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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jul 1958, p. 4

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- - ~ - - r - r~ m - - r - -r ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, JULY 17tit, 1556. Colgate 3br 5 Sbap 3br 5 4î, , FABý DEFriRG ENT 5cc, 3 c king large 3 C 99C H :~:~ - "' WITK MELMAC WR Cherry î'i 1,10 4 4 Ludas 3c ci oz tC Ass. Creamns sf30 9 CHaISTIES BISCUITS RJ.ýZ 8 oz pkg 25c Vanilla Waters oz 29c Regiular FPiod Prices Effecive Ajuy 17, 1 , 1ý9. HERE ARE TOUR le SPECIALS -0 COLBRIGHT 15 O 9 get 4th gAPPLE SAUCE u tins 4ô tin for L 0 gIGA ýCHOICE 315 oC for 1ch PEAS ins31 tin fr c IGA BEANS E 15 oz L et 6th Wq I Swith PORK tins xCtn o gIGA DOG HOUSE-m 15 ozA get 6th GDOG FOOD tins , C tin for 5I g gHEINZ TOMATO JUICE gBY~ Oz e t cSWEETHEAT SOAP R g htms fr 31 linferBuy 3. eg bars 33c gel 41b IorC Franco American Macaroni IlATIE IS e 1g1 iSozgetSth lec Buy 4 roils 5-3e get 5th forl O - ~tinstfor *' hoiter gHEINZ TOMATO PICK l.E g16 Gz jar 3> 7 gel 6 oz mausiard for gc I'vOL SHAKE Faor gButy 6 for 25c §yet 7th for l 1l0 lb 29c eacb 100 lb 230 m THE VEGETABLE POWER HOUSE NmpoW Grown", FULL 0F COUNTRY SWEETNESS Corn SOLID, CRISP ANDI TENDER Cabbage THOMPSON Seediesa Grap EFFECTIVE JULY 17, 18, 19 21, 22 THURS. THRU TUES. SHIRRIFFS GOOD MORNING Marmnalade 24oz 51c GRAPE, ORANGE OR PARTY PUNCH Hi-C Drink- 48 oz 35c REDPATH GRAik.I!ATFEO HOUSE ANtI GARDEN SPRAY ture Traits At Presqu-ile Creatiïng Much lu--terest gSa, f ar týiis year thle Naiture rga sprova-ded for ie puble at the Presqu- oJe Provtn'cial Park lias bcen etwithi f3 ntusas. hemost pputiar tac [ ion bas baen the"Falaise Haute" {(Higli Bluffs) Nature Trail where 491 0 pos-hlad registered tý to July 5th. OThe "Vuie du Lac," Nature Traýil regis- 0 ter si-owed 17o persans for the same (I period." GThe i]llustr-ated Wiidlife Talks have d aso be quite popuflar. three Satur- day,ý nig-it lectures and one Monday nuhÏ'It le,4ture driawing a corýnbined au- O d'ence of 1fi. This year thle lectures are being g Iiveni in a renav,iated Park bid ing, which. lias praven ex.tren-iely sat- Isfactory. 'I I IGA GIÏNGER ALE I Buy 4 igy- e bls 57c get 5th for i KL.EENEX reg. or chubby c Buy4pkg77c get5cthfior g BONELESS OVEN READY WTHDRESSINýG - FRESH PORK I Shou,,lder Roasts lb 47Cg Butt Roa-sts lb 57c 11 SHOULDER Lean Pork Chops lb 63c TABLERITE - APPROX. 11/ LBS. Bologna Chubs lb 43c Side Bacon lb 79c ~g FROZEN FOODSg Sunkist LEMONADE m'o g Bny 6 z' insr 39c get 4(h for I C g SNOWFLAKE J otatoec9 oz2 OWAVAILABLE- g MonmorncyCherries in 22 Wb pails, Froý,zen- ,crznGC -~ - The spring share-bird igratiGn wasl not ngsecaulr far as rarities were concerned but large flocks con-ý tainin.g 500 ta 600 birds, mostly red- oackeçýd sandpdpers and semipnimated snpirsused the park as a step- 0ierunthir norih ard igcration. Be- cause of the low level of Lake Ontario and the increasin;!,, algae proiem whichi is layig age depasîts alongI the western 5shore Mlne,thie fali ro- mises ta be an exceptionally good one, for southwaýrd mgrtig hore-birds. On June 3rd a rare visitor in the form aýf a giossy ib-is mnade its appear- ance ut th,- Park --ausing considerable excite.ment in the oirnithologicaiet world. Thrcee days later it was ioinied by two more. represýenting the îargest fc' of these birds ever' seen at ane time in Ontario. The, normal range at this tinie of year is Florida and the Gulf Coast. About Fifty af Jehovah's Witnesses frein the BwavleCongregation will attend an international convention, in New York city Ailly 27 through Aug- ust 3. Mr, Holinaty said that the lcal dele- gates attending the international gath- ering wÙi1 tenefIt grebtly flot only f roma the rich spiritual -prov isions, but also from Christianaiaon with Wit- nesses from forilands. .4l' USE BEAUTIUL4 EASY-TO0-CLEAN bld~~11 Metn Car-, Oronlo Fuel & Lunher Liit' d Orono, Ont, Ph. 14616 "HAPPY FEELING" WihDebbie Reynolds J I LJ ~ ýuad John Saxon f n "APACHE TERRITORY" THURSDAY TO SATURDAY With Rory Caihoun fi AI-Technkolor Show a ndLiBarbara Baies gN 0N D AY TO VWE-DN-ESDAY-- -AHE AD O-0F RNT 7 r,.m the Bock Read byi 20,000,000 eopl CRISP, FRESH, VACCUM COOLED LETTUCE 2 fOr 0 Because (of the many requiests cn-,- ierning thie puin nd retgof Christmas Trees the Reforestatio-n staff heki a demnonstration at the Dur- arn County- Forest. Due to an all- stfternoon ram ntihe field dennstraitioni 'iad to 'be (cancelied. Canse.quenti-ý the mneeting was confinedl to thle bond- quarter buildings. Discussion covered tree growth and trees for balsam, fir. spruce and pine, its vel-ation, ta the natural shapýirg o grading rules, different methods ot ýprunding and shearing, advantages and dîis'advantages of various nmakes &f hos uised for ,pruning1,andi sheaiîng, and finally marketing practices. on, the main insects fhattccur and c auise hrfld'amage in pattos Hle desceried darnage done by the ar hous pests and suggIested maue o th.-eir control. Ed Youngman, caretaker of' the Durhin Forest. gave a b)riefý history of the Forest notingl its rol a conservation and the produetrs fthat the forest is now pr-odu.cing., is fe t k 'tL et wa av tr f' business. REAL ESTATE le YOU WÂNT TrO BUY OR SELL PROPERTY EVANS, Breker Phone 33-17 Orono., Ont,

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