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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jul 1958, p. 1

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* t I ,ORONO -Volume 21, Number '?4 E Orono, Ontaio, Thrirsday, J U LY 24 W.A. Bay cf Quinte Conference Held Thi*s Year In Belleville' Tle iVY-covered walls i Albert Coli egBelleviille, with ifs colegiate go-! tl'c rcitetuelent a new atmos- ~phcrýe ta nhe im-eeting, of tino Bay af Qý,Jnf e Conference Womian'*s Associ- "t'un affine Uniter] Churcin of Canada ho r]î on July l4fi nd 15[h inof iast week. Ove(r sevent y)[ officers and represen- tatl-7es fronI tfie eint> Presbyýterie-s regrsftered for an intensive Leadersinip Day rwnenofflicer fraining and sfudy techn.,-,iiquies were prosented 1y Confer-i enseý, officers. The Christian fellowsh.ipi affnemeetingla in e beautiful Coilogo Cnelwas memoraible, andth ie menis, server]d in fine imnpressive dining ooam giteatLy 'apprecipteti. The new study pckot for thne yenr 1958-59, Our Churinwaspresonfer], in fine hope thinal ail Woman's Associations woxld ivi careful study nt tieir mocet'ings duigfin conmng yenr. Programmes incl,ýude sucin fopics as The Church, and CveLife; Summer Activ it les JIn Chr-_ïsfian Educaýtion; Co-opeotion of Moîmd Wamcen; TienleMain 'ii fLent adaepresenter] in n stimhlafiing arand informýatïve maniner. Tino Ca Cnierence President, Mrs. W. C., !-ves, chai r] fine meetings and fine progr,ýarmme for Lead]ersinip Day was incareoIfinhe Chaimmian of Leader-1 ship Educafion, Mrs.- A. A. Crawle. An interesfiig ati rewarding tecin- nî~ein Bible sudyvas demauistarfter],i whon ine atherng ws divider] infoI amilgraups, given Speciftc passages ai Sciptue fadiscuss Linder lheadings, a, oOk for tino relater]cinaIILracte:r oQt fne passae tis caafe'xt. speých un] a ndi ifs cenrtrailpoint. c. Place if in Ii fnecoat ext af Ihei Caîsiian msagus a whole. Whtspecifie mesuýsag'e is if mIeant tf6 Reprs fror e 0a ch gro0up[ ) were1 r'gfback f0 ine whole alter tea- mi-JnufdiscussionS. xcletposters 'which play be bor-1 roe]frem hem, were used bh' lfs. N. Jaoista accentte iher.'pohitali dcfion.ifwns loui aIt thfie Ila- preýsenfing Co-operation 'wlf h Christian tý1e-st oifinle W.A.ila fiis womk was e- spnmbefor fine formation aI suci a, caýmmitf e ,intfine church in lu oe areas.; AI] sncli work nilso as bat ber-saý;r ban- qutcliolê fetes, done 'ly the W.A.1 sincaIr] horeporter] an the annual e- port fori, as w-ell as caring- for ciilir !C,,boi»rg TO Eujoy LWver Hydre Rais --v nwiVproved fhydro rates Will imean n eail reduct'on of $4o,90O ~po. er c for the citizens of Co-1 ourgý-, it wa s a înnoun"eî >cId Tuesday rwoods. Thie new raltes, which received the approv al of the Ontario Uydro E lectrie P erComimission Iast we, rill ce iito effect August,,t 1. A detailed i)iport of the new schedufle wil1 be re- ~eased later this week. MIr. Woods said aIl-ithough the nlew rates would mean lowver power busl in! r fass s;omle People mnay fDot notice any change from theirr previous' accolts. Thie commnission also passed the el&'-! trical and rwter departments accounts. The electrical departmient account tot-. afleld $9287. 19 while the wa,,terdeat mrent account ame to 11711.92. 