Orono BAind Top Brass Band In JuIyl2th Parade T'he Town of Bowmanville was pack- OeofW e iPadw c,ý o Saurayafternooimn thous-J anslined the streets to watch the <zd ~6thAnniversary of the Battie of the- il gisca c Boyne. O-ver 5000 Orangemen took partl m te parade. "'he Groiio Band, which won firstL ORONO PEEWEES pii.,e as the best braýss and in the, ls:01Xinauvud anfe ia nr. the, Pontypool Lodge No. 82 which was aw- ,rded th~e Port IËpe Board of Trade Trphy for the b,:st ail-round Lodge. thrprizes and traphies included: Be ute band - Sons of Ulster Flute .BdofOsaa Best pipe band - Cl ednaPipe Baud of Oshawý,a. Bo;th bles ands took part lu the parade at (XJhawa ca inh>the day. Ty;rone Lodge fife and drum band 'was chosen thie best in the district. UJn- 7i-,yfife and drum band was se'ected as hcbest visiting 1fe and drum ibond. 'Ihey wcre preseýnted witih prizes don- ai-ýd ýby lie owmanvIu'1) f ife and dýriUraband. Be,_st juvenile 1f fe and drum band -.as Tyrone. Pontypool Lodge No. 82 v~sthe best dresed men's iodge, and Reaý:boro Lodgs, No. 820, was the larg- n-i men's Iodlge. 2ctoia Lodge No. .583, was chosen î he st dressed LOBA, lodge and Cor- onfinLodîge, No. 1030 Omnenee, was te i jaÀrg est LOBA lodge. Lindsay Chlb Boys' Band wvas chosen bet bugle band ;n the parade. ridie of Hope baLdge, LTBJI, No. 46, cfPot ope-, was chosen as the best juedelodge. Th'e parade was headed by Bill Rei ai O rono rnounted on 'is wvhite charger. Thlled the parade fromn the Cream of Bra'ley to the west end of Bowm-anville andý back to the park along Kng,- St. r.N. F P rter. of Orono anmd County Seretairy, was among the dignataries w4arode in the officiai cars ini the par- Dr. R P. VMTan'-spake to the larga, gaIerig oMo.irgthe parade and pntiout the great need for people 'm, realize the value of freedom. Free- dni, lie sai, carries 'a great respon- solb;iity and lie uuged that we not f or- ý- gt the fr-ceedom that we enjoy. Oher speak .ers ,vere Roy Bacon, IC t-'unty master, Miayor N. E. Oscborne ,ci Bowmianvil'le, Mrs. flora Jo~hnson, 3Jrýcetville and Cre'ighton Devitt of 'Bc, manville. Tlhe Orono PeeWees enter the O.B.A. playdowns this Fri'da v ecning w'hen thoy travel to Cobourg to play the Co- bourg Training Sehool team. The local series is to bo pl'ayed amongst Orono, the Cobourg Training Sehool teain i a' the eatry of Maplo Grovýe. The winae. ilof this throe teami series will then ad- lvance to the Eastern Onftario Finals. j Oronio anti tho Cobourg team hlave boon slatod to play the first round of the local series. Tihe w,%inner- of this roun-d will thon meet the Maple Gr-ove entry f0 docide the righIt ta idvanco furthen la the p'ialyoffs. The return game in Onono is ex-,pct- ed tu ho played inl Orono in the f;irsýt of the Lweek providigth diamn is open. The Orono PeoWees clii fot 'bis yeur miake theo bague piayoffs. s ORONO LADIES-IN 2nd PLACE Il The Orono girls softball teami are prcsenfly hiolding,, second place la the: 1'uea fow pinsbelinti the lnu leaders, Courtice. 'Ile Orono irh willi b h thlis position for the play-offs andi wil'I more than likely face Newcastle Ia the first round whiich shouti start somietirne tis caming -wýeek. On iiWednesday ý,nigh tlUhe Orono girls: ýpl.ayed l iln"raonsd went clown to vd çfeat by a score of 8-1 for the i1 SIbrook squad. Gail Cooper and Enid -j Tennaut shaireti thep ptching duoties frr the locals witk Elva Rei catching. iGayle Willis scoreti (>rono's lone, tilly. ORONO YOUNG GIRLS Thbe Orono young girls softbali f eami wH'ch is com-rposed of girls uader 12 years of age met with a similar teami from Newcastle on Tuesday night af the Grena Park. The visiting teani took the victary by- a score of 16 to, 12. Faye Nichol:son pthed the ertire gamne frteoas with Ga.yle WII The last Orange Parade to ho heud behiad the plate. Barbera Keastwa luD Bowmnanville dates back thirty-one; e()vyhte fr h Oon irls yE,Ï,. S and was a base runner on every occ- asion when she came to bat. RKecreatcnaI Program Me.