Odd Twists 0f Fate Wben police fisboui a body out oif thie Thamnes they Wlte dreamt they were playing the opening scene in one of the weirdest- ever twists of fate. A woman who )read of the discovery feared from the des- eription that the body was thaýt of her long-m-rissinig brother. Shie went to the mortuary wýhere ani officiai lifted the sheot for her to view it. Yes, it seemed to bc Iser brother, even te thîe scar on his forebead. She wept bi.- terly. 'Whîle walking away from th-e ituilding, she gaspeýd and tro pale, tbinking she was seeing a gho-st. For advancing towar'd, lier was a taîl, dark-.haitedma %xith- a scar on his for-ehead. Hie was ber brotber - very much alive. H-e, t.oc. hiad read mewspaper descriptions of the body and was so intrigued - it seemed to be se like hmta lie was curious to ee bis dead "double." That is the only known t-in stance of a corpse causing te reunion of a brotheýr and sister In a mortuary. When the liuer Titanic sanik ,hi mid-Atlantic after collison with an iceberg, a Chicago mari, Jamecs Kruck, escanped dleïilýi Years later he %vas in the Lusi- tania when she wvas torpedoed, but was saved for ,the second lime. But flot lonig ago Kruck wvas crossing a inyi stream ;n Illinois whon h le suddenlly col- japsed - and was dýrownied ni elevenin lches of water. When a New Yorker went to liospital for treatment follow.- ing a bout of influcnza, he was allocatori a bed adljuining tiîiî o!f a man whose face looked f a- rniliar. He gazed at thie man'ýs face for ten minutes and sud- denly realized the identity -If B&ALLPARK BALLET-Making like c Nijinsky of the diamond is Milwaukee Braves player John- ny Logan as he throws to first ta complete ca double play. Oust-eater below hlm is St. Louis Cardinal Gene Green, wýho was forced out o-n the play. the ownor. He asked a nurse ta telephone the police telling -hem that fate had caught up with~ a thief. they w2re seoking. The mnan turned out to be a c:rook, who hnd assaulted hmîi ,rme time before and robbý_c bimn of thirty dollars Then there was Ieman wh-Ao iaughed at death by walkig aýcross NiLaara Falls on a tigh'-t- rope -- yet noever reCoveT-'red froc-s 2 badýc joît he received ,when he sttumbýledt over a domtoutside is owni homne! Onle of thle lait othe famousl, Frencb duellists, Lbreqe wa,,s said to 1possesisncbstrength that hoi could cairr a fully- g-rowvn horse on 1b-is bc Ane- 1-ggration? Probably, but he, was awoi.ru fighter and to'ik part in more thar 200 dluels wîth pistai, sw-,ord and rapiet, narrowiy ' vdodging -eoh cores Fate thoun killed h±m lu ran r i- cxýplcted way. Hoie ason bis o'to the opera whecn the canae heels strucýk a bump in the road-wýay in Pais in 1914. Ho wvas found dlerdc when the carriage (stopped. Distutrbinig Facts Un The U.S.A. "The sharp ise in the numn- ber of young unwed mothers in theUS. is onie o! our most tra- gic and disturibinig problems" Kathaprinie B. Oettinger, chie! o! the Cbldren's Bureau in Wash- ington, D.C., said re cently. In 1940, there were about 90,- 000 children boru out of wed- lock. During 1950 the figure was 1411,000. This year, it may reach 200,000. "Twvo out o! five o! these births are to girls un- der 20," . said Mrs;. Oettinger. "There are noarly 5,000 illegiti- miate births a year ta girls under Governmoent statistics show that the Southern states, and somec of the large Eastern and Midwesteru states, no t a bly Pennsylvania and Illinois, head the list. A recent study by the WashIingtlon, D.C., Health De- partieut Trevoals that the Dis- trict bas more babies born out of wedlock thari any other large city. The figures are higher in city than in rural areas, with the Negro rate twro ta three timnes that for white girls. Whe ever she may 1live, fa- cilities for belpiug the unwed mother are woefully few. S'le mnay turn to, a state public-wel- tare ageucy, the Salvation Army, or a Florence Crittenton home (ail organrizaion o! residential homes for uuwied mothers, with ,orne 55 branches). However, a Cildre's Bureau report points out, "învariably, voluntary and public agencies report inade- quate fuuds and insufficient staffs to otfer medical care and social services needed by the unmarried mnothers and