v. "Dear AniHirst: 1 airn a widlow' in mny 40%. FOr tenr maonths I have beeni dating a widCower the same age. He is a perfect gentlemnan, a won- djerful father to his marriedÎ ~chiirn, and everybody who knows ;hilm respects hlm. Bul îhougli 1 love him deepl-y n hekas it) he hins neyer saId, in so myany words that he cares for -me. H1e is aiways here whcn Swant hlm, liefas me aniy- eýherc I'm in the rnood f0 go, Pmd .1 suppose I've been fooling ,nyself la thinking hle retuirns ny affection. "Now, he fhiaks he is la love wi 'th anather womian wlio lias mnovedt here lately! I understanid he is even planning to m-arry lie. tomne time. I stiili sec hlm but 1 have no peace, feaIring 1)I ma really lose hlmi. "ýShaH I !let hlm go?' Or keep praing lie wllcorne falove me? WIaybe ie doars and doesn-'tiknow-,ý STILL HOPINGI. It ir not only teen-agers wlio Haif -Size Pl1aysuit P RINTr ED P A T T ER 1Haîf-sizers! --odestv plus fig.. ure-flattery -- deftly dlesigncd Jist for you wi are shorter. -uler. Note lira-coaceaiing itraps, builf-up bodtice, An easy- tD-sew Pritcd Pattera, Printed Pafttern 4776; Hall* Sizes 14½z, 1,181, 2U'/,,2½ 41. Size 16½lý requires 2"/2 3rards 35-incl f abric. Printed directions on ecd ptattera part. Easier, accurate. Send FORTY CENTS (40(,4 (stamps cannat lic accepted, use postal note for safefy) for, this p ttera.z Please priat plainiy SIZE, NAME, ADDIRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order ta ANNE ADAM,'S, B ox 1, 123 Eigbltee>ntb St. New Toronto, Ont. *show theÎr cards too soon. * Maay a wamaa like( youi, bac- sorme and loving, offers lier *heart befare she ibsureif is3 *welcomne. Undoubtcdiy, thec inman bas beca taiking ykîu ,for Sgranited;lie f ouad lanyoura *sympathefie confemporary al- *ways ready ta listen and un- *ders,'tad, and did -jot bdlleve * haf youtr affection ollîgaf cd *him. AppDarently you did not stir blis ematians, cithier, onlïy now, and theti lie w7,as gcrafefl *-buitliow emrpty i'S gratitude Io t a iove-starved womnan! f *do sympathize. *If yau have hieard Éhthli iatends ta mnarrv this ne'y Sfriend, lie lias not been keep- iri inbis Plans secret Wliaf can * you do but jet himr go? *If, hawever, you do nlot date Iihlm again hie may wonder why *and (uinlos lie lias com-mifteri hiimself)l lie mnay suddenly *realize lie misses you m -ore than lie dreamcid; that you *have beconeme nasetiipart *of bis contentmneat. You i-jýi *not lie in doulit long. *If is a chance, of course, but * If iaki Von will agreýe tifs, * more dignified fli contin-u-" *ing ta receive a iman ta wliooi, 'ý yu are playiag second fiddic-. '.Dear Anne irt Iwa>s maiirried four moatli agand after a gr'and lione- moon I 1was comipleteiy liappy. But nowv my liusbanidlias last bis position flir&ugl drînking, and he wa't lok for work- "And 1I find I arn pregnant. "We are living w,;ith nmy mrother,wo is very kiad ta himi. But I ar-n sliocr7ed and di3- becartenied (and pliysically mniser- aible) and I do-n't ka:ow wliat ta do, TROUBI.ED. * You must indleed lie sick wifli apprebieaslor. How your * man lias let you down! *Unlýess lie is i11 physically or *meatally, lie lird letker start fali responsible. Youir Mu- LI-tcer is temiptecd, 1 arnsure, fa sugge,,st lie go ta bis parents' b omne until lie straighteas hlmi- *self ouf la marre ways than ane. MiWen that liappenis, you two can starf al aver again, and I lopc you will. * This may' vscem i arsh treat- *ment for a brand new liusbaad, *but te me if seemsz that anyý *of-lier course is futilie. I arn sý sorryv! * If a rival a.)ppears on thec scene, ýýomnefimes if is smnart te wvitil- t1raw and leave the field to her. Anne Hirst is a sale confidante ini sucli sitiiatÎoons, and hler symn- Pathy and w1sdom can guide you through. WVrite her at Box 1., 123 Eighteenth St,, New