-ýets Wfvith Success, Averag 8 The Orono) Park Prog-rar for the attudanco is above other yeaýrs ant Chbldren of this area which is sponscr- for' the first filteen days of the po edf and fiuanced hy. the Orono A mateur ganmlhas hit an al-time highl of 17 AhI etie Association~ is mieetingwt percent. The average attendlance for nounting success th;s year l Mrs. Lima thie pre-school group hias beon alway 41-C h in charge of the programi spoloe above 4t childron. cf a groater interest being taken this Chlrnlteprgmaeno o- yerover former years. ~ ~ ~ ~ mc nrw~ Ibs ear mnmbers one huired anti ebtwhîch com-pares- favourably witIl chf f other years. Thie average tiaily Departiment 0f. Making Farm A The Ontario Depurfment of Agricul- ture ýis conductlag a survcy iurlug the (ofh )f July anti August fa lef or- ou ethe cause of farn accidents la L;L rumC outinfy Purnpose aofIhe survey is ta test fIlei oficcyaIspecial farns fa ho useti by 'lie departmoaft uring h, ax oerta estalilisIl fIe causes ai banni cCIdents. Agiiculturul Repre'sentafl.ve A. O. DirJympbe and bis assistant E. B. Surnasise vwill fila reports o a t basf 'fbr-ee accidents or lires wfiîcb maY Oc- cir tufhe couinfy beo re Aug. 31. T.R. Hihiard, directý-ror af xtension wokfor fIle Ont aria D)epart ment 9aI The program lin the park wil!l'con- tinue'for aïnather f wo ,veeks until the end. of Tiuly. L.O.D.A. Te Nake Survey tScol Trainmg Ot vfilae 01 Orene On July 9tfi the Lake Ontario Devel- opmenf Association Board of Dirfetors passod a motion to support Orono l'al ifs ýbid for a Snmerfime Campsite.1 TIe~ Crono Police 'jristeos areseeking te hbave the Daipartinent of Lands anid Forests estabEisih a Campsite sclut1hof ble present Ovotio ParkbI fils axrea wliiîch bas aibout four acres there- is ample lard for sucib a S'Ite when clear. od of brusbad seina of ftic fnees. The Orono Police Trustees nfove' bey- ing the support of the entire Devobop- ment AssoCiaition illmeet ,vth the, Departmnent of bauds anti Forests to sek the estublishing- of su.-hf a site. On July 23rd a special survey of thec Village is f0 ho made by a ropresenita- f ive of fthe bake Onf Dcvelopmnent As-ý sociation withi a view for fui*bcer pro- miotion of fthie asndustiahJly and tf0 th~e tourist tr ade. Former 1îuîkam Boy Cfm- uiended For fs Photograghy An A-i ratlagý has -been giveu the ail- color 16 mmn. documenntury filmn of the Juno 11-13 -Alberta Fire Coliege anti Conference sponsored bjy t1je Albentai Firo Chiefs Association et fthe Calgary Firo Duparunment DrillSchlo(,l. Ln spite ai tv, a duil, drea-ryvd ays al events are portrayed with clurify andi accuracy. The Aborta governmient was soi pleased with an early preview of fl undie film fIlait (il ordered three e'opiués for demionstration puirposos. The- filmn, wichncludos ail pro- eeisdemionstrations and fine driIlsý din'ing the fire coýliege sessions, was taken by firemnan Joe Lewko, officiali Calgary f ire departmnent photogsrapher. Fire Chief B'areny; P. Lemieux, xheo di'splayed the film locally fa lire dc- purnmcnt officiails fast week, fo)r the l.rs ime, says tluai ià wil be editea' and' titlotithiswek 'Cpes have been ordened by lire departments tbroughont Alberta as an excellent domonstration filmn,"lie sai.