"Scented sub. Sank sami-e." With this bantering take-off on the famous World War II mes- sage, LIS. naval officers quiefly c onfirmed reports that a revolu- tionary new technique of locat- ing enemy submarines by sameil ia now being ulsed hy the fleet. Scientists cail the technique. "oderiferous homingý on ionized ztimuli"; more simply, Navy mnen calliti "sniffer gear." Tht siffer gear takes advantage of a basic weaknmess of subs equîp.- ped with snorkel breathing. de- vices (an estimated 200, or 40 Ver cent of Russîa's underwater Ileet), -which expel gas exhaust fumes i n f o the atmosphere. Slung on the wings of hun-ter- killer aircraf t, anif fer gear makes eontinuous chemical analy 'ses of the air, mouch like th7e exhaust- gas analyzer ihat garage mena use when iuning up auto-mob).lc engines. Reportedly, the s ce ni of a ïhnorkelîng su.b can be picked un ,c-veral miles away and, since ,-the fumes linger downiwind for as long as onie hour after thv zub has glided by under wateî. Then, the airplane's radar would swing into action to find oui if there are surface ships in the viciniiy thai could be the sourur"' of the oil or d1iesel fumes. If siot, the usual ae-erhpati- tern would begîn and convenl- tional deteci ion systems would come into play fo pinpoint the targct. The de vi ce is ineffectîve againsi nuclear -powered sub-s which, ihanks f0 air-regeneraf- ing equipmneni owered by A- electricity, can c r ui se under- -eas withoui surfacing for wee-ks- i a tirne. Against the day when,_ ihe Reds have nuclear subs, thLe Navy is also developing heaý,t- seeking devices andi radiation sniffers to track the mosi clu- sive weapon in naval history.- Prom NEWSWEEK Lotteries In West Germany The defense lawyer scurried &cross the packed courtroomi the West German ciiy of Itann- over and, wiih a gallani sweep, krissed t h e plainiiff's hand. uPlease don't be angry wiih us," lhe asked widowed Frieda Weii- kxe, 54 "This is merely a tec- iiicality." But the "technicaliiy" -- Fruu Wenke'a suit claimàrg ahe had, been bilked oui of her 500,000 Deutsche -mark ($120,000) top prize in the national lottery - was the hottest case in West Germany. Despîfe the lot iery's defense ihaf the widow's win- ming seleciion lasi March hadl been desiroyed by an embezzlîng ticket taker, millions, considered lher the wronged heroine of the weekly drama ihat is becoming a national passion - Lotto. Every Sunday afiernoon, ini one of th r ee citiesý (Bremen, Wiesbaden, and Muniich) whîch rotate the eveni, a huge cylin- der spins 49 numbered plastic halla for 30 seconds, then spilis ciui the six winning numbers, Anyone who beats flhe 14 mil!- lion-to-i odds agailust picking &Il six numbers gets a iax-free million-to-i payoff on his 12- cent ticket, while enough lesser C LASSIFIED ABVERTISINO re is (es, a in 4 PDW,'-W',OW-Indion mcee-ts Indian n'eets Indican in Cleveland, Ohio. M. D. Moses, left, of Nagpur, India; Julia Tuayllara of Puno, Peru, center, andi James H. Johnson, ao Mohaowk Indlian of Hagersville, Ontario, Canada, aire ail aitending the 48th Quadrenniol \4crId Conference of Sevenith-Doy Adventists. Mosýes is president cf the church's North Mohaorashtra Mission in Bombay State, Huuyllara heads wvelfare and radio wvork at the Lake, Titicaca Mission in Peru. Johnso'n la localI church leade,'r on the Six-Nation Reserve some 60 miles north of Toronio. The big Indian smiling in the backgrouncl is the symbol of onother tribe-the Ceveland Indians baseboîl club. One ,w, r wdwbei every week on the registrafioýn num- ber of her husband's grave t Verdun, finally won flue top prize, and sobbed: "That's how, iny Hans waý,,ýnfed it." A brick- layer buried 49 numnbered slips 'n thfle sand, shoveied ouf six, and bit flue j ackpot. But while a miathiem-atîcs professor v a i nly spent his spare cas-h on a sys- term, lis wif e won wt a ran- rdom bei o! i.00 pfennigc 2 cýents). In one case of lex control, blrce ticket chcckers repeatediy filed out winning tieckets af fer thue drawings and made off w'th 2.290,000 marks ($515,00Q) wif- i n a year. (To tighien 'lis sys- iem, the lotfery plans fa go auto.