OROMO WgE~kLY TIOES VIGOR OILI/O. LTD. NE REDU CE PRICE. ON PREMIU 'dUALITY OIL Stove 011 per gallon Fuel'011 Iê pergallon FOR FREE HOME DELIVERY PHONE Oronio 1567 Oshawa RA. ')-1106 EARN UP TO %ON THE NEW C~L IThie Offie uf IOrono will be to Aiugust 25t H4EL i Woinan for Iî Phione 166 'DIRECT 1 On Aluninuir Çustoum act Fred i a week.! For Custm t. P: Lowery. P il Boa . wanted ili cdean Cýmono Wely Timnes. a-P Hiere are the about exchang your 3% N -a r-. * ~ta* t '1 1. What is the Carn4a Conversion boan of 1958? It i-s an offer -to replace alil umatured 3%7, wartime Výictory Bonds with new 25-year 41/2% Canada Con- iversion Bonds. (Other bonds of shorter term, bearing interest rates of 4¼%4, , 33/% and 3%ýýare also available.) 2. Why is the Government iaking this conversion offer? I order to reorganize the national debt on -a longer terni basis and thus reduce the volume of Government refinancing over the next few years. There is widespread public and business agreement that this is a sensible idea and w.41 help proteet (the soundness of the Canadian dollar. 3, What interest will 1 receive ont the new bonds? On the 25-yea~r bonds the interest rate is4'%thsi 50% greater than the old Victory Bond rate. The in- crease on the 14-year and the 7-year bonds is also Substantial. 4. As a Victory Bond holder, wilI I be required to miake aixmy additional payment? No. On the contrary, you will receive an iMmediae cash adjustment. 5. Do 1 have to convert my Victory Bonds?! You m-ay, if you wish, hold your Victory Bonds until maturily and on the due date you will be paid their full face value. The Conversion Loan-offecr is open only to Victory Bond holders; and 'the "right" to convert gives Victor-y Bonds a special value -antil the offer expires. This is because there are many people trying to buy themn in order to invest in the new bonds. (icoryBonds- 6What wili be the total of niy cash adjustment? will depend on the type of exchange. For example, a $500 8th Victory Bond exchànged for a 50 Conversion Bond paying 41/219f, will give you $8.75 ini cash im- mediately. This includes earned interest. 7. Does thls Olier apply 44> Canada Saqings Bondsamd other Governinent of Canada Bonds? No. This ofi<rlimited to unmatured wartime %itory Loan Bonds oaly, 8.What sesshd takeIf l 'away from homeeon vacation and wish to take advantage of "hi offer? You should write immediately to y our bank;- investment dealer, stockbroker, trust or lban company, requesting literature and application formS. 9. Does it matter that the Victory Bond 1 hold la very sniali? Every holder of a Victory Bond, even though the amouint held may be only $50, should take advantage of this offer. it Is In his best interests as well as in thé best interests of Caniada, 10. How long is this offer open? Until September 15, 1958, but it is to your advantage to convert as quic-kly as possible and have the benefit of the immediate cash adjustment. il. Where can 1. exehange my Victory Bonds? At any bank, investment dealer, trust or loan company, or through your stockbroker. s t- 7~-1 p a-_ 'E A. Fl. McKENZIE, MI). PHYSICIAN and SURGEON office Houa-s 2:.00 to 4:-00ý p. . 7:-0 t 8:00P.m. saturdays and Wednesdays hyý appoininients only 17B-- COon-. >e1!at Jamesl -onCI. a~ sale, AppVly a-C F. E. LYCETT OrneOntPhono 1P716 STAFFORD BROS, PnieWhIey Ut SU Dmdus3L 3U, VWbtt n uâ momft s haahem., Pie.. of you, I.d Umm. l s Ines*at ie , ndma SArt Yeu Pretected SAgainst Fire SE7 0 On Insuranct- cap give You f fjprotee(ctin gainstios. Che-Ck p yorcoverage for adeiquate re- o t4N.F. PURTER ph. 1?511 Recs. 12'5 2 don't delay- convert toda-y CANADA CONVERSION BONDS . .... . .. . ......... DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEO*h Veterinary, Medicines, iBbogIè.ls and Instruments Ethically Phono l11ê 0onoa, 0 lar.uc. C. Elam., LA', ..Barister and Soicitor 8OWMAt4VILLE, ONT. phoes. 0f iýo* MA 3-5688 Homeg MA 3-5553 W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. lIn the Offices ef R, R» Waddell Q-C, MAIN ST, ORONO Friday 7 p.m~ - 10 pm Saturday 9 ain. - 5 p.M, Telephone 138 Oronoo JACK-REID Auictioneer and Valuator S ciie in Farm andi Furniture Sales Confflt nme for terms and date:s Phume 5 r 183 Orono TED JACKSON AucUoee and Valuator Co Atc u iction Sales of *l îize* and Mreosonabie rate$ Commutlicaft0 with him at Port Pmrr-V, O;ntari*, or sea his Cek .I Morton at Oýrotn for date. Pemsioa P1nns; Educal.ional Poli$oç Proection and Savings Plans for Cbld~e ~dAdults; MtorgW[i Ille 1 PHffle 1471 ý ý,Vartime