Rare Old Volume Tells How To Swim So ynu think youi know ho-w to SwiM. But c a n y o u, for instance, "furn in the w/ atüe r ike a roach," "swimnme wit-n hands anid feefe tupward," or, execute a "bell turne*?" Have you tested your ait "f0 strike the superficies of t1,e wafer" lately? And ho-w about manieuveas ý such as "to swimme wî,,th the handstgehr or "to mrake a circle in the wafer with thuj feete?9" Swimmners eeybee-and even a few non -swviimmers--wil] be interested to knowý that Yaj'e Ujniversity hias just acdded to its library shelves a book ýcr-amm-ed with instructions Yn ail these, and stili other watery skilis. The book is. fot for sale, thoughi. Only one other copi is knowý,n L0 exîst. Yale officiais' say it is the oldest English-language book on the art o! swhîimh-xg yet to b)e àiscovered. If was prinfted io, 1595, be-aring the title: "'A Short Introduction foi to Learnecý t0Sim e Despite ifs age, trie book dle- scribes a fèev tricks swýimmneisý of today might find wondrousl.y l'lewý. Perhaps you, w ould 1l1 k e t arnaze your friends with ti,S ?ne, for examiple: "There is also a turning whîciî L, called the bell turne, as whien one swiinig on is bellie shahl sýuddainiely pull in his feete, and inisfead of striking with them ais is aforesayd, he shall heaving backward wlfh is foreparfs-- strike forward with his fee le, wvhich motion will turn bir. upon his backe, and because e may at his pleasure turne to upon his backe and belly as heeý will, it is called the belIl turne, resembling also, a bell whien it îs rînging. . -."- If thaf's confusing, you cariai ways consult t h e JIlustrafioni. Th'e book contains 43 fuli-page woodcuts showing , swimmner i the various positions describ- ed in the text. Another alternative is to con- gult the original "of the worke, [ON A VISIT - President Eisen- hcmover is shoywn as he paused for a moment durinq his speech to our legistators in the House of. Commons in Ottaw,ýa, Ont. written by one Master Everard Digbies, in Latin. The 1595' Eng- lish version -- the one Yale has - reveals that the material was gaerdout of Miaster D;g- blies Booke of the Art of Swim-. mning. Andic translated into Eng- l-ish for the better insýtruction Df those who understônd flot the Latin tnu. (The transiator xvas Christofer Mviddcleton.) The Latin original. is slightIy more available than the transla- tîoni. Five Copies ofÉ the Latin are on record, only two of the English. Actually, Yale has the only existing "complete" copy of theo English v e r s i û n. The other -known copy - safeiý, ensconced ai, the Bodlian Library of Ox-, fordi University î-, England - i împerf ect. Yale's edition once rested il) the private library of a York- sbire lady, was acquired by a Loridon auctioneer in 1862, evei- A MESSAGE to ONTARIO HOC PRODUCERS Before you go to vote on Juiy 25, these ihoughts should be brought ta your attentionm 1, Fedieration of Agriculture orfficials are wrong in stat- Ing a "no" vote means the *nd cf marketing plans. lt does mean the end ta achemes such as we are under ait the presenit time. A "no"' vote means future plans wiII be established with this wa.rning in mind. 2. Before voting take notice to Section 6, Clause A, un- der ihe delegation of powers in the marketing plan sent to you by the Formn Productis Marketing Board. 3. People in Eastern Couniles should inquire about corn- puIsio-n befo-re voting it Io power. 4. Ail hogs are assembled wilhout a date of killing ai the producers' expense until killed and graded 'in somne packing plant. 1. Are you sure the packers are ais opposed to this plan as your Marketing Board leads you to believe. 6. Have you considered: are you supporling a valid scheme; have you consulted your dîciionary as to lthe mneaning of the word "schemne"? 