4-H BEEF CLUB JUDGES SHORTHORNS The Durham County 4-11 B>eef Caif Club held a meeting at the farmn of Mr. 1. Baker, Sofina, on Tuiesday, Jtlly 15th. Two classes: of shorthiorns. were jde fh)llowýed by reasons and a short quliz tram 'lthe Beef Club , Manuai. Elikoa moved a vote of thanks 110 the Bkr for pro-vidillg the 'cLaýsses and havillg th.e mebers thiere.. especia1]y the mnakJing of motions; whili ir- first ovc, sec iehn folloyv-1 d by isusio ad \othln'g;:cor mýg to WA constitition anlypine 1nmrr- bar may speak 1m$7tice to the shne moinwhen il i.s before the mieeting-. The imnportance of literature i .LUrch wiok ws (%evieced by the fiedisplay whichi wàs ready for ex - ir.'natitrn and purchiase. lniterest was dirtected especially to How to Develop Better Leaders; How, to be a MIodemn Leader; Ten Steops to Leadership; asý vweIi ais ta, the nieýý,Staidy Packet. W,.A. 's were urged t0 give carefuli thought to sýucli a project as sending1 oae or tmvo yoing peolle reglarly to, Clristmas or Eater hcoiday periods atr five Oaks, that thiey may have thet great beinefits of the atmosphere and Cliisianteèhitgof Five Oaks.. ren! wîÀPe parents are in cinurcli, e!tc.jW..G up'omeglesin wut ieasurers wereùinstrucýte]' tinatan temel e ho Luresfqd ,i atfénding auiteti report shouIr]nl'ways ho pre-'1 a Rot mot orWekn at P'ivé Oaks,! sen t hed a'fi nnual rmeeting. Tino such as theoConféerence bas preVouslyi Treasurer shur] aiea precpare anti' pre- arranger], are requesfor]ý ta , 'ef lai Seï-,f anunnu Ul dgeýt 1f n Éùwancial toucin itin fie Presldent. Mrs. ICes. bccx.efnmy. 11i speCoiaI pojeaf or laona-Suh Rfmnsae atgd eah fiiis matie by a group, ail fLInds m&n Uh fhtacsff$1.foniidyf ehanr] h turer] ver fa fine W.A. gen-Suta giexlsv cfrasor- orlfuincl, ntIieararked forfn'po-fa.Tine privilego aIsitin a anti -oe. Dther Projeef s" on the' repourt t -i i ing , if h ai eof té u~ form shoid .mean only a donation taestaning speakers anti maisers aI fin Exfeasin Fui)dwaurGiscal Comuclis invaube. Ail Goup moofinglesouki bgin wifn Tioeeu 'v fineBya'Qit Lovof ons, given wîftinollýg-itful prep- onfreae'WA. imet July .4tn t týee acâtinantifeeling. Tino inmu "Gar] Caie, wit h iis.Ie l i necar ho in my Hear]"' as recommnender] as Mrsj. F. ustPreýsitient oftCobourgl hoîticioratiner fanfie somiewhat PeiyeyWAi huitfide-! oe-ue]Mizpan; there axe imaay voýtionai c(hallenger] the meminers, us-C oiesutiahie benotiietionsfau ho pr-e- ing fin pamableaIfntlesaue frer]. fn aet etuft by GA,fewi A certain sum os moniey sinotidho Uogn)hycere] ah;a cnl set ~ ~ a asce6ci mfr finepaonage; Stono is notining, but many tog-ene acoitneo of three o, more-iimL-embers make a cafinedmal. Wc 'bave ffie ex-, sinoult pay an annual v isi affGie -con- preaeta judge, tee paoy fing may Venin~6'of fne iisfer's ,viýeif et ix.poeiprtn;orefottmu cusnecr]s for decara;-tinignifriin a] may l)e not dauher], but incroas-ý "-ingF,; aJicinurcies desire an-njya re1d one huadme&dfr. hoefor tinir mninisfer. Mlrs. H. H.