ORONO WEE~~LY TIIMES TKURSDkV, AVGU$T 7... 1958 Ait Our Summer Goods At BARG-AIN PRICES i Get a 'B 3 Cotton Skirts. Your choice for $1,95 Sumnier Hand Bags white, pink, hlue. Price $2.95; $3.50 and $4.50 Summer Beads in white and col- ours withe earrings to match. Your choice for 49e each. Girls Nylon Swim Suits. Colour beyellow, red. Reg. $4.95 for $3.50 Omen' s and -Men's Summer e oes at reduced prices. Sandals and mesh flatties for $1.95. Wedgies $2.95 Man's Oxfords reg. $6.95 for $3.95 Aith every dollar spent I Au ~- M-i.? e I//' 1 i Bri your Victory Bonds te our nearest branch.-c SReceive inmediate cash adjustment and-recgipt for Victory Bonds. ~"Canada Conversion Bonds yield a higlier return over a longer period. >0 We are equippel to hoip you make the conversion quickly ani siinply, î-, No cash outlay. THm"E CA NA DIAN LCAL__415 Holidayig with Mr. and MrpCa Prust and Lynn at their country homel are Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Thomnas of 1sirmingham, Eng., sister of Mr. Prust. Aiso visiting with the Prusta sbrhe MNr. Richard Prust of Georgetown, Ont. lflrs. t. Stewart is a patient ini Bowvmanivfile 1Memorial Hospital andl Mr. Stewýart is confilied to the house di wth a sprahied foot.1 Mr. aad Mrs. Ratphl Philp and fam- rr iiiy of British Columnbia are 'visting lier niother, M1rs. McKenna, and other rel- atives and frieands in Orono. î Douglas Moffat, sou af Mr. and Ais. iack MUoffat had the rnisfortune to, have the end opf bis littie linger takený off in the pulley of~ the cernent mixer. The accident happened where IMx. Moffat is erecting a new home oef (hurch St. South. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Etcheil and klm- yl of Newton, Georgia, U.S.A., who 'have been visiting Mrs. Etc'hell's sis-, ter, Ivira Ed. Graham, Mr. Grahami and f aniily, leave today, Thursday for their home. Miss MarJ.ene Graham. la acconpnying themn, where she will spend a co>uple of weeks holiday and then return by plane. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sprow] and daugh- ter of Portage La Pr airie, Man. have, been hollidaylug vVith the latter's sisters Mrs. Ed. Graham, Orono and _Mir. 0. Gibbs, Danfbarton. , Mr. and Airs. Araold Wa1ýace and aniily visited wth Mr.. and Mxs. Donald McGee and family, Richmond Mx. and Mrs, Geo. BotitiLlier, New Toronto, spent the week wiVh Mr. and Mrs. W. B. bar and attended the Taylor picniic oh Mondayr. MIa. ert Donnley R.N.am M. ai Mxs. J1. W. Bail, London, Ont., were guests of Mrs. J, Morrif ovea, Sund av Mrs. *Wn. Bellamy, Birch HilIs, $aslk is vlsiting 1&ea. J. H. Mlorris andote frienda in Orono and vieiuity. M-r. and Mrs. E. Dent and farxiiy are holidaying in the A irondeko, Jthis week. '1_ p ai se I uldIA uise? IPhone. 1 12 Orono F.muàme.sSepk T'umi UINITED CHURCN SUNDAY, AUGUST 10, 1958 .... ..... 