7, Have you considered: a "yes" vote ;s not only sacri- ficing your freedom, but it is also l'aking away the individual freeclom of your neighbors. 8. Are you aware that under the present set-up, there is only one selling agency for il hogs marketed in Ontario. Did you ever attend an auction sale where ail hog-s are sold at one price? Vote for free enterprise and save demnocraicy for Canada! VOTE AGAINST COMPULSION VOTE NO ON JULY 25 ThIis ad'rtisemnenit a sponsored by IIlog Producers whio are opposec 10 thre compulsion plan, and pald for froni funds contributed at a, meetingý held at Tavistoek, Ont. tually passed into the hands ut a New Hlaven f irmn and wasý orought to this courr) in 1956i wvrites MVike Livzzi iii The Ghirisý- bian Science MQnûiitoi, How did Yale corne byý tiw book? Through t[he affectionate remembrance of a former man- a)ger of the varsity swýimmîinng teamr who found a ?way to p qy tribute to lis Old coach John lv/I. Schiff of Newý, York City;, Yale class of 1925, d onafed. the volumne in honor of fiolbert J. H-. Kiphuth, the Elis renown -CI wim n entor. The book hias ny ctelignfts. but none, of them aie likely to ue practical to Kiphu1-th, whose teams have been undefeated ini duial nÉeet competition si11ce :945 and whose fabul.ous record includes severaln'atonalcharn- piunships. Coach Kiphujtth iw.Il probably neyer usze thiis passage to in- struct onep of his baý,ckstrokers: "When one l1ying u po n bts o)ack with his bocy stretched f oorth, and holding up his breast as much as hee can, that bis back oay lie hollo-w. which will keep hlm) from sincking, and lifting easlly one fooie after an- other above the water,* and so drawing them f orceable towvards him under the watei, they will pul his bodly bc rs as iii this example is see. Strange indeed t0 the modemi ear, bt in the l6th cenitury, 9. milestone. As Yale officiais re- mind us, it brought to the ver- nacular English-s-peaking world one of the moispopular sportsý of aIl times. And even, non-aquatic schol- ars, it is presurned, wîll find miuch of lively interest in the book other than i"f0 Learne te But if perchance you, tou, bý- corne fascinated by the prospect of "turning in the water like a roach," you can ailways wvrite t0 the Yale University library. Who knows, if mi;'ht corne out in paperback. Scared Raliroads! The Canadian Paicific railroad has done -what the U.S railroads have been scared to do-lt bas successfully faced downi an oper- ating union and endcd a costly featherbedding practice. Freight and yard diesel enginie. i this couiûtry and Canada have leen cornpelled by union agree- ments te carry a fireman as well as an engineer and a head brake- man, The fireman, of course, has no fire f0 fend, and the brake- man is in the cab for safefy pro- tection. The three-man diesel crew was, and still is ln this country, an expensive wasfe o! mranpower. The President o! the Erie railroad, here the other day for the Transportation insfifute at the Sheraton, said iti cost bis road $400,000 a year L'or thîs superfluous third mran. The point we mnake is thaf the CP did something about it, faced Uip to a strike, won a favorable decision and is noxv able to lay off or shift to other jobs a total o! 558 firemen. <Only 73 are ac- tually laid off, and these have priority on rehiring.