- By placing the film onh a rentai basis. the local fire deparfipont hais alroady been assured of sufficient re, ' pie eto cover the cost of the film, says the chief. H1e pai high triliute to fireman Lawko for bis excellent work which inchuded taling p"ictures from fIlein-, side of a burning, buildingu.1 .AlthIough Mr. Lewko Jgot soalking- Saves Child's Life A 13-year-old Oshawa youth' who re-. lnmembered bis Boy Scout artificil res-, piration training Sunday savàet i fe 1 of Tonny iMolloy 3 of 21 F'lett street,' Bowmanvile, wbien the youngster feih into five foot of water in a creek ut Waltona Park, Newcastle. Tomr Seton, 393 Jurvis street, Osh- awu, puMt'eti the chilti frori h' e wateri when ho saw hlm flaafing upside clownj ,_ia Che shore. He heard fle chilil gurngling yandi noticed ieho vas wearlag in' shoes. The sboes floafeti when fIl cIhild tunned over aIt er faiug into thel Theyog ex-Scout applieti antificial respiration for 'nearly 203 minutes be- o re the cM reviveti. B8owmanvii le Coe.ite Appîves ighSchool hINorth (Irono A speciai committee meeting of the Bowmianvi'e Couadcil was bielti on M\on-ý diay evening at wblch filme Bowman- vilhe's roprescnatfves fa, the Dujrh'am County District 111gb Scbool Boardi wcro prosent. 'Thle pur-pose of file meet- ,ing ws a dCSCuss the ýtenlttative apro val] of a inew 111Hgh Skbool proposedti hoe builtith Ie Orono ares. The Commnitfee passetil a motion re- commendliugta f ie Coun cÀ!iliat if g-ivc tentative approvýal fath lebuildlin-gof f ho school ai f t iiy ould also- support the choice of tlie site just north af the Village limifs. Clarje Township, Hope Township anti the Town of Part Hope have already divon theïr approval aofIlhe aaw school. Cavan Township has deferrei their [dec ision f0 a fut ure mneeting,. Mi 'brook s -et tu rueeive a eegt o rm tIc HlgI School Board. The 111gb Selio Board neetis apprôv- Ai fnaui f4ve 'of- Ile eighf Municipal- . ies befcire they can proceed any fur-- fIbre on their plans f0 buil the niew Àehool. If is likely fa le sometrime dur- ing August before the final decision hs known. wet, le pr(enveti camera and filma ~eias bimsel1f fropi danger." Mni. Lewko Silste.son of Mi- at Ms Wm.k. R.R.ý 1, Cam-plielleroît. Too Many Walks C.o3t Orcono Bantains Game With Courticeý The Orono Bantamis played host to runs. Fwýe %, aika in the second broughit Courtice on Wednesday nighit oniy to in f'or CurLe. In the Second AI Quanl- lose by a se of o6 ltbloug,, Or0- trili and Cliff Long scored for Cirono ono has a betf.er club theýy do lack ta bin the score to 41-2 for, Courtïice.' practie wic is a imust for any teain. Orono went ahead in the third with a cldown to what it can be and with anIruas by Les Haopper, Terry Canleton improvement i this fld a different 1 ndad Danchuk. This leati Iiow- storyyculigbe told. e ý',r s r?'ort livedi as Coiirtice coun- The Wednes îlt aewsrth-erci it three in the fourt~h off three r a sLec saw battie ,w;th Ormoo ani walks and agiain, wit'h t'wo more in the Courtice bath sharing, the laiad îif- fift'h. Les Hopper scored Orono's fast L-r.t tms The Orono pitCIhing staff'-icouint in the sevefith for thre locals, Terry Canleton and Don Danchuk gave up a total! of 'twýelve wailks mwbich had The Orono Bantamrs p inGro a decidling f ajctorý on the ou-coeC aigain this Saturdiay. Cone 'Ouftn Eu- O ae.Tre alks were given 'c ta spport these boys. Cour âe in the first to gisve themi 2 on 'Mndcay ev nin tcud ouly nmust-er The Orono dliambe~r of Commerce met on Thursday eveniag of lsst week at the Oronio Restaurant with the main topic for discussion beir'g the Street Fair ta ha held inl Orono on Wednes-1 day, August 27th. This is to ho fIle first Street F4air- helainOrono for 'a. goodly iumr c f years and fIle proceeds from the venture will be used cerýn- Iplate the Agnlicultureil Arena w'i'vlwas partially destroyeti by lire early in the year. Mn. Dane Founti, manager of the Street Fair was present and outlincti sone of the foatunes to ho incuided. The top attraction for the evcaing, is