Durham County Competes In Sofi bail And 'rc Meet Ottariû o ernty softball and track L*wme battled teanis from eght other ic bs Saturday te win the Quinte tfield charnpionship. They le4d tbe %ames-upby 17 pints wth a fia U 8apite of the rain somec 400 young athleïs ompeted at Morrow Park ini - i-mm _ Imw the second anmual field day. It was the fîrst year Ontario connty had entered a tesin. JeteýQrotgli ounty shared second place with Primce Edward county with M,_pgnts each. Fourth was Hastings with 49pons fifth was Durham iwÀith 34 and sixth was Northumnberlanid with 31 points. After thie competl4oii somne 300 corm- *ligh Jutiup - Bob Allen (Peferberù), During the niorning seven boys' petit«u M hd a dance session of their Jack Chatten <ýHastings>), John B-IlA tennis and five girls' teams ran five- owýn. Duning the dance intermission (Ontario). lnning edimnation . softball gaines foricrests were .presented tel the winning 10 IDah-HwadMCn the softball charpionsbip. During thie ball tez9ma. Jimr NeedIiam, vice presi- 10 Yd fas -Hoad cCn afternoon a 10.-point track and field dent of thie Ontario Junior Farbers pre- (Northumnberland), Ken Wright (Princel meet was held. sented the fieki day trophy toO nktario Edwardl>, Robert Williamns (Prince County Junior Fariera.Etwr) In thie evenlng a square da-lce com-J Running Broad - Charles Kingstenj petition at the Memnorial Centre corn-! (Prince Edward), Cyril Shaw (Hast- pleted the day. With teains froi almost1 BOYS' EVENTS ings), Murray Carson (Onitario)., 1every county entered, thie dancing wasl Tug o! War - Northumnberland criin. GIRLS' EVENTS Lcolorfuliiand dynarnic. Pteboouhl Ontario County. Prince Edv'ard counties tied for first Rèlay# Race - Ontario county, Prince place. with Northumberland ruiïnîng-upl Relay Race - Ontario Coutnty, flast- Edwvard Couuty, Peterborough county~. ifor the third place. ings, Peterborough. Three-Legged Race- Prince Ed- O NTA R IO Nowis the tilme to register ONîTARIO IIOSPITAL INSUIRANCE effctive Jantuary 1, 1959. The plar) wilI pay the cost of essential standard (public) wAard 'in hospitai' services for Ontario resident-, wbo are insured uinder ibe pi/an.' Jenefits wilt be available in apýproved hospitals in Ontario for as many days as hospital services are rnedcally necessary. Approved hospîtals will include public general hospitals, hospitals for convalescents and the chronically iii, tuberculosis sanatoria and provincial menital hospitals. The only 'ontt-patienit' beniefits in Ontario will be for iniergency hospital .services rerceved wvithin 24 hours following an acc*:iet. Bünefits will be allow etif#-r hospital care received auutsi4c Ontario as the ----Rom ----Nom ---Rmam --Mnm ---Umm -..OMM -_Umm -.@goum No-résidenis of Ontario are not eligible. tributions by Is niumns of $2,10 a month for a single person lind *h for the family çhsband, wife, children tuder made pos)ýsible rhrough extensive finaýncial con- ythe Federal andi Provincial Governnients. HOW YOU ENR0L C0MPULSORY ENROLMENT - If you alre a1 resident of Ontarie ernployed rwere Aueeuar 15 or more on the prol(inicltidinp the emiployer) you are subec bcomj- pulsory enriolment îug ouàr place of epomn.Yu employer iwdl r, ýiter % (,i. VOLUNTARV ENROLMENT - "fco r a resident of Ontaic and flot elyM e weehem are 15 or more om tdmePayrol, you are delble to enrol hrouh anyof the fll&eWing lmeansý: - (aà) %VOlunttary Grotips. Persens em-lpioyed w'herc