b- b- k k k k k k k k k 't' k k -t k k k A- k k k -t k A- c c k k c c t- A- A- c -t A- A- a.- "Dear Anne Hirst: My wife has Ieft mne for the second tinme, and again it la be- cause of rny drixnkir.g. 1 neyer drink heavily and flot every day, but 1 drive a truck often mnore7, than eight 'hours a da:y and wher r'm through 1 arn exhausted and m-y nerves are on edge. 1 find that a couple of beers help nie relax, and l can't ý,ee any harml in ft. "We have a boy î-,year old, and I love these two more than anytbing Fin this world. If they do't corne back s:oon, I cai't see going on. "Isn't, she being f anatical about zhis Vve iever bepn d&unk, ici my life. Jim 'T." *Face it: You.r wife is de- *termined not to live wit.h *man who takes ev-en a few Cute and Cool *be-eiss She demanda notbing *le-sa than total abstinence. * If that is ber price- for com- *ing, home-, and if she and your ' boy rnean as rnucb as youj sa'y there- is only one answVe-r *Stop drinking anlything. * Every day in the- year, biaz- *ing beadlines liat fatalities and *thrhigbway accidents, and *soi-e are cause-d hyV excessive *drinking. A man starts witb ~a few beers, but sometimes bi3 *desire -growis beyo'1d bis coui- *trol. 1I know that your job ïe *a gruel-n one and it takces îtsý *tDîl, but other me-n have faund *ways ta r0lax, and your doctor *can beip you there "It is ber fear' foi your saleý- *ty tbat attends your wifte every time you stert out on your *route. Yoiu maiy nat be able *to understand it, but if yoi *couid lknow how sucb ap- *prehension can induce continu- oils anxiety you wouIld flot con- ,demn ber ta anotlrei day of ît. Reasoni doe-s not ent.er, it laý *sheer frigîit that sbe suffes-a. 'Only you can rescue ber. * Let- br know tnat you have stopped drinking. And wbeni you have gone witbout it long- enaugh ta prove- yonrseif, she,ý will belie-ve- in you again. It me-y take longer thia time ta *convince bier she can dýe-pen3d *on your word; you sbould have 1> known she- me-ant what sie *said the fisst tue she left. Youi know it no-w. How casin *you besitete? ~N~R~AR~ÇM Partnrer is happy - h e- is busy in tbe hayfieid once aan Some years ago Jobinny was w7orking- for Patrier; naitw Pasrier is workinrg for Jobnny - but witb- out pay, 1 migbt add, and only for odd days. Money doesn't enter into it because Johnny is always ready ta do anytbing for ns so n;aturaii'y we are- glad ta help bim wben we can. Jobnny bas found it so bard ta get good bired belp that be- bas psactically igiven ùp ts-ying. Ee-sly lest we-ek he bIe-w in hleet se-e if Part- ne-r would go ove-r and help bimr get,seady for hayirig - as 1 tbou- gbt toa sYîe-en mowes- knives and other odd jobs. But wben Partnes came- home that nigbt 1 'wes toid bie bad mnowe-d eigbt acre-s of bay witb t'le- teer-m oný the mower. It la years sînce Past- nri hlandled horses se I was sur-, prised be bed be-en able ta tack-' le- the jb et alil. Iknow be icouldn'Ct bave has-nessec? the bas-ses but Jobnny was on band ta dfo thet. The- ý'boss" se-e-ms quite setisfie-d with bis "bi-e-d ma3n " - sea-ys be knows wbat he la doing- and tbat's more- than beý can say for miost of the me-n be's had earound. Even Sunde-y was a busy day for us - but fromn a diffes-nt an- gle-. As-t and Da.ve camneelong about eigbt o'clock in the- rorn- ing-, icked u-p Pastner and then they ail went ta seýe "Open House" at the nttw Woodbine. It is an ennual event but for tbree bous-s only, wheni visitas-s as-e-ail- owed ta go ths-ongb the- staibles and paddicocks and see t[liebas-ses bs-ougbIt in and out