11: 00 A.M . COURTfiSY A THANK YOU1 CARD OF THANKS May 1 express on behalw f Mrs-. We wih to exedorhartfe Porter and myseif, how much iwe ap-,tfiàanks ami appreciation for Che acta reciate the many miho were so kind kindness, messages of sympathly ai and helped in sù many ways while I beautiul floral offerings received froi vas in Hosfpital and since returnïng f ur ldnd friends and nieighbouriis durin orne. Neiýl F. Porter. j r rejcent ýbereavement in the lossi 1 oMr beloved wife and nmother. CARD 0F= THANKS i 1 wish to; thanmila"mry friends and We especialiy thank the -Rev-.-E -eIatives who sent cards and fl&,Aers Long and the I{eather Rebekali Lodg lring my stay in Oshawa lopia, for their thoughtfui ivindnesses. a- Claen'ece W. A1 EflPý-ie Green and fanffi' ntees year roun~d ire IOTORS Newcastle, Ontarlo .1 Phone 3251 Looking for a Cotton Dress? "See Armstrongs" These dresses are reduced below cost. Good styles and materials. Priced fron $-Î.45 - $15.95 Cotton Blouses in white and col- ours. While fhey Iast for $2.75 Chiiiêreft7s Summer Jerseys. AI] colours. Size i'yr. 6 yrs. Your choice for 75c» Ail kçinds of chiýIren's summer wvear- shorts, jeans, 2 piece match- ing sets priced fro $i7-35 todk up now on these low prices Outside int, shades, ivory, creai, imist grey, pea grï en autumn br ec. Floor P41nts, pea grey, larch green, golden ochre 1/2 nt.......29c. Quarts....... 97c. Blaick ]qa~g 1 ect Eiller, guaranteed, kilîs flying and -aw ng inseets. Push-buttoyn tins...89c. Black ý'g Rose Bom b kilts isseets on roses, dahlias asters and other ornainental shrubs, full direc- tions. Push-button tins............. --.. 98C. jFree -- 100'/ Nylon Hair flrush with purdiase of giant tube Colgates Tooth Paste, ail for- the regular price cf ...... ý.............. . ý.'g Special Table Cloths, cotton and rayon, a nice range of checks or plaid patterns, 50 in. by 50 in. PriceNd at each ...... ............59C. F.ish Fo' d, Hartz Mountain', box for.....15C. Canary 11ix, Master Seed 4ource box . 39c. Budgie ýeed Mixture...................., 35c. Farucy Tbmblers, 8unce, assorted colours and shapes. Regular -5c. Spec al....2 fori5c Plastic dold Di/nk Kel-O-Cu ps, good enough to reuse, Iheap/enough to throw away for pierncs, bathro ms caris etc., Packag of four...29c. SAVE TIME SERVE YOLJRSELF --OOMO5er- O$100 STORE OPEN FflTDAY EVENINGS r SYGYRE OIL ALSO AVAILAUSLK IN ANT *UANiriii FOR THE C0t4VENIENCE OF STOVE QIL USER$ AT A of id m -~ 0f r- r-- 4-, '-r- 4-- -c --c -c-,' --c-, --c --c -4,-- -c--' '--c ---c ~~~1 --c' ---c -4, -c' c' ---c -4' c--- --4 ---c -c-c 4-4 -c-, --c -c-, 's, ---4 -c-, -c-' --4 -c-, -4' -44 -c-c -c,- --c- -c', -c, --4 -4-c -'-c --c --c -c --c 's- --c --c -c' 4-' -c', -c --c -c-c -4 4-c -c--c, --c --c 4 4- -4 4, 4--c --c 4--c 's '-c .4- 'I -RVICE f PAINT Yý-ýIn Drygoods Armstrong's O EXCHAN.GE YOUR VICTORY BONDS BANK '0F'COMMERCE 775 BRANCHEIS ACROSS CANADA READY TO ASST YOU PREMIUM 1(UALITY GASOLINE 3S.9c p er gai. incî. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIALPRICE ON TIRtES DRIVE IN AND FILL. UP WIERE YOU HAV E ALWAYS SAVED AT VIGOR OIL SERVICE STATIONS BETWEEN ORONO AN~D NEWCASTLE ON HIGI4WAY 35 7ý 7-M-Mm- "M -n, TWURSDAN, AUGUST 1 ' SEO 'OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS SALE