thiere are f romr 6 to J4 on the payroll (includinr, the emiployer) may be enroïlmedwas;. group, if the emaployer applies for approval as a Mândatory Group and aIl employees particpate. «»COM ME ftOirGUups. Oganiatios su aspito- fesoaussociations, tmedical co-o)peratives,, craft noscredit uinretail fleato iet. iy apply for approval t eact as CvlecýtOrý Of 1ospital insurance prcmiiums on behiaîf Of their mIember-s. As yur or gan iz atien. (c)PyDieterle. If you are not eligible 141 participate throughb a group, you miay aippIy te pay directly b ,)theComsin Sec 'WheIin You Enrol", beow. (d)Reipi of . Public Assac who are covered by the Medical Welfare Plan thirough the Ontario Departmienî Of Public Welfare will aiso, be eligible for hospital insurance býenefits. it will not be enecess-r.ry for them to) apply for nomn or pay a premif4m. THE ONLýY BASIC HIOSPITAL INSURANCE -On and after January 1, 1959, thie Ontario Hospital Services Commission wjI lieh the only agency offering tandard ward hospital insuirance ips Ontario. Nok privaite insurancj(e 4onspaîny or preptiyneit plan will ofler bene fits covermng stùmdard warM hospital Nervices ýajter Decrember 31, 1958. WMEN YOU ENROL Tp have poe tionelectite Jitnutary 1, 1959 auJi alsoe qualify for the imwo rnoths'l fre-e coverage:- CRO0UPSý must submît lists t0 the Commission by Akegust 31, 1958, and begin payments ir. Decembt-er, 19)58. Noticee te Emuployéers: The Commiission has mailed te O)ntario flrms with 6 or muore emlycs the reqiiired fornjs and instructions for registering tnir emtpl(yeç,cs. -ÀNY EMPLOYER W'ITH 6 OR MORE ON TEJABL '%,HO HIAS NOT RECEIVED 'I!UESF FORiMS SHOtll IMMEDIATELY NOTIFYI THE COMMISION. INDIV IDU ALS aPppying fer Pay-Direct enrolmçcnt must make application by September 30, 1958, and pay one riontlis premium) at dt time application is madei. Application forms wvillbhe available at public hospitals aind ns (or at the post otfice it there is no bank in your comimunity) oni and afi er Monida y, JuIyý 28. PAYEENT 0F PREMIUMS Grotep premiiinis wiIl be payable monthly in one remittarice Io the Commission beginnîng in Decemiber, 1958. IndiN iduals remitting to the Commission on a P.iy-Direct baisis %vil pay as follows;: One month's, premiumt at the lime of application on or before Septeinher 30, 1958 - and afier that payýable on a ejuarterly premium basis beginning in January, 1959. PREPAID ~UHO'-h first paymient of one month's pre- minas by groups and individuals reîistered prior to the closing dates wied above, will c'over a benefit period of thrce months frorm January 1. to Match 31, 1959. This will set up a "prepaid" period to maintain beneflîs during times when a person may be laid off, ~canging jobs, or teanpormrily ont of ilie province. LATE REGISTRATIO)N MAY PROVE COSTLY Groups and individuals flot registered by the closing dates stated above uinder -When you nrl will riet only fail te qualify for the two monthis' free coverage but will be required to wýait three mionthis following application hefore beniefits becomne avaihable. For exaniple, a resi- dent or group ipplying in February, will net have pro- tection effective until May 1. YOU MUST DE REGISTERED TO SEINEPIT, F777, ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION D40DIITAL INSURANCE DIVîiSON - TORONTO 7. ON7^tAUIO QRONO WEEKLY TIMES THIJRSDY, IUILY 24f, l15t .1 Man- imam- quan- aumbu- momm_ au»- mom- amm- momm- âÈklý mom- amm- amý am%ý imm- nouft- 1. .