ý Wvehu Is Parsanage Chaiman for Con- 11f %-as anniounceti tinat tnoulnDo- inion Couincil we go in fatoe new fUeerac. ', ,uin('ntr h i ierafureý Viýsiting andi Christian Feliow siip -0 wsstresser] as tino way tinocinuri (3 nareacin ouf fa stangors àlatfine com- c)I ni fu;wr'mti ndr friend'liness isi tI teitler] tafine witness anti teadiing af eaS; tino saile,fine 'warm n aritsiake, a fmeidly fane, goos f ar l a irng fine! s n olesfeel anc of the group. TinoCairman of Christian Citizeni- . sohîp shall direct fine fiougits afI mT-1 'brsa W.A."'to problems, of nationali issues, as Temperace, Housingc, C.A.1 ) C.,- Uniteti Nations, -Heàltb andti e!fin 4ep )g f tinose people iately came fe ucaulty. Tino retiring Presidenf was mpre-i s~eiti as a gooti chaire for niorninat-ý ,,ag chair-mnar. C'rfuhiougint was givon to fthe useý ar a'! arý,,nizafians of ft ineUnitedi linurcin will bo distributed. Afoer Oct- ober istin al odors'Willl le receivedl linere; consigni-ents f s sampie litera-I uin for ïorders e ýt special occasions l hoe sent ouf as before. Ofcr ihnuld prorniofe literafure, antimak aepecquninteti witin urinafis aval-' le. Presbyfor-y Presideafs reporter] i fine pragreas in organmizatian la heý,in areas. Mmrs. F. Sa½iis, Presidont of Petorboraugin Presiuytferv, le10 cî-ganiized. A recent trip ta fine Mari- ti-mos anti Newfourindi las been ,-jade -ta promnote orgaizat ion tImere. s s gmatifyhng tfinat-oiien are prot- mesnïrorn the- narrawýer inte-restes hffie Ladies' AMd f0fine bro'ad iter- sfs aniserve aIfinhe new Wome-lns Xssoîatoii. Roorecexas nmatie fo iontinueti n pge2)* W -eem Té Daice 1 This Satiiray Saturday Nit e, July 26th there will ho antnrHi-Teens Dance. On anti on wo ýýo as nue continue f0 keep up a gad reputat bon. New ,records are fa ho purcbased ta aidd ta finaf utstandiiag record album. Again wo make tee plea ta fine aduits af tee communfy. Tlis lime on a bend-1 el Knee. Gof aà gang, eome ouf anti1 en»ovyeyoaselves. We ( the Teenagers)] anv awonderfl l ime, winy sinaldn't' you? Give if a try anyway. We tion't dance fa Rock anti Rail ail fine fume, yIou kaowm. \We have Rag Time -piano records, polkas anti anyfining youit a request. Don't forgef fiis: OddfelIows; Hall, Safurday Nite, July 26t' ITen '.S re wiil also ho a tneo Augus t lfin e Otitfellowv's Hall. Eldorade lu Port IsOpe À 0 Expafld Eldor-ado _àMîing anti Reiining Cam- panyv Port Hope bave awvartiet a con-i tract fa St. Lawrence Conti-acting Ca. a subsi'du'ary of Bratfrd-Hoshial As- saciates for an amouti $90,000. fnel work is comimeaceing taday. Tino constructioni is an addition ta f'ine guard haiuso anti a, second 'fiuor ta fine chang"e ,iouse anid is. QI, truofurali steel aiinimasory. Bamniet'nd] ietior were fine Pichîtects. Bradforti-Hoshialreports the -Homet for fine Age i la Claung is reatiy for1 tino struuini st bLeol, duti rrive this1 1 W.C. T.V. meeting 1 Thne July meetingý of fine Woimea's1 Cinristian Temperance Union was held on Tuesday affemnoan aft te bomne of Mlrs. J. D). Brown. Mms. Wnisn opener]thfine eeting by iiig several hymas and Stella Car- son read tine devotional pre parer] by Mrs. AllUn, "God's greatest giff Lave", closinag wifin prayer. Mms. Boive readý a note of appreciafion trom AMiss Fos-i fer for tine -gift of a W.C.T.U pin brom; thes unin. td 0pidmmles ,niStf rprtd"Ipl ebes and n baaj< balance of $33. Mlrs. Suitton reporrCed a number of get well cards sent. IMrs. Kelly read a, speddpaper on Pence. Mrs. Williamns of Os'hawa wrote a very encouraging letter and enciased fhree dollars for Su'sie MIajor, n rewnrd for the essny sine compased on "Tne iIarmi of Toibacco aindi iquor" affer Susie rend ber selection if was deield fa send if