- inatic, witlu robot ticket punchers Ion sireef corners in a few montluý.) But insteed of damaging Ger- mans' confidence in the fuma o! chance, flue widcly publicized scandais only inspired more of them wifh flue idea of chasing rainbows. Jusiifying their faiflu, the court in Hannover ruledl fluhai Frau Wenke luad found the reinbow's end and mnuai be giveni her pot of gold. TURN TO THE LEFT Ont of fthe greaiesi oddities in baseballistory occurred in the~ lest gante of ftle 1917 World Ser- les, when Heinie Zimmermfan, the Giant third basemaiu, chased Eddie Collina across flue plaie -%if h the firsi mun. Panis Rowland was the White Sox ihird-base coach, and lue ran riglt alongsde o! Eddie al theway7fIoflue plate. Later he fook Eddie aside and iold him: "You should have fumncd lefi ai the plate and kept right on running f0 first buse. Zîmmer- manl would have followcd you al flue way. Then Hap Fe1sclu could have scored, foo!e" Odd Accidents Some urnme -ago a chemist who vwantedtea c hieve a romantci conquesi doctored someN candies with a drug which, 1-e believed, would make !a girl more affec- fionate. But hop used flue wrong dirug, and tfwo j nno,ýentwon died. There are many curlous in- stances of death by accient. In a most bizarre case an in- nocent manm was nearly executed. Ir, 1917 9. German farmer name4 Schamm was found i dead in becd, shot flrouglu flue head by luiS own gun. His friend Paýwlowski, e Pole, admit ted fluai lue lad visited Schamm on flue eveiing of the tragedy. Tluey had quarrelled, hoe szaid, and Scluamm lad threaten- cd hlm wifh flue gun. He denîed that 'lue lad in any way harined Schamm but was unable f0 ex- plain how flue fermer died. If was obviously not suicide be- ceuse flue weapon ley on a table oui fo Schammn's reaclu. Pawlowski was luclky f0 escape sentence of deaflu. Twenfy years lafer lue was allowed f0 go witlu prison officiaIs f0 Scbamm's cot- taýge, A dummy was l a id onl Scluamm's bed, flue identical gun wvas loaded and placed pointing towards flue bed, exacfly as if wvas wluen founci on fthe table. Scientists waited, wafching flueý sun's rays on flue bediroom win- dow. A fîaw in the glass cauglut flue raya and focused fhemn on flue powder box i!fluhe gîîn. There was e wisp of srmoke, a sudden report and flue dumomy iumped as a bullet ripped flrouglu ifs luead. Paýwlowski was exonerated! - tluey YOUBR IAST ASSIGNMENT-This dramatic photo taken at the scene af the collision in New York's East River between an oul tanker and a freighter was the last picture taken by veteran news photographer Williamo Finn, wvho dropped deod-aippcrently of a heort aotck-shortly chfer taking photo, The picture shows one of the rescue tugs goirng ta the aid of the two flamning vessels, the Nebraka and the tanker Empress Boy. ing tne summer, îs carverci ntô improbable shapes by the miov- ing sabers of ice. dne's imuag- ination takes wings as fheue ye traces pallaces and pavillons, ~snow galleons sailing rippled ýeas an whole cavalcades of gi- gant ic knighis in armou)ir, thrash- ect up agairisi the 'blue sky, oniy, perhaps to be assailed by an.- other avalanche and tossed cras- ing into deep ravines, flue black rocks glisfening with ice spray. Long afier the avalanlche has -ubsi.dedJ, buried somnewhere from il-ht in the deep crevasses, fthe thunderous roar continues. 1 have off en found somie sal e vani- fage point fo waf ch the wluole day ihrough. I once couried nine avalanches in one day: six I saw and ihree were invisible but I could disiincily hear themn roaring on the other side of the rmountain. . I spe nu a few days et, Maisas, a farm- owned by-ol Wildan, The panoramna vi ewedi from my box-bed, buili info the angle of thue wall of my chamrrber under -lue eaves, was a miracle of na- fure. At sunrise, ai sunsiei, and by the light of a laie rising al- pine inoon. On a balcony I aie curds and wluey from a wooden bowl, the spoon nearly as big as the bow-l. 1 was given a cheese as round as a bushel basket, aIl to rnyself. My personal chee-se, the rind sfenciled with my rame 'in in- digo dye, if was iniended to lasi me for the lengih 0f my stay. Had I stayed the wluole summer T coukIdnof have eaien flue haîf of if, One night, w7ith a ful hluner's mooni painting the nunnains and valley a rich red-gold, we roasted a roebuck whole over a bed of charcoal <ut under the stars. Frau Wld- gan broached a sealed jar of apple and apricot conserve, a delicacy for which she was fam- ous, to serve wiih flue roat game. We drank no wine wrltl this repasi, but ice-cold sprin.g -water. Ai11 1 had to do was walk a f ew steps from fthe table and fui a potfery mnug from a spring formed by a waierfali iumbling clown the moutfainside. The wild glacial waier formn wlirlpools fromn which by a phie- nomenon of nature they divide, forming thousands of rivulets f0 leap the cregs and