-* resulit Of a SUidden ÏattaCk Of i imeSS or-an addent. ALL RESIDENTS OF ONTrARJO ARE ELIGIBLE PREMIIUMP Enerolment( is open te, every r ?eident of Ontario - regojrdle,ss 'Tbc low prerf 0/ tuye or phsCalAnitioni - ejîher through à* gro&p, or $4.20 a mnoit individuâill on. aPs-Dretbasis. age 19) arc, n 4 'p', ward county,' Ontarlo, Peterborough, 1High Juinp - Carol Lamb (Otario, Jean Harry (Hastings), Mar-ion Buttery (Durham). 75 yd. Dash -- Evelyn Bedford <Prince Edward), Carol LamJb (On-~ anlo), Syva Bolton (Peterborough). Ftuing Broad - Jeanne Pearson (Ontario), Diane Dalton (Peterboro,. Carol Lamb (Ontarlo). Se'ek Seuth'ïMomaghamt Bruncel!osis Arta BuncelIosis control areas are cover- ing most of the counties at this tAme. in Prince Edward and Oxford the test-. tng bas, moved weil along and these ieaunties have found ony something over one percent of the cows reacting. Northubberland will 3e aMong the counties testiig in the near future-. Petions for eigt 'Pownshiaps 'were ac Cepted by the iÂve Stock Comminsslinet last Mm-eh. South Monagan which wus. Xiafy moves with tDurham county how- ever didd tot forward petitions, Now with Durham signïed up, and Peterbôrc un) the way îWtis tinie for acton î Skxith - MVIoaghan. Agriciltural lWpre- entatihe Raiph Batnbury 'bas placed pe- titiions in the hands of a cornmittee enmposed cf Mr. Charles Fisher ot Bailrborü, A. G-. Anderson of Sotti Monoo=a and George H. Dean Of South Monaghan. Thesse key cen W*D mope the petitipas among the tarrners of the township 'and it is hoped to baye theçn in the hamds of Tow#nship Clerk R. Roxiânon before thie ri-àddle of JUl. Ile CJerk bias te take an affidavit (fiat 1Vwoc-thirds of the fariners resuest the service. The activty isa generallY e.C- ceptable becahse many of the states ,,ll net boy cattie unless they corne fromn an abortion control iarea. LOCAL NEWS Un. Graham Warren, Toronto, wai; the examiner when the Canadîan Ried cross conducted their Swiiin&g Tests at the Orono Park today, Thursday.. On Wednesday 22 cbiidren receijved pnizes for perfect attendance îa con- niection witii thiis swinnnIRn instructiffn. Mrs. Wflbuir Henry is visitiiigIMiss Mâabel Davy thls week. MÉr. S. B. Rutiherford, Kinga-toz spent ie weekend at his hiome. W.A. Ceai erence (Frein pagÉ 1) te tbhe day when the W.M .S. and tAie W.A. arui*zatios wiiil work togetfler 11nI one organizatioii. 1 Great care was gvelte the planningc lot the programme of the sernil-annual mneetinrg 0f thie Conference W.A. whilch is te fie held Ln Trinity Church, SmitLh Falls, on M\Iionday, Septenmber 29th, at 9).30 a.m. Warn appreciation wtas expres.wed to thie staff of Albert College who- maie its use possible for tihe purpose of tlwie Conference, and a donation was macle to, complete the furnishings et the sec- ond roem 'by the Conferetuce W.A, in theie ew addition. The ladies were greatly interested when taken on a touir of th~e colege, inluingte ew addition which was vlewed with pride. Somne W.A. groups report the dona- tion of substantial bursarles through tiie principal, 11ev. A. E. MVaeneizie, D.D,, each year to assist certain gtui- dents in their education ia this school, whkch provides leadership and teach- ïng at the secondary sehool level to aipproximrately 200 students. The college aise serves by allowîng iriter-dei-o.ir'Ânational organizationis toi use it dliriag vocation period, wliere le -sIol,0 t-15Ch n e- cco L-d