fa fine Winite Riinon Tiding, (;r prblIition. Mrs. Wailsh conducter] a very iniform-, tieclip sineet entitled -Hopeful Facts1 on Alcoiol Euctin"satng tinee are over 3M) higin school classes f akingý cii ducationnil course now. ý Mrs. Rowe iniviter] tee ladies fa her1 homre for fine August mi-eeting. Tracter Overturns Crushes 17ope TwP Fariner Mr. Sam M,\cMl\loni 79, of Hope Trowrsinip, was crushier] iy on over-1 fumner]fractor on Tuesda-y wh'ich c'laim- his life. The accident happenier]an bis farm jusf eas, f affie Clarko-Hlope houri- îdarv lUne. -A coniract on which they are éqIt is he)ëleived that Mlr. Mcýifulen wvas gadlin Fakod.for a sewage bc3in te rctr ut0lfie 'barn at Uratn~t latj-e epectedl to be inth time of the acnLýîie1ht " Ïnhat oIeý opéraf on wlithin si-x' weelks. The largê of (Ihe wheel's droipecioito whlat used treatmeint plant on4hm h'they Lir.e, tabe 1an alIdsilo thuis cuigthe mn- erking at Copper Cliff for jthe inter- l chine to overtli urad innn Mr. Mc- ~ainINickle ComrpLd I_ý ,vll'lYe in op-' Mullen lieneath it. The ccdetwas ~raýteon in bctoiner.' ObsefSied lb.hiswie To Entertain At StJ&reý;et Fair MUr. Dane Pound rejParts that the 1e u ots adi sbpdthat whlsare now turiing for the Sq,,nmerouis sets wiil accept the callenge-ý Dancing competition xvhich wi11 be held a te oettin in con junction with thne Orono Street Entries for thne competitio.n are to bei Pair on August 27th annd the <>ro<> made with:Mr. . Wilson on or bef ore' Fait Faiiý early in September. Prise Wýednýsay, August l2thi. The prelimiln- money for fine compefiton amnaUnts to ary rouind of danèes m-vIl be held on fine the sumi of $10000 andr everyane who eývening of Auus ýth in Orano with Caln form a square dance teanimmathfiasq hcndday fteOr seek the lairels of this prize. Fil F";'rati' xbton ruds Thne co)nipetia,(,, is undr afineas- picies of the Dulrham Oounity Junior If vu aveagopwho exmcel i F'armers with NMr. Gordon Wlor -qur anigorwh just enjopy if WR. , Campfbelcroft theý direucor in be e to eniter in the !ompeftiin and cag.Any grauý-p is entitled tb eni- the best imue tf enter is righ-t now. Ojrono P-eeWe-,es Lose First Payoff Game ToFo ,b our Don MaIIett Pitches 1 -Hitter Orono 6, Bowmanvill Dan Mlalet, on 'Viursday last, Or.. Ldge Yinic a one-htter ta give Orano a 6-3v'ecta At Rice Lkein is duans on the Grono mowid fo)r einings Don took eight str-ike- By ~E Yongmanouvs andr gave up f ive wniks. The Orono Rebeahs and Odldfilows inei tinir angalpicnic t rs.TI Tine single bit for Bomnn ville went Sniih's welymare atGoras ~ ta Gimardi ini the first framne on a fly ing,, on beautiful Rtice Lake, on iniav0er second ibase.,(ranu on fn the tr 2th, and they inviter] nny otinor me- nrir aied ten onitofhSl erfn 'bers of the order ta corne nlong and bwman i urkir. iton West toppeê be their guests. Oroao's initing with a siligle, a double and a triple. Chnarles Armustronig fol- The day was brigint, sunny and îowed 'witth two singles anad a walk la breezy and fine picnickers enjoyer] ev- iour oattfrngs. bwte hundIred records, ery minute ofdif, espeeially fthe boat were ctaimier by Don Aiercer and John. rides so generauislly prolvider] by Gor- ý>hetler witilthfie latter iitti'ng ouf a. don Watsoin. . iU1m-e run]. Our picnic finis year -wns graced by Bowmniaville sca-red one run la the fine presence of aur Deputy Jr~tMs ter, Brother William McNeil of Thorn- oftoOaoerrsat hi À. siagle hit. 