Toronto, Onitaria. Modem Etiquette by Roberta ee Q.Are silver crumb scripers sf111 in goûtî use? A. Yes, if tfl ifbleclofli is et plagin damask. BPut they are not fo pracical on lace or cmbroid- ery. One m-.ay f aid a napkzin ta 'lie tlh.ick-'ness of a pot-hoilder for this purpose. Q. Is it realiy considered good manners to use the haudkcllercliieJ while at the d1inner table? A. "Good mnanners" reaily doý nof enter this situation so [m-ucii as "necessify". VWlei caneabso- lut ely has f0o use a handkerchi;ef, Lac sliould fry ta ol- so as in- (:onspicuousiy and qiiy1 as pos,- sible. 'FRIDAY' TAKES A BRIDE - Jack Webb., better kniown 0to V vl*ywers as Sergeapii Frîday, and bis bride, Jackie Louighiry, oc former Mîsà U,.&A., 2mile happily aIthffeir wedding reception aHollywood. It was Webb',% third morriaige, and tht second fo>r Misâ Loughery. Paint ing With Rags- Mrs. Sue' Rutledge cari really cul( a rug. A rctired nurse, wliose husband is a traveling freiglif agent for flic Rock Island Raiiroad, she furcned ta rug- making as, a pasfime-and because rugs were, the masf badly rieeded item lai the Rutiedge home, A fliorougli- goiag persan, she enrolled ia a course in makiag liand:liooked rugs, liefore sfartiag off on lier own. Mrs. Rufledge calis bler hobby " 4painfi-ng wvitb rags,"~ for flic reason fliaf she dyes ail flic wool mat criai fliat goes into lier r. The wool scraps she cufts iatd very fine sfLrips--3/32 of ain inch-ia order ta gef ail flicsliadings in. A peacli, for instance, will have as many' as 8 fa 10 siadie3 of colorn The sf rips, are liooked lanflic pattera stampcd burlap or mionk's clofli miateriai and flic loops of wool1 are puleýd fbroilgh about inhhigli. Ail tfli ops must lieeen a e ý-a needi point effecf. Rer rugs have been widely exhîhited and ail of fe have won bhue riblions. Mrs. Rutledge with prize rug. Garland of fruits cri ivory rud è VKI I Everyv day lest week Partnr was away tframi homre working aIt flhay . . . working harJ but enioaying ,if. 1'robably le would have eajoyc7 d if even more hafire been mare lhay ta cuf. Wifli sa uli dy wea2tlcr thie Lay was f errib.1y short and of pool' qualif.y. Hardiy worfi et- ting, ,ralycf if had tfa lic donc, if for no other reasori than fa get rid of flic wecds andgie 11e second crop of liay a chanice fa grow.- We had just one- wet dayv last wcek and of course ttaf wa,,s f iec very day I1liad arraagcd ta) visit a friend la Tarant o. But I wet just flic rame_. Cauglt an early- bus and arrivcd la Forest111 liefare aine a'clock. Tlianks fa the subwayv. For naxy', money ftIat subway .visflic grandcsf fhing.ý' Wlien flic easf-wcýsf Inre is con- 'ctrucfcd I Canj'f sec wliy 7anýyone would wanf fa divp tfat flic ýcity at ail. Spcaking off cars, it is a good Lling we bavhýe a icdhanlic flic faimily. Here waIs 1 drivïing arunid quitýe happi1y finkilng arcar was ila gcOodruni arder unil anc- day hanB nad occasiîon fa dr*ive if. Almiost aft oncele a-Te cs ra-i, thing vwrang here-I fthink -you niecd a valve job. avcn1'f you nioticed if belng a liffle bard ta sfart? *" Truc, 1 had, but I1lwy thocuglit if was poal yfut that marc flan likly I ha1jjd floodcd it Aniywajy Bob f ook flic car d1own ta Milfan and a h garage lic found if nccdcd flot anc but four new valIves. I baven't lad flic bih yvet! I arn teiliag youtfilsbcus 1 fhinki thaf ifi a persan driving a car 'knows littie or nathirng about fhe medliaaism of fl i hîg if is Important fIat h c-or marc, cspccially she--shou-ld bhave a service man who can lie reliedr, ,n ta checck over flic esýentiaI parts every fime flic car is in flic garage for' miner repairs. An.d wlio is betfcr quaiified flhan a c'caler for whatevcr make of car you liappea fa drive? That is wly Bob Iooked affer flic car for me as lie was,,able ta fïake If fa fhe man wl h ad serviced f ever rince if came off flic as- ýrmbly ine. The irepir bbiil may be corfiy but 1I-look af if fhis way: A persan cannot afford tae drive a car at elalneslio, or she, cal abso afford ta keep it in gaoo. repair before it breaks down con the road. Evea fi-at is no0 guarantee agairast accdens but if is af ieast -a guard against negligence. Now let me fell You abou-t fliat unex.,pectedl view we bad. fram our bedroom ndowast week.