this îndustry, In bate auttum and tiirougwut thie n ter, lirds find succulent eating; prun- sd trees are mest attractive bvecas of the small bud size Mnlte leve landing area%ý createdwhe the sharp needles have been cut back. g ~ - ORO 0NO0 TINSHOP 8 &.m. to 5:30 p.m.ý I R. E. LOGAN, Prop.I i FORD-ED8EL Pur comi Phone 3251 rA 1 Used Cars fetý service gu Îes yar rund H MOTORS Newcastle, Ontario Knee-length Nylons for comfort and longer weaa' sizes 9 to 11, Pair for................ 89e Picnic or Outing Cooler Jugs, 2 quart capacity, guaranteed ti keep liquids hot or $2,15 Picnic of Out ng Baskets., o handies, color green1 or red plad s. Priced...........<9 Aluminum T eýtties, good weight metai, pop- ular household size, 5 imperial pints. Special $1.69 Tumblers, plain glass, large size. Special 2 for- 15c. Towels, Turkish, bath, fancy stripes, colors blue, red, yellow and green size about 59 inches by 30 inehles. Each for.......... .......$1.49 Bathing Caps, a large range to choose fiYm Priced from................. 59. to 89e Duraware Dishes, break resistànt plastie Dinner- ware, colors yellow, bkue, pink and 1iur uoise. Ideai for home cottage, picm.c, nd camping. Cups -and Saucers 45c. set, Fruit càuers 25e.., Plates and Cereals 35c. and bowls 39e to 89e. Table Cloths, color-ful plastic, fancy designs in pink and green, size 55" by 85 ". Each for ... 59c. IL SAVE TI-ME SERVE YOURSELF Open Daily We carry ail sizes of Cn-.OPPER, PLASTIC and GALVANIZED PIPE & FITTINGS reg. $2.95 for $1 .50 Armstroý, Jg's N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N .4- N N N N N N ~L Service Statir n on Hlgkway 35 Sundays j- SEVICE Il STOVE DIL ALSO AVAILABLE IN ANYQUANTITY For The Convenience of Stove Oil Usera i URONO 5r..TO0$1.00 STORE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINOS, Ckristmlas Iree Iniustry 1 une bugis lhave been takýing itheir toli in forest tree planitings thiroughout On- taro, Iii infested areas, niew seedfinagE hia\ýe been, completely stripped fi1 reets. To exercise control, insecticidesE hae een applied 10 the ground around eaých nel-'ne ree and resuilts will be clesely w'atchied. Plantin'- fallures have, been commeto