'Ihis count kept -.them in iront untijl the third when Ron We'st. As usual, somo aIofine besf cooks in scorer] aiter Ihitting a triple andr carae Durham Counf y supplier] fie'hungry7 home on a fielding ei'ror. crawd with enouigindelicious brfao o spoil a lot af people,'s waist linos. Ia the fourfin Orano wenf ouf in fro)nt by one whn John Sinailer drave ouf bisý Everyone inat an enjoyable social home rua. Bath teams scorýer] wo ir. affernoon and said "Tinnnk You" fa thee iffin.' Bowmanvile couintedti ier's Mrs. Sitin anti hem dauginter, Mrs. G. off a wnlk, a gr1)up ai three Orano pr.- Coapr, wfina smli eepskeenci. mrs and a wilr]pitcin. Infiis frame R. Muein concerm was f It 'by everyaone Ws doulyled, Qiarles Armstrang sing- over fine suidden inonýs, whule on vaca-Iler] wvifi bath coxi)ng homerien Don 'o,ii at Rimousk Quebec, af Paf Green MNer-cor siammed oouf a triple. of Lead Mrs. Green, witin husband 11band tine>ir ciiltiren were on inol- Orono collected twýo iiiore in fie idays wlien sine inatita ho rusined to sevenfin when Charmes Arnmstrong i- fine iopt Paf is fine present Vice: led and camie in on Don Memrcer's Grand of Heather RebekainLdgNa. double. Ban in turW scoreti whýen John17. 334, Orono. Sinefoi. hi!ta one bagger. We hope fine future reports of ineriMfe ndteuhoeooofa o- condition will ho much botter flian fine !inm'd himl;n theeq-ian~d fine lcl ~l oe nes and tfiat sine wil soan hooerv ievcoy rocovoreti ougin farojoin ber hbus- banc nti farnfly at Leskard.- R H II Cone ou, Pat, we're all roofing for Orono) -)Ot 1 -0 2 6 10 5 -"Ou, Bawmanuville 1'02 -03 i4 onDanchuk Pitched Orono Bantams Tô 24-5 %'tictoryr DýýnaI ting departmcntz gpliono Ban-te plate Donad Dacinun çffineOron fan v times for two"ewMks andi finrec tnms starred flor 'bis teami on Wedaes- -um day nWgit at fine Orono park wifh a single Ibits. ku basf ball andi struck-out thlirteen Mill- brocok batf ors and allowved only six hits. Tino Oronoý. boys w,,erRmààus theLr g- Witin fiis record on fine ie af Oranea lar Lcatcher, RossImm-lyn. aii a fine loca-ls tok a deciîve 24-5 lecisioni f heir sEcond bsrnodpitchear, ,,ver fine vsto in fine first ,game 0f Torry Crîto.AI M»tril1I fillod Éin f inoir -pl-aytiawn suries. Tino sries is as c2atoiner fo4-r fine .hd efomd lie'best f Out ouf a e.Tine winners hs zýý iini e uiotswel er roab- will thonn meef Courfice for fine Iigint ferssecrn he~ atino gaume fa ~ 1- goft-hr nfe OAplyi Wns ere Les 1oper- Menein Ai. (QuanfriýLTliToe niier cf fin Affe ine secondinnîni'g tio gaMe rn in pwreMlet o 1asailfo Orana wifline tý, inîdrd i-Baiw CIL n ul T byn fBg le o raihie forinsx at ialsReid andil~Kney t .e ix hbye rns.lino sewa s fier] at 2 apiuce ffinhe end affie second. Tn euag m ~ epaeil DanDaahukaie sanelafine bit- Millrtauk fon-Sat en g The CabuègTrallng SéioofPee Suzzy Mercer, on tinirdau]Cnrs Weïe Team' fo>k fine first glme Gcf fine Reiti on short wvere'aisa) up for fine L etrt h Zci Q.B.A. pia-offs from Oronon Moý n 11-' game nlmaie ver-y 0 fks dayaignt ;(a.ore aI 12-10 o or-1Another outsfauding player for fine1,- c ,)no boys lacinoti teptlin l itfing power cals,;was ArnoldtiWllaie wino line ati utfimo S eff runners on lbases