formn rivers, somne of wýlich bear storied namnes- the Inn, the Danu1bý an-d the Bline .... Wheniever I en- tre the Arlberg over the passes of Flexen-Fern, Hoclualpen- strasse, Silvretfa, )r flue dramn- iic wildness of fthe Arlberg- Orient rouie, I am elafed by flue siglut of rivers in f ull flov: foaming in torrents, or runnîng deep and swifi fh-ro-ugh fern- grown gorges, the icy waters dïark as obsidian f romn refleciing tlue ever-present stanids of larch and pine... Standing on a ridge above Pruiz in flue Oberinnital, it seemned fluai I etood elone in time, possessor of flue world. Spreading eway fram me were- rivers in silver-channeled ra- vines by the score. I gazed a- cross deep watered valleys. Pine clad and snow crested the mouniains seeimed f0 stref ch a- way f0 m iisfy horizons. I stood k-nee deep ini gentianms. .. As if' a vat Persian floral. carpet luad been fossed over the ridge of rock, every Alpine flawer in flue rosier appeared f0 flower in mul- titude. - Fromn "Panoraa f Ausiria," by James Reynolds, Robert Hale, Ltd., London, 1957. CHARLEY'S ANTE The fellow wvas naking seven hundred dollars a monilu withi flue Yankees, but rarely evcr gof into a game. Upon being soid f0 a Pacific Coast club, he de- nîanded nine hundred dollars. The club owner was astonialu- ed. He phoned the hiolout. "How do you figure you should get bîgger pay in the minora than yvou got from the Yankees?" "W.i leYnesIcuds onuflue tench," fthe fellow re- pied. "ifITom--oui there, -ou'Il AGENTS WAN4TEC GO 1H10 BUSINESS for yourself, Seil our excltlng houss. *wares, watches and other produets not found iFterez. No competition. Prof- Uts Up to 500%. Write now for free colour catalogue and separate confi- dential wholesale price sheet. Murray, Sales, 3622 St. Lawrence Montreal. ARTICLES FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL artlstlo pin-up photos of gorgeons girls, 8 different large glossy p hotos $2. Sample and price List 2Mi, EdProvis, 77 Victoria St,, Toronto 1. BABY CKIdKs BAVE $6,00 per hundred on R137 put- lets; Provldlng your order ls received by the Tweddle Chick H-atcere, Fer- gus, Ont, or the Scott Poultry ais Sefoi-t, Ont., on or betore July 38lst providlng you take delivery any time during July or Âugust! This is a woiiderful opportunity for thiose who want to sectire pullets that lay more eggs on less feed. Receive these top quali±y layersa t thèse re- duced lrlces. The regular price of K137 iCaber pullets Is 34.00 per hundred. XIn addition f0 this oarly booking dïscount there- are quantfity discounts for ordering 1,000 or more. Selid our order at once, and for full details and thle Kimber catalogue, write the Tweddle Chick- Hatcherles Llmlted, Fergus, Ontario; or Scott Poultry Farina. Seaforth, Ontario, CHICK timie Is any time. We hatch ail popular breeds of chicks and tur. key pouits every week la the year. Our miost popular and by.far the Most profitable egg breed ia K-137 Kimiber- chiks. Tbhey willi -nake you miore money thani any other egg breed we have to off er. We aise recommend for maximnum egg prductlon, WaÎrrn Phode Island Red, White Legiiora X Red> California Grey X White Leg- harn. Our- hast for dual purpose, Light Sussex X Rhode Islaýnd Red, Rhiode Island Red X Light Sussex. Rhode Island lied X Barred Rock, Broiler Breeds: Vantrees X Nichols. No. 12, Vantreesý X Arbor Âcres Whit6 Rock. Older ?ullets. Also available Reglstered Landrace Swlne and Regis- tered Aberdeen Angus Cattle. Cata- logue. TWEIIDLE CHICK HATCHERIES L-TD. FERGUS, ONTARIO. ISSUE 28 - 1»58 HowCan 1? By Anne AshIey Q. How can 1 remove bluing stains from fabrics? A. By soaking- in strong amx- monia water. Or, siiak in kero- sene and wash with naptha sôap in tepid water. Q. How cat i 1make an oak stain? A. By niixing one quart of boiled linseed oi1, three gilis tif turpentine, six tablespoons of ra-w iumber, anii six tablespDoon.s of whiting. Q. HOW Can I preVent ants and roaclies? A. Wash the kitche-n and pan- try she1ves and woodworlk with a hot, strong solution of aluni water, as a preventive against ants and roaches.