ta be a square dan<ce competition. w hich will be hield pior ta the gamies, At the Street fair the pre]Jiinarios wiil bo held anti the top twa groups chosen. These two will thon conmpete at the Orono Fuir eurly iu September for-fthe top money. Prizes in the amount of $100.00 in cash are ta he givon. Tbis corapetitilon will bo in the bandis af the Durham Counfy Junioz Farmera. Aone bundred card bingo wiil lest- uire the games and some valuable priz- es are ta ho offereti foi this mammoth ýa'mo. It is possible that this bingo willl aLso ha continued at the Onono Fair. A draw for a boat, miotor anti trai!er is also beingbheld inl cornnction withý the Carnival andti tckets are uow on sale throughout the dlistricet. Olti finiie dancing will conchude the Streýet Fuir and this, as all the curai- -,al, is expected ta ho heuti ou the Mainý 'Stireot in the business section oIf the MN.r FoLuni is approaching various organizations in the V7illage uni aneaý ta assist with fthe operatiinon fIheý booths anti this ho saiti would furthený the intoresf in the Street FaIir. Mr. I>ano Found bas. been able te ob)tala fthe servIces of a M4erry-Go- Pound for the Street Fair sud if is ,xpmeod flat il %will bc ein operation dur'lag the uftornoon anti eyening of the Street Fuir. A promotinal scibeme ibeiag devised Nwbeneby free rides may bo bai fo)r the affornoon and carly eveningc. Wafeh for tbis promao- fliou and take ativanfage of the froc rides for fthe chhliren. Ilt is expectedi that free tickets will ho avaPiable from' yo.ur local stores Just prior f0 the run- ning of the Street Fair. Wetinestiay fthoenysvn Teen is Court Ih-proved T~ ~rwo oTan Club), oer Wt weeklenld, erecteti now black sfops at fthe fera~~ is;oi"(>h"OrnoPark. Vie o ectonaIthee ts vastly impjrov-e fit, o'yn f this W 'rf t heParl ainti mone are nmw expecteti ta take part. The 01dib i open for more memi l)ers ai persanis intorsti l piayngl. The OooAmateur AbetcAssociaý tion has piircbased f our rackets antil will begvn nsrcin dnriag the mormnl sessionis utfthe Park. ýConutes Warldem To 1 Receive $400U0.00 Warden Ray Bothwell, South Mon- aghan, wll be ha Ie bigbest paiti W,3rde»< in United Countias histon-y as a result aI a by-law passeti at Tueuclay*s one- day session of the Coua.tios of NantI'- umberlani anti Durhami at Co1aurW ,The Warden wvll 'roceive $4,000 per ycar sud a mileage allowance aI lq cents per mile. Whlite if is nat possible ta place fIe sal'ary aofIthe Warden af any ather year due ta illeage andi pen diem psy flot stfentiing meetings fthe basic wage ýwas $,000. Reeve Reati Burge, ]Pont Hapeý,. spansorei fIle motion ta psy Wardlea Bothwell the incroaseti allowance at Tueýstiay's meeting. Reati Butige saiti: "If ilooks like thre job is gcoing ta ie 'heavier flan if w i a the fi-sf six anti I.amn going ta supý- port a motion f0 psy the Wanieu $400Ek The psy wîll be retroactive ta Jatiuax7 21sf of tItis year when ha was elected Warden." 0 To-BDild Registr y ýO(iice la Bowilnville Deputy-Rieeve Michael Wlaîyka, of Port Hocpe, anti bis coimftec goft, Ce green ligbt for fIle construct!in of te new registry office ia Bowmanvit!e from fthe Uniteti Counfies Council lu a anc-day session af Cobourg Tuesday 'f last -week. The ebairma i ofIthe Speclul PrpeLý ty Conmittce, Mnr. Wlatiyka foûl Couacil fIat his comniittee bai thaught about~ having the a.gnicultural sociefy' brancb la BawmanVî'le sbare fthe aew building with thbe régistny office but fbey wantodtifo mnucii space. Itustead, le saidUbat ha 'bai met witb D7r. Charlotte Borner af the Health Unit anti treunit was neady fa goaheýad anti rent space from Ile 'Couafties a-tic WOuIld psy $1130 per maonth in neuf.1 This, andti fIlact,at lots wvould be availubie for sale on fthe site of , thc- aew office matie it more ',han likelly fibaf the original luvestment wouid ho- reguaidlna afew years. The cost affIlic regîstru office ul be $31,00t) andtihfe cost a)f the paae offices for-fIle Heait b Unit vwauidti came ta$3oOt h Part Hope'Depii'y-R.eeve v7ille, cautlouet it oisboulh bIet for future registry office purposes, anti ho tloug$rht if wouli ho a geod iJbien ~- 'ît.ReveWludyka saidthaf fÈle building wss a oae-sfarey prajecf n,ew but, le wouli ho sure thaf the arc4b1.