> Why lias no Amnerican railroad done anything about this and tither featherbedding practices? Why bias Congress discreefly skirted this problem? The answer le that both are frighfened by labor. . The Smanthers corinmîtfee o! the Senate, which recently came out wîth somne wise suggestions for relieving the financi al pllght o! the raIlroads, gave twoe brief paragraphs, out o! 26 pages, to thec featherbedding problem, and these rnerely appealed wtahfe brotherhoods to co-operate with the railroads. . . There Las been practically a conspiracy of silence about feath- erbedding, evýen as tLhe railroads crîed out for help. . . , Yet labor, which bas seen rail employment drop fromi 1,363,418 s , s AGENTS WAN1IL GO 'NTO BUSINESS torj yourself. Seli our excitlng fbouse- wa.res, watchesai-ind other producta flot fouind in stores. No comnpetition. Prof- its up to 500% Write now for free colour catalogue and separate confi- dential wholesale prie sheet. MuirraY Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence Wontreal CATTLE BEEF CATTLE Sale of Aberdeen-Angus Cattie, Hlorn- by, Ont. (between Milton & Brampton), Friday, August lst. The complete herd of E. F. Brain. Three bulls and 45 fa- mnaies; puirebred and regîstered. Send for free catalogue to C. McTaggart, Sale Manager, Box 303, Aurora, Ont. BABY CI-ICKS PULLETS for top eggE prsidctlon, lower cost, wltle cholce, dual pur- pose. 'Dayold and started, lncliffing Amies hii-Cross. Fall broilers shouid be on order. Mxed chicks. Get comapieta lilt. Bray H-atchery, 120 John N., HaI-m ilton or Local agent. CIfICKS supplled on short notice, al popuflar egg and dual puirpose breeds. Our most popular bY far for egg pro- duction, N-137 Kmberchricks. Thev îay more eggs on less feed than any other egg breed we have to offer, Also good for eggs, Red X White Leghorn, WVhite Leghiorn X Ried, California, Grey X Whte Leghorni, Warren Rhode Islandi Red. Our hast by f ar duat purpose breeds, Liglit Sussex X Ried. Red X Light Sus- sex, Red X Barred Rock. Also available Barred Rock, Llghit Sussex, Broiler Chicks, Turkey Poults, Landrace Swine, Aberdeen Angus Cattle. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICI< HATCHERIES 1LT». FERGUS ONTARTO CHO0COLATE a ni d white, English Springer Spaniel puppies. Cari bc reg- istered. Parents goodi hunters ane, pets. M. J. YMurton, RR ,Hroslh ont. FARM EQUIPPMENT FOR SALE - Case self propeiled com-i bine, four years old, in excellent con- dition. Gordon Hloughton, Sheciden,. Ont. FOR SALE-$l20-Mse-a rris For- age Clipper with on imotor, corn and gras s heads, blower, belt and pipes. M.R. Lamont, R.R. No. 2, Brechin, Ontario. FOR RENT TO RENT. $150. per mionth. Srnall well equoipped Repair Garage, with furniali- .cd living accommodation, Ideally 10- cated on No. 3 3llghway. B.C. inear, Lake. Stockt ingoing $3500. Imnredi- ste possession. Write Box No. 172, 123 Eiglteenth Street. N~ew Toropito, Ont. FOR SALE FREE CIGARETTE LIGHTER WITII first order, Send for nupower $1.50. Adds 50% more- life to new batteries. Revives )Id batteries. Saves you hlaI the cost of a niew battery. Willis Ga- rage, Kootenay Bay. B.C. SUMMVER Property. 129 acres of land which joins two lakes, good for pri- vrate or comrnlercIal business. Two new cottages ,,ith hydro, price $8,500.00. Half-way betwen Ottawa and Peter- borouigh, near No. 7 hl<ghw,,ay. Box 171 - 123 Elghteenth Street, New Toronto. Ont. HELP WANTED MALE & FEMALE MORE JOBS as Stenographers and Typists open, than iin any other work. Daily papers confirai. Traintr 10 wveks Home-Study thru ABC Systema. ()ne week's pay wlll cover the cost of Training. Free Folder. Cassan Systems, 10 Eastbourne Crest. Toronito. INSTRUCTION ERN amore! Éook-keeplng, Salesinan- ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 50ý. Ask for free circular No. 33. Catiadion Corresponidence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto MEDICAL HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIXON'S NEIJRITIS AND RI4EUMATIC PAIN REMEDY? IT GIVES GOOD RESULTS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Otfawac. $1 .25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczea rashes and weeping skln tro.ble. Post's Eczema Salve wil not disappoint you. tching, scaling end burning ecze- mea, acn)e, ringworm, plmples and foot eczcmra wMl respond readily to the stainless oclorless