- Millions Neyer See Red! When a market ardener was vccused of slackness in picking tomnatoes, he indignantly replied that he was working as hard am ever. Special tests showed that he ýwas right. But as the man was colour blind hie coufld not tell when the tomatoes were turning from green to orange-red, wheni they should be picked. New research into colour blindness shows that every year it becomes commioner in men than in women. Every single colour appears as a shade of grey to the person who is completely colour blind. An eyesig-ht specialist who in f orty-five years tested the sight of more than 100,000 railwuy workers said that more thari a million people in Britain alone were colour blind. He said that otherwise normal persons hadj 2,000 times described' to hlm pillar-box red as bright green. Somne people are colour blind in only one eye. Whiie the righlt eye may see red as red, the left Fees it as blackc or g-rey. Most of us have one eye that secs Lolours mlore brighltlyv than the other. Try thie exl-pernpt of looking at a stained glass win- BABY CHMICKS PULLETS - top egg production, and du ai purpose. Dayold. Started. Prompt shipmient. Wlde choice mixed chicks. Order fait broilers now. Com- plete list, Bray Hatchery, 120 John N, Hamilton, or local agent. BO0l S THE GOSPEL AN Instructive booklet deaiing ,vith Bible teaching on this subject will be mailed free. Write Berean 294 Glebeholmai Blvd., Torono 6, Oiitarlo. DO IT YOURSELF SWIMMING POOL! 32 foot, solici Ma- ïonry for $350. Can be built by hus- band and wlfe. Send $2 for book PO. Box 97, PIymnouthli; Michigali. FARM EQUIPMENT 80 AUTOMATIC wire tie Newv Hollanct baler only sllgt%y used, wiýth Wis- consin battery starting engine. $995. 11AWKEN MOTOIiS, No. 7 Highway, Arliona, Ontario. FOR SALE. B EAUTY Salon with living quarters. Old establlshed business, located in dow ntown Bothwell, Ontario. Also suitable for Barber Shop or Busines2 Office. Apply PO, Box 2, Glenceoe, Onario. INSTRUCTION EARN more! Bookkeeplng Salesman- shlp, Shorthand TYpewriting, etc. Les- sons 50ý. Ask for free circular. No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. LIVESTOCK C1ABOL-T pol ed Sbôrtlorns" - Booçlet on request f0BE efcattlemen. Welght for age, quality carcass, horu. less. Polled Shortborn Club 0f Ontarie, Ridgetown, MEDICAL ITS IMPORTANT EVERY SUFFEREIt OF RHEIJMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOIJI.B TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MIJNRO'S ORUG STORE ;335 ELGIN, OTTAWA, $1.25 Express Collect. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH tbe totinent of dry eczema rashes and weeping sklni troubles, Post's Eczema Salve wilU net disappoliit you. Itchlng, scaling and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworin. pîmples and foot eczema will respond readily to the; stainless odorless ointment regardless 0f bow stubborn or hopeless they seain. Sent Post Free on Receipt of PrIce PRICIE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN DO you want f0 make moxuey part o fuIl tinie? Seil "CAPRI.50." The new 9.11 purpose hand cleaner that renoves paint, tar, grease. carbon, etc., witll- out water. Write: Lemull Intc. P.O. Box 147, Statlon "Youville,"' Montrèal, SE A I4AIRDRESSER JO0W CANADA'S LEAI»HO SCHOOL Great Oppottuni!ty Learu Hardesslng Pleasant, dignîfied profession, gond wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System illustrated Catalogue Free. Write or Cal MARVEL HAIRDRESS1NG SCHOOLS 358 Bicor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottýwa PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGR & C o tu P a n Y Patent Attorneys, Established 1890. 600 University Ave., Toronto Patents ail couintries. PERSONAL PEOPLE over 35 discover royal Jelly Queen BeA Food. Supplemnent, 50 milli. grams of Royal Jelly, essential Vite.- mina and Minerais in super potency give wonderful feeling of Youth and Well.being, the answer te longer life. 30 days' supply *.0.Florida >aturai Foods, Uept. 1, Box 3694, Mfianut 23, Florida. $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest cata- logue included. The Medico Agency, Box n2 Terminal "Q' Toironto, Ont. PIGEONS RACING Homer Pigeon ilqueakers. Stassart Stralin. $.50 each. Mr. K. Sperle, Heron Bay South, Ontarilo. SWINE REGISTERED Landrace Gilts - Iloars, 4½ý monflis; excellent IirOedlnfg stock, Thre l-year old Poars. A. VANDFRSTEEN Huron Bay Fr Bright's Grove. Ontario. 1)14-392L. VACATION RESORTS FOR early reservations! Write. Old. Well-ByTbeSeaImprovenuent Associ- ation, Wells, M.ýaine, for Uiterature. An Ideal place to spend your Maine Seacoast vacation. STOPpED *i~IN1HA IF 1 T or m1on.y boc& Vey l,~us f aohn.cooi.g 1~j N N. N 'N 'N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'a 'a 'a N N 'a 'a N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N 'a N s N 'a N N N N N N N N N N N N N § y N N. N N N N N N N N N N