- flic windlowý, icdaalfaces flic road. Weil, firsf of al we noficed a lot of exfrýý activity aï flic bouse across flic wayv. Al flic fam-ily carryiag things and running back and f ortbtfram fthe liause ta fthc arague - affer fthc car liad been backed ouf on fu flic driýe-way. If wasn't long lie- foûre anc of flic chl~dren camec over andi excitedlyv tolai s wlis4 was going an. A Yugoslavian, telebration, no lcss. And their way of celebrating wvas ta ha'ole 3feasf of barbeccucd lamnb. Nî't JUSf a jeg of lamnb but, a whoie lamrb, as tîcere werc nincteen coming for flic feast Stones werc laid oî, flic garage floar onwhc a charcoal firet was soon liurniag liotiy. Thea flic 45-poun a ib was ticd and skewered toaian electrie spil. whicli had beca hired or liorrow- ed. The iamb wa-s salfed aadi spiced and basfed cvery lit tic whilc with fat. , Ygaslavianî sm-oked bacon. Iftooek five and a hlaf bours ta barbecue tlic lamb. We werc given a piece of if nexfý, day and iflivas gaad. Beforeflic comnpany arrived I1 vas invifed over ta -watcb tlie pVroceedýings, in wicui, of course, I was aatuiraliy quit(e interested. I{iglyl. spiced, oil-uooked food is not geý.nerally ta aur iiking. it. seems in-dig-erfible ta uis but maist people fram central 'EuropDe and flic Balkan States seem fa flihrivc on if and mannage fa keep free- fromn stom-acli ulcers Anywa, jîke if or not, if is interesting ta sample flic varia-us dishes and know samehîng abou)It their native foiods and drinks. H-o- ever, fliere .are fîmes whea wn have ta fread warily- for .Lear of giving offence. Naive wincs are alwaylýs on liand and are a nor- mal part of their liospîaity. Refusai fa f ake a drink is sanme- fimes isundcrstood Howcver, now we have gat ta kaow ecd other better wine is no longer hrouglit ouf evcry time we stcp inside a persan's bouse. Not that we bave aaything against their w.inc or wlien fliey drink -- if 1.3 as mucis a native customn as tea a.nd coffee is to us. We just happen fa prefer aur fea an~d coffee, cspecially la flic midde of flic day, and fhat's al' there is fa if. Weil, summer lias came af last -8,3 degrees yesferday and 92 right now. Bob and t amiiy have gone aorfli. Dec and Art are very mucli-af home waiting fckr pas- sible, tenants for tcheir upper duplex. As for us we bave dis- covered liow fa keep flic bouse reasonably cool and arc quit e. content to stay borne and eajoy if.1 Should Doctors Use Hypnosis? Whitle icAierîcan MedicsI Associafion's gaüvcma'arg b a d y 'til] officialIb frownsb on the use of liypnosis as ani "enferfalamenit stuaf," if agrecd unaiiimoutsýy .ast imoafhl hat "general practi- t'oners, medical spccialisfs, aa'd dcatists migl i ind hliypnosis val- uablc as a therapcutic adj'uncf." '*Active participafija lan higli- Lcvcl researcdli," if added, "is ti) lic cacourag-ed." This stanai could lic attribufed af least parfly ta flic work of onc mnan: Dr. Ailton 3. Mre of Bcvcrlyv Hilîs, Calixi, an anes- iliesia specialist who for severai mionfhli as been us;ig hypnosir fa kili pain dlurinig s-urgcry. Lasf week Dr. Marmer dcscribed for lhe first Gn time 1ic se of medîcnai .iypnosis for m-ajor operations inside flic leart. Sucli aperafians, possible wifb flic new learl-iung mlachines wbcb ake over flic job of pumnpiag blood while flic ner s apen, stili hbave their dang ers: Becaus,.e normnai circu- ictions is sfoppcd, flic