their children." -rmNEWSWEEK IT'S ALL OVER -- Christina Truman, 17, left, is congratulating Mimi Arnold, 19, of RedwoodI, Cailif., across the -not in Wimble- don, England. Little Miss Ar-nold had , just defeaited the taîl1 British girl ici their Ladies' Singiles mnat.ch, 10-8 and 6-3. TWEý"ýNTY-QNE YEARS LATER-On Aug. 22, 1851, the schooner "Abmerica" defeateçi yachts from aol nations in aÀ race aîround the isie of Wight to toke a Britis-h silver cup valued at 100 pouncis. The owner of the yacht presenled the cup to the Ne,,, York Yacht Club whikh put it up as îhe prize in the AmericaÀ's Cup Race, a two-Iboci, 30-mile race off Newport, RAI. The British tried repeatelly and Unsuccessfu[Iy ta win the cup ba'ck unil the competition was disconfinued in 1937. Now, 21 years Jter-, she vvill try agoin, with a new, streamrrlined yaicht, the "Sceptre". Seeking to race with her in Septemrber are a n-um,-ber of U.S. boots, *includ"ing the "Vim", shown cbove off N,,ewport. The 19-year.old cra4ft wiIl race oginst oiher U.S. 12 meter boots i elimrination races. Ail o! a suddou nthie womnau- buater foît romnane stirring lu bisý blood. "I've quite a bit of mnoney, put togthoer," ho mused. "Why don't I go and got mysel'! a wife, instcad o! carrying on alone and fniendflesi?" So -Stauiislawý Tibo.nîkli, a sevý,enty - five - year - old Polo, lockod up bis bouse i Detroit- and set out for Cbicago, wýith the aîm o! finding a beaut-Iful, loy-, in.g wife. B3ooking in at a mod- erately priced hotel, ho enlisted ithe botel porter's aid in bis quest. "Sure, I eau fix you up," said the porter. "I know, plenty o! nice girls."ý Very quickly ho introduced, Stanislaw to a wioman, but sbe dïisappointed him -- ho wauted somneone younger - aud, to make matters worse, she stole somne o! bis money. Ho corn- plained to the porter. "Tbere's plenty more fish iu the so," the man assured him. Potential wife N o. 2 thon came on te the scone. But ber face didn't appeal, and, like ber predecessor, she sbowed lîght- fingered tendencies. Stanislaw foît sigtly peeved, -Yet, curiously, despite these twio disappointmneuts, lie stili be- lieved the porter would ho able to find him a captivatiug wife. At the third introduction, Stanislaw's naive faitb seomed justifiod, for uow hoe mot a beau- tif ul blonde - tail, ",Illowy, ïfull-lipped, blue-eyed. lio loved bier instautly, but it was ibe wbo proposed umariage withiu twelve houri -o! their mneeting., 1liii new-found fiancee thon introduced hlm to ber brother, a slick, worldly type. Gusbing- goodwil. hoi insisýted on takýiug Stanislaw for a ride in bis lux- uIry car ta îsee the sights o! Chi- cago. The girl excuied bhersoîf, saying she feit ill. Bc-fore going, Stanislaw le! tinli er charge bis entire savingi, $7,500. After crutising around for some time, bisfc's alleged bro- th-er suddenly wauted ta know the latoît stock mnarket prices. 111111 stop bore,," ho sýaJidas tbo'y neared a railway station, "and perbalpi yeU wout mdbuyiug a ,ppor." Stan-islaw got out and waýlked ta the noareît nowsýagont, but bardly wais bis back turned than bis "hufu"slipped the car into gear and drove off. O! course, wheu Stanislaw reached bis hotel, the beautiful. blonde bad vauished wvith the cash. After roporting the trick toj the police, ho reCturinod ta Do- trait, a saddoer, poorer and wiser mnan. Aýbovo ail, ho was irked at having parted with $*7,500 iwýithout ireceiving morec than bal! a dozen kissos in exchange! Mý'any moen, despito great dis- aIppojintments, rmanincurably roman2itie tO the lait. CupîdI smliles ou sonie, but miocks- thers. Fec iný or, Houri Thermonceaux, oïï NNantes, devisod a fanitastic plot ta win the love o! a rcýtty gil1, Micle, who w) inlua local pastry sbop. Attracted tp her, he began to buy more cakes than hoe really ueeded, and tcimed bis- visits carefully, when cus- tomoers wore few, and the girl disenigaged. Beiug loyal ta bier employer and a good salesgirl, Mvihele did not choke hlmii off. Houri thon worked out bis plan by enlisting the aid of bis nephew, Pierre, a good-looking youuig man who was going -steady witb a vî-vacious girl, Josette. Since j he'd promnisod Pierre a substan- tial legacy, hoe foît perfectly