finalrt hs osfo êS k J p o ýau1] hae le andxn fi lne m. In e lifting deparf.ment hiaf bBuzzy, al i enedy was fine losing f-1'Urcr latiFriser Wallace exceled TTino hedifalr cher bin jtee ýcour-se of ftie gainýe for til'home f eam wfiha bitoevrDerSr t'uirnedii, a gcoor] job. Neitiner yitdiner tnp l)ta baýt. Charles Raid tfoilloweer] ,hose gae p 'ay alks ii ine gain ant I bos ! h fins r]parnent. o aoayr Ifinhe tws tio ifciin ioarrnntwa Vel Tin'U)oOrno 1boy's heir] a 'l sighf bare- choa, l aea a I lame w be akejf ,ardler] 1)y bath iboyýs. TnU obuguniein hhwnn ii hree ua s vot1onAuguuf s, 95 nfief'ow boy (wre lheavior infforslan ti n iis 1C'borg enit ouf in front by f wo. This ingqusin foo tio ictry ba] ineCohur bos neii.Are you ln favour affine Lappic(ation-l Grant Ye-o, ctciingfor Orlana, agnin Rafie'a.nnpScooAlaa Crk turner in Lan excellent garno and prf--Cibug1 2 2 3 t> 2 12 oardcf Trustee-s f hor fine isuof a acehie mo lae wti u'k L i on.(1rn1: 4 22 O2 10twenfy year Debenture for $1000O. bor -- jlfie construction of a 2 roorn scinool in r 1 * m~u .c~. aenon o. 9 anti a four !Evenîn A uxili ry rtnIn s i hoal :n11foýrl-neýr scinool section ~venng Axiliry EjoysNo. 4" uting At L ake Scugog A mnost enjoyable evenmg was heir] As the air coaler] ever-yone gýatherer] 'ast Thursday nigint winen tine Evening lin the spacious living room wherco conj- Auxiliiary of Orono United] Chtirch! tests and gam-es, planned by fine hos- journieyed by car fa Dora Morris' cot-i tess, eaused nfilch finlarjfy and fun, tage near Janetville, for thieir y.enrlyl got-to-gethier nf this. lovely spot. talf oth er yiap Aroind 26 ladies atteaded], leaving, ladIies ieft for home after a 'vote af C-,oiio at i, Upon arrivmi 'a bounti- thank s hdbengvnie ass o fui unc orsaid, andichs, almn. ehaif of evervone present, b.y Dorathy 'ao- shs ae rois pe at Bailey. Dora, lan1eplying, stater] she and! tea was en.joyer]. bater~ soife went har] njoyed fiavingý the parjty andr b5oaýt 'rîing on VinepI'acid l'aie, gtnr-hpe ie ould ail return nexf year. wkngarouund the cottages. 1'{hev' no dioubt ~wilP If fine mtopayors vote "yes" on .Augusf 1sf if wil meatthat tineir aoew scinools cani ho comlolter] by early fa 15 'andtihie desperate situation af staff, fransportafion ouf of tfeine ae,ac- cammioatfin etc. now i acin'g fie scinool ar-eau Board will bo allevinter. Clarke Towný-shiip Seinoal Amea Board has inspecter] fie facilities J'l tfie sur- î-aunding areas anti if fine stantiard ia fiis amen is ta ho equal ta fine Edu'- cýaf l'aa f acilif les given fine chi1drean in finese ajacent ar-ens theo immer]iate construction of finese 'builings is ah-1 solufely es'senl.ia'l Tin o nsftuction aI thee se cools anal tine nccess:nry fÎnallcîng blas ineen underi w ~)î De~oeures conleid LsÈIne«~ e i D 7. Ail 9r- tatve upva f oCmni n fInl apprvci1 fl- uuni on- 1uïeali1 apprvl fçon*iVitt er of Ea \-u atfihae bdn- ited splieosd e o w )ipcaoun lo thectissu of i'or dèbeturec. 'Ie. h ho Cucifl nppoe is ap-e 1peslic t teSati nvortu e of on-t fdencei, thu rrtn* g' epcsaxy tii Te rosti cto offiea nt s h ordIl d u# n pro o id eaetio of 3o o"ni i te rsat eyer- eimbrTor-tlei alo. aill3 aiv- fidet f e V4 e piiyd4.i If isour ~we rs rvd the ohildrne' area ithequ i I t' t t - 1"'

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