- tect wcu'd 5 sigathebuligta a3 second sforey coulti ieaitet ut anýy ftinie fýIe neetiarose ii ffilefuture. TU n Litei Caeufis AUiipuy îa o . joctwibhm oti i, tat ee Y A terrn diates ack Ilis boury la Nov tn.r 1, M oucbing fIlte deati fox cauli convey ýccîde t SU 17ECYh or'ow ',i was nof deuiidt utrahies. -Ho saiti da, the endifof a b- cc d tSur eD fe ed Iy. T renton 3o,-2 , i 4 passeti Cx --llent anti he usialiy winids up l a Arclui inducharge of the survep epfcd.eee straight jce.The Reee aisosaýid anir bas enlisfed the'aid ciu)ot___Drintnbru ti f ho motin cfr haf fow,ýnship clerks -'whomighf hbox Farmers anti 4-HCbmeïu'Jýors l n Ic(roa nere in uTrenton fls frumne. Trenton scorai, once l in e heMb "d aniif.vs "fia uly assoti 0 pectedti fapay fth bueywente cotag accidents. a attal of two its l in r six inl agsfrt off Mowa its.. J thougli nualamaunî per peIt wýas 50.. saw the !poîýf s,-atibetter ho vaccinateti Accidents to ha reporteti are thase 'ut bat anti thus wvofthaladi l Il h1 ol 1 hn crlgof the gaine n.R$c1r a itn-iethut, $ie anie P- hgainst rues us a precaution. which bappe fa îrm persan; a ga)me by a 3-2 counf. Trenton uan JIe carne la fe ho hhd whou two runs 'cross-ui$0aemh oh oape far erflleeeorviita';ani ro obe lani drov~e ouf eiïg1at ,hîts frail, etithe plate far Trentan. These scorraoefseDeuy-cvewatd If was fmnally tiecitieti f a py f erty damnage fa felexcttent (if $25 or t he offerlags af Keith West w'ho belti camne off twa bits anti twa Oroîlo or- fa restore ftle ono-timne bontywselnty saotmeluNoemerbM- Ir. The department also wisbes. f0 fIe mouini duties for fthe local crew. rors ut the short-stop poition. iFinail'cause aI the wide-spreati prevalenoce0 'Riekand askeot hattwo-memrbers fa dni know about injuries suffereti roquirng ,. Onono's twa ruas came la thre first score was 3-2. rabios s layoar. Ile foît Me fxshoult1Northumiberland bho place inla he -, acttor's attention or Laccidenrts ne- i-ume anti won of an unearneti char- KeitIl Westfwfak fMe ather lit 1cr haextennufoti. mittee wbicb will sfuLdy ftile amount utig Jin oethn anc bour timne losi acter. Dean West uni Canman Con-. Or-oaa which was a single. b adprfx h w fr m-or. nisli maie the scores affer the firsf Trenfea used two pitchers lanflie Ree\ e J. T'. Brown, Clarke, sai fIlat on are drom Durham lun Mr. Rc~ reaceti firsf on an errar andt fIle se- gamne nming ,,their swifch alter live fho persanally "'wouldn't fouch a fox anti W. D. Cauthers, Reeve d Bw Persans knoing of aay such acci- cani ou a walk. The next twa Orao walks were given up lanthe irst by paît for $100". The Clarke Reeve sa! manvîlle. The Councii agreetid a - dents are requestet ta. senti the la- battons walketi but wone laten caught' Mlffs. that fMe fpxes wore Svitout a douih pointedIlD C. Jobnston, Reeve aI Hal!- orafonf the Deparfmeat of Agi-'in a double play effort by Trent on. The Orono Infenmodiates again go rabitils year anti saiti Mat A un- drnian anti Reeve K.' Parr- of Syi cultuulofice, Bwavle ,- u îïgear' nt acion to-uigfffIeOrn pr. 1mai mon ho bidiscusse tile sbTwsl Oirono Chamber Street Fair To Feature Square Dancing -ounties I o Agrarn Ltb çox BonyTouototbe N N N s N b s N s N N 'S s s N N N N $ N s- N N s' N e N N s- N N N h. A £Y ýl-i*Ollàl 1 ý a," Î- I,ýý