olntrnent regardlessý of how stubborn or hopelesa they see. ieni- Post Free on Receipt oi Price PRICE 3.00 PER IAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865St. Clair Avenue Eat T'ORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND O W0iN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'5 LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunlty Learri HalrdressJng Pleasant. dignîfled profession; good4 wages. Thousan.ds of s(uccessful Marvel Graduates. AM'erica's Greaïest System fl1lustrated Catalogue Free. Write or Cal MAItVEL HA1RDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W, Toronto Branches: 44 Kïng st. W., ilamilton 72 Rideau treet, 4Ottawn a s a PATENTS VETHERSTON8IAUGIH & Co0m Pla iY Patenit Attoraeys, Esta blislxed 1890. 600 Unlverslty Ave., Toronto Patents al cutries, PERSONAL $1M0 TRLIL orn£er. rTwentY-five deluxet personal requlrerments. Latest catg- logue incluided. The Mdc gny Box 22 Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont. PIGEONS RACING Honer Pigeon Squeilkers. Stassart Strain. $1,50 each. Mvr. K. Sperie, Heron Bay South, Ontario. PLUMBING SUPPLIES LEARN to Save on Plumbing &ileat.- lng 'Materials. Write for catalog'ue. Verheyden's Supplies, R.R. 3, -St. Thomias, Ont. SWINE REGISTERED Landrace froni veterln. ary supervised herd, top quality, 4 months old, Sows $100. Boars $75. Elgin Ilanna, R. 2, Sheiburne, Ont. VACATION RESORTS FOR ear1iy reservatipris! Write, 0151- Weils-By-The-Sea l[miprov7el-e.ntAsc stion, WeUis, Màairie, for llterature. An îdeal place to spend vouir Maine Seacasat vacation. ISSUE 30 -15 foot and other externally caused skin tr oubles Use (uIck-acting, soothing, antiseptic D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaselesa, stainless. StoP4 itch or money back. Dont sufer. Your drug.- esat Irai 0. D. O. PRESCRIPTION~. 1-9 SLEEP TO-NIGUT lâ!85 RELlEVE NEnVOUSMEsS UDW TO-MORIt#WI To be haoppy und tranquîl Instead of nervoirs or for a good nîglr's sleep, take Sedîcin toblets occording f0 directIons. SEDICnIN'ý' $1.00-S4.95 TABLETS Dr" 5tcasOsfrî Thbe Olivetti Lettèra 22 is compfefe; it provides AD regujlar fea- tures of office-aise typewvýriters, plus special Olivetti teatures mentioned above. It is light, truly the portable portýable, yet it doesn't "creep" while you typeý. It isa Mndsom-,e, and has b3een seen la muany good-design exhibits; a smart travel case ïs included in thec price. Vihe Olivetti Studio 44 is for students whoù prefer a lieavier maclhine, yet wish to retain tb - convenience of portability. If la often the chloice of those who do muast of their typinig in une place, at home, for example. It proid1es ail Olivetti feturesý, and cornes in an attraictive carryin-g cas'e. Olivetti (Canaida) Ltd. - Torontê, 237 Yonge Stree1 - Tel.: EMpire 2-2781 ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS DIVISION & SHOW ROOMS 22 King Street West - Tel.: EMpire 2-2695 KITCHENER -R 93 Ontario Street - SH. 5 4731 HAMLTON -3198 Main Sireet East - JA. 9-2370 CLftASSUFIED ADVERTISINO N N N N N <N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N DIS COVERE D a 1lîv att i PORTABLES? Type a sample page on these internatkolly famous Oivetti portables, and discover thelr big-mchine "feel" and features. Notete speciol Olivetti feaftwres that §ave time and make for neater typing: half-line ýpacing, whlch lets you type numbers ah.'.'.and below the. Une, as i formulas and footnotes, and asise, lets you insert extra words between single- spaced ines; bal f-letter spacing, that neatly inserts an omiîed letter; an extra key that types +. and =. Foreign keybourds avallable. Price includes case, dust cover, cleuning kit and choice of EMte, Pica or Lettero type. .4 '4 '4 N '4 4' -t 4 N N 4. 4' .4 4' 4' N N N .4 N '4 N N N .4 '4 N N N 4' N N 4' '4 ~,.4 .4