jus- tif ied in trusting bim with a special mission. Pierre was ta capture the girl's interest, make love to ber a little, so that Houri could then deno'uuce Pierre as a scoundrel and thus, as bie hoped, win lher affection through his goodness in rescuing bier fromn a young blackguard. Ail seemieç to be working out extremely wel. Pierre, a chiarm- er, quiiék1y set Micbele's beart 1 lttering. Ho was enjoyiug a secluded picnic with her, actu- ally bad bis arms about bier, when Houri suddenly poppeê out from behind a tree, accorn-- panied by Josette, Pierre's fi- ancee. "IThat man's a rogue!" holi sbouted. Josette leapt into ac-. tion. "You rat, kissing other girIl " she screamied, rushiug at Pierre and kicking bimi. "And as for you, you wickecl busband-steal-- er!" she sbouted, at Michele, seizing ber by the bair and kick- ing bier ferociously,, until the two mon intervened. Henri thon told the trutb abouit the masquerade. But Jo- sotte, baving witnessed Pierre's ardent "play acting,," was funi- bus. As for Michelo, she thoughit Houri the most loathsoome man ou earth and Pierre, wblo kissed ber so softly, the dearest. So, fiually, througb this mnis- carniage o! a love plot, Pierre married the protty cake-shop girl. And Josette, wben bier rage cooled, found Hlenri's rov- ing oye ou bier. "You've-- saved me from an unreliable man, per- ha&ps you'Illprov-e trueýr," she told him. Wleu. an elderly bachie or, from Sydney, sudceluy felt re- miantic lhe joined a Happiness Club and mot a 71-yoair-old widow. Ho married bier, but within four miontbs she left himn. Ho nover bothiered to look for ber, and wben r-ecenitly awarded ai decrenul i beca,se o! bier de- sertion, hoe bluntly told the judge: "I'd fall for anything once, but 1 won't r.ejoin a Hap- pinoss Club and I wo. t e- MUSIAL TO THFE EARPS Rarely did a Brooklyn Dodgoer dignify an eno-my by calliuig himi a bum. This eleg-ance was jeal- ol]y reservodl for home heroos. But even the Gowanus Canal diehards bad ta go for Stan Musial, whio was simply murder at Ebbets Field. Bellowýedl a Dodger- rooter dur.. ing a Mlusial field dayý against tehomo toam. "He, ,musie bo, ow in de woild kin nny- bc.dy sun so f ast and sce se good, yuhi bumi yuh?" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED GO INTO MUSIHS foz yourself. Sell aur excltlng bouse- wrares, watches and othier products not .ound in stores;. No comjpetItoIon. Prof- Its op to 500%. Write now for free colour catalogue and separate COnfi. dentiai wholesalle prIce sheet, Murray Sales, 38122 St. Lawrence Montreal. BABY CHICK$ A WI1DE choice lu day oid and started pullets - lncludlng Amies In-( Croms <hgh production, lower feed Costs). Order faîl broilers now. Mlxed ehicks. ~Ask for colnplete list, BraY HtcherY, 120 John N., Hamilton, -or local agent. SAVE $6.00 per hunmdred rn K-137 inl- ber Pullets for dcllvery any tlmèe dur- lng Iuly or Augitst, pravidlng we re- ceive your arder oni or before July Bl1st. Regular price $48.00 per huln- dred, Special price $42.00 per hiundre. These Puilets will outlaqy any ather breed of Pullets we have ta offer. They are noted for laylng large eggs early, 3 ta 4 weeks earlier than ather breeds. They live well durLnig the growing period -and during the iaylng perlod and have relatlvely gaod re- sisÉance ta Leucosis. Iimber Cata- logue. Send for full details, TWEDDLE CHIICKIn ATCHEEIES LTD. Fergus Otarlo SCOTT POULTRY FARMIS Seaforth Ontario FARM EQUIPMIENT( 80 AUTOMATIC wire fie New UoI'andc haler only sllghtly used, with Wfis. cousini battery starting englue. $995. IIAWKEN MOTORS, No. 7 Hlghlway, Arliona, Ontario. FOR SALE EE CIGARETTE LIGIITER WITHI firat order. Seud far nupower $1.50. Adds 50% more life ta uew batteries. Revives aid batteries. Saves you haif the cost of a riew battery. Wi]lll Ga- rage, Kootenay Bay, B.,C. INSTRUCTION EARN more! Bookkeeping, Salesmnan- ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 50,,% Asic for free circuilar No. 33. Canadiaen Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto LIVESTOCI< "ABOUT Polleci Shorthorns." -Boke on request to Beefcattlemen. Weight for age, quality carcass, horn- Iess. Poiles! Sorthorn C-lub of Ontario, Ridgetown. mEDICAL NEW H & M CREAM *Must be miore effective than any ather miedication or your rioney backî 0 Guaranteed ta clear pimples; e- zemna, allergies, dry. scallng, ltchlng sinh on any part of your body, 0 Quick relief for sunburn, psoriasis. dermititus. * Try It now! * $1.49 a jar pastpaid. *Send miony order or C.O.D. H& M Products - Box 91, Gelt How tCan J? By Annue Astiley QHow can 1I dean a soure A. Try rubbing a ir.