for- exercise, and thus get a littié of the in- side, story of wbat ýgoca on behind the scenes ding til, he races, 1 said it was a good day t'a go sin- ce it wes one occasion wberi Monéy could be- neither won 'nor lost ! Partne-r enjoye-d it and David was tbrýiled be-cause lei was pes-mitte-d ta ride one of the- bas-ses. an aild retainer, 1 imag- ine, as he- was a ut on peIsture witbot enyone lôê"king after himr and chlîdren were- allowed ta ride- hlm. Os- meybe- ber - mare than likeiy it was a mnare- but, 1 forgat ta inquire. I1 ol like ta bave beerd moüre about the- tnp - but gettîng deteils fs-arn a man is like- trying ta draw ben's teetb Af te-r lunch Pes-tne-r andi býead3ed for Milton - via the- back concessions - the b1iglhway was,ý far too bnsy 'For pleasure dsiv-. ing. By cutting across cut- we- calsobpeita see- wbat Ipro- grsswa e-ing matie on Higi- 'way '01 f-arn PeeI Countinto Haiton. We wer aazeti at the am-ount of gsadinig that Iiad be-en doine-. la spite of the fact tbat gond farm landi bas be-en taken oves- yet we f inti it tbs-iilinig ta ta se-e- the-se wonde-rfuLtnïe-whige- ways taking shape- anti et very fittie inconve-nience ta the trav- elling pubic - fer le-as than one fintis wbe-re- aid higbways as-e being wide-Xset necessitating de-- tours and raugh roads eve-ry fe-w mile-s. We- lad a very definite pur-- pose- in going to Milton - ta pick np Ditto at the veterinary sus-g- eon's office, and of course-, ta se-e Bob andi Joy. 1 taîketi Partner imto goinig with me- as i bat an idea it wouiti ne-ed twa of u-, ta brin, Ditto borne without mis- ativenture- - alter the- joy ride- i hati lad the day be-fore- whe-n I was alone 1 We de-cide-t on a visit ta, the 4"vet"to get away from having ta de-ai witb a ilitter of kittens every fe-w months WI-hn i took Ditto away on Sat- urday i lad ber in a nice-, de-e-p, we-ii - ventilated carton, se-cure-- ly fastened aetthe top. Or so 1 thought. I re-ckone-d withotnt my Ditto ! Before 1i lad reecbe-d the- highway she- was ont of the- box. At the- village store i be-ggetia LANNE 14 HRS T faéni£!<21.zâdT crate- the sort that pinea3ppies come in, witb sia3ts too close for Ditto to get througb. But that didn't stop ber. She cbewe-d and clawed at the siats uîîtij she hadi one broken and thus was able ta rnake bier escape once again. Afte-r that 1 gave up. Ditto then proceede-d to go wbere'she- plea- sed - f rom one seat to another, exploring every nook and corner- of the car - and 1 nearly roast- ing with the windowýs almost, shut. Occasionali.y she would settie down on my lap so part of the time 1 was holding Ditto witb one- band and driving- with the other so~ you mnay be- sure I got , to the back roads as soon as it was possible. Ditto has more sPunk and figbt about her than any cat w ever ownled Wben we were caing home, Partner. had her on is kne-e nea-:riy al] the way. We coulId- n't take a chance on bier inJus-- ing herse-if by scrambiing around in the car again. She wasn't realy able but she mîght hlave tried it. Anyway she is now very happy - giad to be home again but feeling a littie sorry for berseif and anxious to be pe)Ltted. 'AIL are bappy tooD - gla'd that littie episodie wa-s just one of a fkind. Next we-ek, if 1 don't forget. 1 LMust te-l] you of the unexpecte-d view w,ýe got froin ourý bedroom window. A celebration, no less Shying Horse Aids Romance Wheq- she was eigbbee-n the' eatulViennes e bareback rider who 0i3 now the wife of ihe weIl-known animafil tramner, Albert Schumann, had an acci- dent Her hs-se shied at some dLude-nts wbho stood et the ring- side, she feul he-avily and was reyer able- to ride again. A young docto~r ir, ilhe audi-. ence tended her anci fell in lo-ve with ber so completely that hý-e mnd a few of bis friends foliow.