patient ,nysuffer permanent brain da- mag>e. One way fa prevenit such ani emergcncy, Dr. Marm--er flic- orized, is fa "awakcnr" a bypno- fizcd patient whule lic is lnaa l'ar-ua achine Dr. Marmner tricd flic tech- nique on fýwo teen-age patients, bath bora wifl be a rt dcfccts. One was a 13-ycar--old boy,wh Lndier hypnosis waFs,,succcssfuiiy aperated on wifl "comnplete ab- sence of -para." The second pa- tient, a1-eaod girl, was liypnotized o n tflic orning of tlic operafion, and wvas also givea a sm-al i amounit of an anestie tic .n flic oPerafing roomn. When shc was in tflichearf-iag machine, Dr. Mlarmner askcd ber ta open ber eyýes. "Slie did this imme- ditcy" i relafcd, "and then she rmoved lier lead ta indicafe '.1iat she could hear mie." The girl fien slept fhraug- heflic et of flic operafion, "TF-,evcrything 0K?" she aisked an awakening. If was. Hypnosis, Dr. Marmier conI.. cluded is parficular,î applicale ta, chidcren lietýween flic ages of 1 and 14, b ec auts e of their 4"liigbfened powers of =imagi- WVOMAN'S TOUCII Embezzlcrs ïare ilching over $200,000,000 trami their emiploy,- crs per y er-aad four tim-es as many iatncen embczzle as, do mca -and it is usualIy thle "alid and trsed rnploy' ce Wh10oU3ae sot of the ernhezziîng. Pretty Baby Baby faces and same Qar- ligexpressions of .young lba-u mers! Tua-to-do embrüidery, for a cribi côver; or use two f accu for nursery pictures. Ideal baby gift, Pattern 832: transfesr of jin« baby heads about 6 x 6½ nj es directions for caver, pict.uei. Sead TIIIRZTV.FIVE CCI-4TS (stamps cannof li c ccepfed, usa postal note for safefty) for this pattera ta Laura Wheeler,- Box 1, 123 Eighteentli St. New Tor- onto, Ont. Print plainly PAT- TER~N NUMBER, your NAMIE and',ADDRESS. As a bns TWO campiefe patteras are priaf cd riglfin.l auLr LAURA WHEELER Neeie. craf t Book. Dazens of other de- sigas yoti'I1 wanqt to order - easy fascuinatîag haadwork for youisel1f, your homnne, gifits, ba.- zaar items. Sei-d 25 cents for youir copy of this book ,toda. ISSUE 30- 1958 HIRAM E. MecCALLWM, See You At The "EX"ý DANNY ICAYE. World-famned stair of stage & screen head- iines the Iavish C.N.E. Grandstand Spectacularý every night vt 8.00 pn.m. with top entertainers, dancers, singers climaxed by a gigantic firewarKs display. ORDER YOUR 'TICKEITS NOW MAIL ORDER NOWV OPEN -- CLOSES' AUGUST 16, 1959 SWNENSON THRILLCADE - Daring drivere perform siuicideD ;tunýe vwith cars af the excitiflg Afternioon Grcrncltand Show WIORLD 0F WOMEN -- Coaking tchoaILs fashion shows in the new Queent Elizabeth building with 1,350 zeat theatre, Give.awajy homne, music, flowvers ond the latest applianres und furnishinigs. INTEFNATIONAL EXHIBITS -- Fýmed productt from coirntries ,nIl over the ord WORILD'S LARGEST AGk"ICULTURAL BUILDING -- Canada's prize-winniing livestock, dairy products, poultry, fruit, gralm and vegetableN on disploy . . dog shows, cat sos NATIONAL HORSE 11SW'- Aug. 21, 22, '23, 25, 26, 2? [n the Coliseum., SPORTS GAI.ORE -- Worid Chamipion Aquatic stars, track and field meets - plus Canada's Olymnpic training plan, Visit Canada',, Sports Hallacf Fome and New Hockey Hall cf Faine, MILE 0F MIDWAY - New 'rides, new shws, new gamies- FOOD PRODUCTS BUILDING - Centre cf attraction for molmost three, million people. ROYAL CANADIAN AIR 'FORCE BAND Stirring mus;c by the mien in alrforce bluo daily In the Bandshell. O)LU MACDONALOS FARMA - A4 display cf yauxlg farmn animais especiajlly for children, 1INTERNATIONAIL AIR SHOW - Breaithtaiking two haur show September, 5 and 6 anly. Vîsît thls 3504acr. wonderland of fun, fancy and excite- ment , . . loin the 3,000,000 vIsItDrs who are expected et thîs years "Ex" -- wcrid'à greatest and biggest annuel exhibition! CANADIAplNm& OPENS WEDNESDAY THIS YEAR AUG. 20 -SEPT. 6 FRED Y. WALSH,