-sh lemnoî ùhoroughly juta the sponge and then rinsing it several times ;in lukewarmn water. It wlll beý,corne as s'weet as when new. Q. How can 1 remove grease spots from a carpet or rug? A. By rubbing with a mixture of ful1ler's earth, oxgall, and vvater. Rinse tharoughly ,vit-ii eJear wvater, then rub as dry, as possible with a dry cloth. Q. flow can 1 give a grain effect to wood? A. Beauty of finish and the greatest possible grain effect can be obtaîned with a treatment of linseed oi applied directly to the bare wood. A TRIAL - EVERY SUFFIRER OF RHEUMATIC PAIN OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEl)Y. MLINRO'S DRUG STORE 835 Elgin 0110wo $1 .25 Ixpreeù Coîlect. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE DANISH the torment of dry eczemrh tashes and weeplng skin trouble Post's ERersuieSalve wjil pot dislo you, Itehlng, scaling and bursllng eûcf ma, acne, ringwarmi, plmples and foel -,czema wlll respo 'nd readlly to a hf ow stubborn or hopeless tey senil. Sent P'ost Freé cail Rceipfof Prlce PRICE 3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2e6S St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMBN SPARETIME Moneymnaker! Wholsatli§ dealer dirsctory, mail order mstrchazj- dlslng, einPl oyne nÉ,opportunittl Write for free particulars. B & Praducts, Box 393, Cushing, Oklahoma, WANTEID - Manufacturer, Distrlbuttort Canadlian Patented positive ad justablO plunibjng flush tanik hall valve, auq gu ide. Royalty! Mfichael Graziosi, 38$ Second Strýeet, Jersey City 2, New .Jer-. sey, U.S.A. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEAIDING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn IHalrdressing Pleasanlt, dignified profession; goadl wvages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduiates. .4merica's Greateat Systemn Illustratled Catalogue Feea. W rite or CalI MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 350 Bloor St. W.f. Tarant* Branches: 44 King, St. W., Hlamilton 72 IGideau Street, ottawa PATENTS FETtHERSTONHIAUGH&- C o mp3a ny Patent Attorneys, Established 1890. 600 University Ave., Toronto Patents al! counitries. PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL, offer. Twenty-flve deluxe persoas!requirements. Latest cata- logue includsed. The M,ý,edico Agencey, Box 22 Terminal "Q" Toronito, Ot.. PIGEONS RACING 1IIomer Pigeon Squeaicers. Stassart Strain,. $1.510 each. vfr. 1FL Sperle, îleron Bay South, Ontario, VACATION RESORTS FOR, early reservattons! Write, Mld- Wells-By-The-Sea Improveunent Associ.. atian, Wells, Maine, for liter'ature, An ideal place ta spend your Malpn . Seacoast vacation. ISSUJE 29 - 1958 "IRELAND'S MAGAZINFe Monihly Ilustrated digest of Irish life. News, articles, pictures of past end resent, $3.00 nnwally. Pubilshers, srlAi cestry Guild, ~who alsto supply cietaileif general famlily histories~, $8, hand-painted parcliment Coats of Arms, $5. 'Enquîrles, literature free, Secre- taryIA., 22 Farmhlii Roadl, Oundrm Co, Dublin, Irlrd. UDAY TO-MORIOWI i. be hoppy and tranquil lnstecd ol nervaus or for a goad nighl's %jeep, talc, Sedicin tablets according ta directions. SEDICIN' $1.O-$4.95 i TABLETS Dug Sî.s-00myI A NEW RECORD-MýAYBE-Herb Elliott, Austrailiai's mîter, gËz4ý kissed~ by Evelyn Pohl, "Queen of the Meet", ofter hoi crocked the recognizedJ mark for the mile with a clocki-ig of 3:'57.9. Th& rec--,rd is 3.58, by another- Ausîrolian, John Ldnly. 4* is expected that Elliait nmay have soi-ne trouble getting recognition becouse the tlimes are countesd by T'fis of ai second :nstead of tenths, Counting by fi'iihs l- lîou's mark ould be the same cas Laindy'- N N 't N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N s N 'N 'k N. N -4 s N 't N N N N. N N N N N. N. N N N N. N N N N s N N.- N N N. N 'N N N N N s s 't' -t' 'N