- ed the cîrcus fromn town to town., ~OMet1nmes travelling oves- one- h iundred miles Fina'iy, hie Pro- posed, but wsrejecte-d and fo- ýowed the circus no m rore. Se knew she w,,ouldn't be happy marl'ying out of the cî-k cus life, and later married Scin - mann wbe-n le-%,worked in beî tather's circus in Au.stria. A year or more ago wben hie was iii, hie and luis wife weîflr tc se-e a Harle-y St-e-et specialist, inti were intrigued by woýnder- fui cis-cus painting, iining the staircase- and hangîing on thE! waiting-room walis "You -must be very iriterested in the cru taj have collected al Ibese^beau- tiful pictures," sbe told the- dom- tôr. "Indeed I arn," lie re-plie-d. " hiave love-d the- cîrcus éve-r since 1 was a young mani in Austria. A very dear friend oýf mine feli Inadly in love with the mnost beautiful girl in a cire-us, and 1 used to accompany hin for miles, as le cousted her f romn town to town where tbe cirais was play- ig Alas, she turne-à hlm down." "I think that perbapza I arni that girl you speak of," saidMs. Schnmanpin, who learne-d that the A QUICK-CUT Printed Pat- tern! It's such fun to whîp up this enichanting- wardrobe for a baby or tocdiler. Puincesj dress. petticoat, playsuit - ail threc cost so fittie when you sew. Frinted Patterni 4591. Size-s S m~onths, 1. 2, 3 years. Totdiler size 2 dress 1¾ý yards 355-ïnch; petticoat 7/àyard; 5uit 3¾ yard. Printe-ti drections on ,eacb 1Pat- ~tern part. Rasier, accurate. Setxd FORTY CENTS (404,,) (atamps cannot be accepted; use postal -note for safety) fer this pattern. Please- print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS and ýSTYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 Eig-htee-nth Street, New Toronto, Ont. ISSUE 29'-,- 1958 Ileaded by the famnous "QUEE NS", the world 'Il arge-st iners mwhich sail weekly from New Yçrk, ithe Cunard fie-et offers incomnparaile service oýn the North AtLantic. The service from Canadian Ports is maintaineýd by the- four sister slips, -SAXONIfA", ~'IERNA","CAR.INTiTIA" and "SYLVANIA" which make no le-as tIa 43 výoyages fromkAItMotreal during thfe 1958 season of navigation. Supetrbly appointedi accommiodation, delicions food, faulless service, and entertain- m,1ent Aor ai mstes...these- wilI le yors hen you travel to Europe in amy of Cunawrd's eIevýen passenger Vqses . .. Enjoy thle luxury which only se-a tra-vel can provide. Arrive at your destination relaxed, rested and refreshed. Sice180-héHllm-ark .of Ocean i.Travel. Se. Your local Agent-No On. Con Seorve You Bolier Corner Say and Welington Sts., Toronto, Ont.-Phone: E#Mpire 2-2911 ýoung ,docter wo .muhteilber now had a niqpratiand univer- >ity fiosi ;nith( Midlands, "You must flot faiý to go anti LaIl on hîmn when next ,you are ýn that part ùf thie vorld," de the specialist. "He wvill be de- Ltighted to see you Paýin. And of coursep to ±neet yc>i h lusband. Hie, as a matter or fact, has neyer imarr-ied." "Over my dead bodly- you go to see hlm!" deckared Lhe husband f irrnly. Nor. have- they, Pamela Mac- gregor Morris concludes, tellinZ ihe story in an excelient account of sawdust-ring life. "Chipper- 14eld's Circus." Week'q-s Sew- Thrifty I ~ t.'PATTERN4 ON THE BEACH - Neither gîving an inch, Ann Schraedel and her great Dane, Bonnie, square off nose-to-nose in Miami Beach. Bonnie had better take those sunglasses off before- the fight storts.